4 Fan 4.1 Fan: Category and Representations 4.1-1 IsFan IsFan( M )  Category Returns: true or false The GAP category of a fan. Every fan is a convex object. Remember: Every fan is a convex object. 4.2 Fan: Properties 4.2-1 IsComplete IsComplete( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is complete, i. e. if it's support is the whole space. 4.2-2 IsPointed IsPointed( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is pointed, which means that every cone it contains is strictly convex. 4.2-3 IsSmooth IsSmooth( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is smooth, i. e. if every cone in the fan is smooth. 4.2-4 IsRegularFan IsRegularFan( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is regular, i. e. if it is the normal fan of a polytope. 4.2-5 IsSimplicial IsSimplicial( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is simplicial, i. e. if every cone in the fan is simplicial. 4.2-6 HasConvexSupport HasConvexSupport( fan )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the fan fan is simplicial, i. e. if every cone in the fan is simplicial. 4.3 Fan: Attributes 4.3-1 Rays Rays( fan )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the rays of the fan fan as a list of cones. 4.3-2 RayGenerators RayGenerators( fan )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the generators rays of the fan fan as a list of of list of integers. 4.3-3 RaysInMaximalCones RaysInMaximalCones( fan )  attribute Returns: a list Returns a list of lists, which represent an incidence matrix for the correspondence of the rays and the maximal cones of the fan fan. The ith list in the result represents the ith maximal cone of fan. In such a list, the jth entry is 1 if the jth ray is in the cone, 0 otherwise. 4.3-4 MaximalCones MaximalCones( fan )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the maximal cones of the fan fan as a list of cones. 4.4 Fan: Methods 4.4-1 * *( fan1, fan2 )  operation Returns: a fan Returns the product of the fans fan1 and fan2. 4.5 Fan: Constructors 4.5-1 Fan Fan( fan )  operation Returns: a fan Copy constructor for fans. For completeness reasons. 4.5-2 Fan Fan( rays, cones )  operation Returns: a fan Constructs the fan out of the given rays and a list of cones given by a lists of numbers of rays. 4.6 Fan: Examples 4.6-1 Fan example  Example  gap> F := Fan( [[-1,5],[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1]],[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,1]] );  gap> RayGenerators( F ); [ [ -1, 5 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, -1 ] ] gap> RaysInMaximalCones( F ); [ [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 1 ] ] gap> IsRegularFan( F ); true gap> IsComplete( F ); true gap> IsSmooth( F ); true gap> F1 := MaximalCones( F )[ 1 ];  gap> DualCone( F1 );  gap> RayGenerators( F1 ); [ [ -1, 5 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] gap> F2 := StarSubdivisionOfIthMaximalCone( F, 1 );  gap> IsSmooth( F2 ); true gap> RayGenerators( F2 ); [ [ -1, 5 ], [ -1, 6 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ]