4 Ring Maps A homalg ring map is a data structure for maps between finitely generated rings. homalg more or less provides the basic declarations and installs the generic methods for ring maps, but it is up to other high level packages to install methods applicable to specific rings. For example, the package Sheaves provides methods for ring maps of (finitely generated) affine rings. 4.1 Ring Maps: Category and Representations 4.1-1 IsHomalgRingMap IsHomalgRingMap( phi )  Category Returns: true or false The GAP category of ring maps. 4.1-2 IsHomalgRingSelfMap IsHomalgRingSelfMap( phi )  Category Returns: true or false The GAP category of ring self-maps. (It is a subcategory of the GAP category IsHomalgRingMap.) 4.1-3 IsHomalgRingMapRep IsHomalgRingMapRep( phi )  Representation Returns: true or false The GAP representation of homalg ring maps. (It is a representation of the GAP category IsHomalgRingMap (4.1-1).) 4.2 Ring Maps: Constructors 4.2-1 RingMap RingMap( images, S, T )  operation Returns: a homalg ring map This constructor returns a ring map (homomorphism) of finitely generated rings/algebras. It is represented by the images images of the set of generators of the source homalg ring S in terms of the generators of the target ring T (--> 3.2). Unless the source ring is free and given on free ring/algebra generators the returned map will cautiously be indicated using parenthesis: homomorphism. To verify if the result is indeed a well defined map use IsMorphism (4.3-1). If source and target are identical objects, and only then, the ring map is created as a selfmap. 4.3 Ring Maps: Properties 4.3-1 IsMorphism IsMorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if phi is a well-defined map, i.e. independent of all involved presentations. 4.3-2 IsIdentityMorphism IsIdentityMorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if the homalg ring map phi is the identity morphism. 4.3-3 IsMonomorphism IsMonomorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if the homalg ring map phi is a monomorphism. 4.3-4 IsEpimorphism IsEpimorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if the homalg ring map phi is an epimorphism. 4.3-5 IsIsomorphism IsIsomorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if the homalg ring map phi is an isomorphism. 4.3-6 IsAutomorphism IsAutomorphism( phi )  property Returns: true or false Check if the homalg ring map phi is an automorphism. 4.4 Ring Maps: Attributes 4.4-1 Source Source( phi )  attribute Returns: a homalg ring The source of the homalg ring map phi. 4.4-2 Range Range( phi )  attribute Returns: a homalg ring The target (range) of the homalg ring map phi. 4.4-3 DegreeOfMorphism DegreeOfMorphism( phi )  attribute Returns: an integer The degree of the morphism phi of graded rings. (no method installed) 4.4-4 CoordinateRingOfGraph CoordinateRingOfGraph( phi )  attribute Returns: a homalg ring The coordinate ring of the graph of the ring map phi. 4.5 Ring Maps: Operations and Functions