Development notes file: * started by Marco Costantini * updated by Alexander Konovalov This file contains notes for development and for releasing a new version; it is not intended to be a part of the release. ########################################################################### MAKING A CHANGE: * update the local installation * build the manual and manual test files with ReadPackage("openmath/gap/buildman.g"); * test the package functionality: Read( Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "openmath", "tst" ), "testall.g" ) ); * do the changes. * check that new features or bug fixes are included in the test file, and, if test file is modified, test the package functionality. cd /usr/local/gap_dev/4.0/pkg/openmath/tst nano test_new.src mv test_new test_new.bak gap -T -r -A -b < test_new.src nano +30000 test_new (to remove lines after STOP_TEST) diff test_new test_new.bak rm test_new.bak Read( Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "openmath", "tst" ), "testall.g" ) ); * check that the README files and the manual contain the changes. * commit the various changes to the CVS repository. ########################################################################### PREPARING A NEW RELEASE: * check the functionality * modify date and version number in PackageInfo.g and in the example of a banner in doc/intro.xml * build the manual and manual test files with ReadPackage("openmath/gap/buildman.g"); * test the PackageInfo.g, and that the documentation is available in GAP: ValidatePackageInfo( Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "openmath", "" ), "PackageInfo.g" ) ); ?OMPrint * commit PackageInfo.g and doc/intro.xml * check file permissions, doing chmod 755 for directories and chmod 644 for files when necessary * edit variables in the "publish" script and then call it to wrap an archive * update the web-page: modify version and links. * Send a mail about the new release to the GAP Support to include it in the next update of the packages archive * check that the new version is uploaded on the Gap site. * advertise the new version ###################################################################### ENCODING AND CONVERSIONS OpenMath objects can be encoded into various formats, as defined by the OpenMath standard: - XML OpenMath - binary OpenMath Conversion from OpenMath to Gap: * 'OMgetObjectXMLTree' converts the OpenMath XML into a tree (using the function ParseTreeXMLString from package GapDoc) and parses it. Conversion from Gap to OpenMath: OMPutObject takes a Gap object and puts into a stream, with XML or binary encoding. ###################################################################### VALIDATING XML: The following function can be used to validate the OpenMath XML objects produced by the package. It requires the program 'xmllint', from Libxml2, the XML C library for Gnome, available from and included in most modern Linux distributions. OMValidate := function ( obj ) local file, fromgap_stream, togap_stream, togap, xmllint_exec, openmath2_rng, OMPutObject; OMPutObject := function ( stream, x ) OMIndent := 0; OMWriteLine( stream, [ "" ] ); OMIndent := OMIndent + 1; OMPut( stream, x ); OMIndent := OMIndent - 1; OMWriteLine( stream, [ "" ] ); return; end; file := Filename( OMDirectoryTemporary, "testfile" ); fromgap_stream := OutputTextFile( file, false ); SetPrintFormattingStatus( fromgap_stream, false ); OMPutObject( fromgap_stream, obj ); CloseStream( fromgap_stream ); xmllint_exec := Filename( DirectoriesSystemPrograms( ), "xmllint" ); openmath2_rng := Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "openmath", "tst" ), "openmath2.rng" ); togap := ""; togap_stream := OutputTextString( togap, false ); SetPrintFormattingStatus( togap_stream, false ); Process( OMDirectoryTemporary, xmllint_exec, InputTextNone(), togap_stream, [ "--noout", "--relaxng", openmath2_rng, "testfile" ] ); CloseStream( togap_stream ); if togap <> "testfile validates\n" and togap <> "testfile fails to validate\n" then Print( togap ); fi; return togap = "testfile validates\n"; end; The XML produced by this package can be partially validated with Just prepend the following line to a file generated by this package, and one of the following, for OpenMath version 2.0, 1.1, 1.0 respectively. ###################################################################### KNOWN PROBLEMS: These problems are from the original code by Andrew Solomon. * A set doesn't store to be a set, hence the method ``OMPut: for a set'' is used only for the empty set. IsSet([ 1, true, false ]); OMPrint([ 1, true, false ]); OMPrint([ ]); * Conversion of CharacterTable doesn't work. OMTest(CharacterTable( AlternatingGroup( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) )); * Consecutive comments or encodings inside an input stream are not supported. stream := InputTextUser(); g := OMGetObject(stream);CloseStream(stream); which are invalid OpenMath variables names. ###################################################################### TODO: * Include experimental, or updated CDs - For converting Gap -> OpenMath, add a method for 'OMPut', in file gap/ . - For converting OpenMath -> Gap, add in 'OMsymTable_new', in file gap/new.g . - For converting a nullary symbol OpenMath -> Gap, add code in 'OMnullarySymbolToGAP', in file gap/gap.g . (Remark: OMnullarySymbolToGAP removed by AK in April 2009, now all is done by OMsymLookup function). - For a conversion in Yacas, use there OMDef(yacasSymbol, cd, name) ###################################################################### TODO: * Convert OMsymTable and related stuff from list to record (Remark: done by AK in April 2009 with renaming to OMsymRecord). * Remove the difference between nullary and n-ary symbols, and use the OpenMath roles instead, see the OpenMath Standard, version 2.0, section "2.1.4 OpenMath Symbol Roles". (Remark: OMnullarySymbolToGAP removed by AK in April 2009, now all is done by OMsymLookup function). ###################################################################### TODO: * In function OMgapNativeStatementFunc, of gap/gap.g, is it necessary to use READ_COMMAND (instead e.g. of Read) ? Is it necessary to use ViewString ? Would it be possible to remove ViewString, or to use StringView from the GapDoc package, and to remove the file gap/printutil.g? The only purpose of gap/printutil.g is to provide ViewString to OMgapNativeStatementFunc. ###################################################################### TODO: Check the functions OMnextToken and OMinstreamNextByte: they do the same. Some IsHasseDiagram stuff is already defined in main Gap library lib/ #P IsHasseDiagram() ## ## returns `true' if the binary relation is a Hasse Diagram of a ## partial order, i.e. was computed via `HasseDiagramBinaryRelation' ## (see~"HasseDiagramBinaryRelation"). ## DeclareProperty("IsHasseDiagram", IsBinaryRelation); Something from hasse/hasse.g could be removed. ###################################################################### TODO: * cleanup in the cds directory. * fill placeholders in OMsymRecord with more symbols where appropriate * test and move entries from OMsymRecord_new in new.g to gap.g * implement more private CDs from the SCIEnce project ###################################################################### HISTORICAL NOTES: Some historical notes from previous releases are collected below. ###################################################################### Readme of the last release containing INRIA library: The OpenMath Package -------------------- The package provides an OpenMath phrasebook for GAP: it allows GAP users to import and export mathematical objects encoded in OpenMath, for the purpose of exchanging them with other OpenMath-enabled applications. Copyright: ========== The OpenMath package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For details, see the FSF's own site Additionally, it contains code developed at INRIA (copyright INRIA), under the ESPRIT project number 24969 (OpenMath). The user may not use the library in commercial products without seeking permission from the GAP group ( and the CAFE team at INRIA SA ( Installation: ============= This package is installed as a normal Gap package: see Gap reference manual, chapter "74 GAP Packages" (and if you don't have write access to the Gap installation see also section "9.2 GAP Root Directory"), for details. The binaries should be compiled in two stages: - compilation of the OpenMath C library from INRIA - compilation of the 'gpipe' program To do this, change to the package directory gap4r4/pkg/openmath and perform the following commands: cd OMCv1.3c/src/ ./configure make cd ../../ ./configure ../../ make The part in C language compiles and runs also on Windows with Cygwin (see A Windows user may also try to get a precompiled OMC binary from (I didn't try), and thereafter cd pkg/openmath ./configure ../../ make Some historical notes from previous releases and changelogs are collected below. To contact developers, please write to: alexk at mcs dot st-andrews dot ac dot uk Alexander Konovalov April 2009 ############################################################################## * * * Readme of the first release of the package (2000) * * * The compilation is non-standard! See below. This package has been developed to allow GAP users to import and export mathematical objects encoded in OpenMath, for the purpose of exchanging them with other applications that are OpenMath enabled. 1. Copyright This package is distributed under GPL license and the terms of the GAP copyright. Additionally, it contains code developed at INRIA (copyright INRIA), under the ESPRIT project number 24969 (OpenMath). The user may not use the library in commercial products without seeking permission from the GAP group ( and the CAFE team at INRIA SA ( It may be redistributed ``as is'' together with this notice. 2. Technicalities and installation This package includes a C program, and works with full functionality only if this program has been compiled. To install this package (after extracting the packages archive file to the GAP pkg directory): a) go to the directory `pkg/openmath/OMCv1.3c/src' and call /bin/sh ./configure and then call `make' to compile the INRIA library (producing libOM.a). b) go to the directory `pkg/openmath' (the directory containing this README file) and call /bin/sh ./configure where is a path to the main GAP root directory (so normally you would call /bin/sh ./configure ../..). afterwards call `make' to compile the binary. See file examples for usage examples. c) you also need to modify the file hasse/config.g to make the Hasse diagram stuff work. 3. The INRIA library The files in the directory `openmath/OMCv1.3c' are the OpenMath C library version 1.3c developed by the CAFE group at INRIA SA. For the latest version, contact: , or try . Andrew Solomon (, Department of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews. 9 March 2000. ##############################################################################