6 Polytope 6.1 Polytope: Category and Representations 6.1-1 IsPolytope IsPolytope( M )  Category Returns: true or false The GAP category of a polytope. Every polytope is a convex object. Remember: Every cone is a convex object. 6.2 Polytope: Properties 6.2-1 IsNotEmpty IsNotEmpty( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is not empty. 6.2-2 IsLatticePolytope IsLatticePolytope( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is a lattice polytope, i.e. all its vertices are lattice points. 6.2-3 IsVeryAmple IsVeryAmple( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is very ample. 6.2-4 IsNormalPolytope IsNormalPolytope( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is normal. 6.2-5 IsSimplicial IsSimplicial( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is simplicial. 6.2-6 IsSimplePolytope IsSimplePolytope( poly )  property Returns: true or false Checks if the polytope poly is simple. 6.3 Polytope: Attributes 6.3-1 Vertices Vertices( poly )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the vertices of the polytope poly. For reasons, the corresponding tester is HasVerticesOfPolytopes 6.3-2 LatticePoints LatticePoints( poly )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the lattice points of the polytope poly. 6.3-3 FacetInequalities FacetInequalities( poly )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the facet inequalities for the polytope poly. 6.3-4 VerticesInFacets VerticesInFacets( poly )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the incidence matrix of vertices and facets of the polytope poly. 6.3-5 AffineCone AffineCone( poly )  attribute Returns: a cone Returns the affine cone of the polytope poly. 6.3-6 NormalFan NormalFan( poly )  attribute Returns: a fan Returns the normal fan of the polytope poly. 6.3-7 RelativeInteriorLatticePoints RelativeInteriorLatticePoints( poly )  attribute Returns: a list Returns the lattice points in the relative interior of the polytope poly. 6.4 Polytope: Methods 6.4-1 * *( polytope1, polytope2 )  operation Returns: a polytope Returns the Cartesian product of the polytopes polytope1 and polytope2. 6.4-2 # #( polytope1, polytope2 )  operation Returns: a polytope Returns the Minkowski sum of the polytopes polytope1 and polytope2. 6.5 Polytope: Constructors 6.5-1 Polytope Polytope( points )  operation Returns: a polytope Returns a polytope that is the convex hull of the points points. 6.5-2 PolytopeByInequalities PolytopeByInequalities( ineqs )  operation Returns: a polytope Returns a polytope defined by the inequalities ineqs. 6.6 Polytope: Examples 6.6-1 Polytope example  Example  gap> P := Polytope( [ [ 2, 0 ], [ 0, 2 ], [ -1, -1 ] ] );  gap> IsVeryAmple( P ); true gap> LatticePoints( P ); [ [ -1, -1 ], [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ],  [ 0, 2 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 2, 0 ] ] gap> NFP := NormalFan( P );  gap> C1 := MaximalCones( NFP )[ 1 ];  gap> RayGenerators( C1 ); [ [ -1, -1 ], [ -1, 3 ] ] gap> IsRegularFan( NFP ); true