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/- Copyright (c) 2019 Amelia Livingston. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Amelia Livingston -/ import group_theory.submonoid import data.setoid import algebra.pi_instances /-! # Congruence relations This file defines congruence relations: equivalence relations that preserve a binary operation, which in this case is multiplication or addition. The principal definition is a `structure` extending a `setoid` (an equivalence relation), and the inductive definition of the smallest congruence relation containing a binary relation is also given (see `con_gen`). The file also proves basic properties of the quotient of a type by a congruence relation, and the complete lattice of congruence relations on a type. We then establish an order-preserving bijection between the set of congruence relations containing a congruence relation `c` and the set of congruence relations on the quotient by `c`. The second half of the file concerns congruence relations on monoids, in which case the quotient by the congruence relation is also a monoid. There are results about the universal property of quotients of monoids, and the isomorphism theorems for monoids. ## Implementation notes The inductive definition of a congruence relation could be a nested inductive type, defined using the equivalence closure of a binary relation `eqv_gen`, but the recursor generated does not work. A nested inductive definition could conceivably shorten proofs, because they would allow invocation of the corresponding lemmas about `eqv_gen`. The lemmas `refl`, `symm` and `trans` are not tagged with `@[refl]`, `@[symm]`, and `@[trans]` respectively as these tags do not work on a structure coerced to a binary relation. There is a coercion from elements of a type to the element's equivalence class under a congruence relation. A congruence relation on a monoid `M` can be thought of as a submonoid of `M × M` for which membership is an equivalence relation, but whilst this fact is established in the file, it is not used, since this perspective adds more layers of definitional unfolding. ## Tags congruence, congruence relation, quotient, quotient by congruence relation, monoid, quotient monoid, isomorphism theorems -/ variables (M : Type*) {N : Type*} {P : Type*} set_option old_structure_cmd true open function setoid lattice /-- A congruence relation on a type with an addition is an equivalence relation which preserves addition. -/ structure add_con [has_add M] extends setoid M := (add' : ∀ {w x y z}, r w x → r y z → r (w + y) (x + z)) /-- A congruence relation on a type with a multiplication is an equivalence relation which preserves multiplication. -/ @[to_additive add_con] structure con [has_mul M] extends setoid M := (mul' : ∀ {w x y z}, r w x → r y z → r (w * y) (x * z)) variables {M} /-- The inductively defined smallest additive congruence relation containing a given binary relation. -/ inductive add_con_gen.rel [has_add M] (r : M → M → Prop) : M → M → Prop | of {} : Π x y, r x y → add_con_gen.rel x y | refl {} : Π x, add_con_gen.rel x x | symm {} : Π x y, add_con_gen.rel x y → add_con_gen.rel y x | trans {} : Π x y z, add_con_gen.rel x y → add_con_gen.rel y z → add_con_gen.rel x z | add {} : Π w x y z, add_con_gen.rel w x → add_con_gen.rel y z → add_con_gen.rel (w + y) (x + z) /-- The inductively defined smallest multiplicative congruence relation containing a given binary relation. -/ @[to_additive add_con_gen.rel] inductive con_gen.rel [has_mul M] (r : M → M → Prop) : M → M → Prop | of {} : Π x y, r x y → con_gen.rel x y | refl {} : Π x, con_gen.rel x x | symm {} : Π x y, con_gen.rel x y → con_gen.rel y x | trans {} : Π x y z, con_gen.rel x y → con_gen.rel y z → con_gen.rel x z | mul {} : Π w x y z, con_gen.rel w x → con_gen.rel y z → con_gen.rel (w * y) (x * z) /-- The inductively defined smallest multiplicative congruence relation containing a given binary relation. -/ @[to_additive add_con_gen "The inductively defined smallest additive congruence relation containing a given binary relation."] def con_gen [has_mul M] (r : M → M → Prop) : con M := ⟨con_gen.rel r, ⟨con_gen.rel.refl, con_gen.rel.symm, con_gen.rel.trans⟩, con_gen.rel.mul⟩ namespace con section variables [has_mul M] [has_mul N] [has_mul P] (c : con M) @[to_additive] instance : inhabited (con M) := ⟨con_gen empty_relation⟩ /-- A coercion from a congruence relation to its underlying binary relation. -/ @[to_additive "A coercion from an additive congruence relation to its underlying binary relation."] instance : has_coe_to_fun (con M) := ⟨_, λ c, λ x y, c.r x y⟩ /-- Congruence relations are reflexive. -/ @[to_additive "Additive congruence relations are reflexive."] protected lemma refl (x) : c x x := c.2.1 x /-- Congruence relations are symmetric. -/ @[to_additive "Additive congruence relations are symmetric."] protected lemma symm : ∀ {x y}, c x y → c y x := λ _ _ h, c.2.2.1 h /-- Congruence relations are transitive. -/ @[to_additive "Additive congruence relations are transitive."] protected lemma trans : ∀ {x y z}, c x y → c y z → c x z := λ _ _ _ h, c.2.2.2 h /-- Multiplicative congruence relations preserve multiplication. -/ @[to_additive "Additive congruence relations preserve addition."] protected lemma mul : ∀ {w x y z}, c w x → c y z → c (w * y) (x * z) := λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, c.3 h1 h2 /-- Given a type `M` with a multiplication, a congruence relation `c` on `M`, and elements of `M` `x, y`, `(x, y) ∈ M × M` iff `x` is related to `y` by `c`. -/ @[to_additive "Given a type `M` with an addition, `x, y ∈ M`, and an additive congruence relation `c` on `M`, `(x, y) ∈ M × M` iff `x` is related to `y` by `c`."] instance : has_mem (M × M) (con M) := ⟨λ x c, c x.1 x.2⟩ variables {c} /-- The map sending a congruence relation to its underlying binary relation is injective. -/ @[to_additive "The map sending an additive congruence relation to its underlying binary relation is injective."] lemma ext' {c d : con M} (H : c.r = d.r) : c = d := by cases c; cases d; simpa using H /-- Extensionality rule for congruence relations. -/ @[ext, to_additive "Extensionality rule for additive congruence relations."] lemma ext {c d : con M} (H : ∀ x y, c x y ↔ d x y) : c = d := ext' $ by ext; apply H attribute [ext] add_con.ext /-- The map sending a congruence relation to its underlying equivalence relation is injective. -/ @[to_additive "The map sending an additive congruence relation to its underlying equivalence relation is injective."] lemma to_setoid_inj {c d : con M} (H : c.to_setoid = d.to_setoid) : c = d := ext $ ext_iff.1 H /-- Iff version of extensionality rule for congruence relations. -/ @[to_additive "Iff version of extensionality rule for additive congruence relations."] lemma ext_iff {c d : con M} : (∀ x y, c x y ↔ d x y) ↔ c = d := ⟨ext, λ h _ _, h ▸ iff.rfl⟩ /-- Two congruence relations are equal iff their underlying binary relations are equal. -/ @[to_additive "Two additive congruence relations are equal iff their underlying binary relations are equal."] lemma ext'_iff {c d : con M} : c.r = d.r ↔ c = d := ⟨ext', λ h, h ▸ rfl⟩ /-- The kernel of a multiplication-preserving function as a congruence relation. -/ @[to_additive "The kernel of an addition-preserving function as an additive congruence relation."] def mul_ker (f : M → P) (h : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : con M := { r := λ x y, f x = f y, iseqv := ⟨λ _, rfl, λ _ _, eq.symm, λ _ _ _, eq.trans⟩, mul' := λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, by rw [h, h1, h2, h] } /-- Given types with multiplications `M, N`, the product of two congruence relations `c` on `M` and `d` on `N`: `(x₁, x₂), (y₁, y₂) ∈ M × N` are related by ` d` iff `x₁` is related to `y₁` by `c` and `x₂` is related to `y₂` by `d`. -/ @[to_additive prod "Given types with additions `M, N`, the