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Project: Math 308
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import numpy import itertools import math def TonSh (a, Prime): if kronecker(a, Prime) == -1: pass print "{0} does not have a square root mod {1}".format(a, Prime) return None elif Prime % 4 == 3: x = power_mod(ZZ(a), ZZ((Prime+1)/4),ZZ(Prime)) return(x) else: ################################################################################# # Determine e so that Prime-1 = (2^e)*q for some odd number q # ################################################################################# e = ZZ(0) q = ZZ(Prime - 1) # for j in range(1, Prime): for j in itertools.count(1): if q % 2 == 0: e = ZZ(e + 1) q = ZZ(q / 2) else: break for i in range(1, 101): n = i if kronecker(n, Prime) == -1: break z = power_mod(ZZ(n),ZZ(q),ZZ(Prime)) y = ZZ(z) r = ZZ(e) x = power_mod(ZZ(a),ZZ( (q-1)/2),ZZ( Prime)) b = (a * x ** 2) % Prime x = (a * x) % Prime #for i in range(1, e + 1): for i in itertools.count(1): if b == 1: break else: for m in itertools.count(1): t = power_mod(ZZ(b), ZZ(2^m) , ZZ(Prime)) if t == 1: mm = m break t = power_mod(ZZ(y), ZZ(2^(r - mm - 1)),ZZ(Prime)) y = power_mod(ZZ(t), ZZ(2),ZZ(Prime)) r = mm x = (x * t) % Prime b = (b * y) % Prime return(x) def listproduct (primelist): x = primelist k = len(primelist) #print x result = 1 for i in range(0, k): result = result * x[i][0] ^ x[i][1] #op(1, op(i, x)) ** op(2, op(i, x)) return(result) def listptorder (pt, Group, factoredGpOrder): ECIdentity = [] x = factoredGpOrder k = len(factoredGpOrder) orderlist = []#set([]) result = listproduct(factoredGpOrder) for i in range(0, k ): p = x[i][0] #op(1, op(i, x)) a = x[i][1] #op(2, op(i, x)) ord = 0 for j in range(0, a ): try: #print result / p result = ZZ(result / p) test = ECTimes(pt, result, Group) if test != ECIdentity: result = result * p ord = ord + 1 except: pass if 0 < ord: orderlist.append([p,ord]) #print orderlist returnlist = [] return orderlist#(convert(orderlist, list)) def primeHPSonEC (y,g,Group,p): newg = [] #for j in range(0, p ): for j in itertools.count(0): if y == newg: break #print (newg,g) newg = ECAdd(newg, g, Group) return(j) def powerHPSonEC (y,g,og,p,a,Group): gp = ECTimes(g, ZZ(og / p), Group) newog = og newy = y c = 0 partx = 0 for i in range(0, a ): #print (y, ECInverse(ECTimes(g, partx, Group), Group)) newy = ECAdd(y, ECInverse(ECTimes(g, partx, Group), Group), Group) newog = ZZ(newog / p) ypower = ECTimes(newy, newog, Group) c = primeHPSonEC(ypower, gp, Group, p) partx = partx + c * p ** i return(partx) def HPSonEC (y,g,Group,factoredGpOrder): X = 0 Ord = 1 K = listptorder(g, Group, factoredGpOrder) k = len(K) ordg = listproduct(K) #print K for j in range(0, k): #print (K,j) p = K[j][0] #op(1, op(j, K)) powerp = K[j][1] #op(2, op(j, K)) #print powerp partx = powerHPSonEC(y, g, ordg, p, powerp, Group) #print partx if j == 0: X = partx Ord = p ** powerp #print "firstif" #print X #print Ord else: #print [X,partx] #print [Ord,p^powerp] X = crt([X,partx], [Ord,p ^ powerp]) Ord = Ord * (p ^ powerp) #print X return(X) def findptOrder(point,group): E = EllipticCurve(GF(group[2]),[group[0],group[1]]) Ep = E(point[0],point[1]) return Ep.additive_order() def ECTimes (Point, scalar, Group): ECIdentity=[] if Point == ECIdentity or scalar == 0: return(ECIdentity) else: E=EllipticCurve(GF(Group[2]),[Group[0],Group[1]]) EPoint = E(Point[0],Point[1]) #print type(EPoint) cgret = scalar*EPoint #print cgret[0] if(cgret[0]==0 and cgret[1]==1 and cgret[2]==0): return ECIdentity return([cgret[0],cgret[1]]) def ECInverse (Point, Group): if Point == []: return(Point) else: p = Group[2] x = Point[0] y = Point[1] return([x,(p - y) % p]) def ECDouble (Point, Group): a = Group[0] b = Group[1] p = Group[2] if Point != []: x1 = Point[0] y1 = Point[1] if (4 * a ** 3 + 27 * b ** 2) % p == 0: print "This is not an elliptic curve. " elif Point != [] and y1 ** 2 % p != (x1 ** 3 + a * x1 + b) % p: print "The point to double is not on the elliptic curve. " elif y1 == 0: R = [] else: s = mod((3 * x1 ** 2 + a) / y1 / 2, p) x = (s ** 2 - 2 * x1) % p y = (s * (x1 - x) - y1) % p R = [x,y] else: R = [] return(R) def ECAdd (Point1, Point2, Group): a = Group[0] b = Group[1] p = Group[2] if(Point1!=[]): x1 = Point1[0] y1 = Point1[1] if(Point2!=[]): x2 = Point2[0] y2 = Point2[1] if (4 * a ** 3 + 27 * b ** 2) % p == 0: print "This is not an elliptic curve. " elif Point1 != [] and y1 ** 2 % p != (x1 ** 3 + a * x1 + b) % p: print "Point 1 is not on the elliptic curve. \n" elif Point2 != [] and y2 ** 2 % p != (x2 ** 3 + a * x2 + b) % p: print "Point 2 is not on the elliptic curve. \n" else: if Point1 == []: R = Point2 elif Point2 == []: R = Point1 else: if x1 == x2 and 0 == (y1 + y2) % p: R = [] elif x1 == x2 and y1 == y2: R = ECDouble(Point1, Group) else: s = ((y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)) % p x = (s ** 2 - x1 - x2) % p y = (s * (x1 - x) - y1) % p R = [x,y] return(R) def ASCIIPad(Mess,Mod): K = [] for letter in Mess: K.append(ord(letter)) L = Mod.ndigits() l = len(K) y = ZZ(math.floor(L/3)) count = 0 padded = [] buffer = "" for numChar in K: numChar+=100 buffer+=str(numChar) count+=1 if count==y: padded.append(ZZ(buffer)) buffer = "" count = 0 if len(buffer)>0: padded.append(ZZ(buffer)) return padded def ASCIIDepad(Number): N = ""; #Number = ZZ(Number[0]) n = Number.ndigits() % 3; if (n > 0): print("This is not a padded ASCII string\n"); else: L = [((Number - (Number % (1000^i)))/1000^i)%1000 - 100 for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3)]; for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3): #print L[i] N = chr(L[i]) + N; return(N); def ECEmbed (Message, gp, tolerance): p = ZZ(math.floor(gp[2] / (tolerance + 1))) M = ASCIIPad(Message, p) packets = len(M) #print packets pointlist = [0]*packets for j in range(0, packets ): N = M[j] # N:=(op(0,op(1,M))[j]); pointlist[j] = ECSearch(tolerance * N, tolerance * (N + 1) - 1, gp) #print pointlist return(pointlist) def ECUnembed (pointlist, tolerance): #print pointlist k = len(pointlist) paddedasciilist=[0]*k for j in range(0, k ): #print type(pointlist[j][0]/tolerance) #print pointlist #print paddedasciilist #print "test this "+str((pointlist[j][0]/tolerance)) #.floor() returns correct while math.floor() does not work #print (pointlist[j][0]) pointlist[j][0]=ZZ(pointlist[j][0]) toType = ZZ(QQ((pointlist[j][0])/tolerance).floor()) # typed = type(toType) # print typed paddedasciilist[j] = ((pointlist[j][0])/tolerance).floor() returnStr = "" for paddedItem in paddedasciilist: #print paddedItem buffer = ASCIIDepad(paddedItem) returnStr+= buffer #print buffer return returnStr
#Encryption Group is: A_Encryption = 32423423 B_Encryption = 0 P_Encryption = 111111756372541867431527 G_Encryption = [32423423, 0, 111111756372541867431527] #Public Encryption point b: Apb_Encryption = [77012625572753817011635, 107177820655281658062820] Bpb_Encryption = [63567155336615021877739, 36007178347937208049611] Cpb_Encryption = [104225718616102818923406, 48710727653703914714853] #Base point g for encryption is: gpoint_Encryption = [133213, 42904742913851518927444] #Notice that B=0. So if p mod 4 is 3, then the P_Encryption % 4
#So the size of our group is going to be p+1 gorder_Encryption=P_Encryption+1 factor(gorder_Encryption)
2^3 * 3^2 * 13 * 17 * 89 * 211 * 839 * 466637 * 949777
#So this group is likely vulnerable to HPS #Recall that each secret key is x such that b=g^x=ECTimes(g,x,G) #Let's write down what we need to use to find x_A #x_a=HPSonEC(bA,g,G,factorization) x_a=HPSonEC(Apb_Encryption,gpoint_Encryption,G_Encryption,[[2,3],[3,2],[13,1],[17,1],[89,1],[211,1],[839,1],[466637,1],[949777,1]]) x_a
x_a=432123 ECTimes(gpoint_Encryption,x_a,G_Encryption)
[77012625572753817011635, 107177820655281658062820]
#x_a=432123 x_b=HPSonEC(Bpb_Encryption,gpoint_Encryption,G_Encryption,[[2,3],[3,2],[13,1],[17,1],[89,1],[211,1],[839,1],[466637,1],[949777,1]]) x_b
#x_b=675348 x_c=HPSonEC(Cpb_Encryption,gpoint_Encryption,G_Encryption,[[2,3],[3,2],[13,1],[17,1],[89,1],[211,1],[839,1],[466637,1],[949777,1]]) x_c
#signature group: G_s=[0,B,p] #so let's check to see if p mod 3=2 #It is! #now we factor(p+1)=2*3^5*51*620176035713316419537 #Also note that they all use the same base point g #factor(order(g)) #but g is prime! It is the big prime from before! Yay! #Cauchy's Theorem #If (G,^) is any finite group, and g \in G, then order(g) divides into |G| #signature b from Alice=sbA, etc #again,
# A_Signature = 0 B_Signature = 98766778 P_Signature = 12357627687623542975694261 G_Signature = [0, 98766778, 12357627687623542975694261] # Apb_Signature = [5246859784562186496635824, 5457612259949488195005309] Bpb_Signature = [5278780115068892215096216, 6857888556017625502158912] Cpb_Signature = [11500587084934239979269346, 4630177618473717713077113] # T=45 gpoint_Signature = [2539662136869871783297850, 1414894921445613162605806] gorder_Signature = 620176035713316419537 # M_Signature = [522228913141586484647, 496418275430782450147] y=522228913141586484647 s=496418275430782450147 M1 = [64822910729849959453845, 54324913307643112006572] M2 = [40965317570056334177487, 76589794174623293315486] # #Check that p mod 3 = 2 P_Signature % 3
#It is! So the order of G is p+1 factor(P_Signature+1)
2 * 3^5 * 41 * 620176035713316419537
#Now for the signatures sx_a=HPSonEC(Apb_Signature,gpoint_Signature,G_Signature,[[2,1],[3,5],[41,1],[620176035713316419537,1]]) sx_a
sx_b=HPSonEC(Bpb_Signature,gpoint_Signature,G_Signature,[[2,1],[3,5],[41,1],[620176035713316419537,1]]) sx_b
sx_c=HPSonEC(Cpb_Signature,gpoint_Signature,G_Signature,[[2,1],[3,5],[41,1],[620176035713316419537,1]]) sx_c
#Now we have all the secret keys for encryption!
#Let's unembed M r=HPSonEC(M2,gpoint_Encryption,G_Encryption,[[2,3],[3,2],[13,1],[17,1],[89,1],[211,1],[839,1],[466637,1],[949777,1]]) r
#Now we have the r they used for encryption, we can use this to find the inverse s's sA= ECTimes(Apb_Encryption,r,G_Encryption) sB= ECTimes(Bpb_Encryption,r,G_Encryption) sC= ECTimes(Cpb_Encryption,r,G_Encryption) siA=ECInverse(sA,G_Encryption) siB=ECInverse(sB,G_Encryption) siC=ECInverse(sC,G_Encryption)
Mt1=ECAdd(siA,M1,G_Encryption) Mt2=ECAdd(siB,M1,G_Encryption) Mt3=ECAdd(siC,M1,G_Encryption) m1=ECUnembed([Mt1],T) #m2=ECUnembed([Mt2],T) #m3=ECUnembed([Mt3],T) m1 #m2 #m3
#m1 was the only one that worked, so Alice must be the recipient M=ASCIIPad(m1,gorder_Encryption) M
#Let's now check the signature on the message. These are my notes, put here for easy checking # #Verification: #(1) Compute u=y*s^-1 mod q #(2) Compute v=M*s^-1 mod q #(3) Compute P=g*V+ (elliptic curve addition) u*b^-1 #Note that P is a point on the elliptic curve E #P also has coordinates (x_1,y_1) #The signature is valid if y=x_1 mod q #Otherwise the signature is NOT valid # #So: U= y*(s^-1) % gorder_Signature U z = 184211207221211 V = z*(s^-1) % gorder_Signature V p_1=ECTimes(gpoint_Signature,V,G_Signature) p_2=ECTimes(ECInverse(Cpb_Signature,G_Signature),U,G_Signature) P=ECAdd(p_1,p_2,G_Signature) P p=12093334749287098451036610 % gorder_Signature p y
364163352104018133215 537581219848672452424 [12093334749287098451036610, 411433098304526179989068] 522228913141586484647 522228913141586484647
#Because p and y match, we know that Carol sent the message #Next, we know that r=(M-x*y)/s mod q, so for the random number for the signature, we can: r_Signature=(z-sx_c*y)*(s^-1) % gorder_Signature r_Signature
#Now let's check and see if it works, checking it against our given s value and s calculated with our r #s=(M-x*y)*r^-1 mod q s s_check=(z-sx_c*y)*(r_Signature^-1) % gorder_Signature s_check
496418275430782450147 496418275430782450147
#Because these are the same, we are done.