product of two congruence relations `c` on `M` and `d` on `N`: `(x₁, x₂), (y₁, y₂) ∈ M × N` are related by ` d` iff `x₁` is related to `y₁` by `c` and `x₂` is related to `y₂` by `d`."] protected def prod (c : con M) (d : con N) : con (M × N) := { mul' := λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, ⟨c.mul h1.1 h2.1, d.mul h1.2 h2.2⟩, d.to_setoid } /-- The product of an indexed collection of congruence relations. -/ @[to_additive "The product of an indexed collection of additive congruence relations."] def pi {ι : Type*} {f : ι → Type*} [Π i, has_mul (f i)] (C : Π i, con (f i)) : con (Π i, f i) := { mul' := λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2 i, (C i).mul (h1 i) (h2 i), ..@pi_setoid _ _ $ λ i, (C i).to_setoid } variables (c) @[simp, to_additive] lemma coe_eq : c.to_setoid.r = c := rfl -- Quotients /-- Defining the quotient by a congruence relation of a type with a multiplication. -/ @[to_additive "Defining the quotient by an additive congruence relation of a type with an addition."] protected def quotient := quotient $ c.to_setoid /-- Coercion from a type with a multiplication to its quotient by a congruence relation. -/ @[to_additive "Coercion from a type with an addition to its quotient by an additive congruence relation", priority 0] instance : has_coe M c.quotient := ⟨ _ c.to_setoid⟩ /-- The quotient of a type with decidable equality by a congruence relation also has decidable equality. -/ @[to_additive "The quotient of a type with decidable equality by an additive congruence relation also has decidable equality."] instance [d : ∀ a b, decidable (c a b)] : decidable_eq c.quotient := @quotient.decidable_eq M c.to_setoid d /-- The function on the quotient by a congruence relation `c` induced by a function that is constant on `c`'s equivalence classes. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "The function on the quotient by a congruence relation `c` induced by a function that is constant on `c`'s equivalence classes."] protected def lift_on {β} {c : con M} (q : c.quotient) (f : M → β) (h : ∀ a b, c a b → f a = f b) : β := quotient.lift_on' q f h variables {c} /-- The inductive principle used to prove propositions about the elements of a quotient by a congruence relation. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "The inductive principle used to prove propositions about the elements of a quotient by an additive congruence relation."] protected lemma induction_on {C : c.quotient → Prop} (q : c.quotient) (H : ∀ x : M, C x) : C q := quotient.induction_on' q H /-- A version of `con.induction_on` for predicates which take two arguments. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "A version of `add_con.induction_on` for predicates which take two arguments."] protected lemma induction_on₂ {d : con N} {C : c.quotient → d.quotient → Prop} (p : c.quotient) (q : d.quotient) (H : ∀ (x : M) (y : N), C x y) : C p q := quotient.induction_on₂' p q H variables (c) /-- Two elements are related by a congruence relation `c` iff they are represented by the same element of the quotient by `c`. -/ @[simp, to_additive "Two elements are related by an additive congruence relation `c` iff they are represented by the same element of the quotient by `c`."] protected lemma eq {a b : M} : (a : c.quotient) = b ↔ c a b := quotient.eq' /-- The multiplication induced on the quotient by a congruence relation on a type with a multiplication. -/ @[to_additive "The addition induced on the quotient by an additive congruence relation on a type with a addition."] instance has_mul : has_mul c.quotient := ⟨λ x y, quotient.lift_on₂' x y (λ w z, ((w * z : M) : c.quotient)) $ λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, c.eq.2 $ c.mul h1 h2⟩ /-- The kernel of the quotient map induced by a congruence relation `c` equals `c`. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The kernel of the quotient map induced by an additive congruence relation `c` equals `c`."] lemma mul_ker_mk_eq : mul_ker (coe : M → c.quotient) (λ x y, rfl) = c := ext $ λ x y, quotient.eq' variables {c} /-- The coercion to the quotient of a congruence relation commutes with multiplication (by definition). -/ @[simp, to_additive "The coercion to the quotient of an additive congruence relation commutes with addition (by definition)."] lemma coe_mul (x y : M) : (↑(x * y) : c.quotient) = ↑x * ↑y := rfl /-- Definition of the function on the quotient by a congruence relation `c` induced by a function that is constant on `c`'s equivalence classes. -/ @[simp, to_additive "Definition of the function on the quotient by an additive congruence relation `c` induced by a function that is constant on `c`'s equivalence classes."] protected lemma lift_on_beta {β} (c : con M) (f : M → β) (h : ∀ a b, c a b → f a = f b) (x : M) : con.lift_on (x : c.quotient) f h = f x := rfl /-- Makes an isomorphism of quotients by two congruence relations, given that the relations are equal. -/ @[to_additive "Makes an additive isomorphism of quotients by two additive congruence relations, given that the relations are equal."] protected def congr {c d : con M} (h : c = d) : c.quotient ≃* d.quotient := { map_mul' := λ x y, by rcases x; rcases y; refl, ..quotient.congr (equiv.refl M) $ by apply ext_iff.2 h } -- The complete lattice of congruence relations on a type /-- For congruence relations `c, d` on a type `M` with a multiplication, `c ≤ d` iff `∀ x y ∈ M`, `x` is related to `y` by `d` if `x` is related to `y` by `c`. -/ @[to_additive "For additive congruence relations `c, d` on a type `M` with an addition, `c ≤ d` iff `∀ x y ∈ M`, `x` is related to `y` by `d` if `x` is related to `y` by `c`."] instance : has_le (con M) := ⟨λ c d, c.to_setoid ≤ d.to_setoid⟩ /-- Definition of `≤` for congruence relations. -/ @[to_additive "Definition of `≤` for additive congruence relations."] theorem le_def {c d : con M} : c ≤ d ↔ ∀ {x y}, c x y → d x y := iff.rfl /-- The infimum of a set of congruence relations on a given type with a multiplication. -/ @[to_additive "The infimum of a set of additive congruence relations on a given type with an addition."] instance : has_Inf (con M) := ⟨λ S, ⟨λ x y, ∀ c : con M, c ∈ S → c x y, ⟨λ x c hc, c.refl x, λ _ _ h c hc, c.symm $ h c hc, λ _ _ _ h1 h2 c hc, c.trans (h1 c hc) $ h2 c hc⟩, λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2 c hc, c.mul (h1 c hc) $ h2 c hc⟩⟩ /-- The infimum of a set of congruence relations is the same as the infimum of the set's image under the map to the underlying equivalence relation. -/ @[to_additive "The infimum of a set of additive congruence relations is the same as the infimum of the set's image under the map to the underlying equivalence relation."] lemma Inf_to_setoid (S : set (con M)) : (Inf S).to_setoid = Inf (to_setoid '' S) := setoid.ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h r ⟨c, hS, hr⟩, by rw ←hr; exact h c hS, λ h c hS, h c.to_setoid ⟨c, hS, rfl⟩⟩ /-- The infimum of a set of congruence relations is the same as the infimum of the set's image under the map to the underlying binary relation. -/ @[to_additive "The infimum of a set of additive congruence relations is the same as the infimum of the set's image under the map to the underlying binary relation."] lemma Inf_def (S : set (con M)) : (Inf S).r = Inf (r '' S) := by { ext, simp only [Inf_image, infi_apply, infi_Prop_eq], refl } /-- If a congruence relation `c` is contained in every element of a set `s` of congruence relations on the same type, `c` is contained in the infimum of `s`. -/ @[to_additive "If an additive congruence relation `c` is contained in every element of a set `s` of additive congruence relations on the same type, `c` is contained in the infimum of `s`."] lemma le_Inf (s : set (con M)) (c) : (∀d ∈ s, c ≤ d) → c ≤ Inf s := λ h _ _ hc r hr, h r hr _ _ hc /-- The infimum of a set of congruence relations on a given type is contained in every element of the set. -/ @[to_additive "The infimum of a set of additive congruence relations on a given type is contained in every element of the set."] lemma Inf_le (s : set (con M)) (c) : c ∈ s → Inf s ≤ c := λ hc _ _ h, h c hc /-- The complete lattice of congruence relations on a given type with a multiplication. -/ @[to_additive "The complete lattice of additive congruence relations on a given type with an addition."] instance : complete_lattice (con M) := { sup := λ c d, Inf { x | c ≤ x ∧ d ≤ x}, le := (≤), lt := λ c d, c ≤ d ∧ ¬d ≤ c, le_refl := λ c _ _, id, le_trans := λ c1 c2 c3 h1 h2 x y h, h2 x y $ h1 x y h, lt_iff_le_not_le := λ _ _, iff.rfl, le_antisymm := λ c d hc hd, ext $ λ x y, ⟨hc x y, hd x y⟩, le_sup_left := λ _ _ _ _ h r hr, hr.1 _ _ h, le_sup_right := λ _ _ _ _ h r hr, hr.2 _ _ h, sup_le := λ _ _ c h1 h2, Inf_le _ c ⟨h1, h2⟩, inf := λ c d, ⟨(c.to_setoid ⊓ d.to_setoid).1, (c.to_setoid ⊓ d.to_setoid).2, λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, ⟨c.mul h1.1 h2.1, d.mul h1.2 h2.2⟩⟩, inf_le_left := λ _ _ _ _ h, h.1, inf_le_right := λ _ _ _ _ h, h.2, le_inf := λ _ _ _ hb hc _ _ h, ⟨hb _ _ h, hc _ _ h⟩, top := { mul' := by tauto,}, le_top := λ _ _ _ h, trivial, bot := { mul' := λ _ _ _ _ h1 h2, h1 ▸ h2 ▸ rfl,}, bot_le := λ c x y h, h ▸ c.refl x, Sup := λ tt, Inf {t | ∀t'∈tt, t' ≤ t}, Inf := has_Inf.Inf, le_Sup := λ _ _ hs, le_Inf _ _ $ λ c' hc', hc' _ hs, Sup_le := λ _ _ hs, Inf_le _ _ hs, Inf_le := λ _ _, Inf_le _ _, le_Inf := λ _ _, le_Inf _ _ } /-- The infimum of two congruence relations equals the infimum of the underlying binary operations. -/ @[to_additive "The infimum of two additive congruence relations equals the infimum of the underlying binary operations."] lemma inf_def {c d : con M} : (c ⊓ d).r = c.r ⊓ d.r := rfl /-- Definition of the infimum of two congruence relations. -/ @[to_additive "Definition of the infimum of two additive congruence relations."] theorem inf_iff_and {c d : con M} {x y} : (c ⊓ d) x y ↔ c x y ∧ d x y := iff.rfl /-- The inductively defined smallest congruence relation containing a binary relation `r` equals the infimum of the set of congruence relations containing `r`. -/ @[to_additive add_con_gen_eq "The inductively defined smallest additive congruence relation containing a binary relation `r` equals the infimum of the set of additive congruence relations containing `r`."] theorem con_gen_eq (r : M → M → Prop) : con_gen r = Inf {s : con M | ∀ x y, r x y → s.r x y} := ext $ λ x y, ⟨λ H, con_gen.rel.rec_on H (λ _ _ h _ hs, hs _ _ h) (con.refl _) (λ _ _ _, con.symm _) (λ _ _ _ _ _, con.trans _) $ λ w x y z _ _ h1 h2 c hc, c.mul (h1 c hc) $ h2 c hc, Inf_le _ _ (λ _ _, con_gen.rel.of _ _) _ _⟩ /-- The smallest congruence relation containing a binary relation `r` is contained in any congruence relation containing `r`. -/ @[to_additive add_con_gen_le "The smallest additive congruence relation containing a binary relation `r` is contained in any additive congruence relation containing `r`."] theorem con_gen_le {r : M → M → Prop} {c : con M} (h : ∀ x y, r x y → c.r x y) : con_gen r ≤ c := by rw con_gen_eq; exact Inf_le _ _ h /-- Given binary relations `r, s` with `r` contained in `s`, the smallest congruence relation containing `s` contains the smallest congruence relation containing `r`. -/ @[to_additive add_con_gen_mono "Given binary relations `r, s` with `r` contained in `s`, the smallest additive congruence relation containing `s` contains the smallest additive congruence relation containing `r`."] theorem con_gen_mono {r s : M → M → Prop} (h : ∀ x y, r x y → s x y) : con_gen r ≤ con_gen s := con_gen_le $ λ x y hr, con_gen.rel.of _ _ $ h x y hr /-- Congruence relations equal the smallest congruence relation in which they are contained. -/ @[simp, to_additive add_con_gen_of_add_con "Additive congruence relations equal the smallest additive congruence relation in which they are contained."] lemma con_gen_of_con (c : con M) : con_gen c.r = c := le_antisymm (by rw con_gen_eq; exact Inf_le _ c (λ _ _, id)) con_gen.rel.of /-- The map sending a binary relation to the smallest congruence relation in which it is contained is idempotent. -/ @[simp, to_additive add_con_gen_idem "The map sending a binary relation to the smallest additive congruence relation in which it is contained is idempotent."] lemma con_gen_idem (r : M → M → Prop) : con_gen (con_gen r).r = con_gen r := con_gen_of_con _ /-- The supremum of congruence relations `c, d` equals the smallest congruence relation containing the binary relation '`x` is related to `y` by `c` or `d`'. -/ @[to_additive sup_eq_add_con_gen "The supremum of additive congruence relations `c, d` equals the smallest additive congruence relation containing the binary relation '`x` is related to `y` by `c` or `d`'."] lemma sup_eq_con_gen (c d : con M) : c ⊔ d = con_gen (λ x y, c x y ∨ d x y) := begin rw con_gen_eq, apply congr_arg Inf, ext, exact ⟨λ h _ _ H, or.elim H (h.1 _ _) (h.2 _ _), λ H, ⟨λ _ _ h, H _ _ $ or.inl h, λ _ _ h, H _ _ $ or.inr h⟩⟩, end /-- The supremum of two congruence relations equals the smallest congruence relation containing the supremum of the underlying binary operations. -/ @[to_additive "The supremum of two additive congruence relations equals the smallest additive congruence relation containing the supremum of the underlying binary operations."] lemma sup_def {c d : con M} : c ⊔ d = con_gen (c.r ⊔ d.r) := by rw sup_eq_con_gen; refl /-- The supremum of a set of congruence relations `S` equals the smallest congruence relation containing the binary relation 'there exists `c ∈ S` such that `x` is related to `y` by `c`'. -/ @[to_additive Sup_eq_add_con_gen "The supremum of a set of additive congruence relations S equals the smallest additive congruence relation containing the binary relation 'there exists `c ∈ S` such that `x` is related to `y` by `c`'."] lemma Sup_eq_con_gen (S : set (con M)) : Sup S = con_gen (λ x y, ∃ c : con M, c ∈ S ∧ c x y) := begin rw con_gen_eq, apply congr_arg Inf, ext, exact ⟨λ h _ _ ⟨r, hr⟩, h r hr.1 _ _ hr.2, λ h r hS _ _ hr, h _ _ ⟨r, hS, hr⟩⟩, end /-- The supremum of a set of congruence relations is the same as the smallest congruence relation containing the supremum of the set's image under the map to the underlying binary relation. -/ @[to_additive "The supremum of a set of additive congruence relations is the same as the smallest additive congruence relation containing the supremum of the set's image under the map to the underlying binary relation."] lemma Sup_def {S : set (con M)} : Sup S = con_gen (Sup (r '' S)) := begin rw Sup_eq_con_gen, congr, ext x y, erw [Sup_image, supr_apply, supr_apply, supr_Prop_eq], simp only [Sup_image, supr_Prop_eq, supr_apply, supr_Prop_eq, exists_prop], refl, end variables (M) /-- There is a Galois insertion of congruence relations on a type with a multiplication `M` into binary relations on `M`. -/ @[to_additive "There is a Galois insertion of additive congruence relations on a type with an addition `M` into binary relations on `M`."] protected def gi : @galois_insertion (M → M → Prop) (con M) _ _ con_gen r := { choice := λ r h, con_gen r, gc := λ r c, ⟨λ H _ _ h, H _ _ $ con_gen.rel.of _ _ h, λ H, con_gen_of_con c ▸ con_gen_mono H⟩, le_l_u := λ x, (con_gen_of_con x).symm ▸ le_refl x, choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl } variables {M} (c) /-- Given a function `f`, the smallest congruence relation containing the binary relation on `f`'s image defined by '`x ≈ y` iff the elements of `f⁻¹(x)` are related to the elements of `f⁻¹(y)` by a congruence relation `c`.' -/ @[to_additive "Given a function `f`, the smallest additive congruence relation containing the binary relation on `f`'s image defined by '`x ≈ y` iff the elements of `f⁻¹(x)` are related to the elements of `f⁻¹(y)` by an additive congruence relation `c`.'"] def map_gen (f : M → N) : con N := con_gen $ λ x y, ∃ a b, f a = x ∧ f b = y ∧ c a b /-- Given a surjective multiplicative-preserving function `f` whose kernel is contained in a congruence relation `c`, the congruence relation on `f`'s codomain defined by '`x ≈ y` iff the elements of `f⁻¹(x)` are related to the elements of `f⁻¹(y)` by `c`.' -/ @[to_additive "Given a surjective addition-preserving function `f` whose kernel is contained in an additive congruence relation `c`, the additive congruence relation on `f`'s codomain defined by '`x ≈ y` iff the elements of `f⁻¹(x)` are related to the elements of `f⁻¹(y)` by `c`.'"] def map_of_surjective (f : M → N) (H : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) (h : mul_ker f H ≤ c) (hf : surjective f) : con N := { mul' := λ w x y z ⟨a, b, hw, hx, h1⟩ ⟨p, q, hy, hz, h2⟩, ⟨a * p, b * q, by rw [H, hw, hy], by rw [H, hx, hz], c.mul h1 h2⟩, ..c.to_setoid.map_of_surjective f h hf } /-- A specialization of 'the smallest congruence relation containing a congruence relation `c` equals `c`'. -/ @[to_additive "A specialization of 'the smallest additive congruence relation containing an additive congruence relation `c` equals `c`'."] lemma map_of_surjective_eq_map_gen {c : con M} {f : M → N} (H : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) (h : mul_ker f H ≤ c) (hf : surjective f) : c.map_gen f = c.map_of_surjective f H h hf := by rw ←con_gen_of_con (c.map_of_surjective f H h hf); refl /-- Given types with multiplications `M, N` and a congruence relation `c` on `N`, a multiplication-preserving map `f : M → N` induces a congruence relation on `f`'s domain defined by '`x ≈ y` iff `f(x)` is related to `f(y)` by `c`.' -/ @[to_additive "Given types with additions `M, N` and an additive congruence relation `c` on `N`, an addition-preserving map `f : M → N` induces an additive congruence relation on `f`'s domain defined by '`x ≈ y` iff `f(x)` is related to `f(y)` by `c`.' "] def comap (f : M → N) (H : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) (c : con N) : con M := { mul' := λ w x y z h1 h2, show c (f (w * y)) (f (x * z)), by rw [H, H]; exact c.mul h1 h2, ..c.to_setoid.comap f } section open quotient /-- Given a congruence relation `c` on a type `M` with a multiplication, the order-preserving bijection between the set of congruence relations containing `c` and the congruence relations on the quotient of `M` by `c`. -/ @[to_additive "Given an additive congruence relation `c` on a type `M` with an addition, the order-preserving bijection between the set of additive congruence relations containing `c` and the additive congruence relations on the quotient of `M` by `c`."] def correspondence : ((≤) : {d // c ≤ d} → {d // c ≤ d} → Prop) ≃o ((≤) : con c.quotient → con c.quotient → Prop) := { to_fun := λ d, d.1.map_of_surjective coe _ (by rw mul_ker_mk_eq; exact d.2) $ @exists_rep _ c.to_setoid, inv_fun := λ d, ⟨comap (coe : M → c.quotient) (λ x y, rfl) d, λ _ _ h, show d _ _, by rw c.eq.2 h; exact d.refl _ ⟩, left_inv := λ d, subtype.ext.2 $ ext $ λ _ _, ⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in d.1.trans (d.1.symm $ d.2 a _ $ c.eq.1 hx) $ d.1.trans H $ d.2 b _ $ c.eq.1 hy, λ h, ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩, right_inv := λ d, let Hm : mul_ker (coe : M → c.quotient) (λ x y, rfl) ≤ comap (coe : M → c.quotient) (λ x y, rfl) d := λ x y h, show d _ _, by rw mul_ker_mk_eq at h; exact c.eq.2 h ▸ d.refl _ in ext $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in hx ▸ hy ▸ H, con.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z h, ⟨w, z, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩, ord := λ s t, ⟨λ h _ _ hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, Hs⟩ := hs in ⟨a, b, hx, hy, h _ _ Hs⟩, λ h _ _ hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, ht⟩ := h _ _ ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, hs⟩ in t.1.trans (t.1.symm $ t.2 a _ $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ t.1.trans ht $ t.2 b _ $ eq_rel.1 hy⟩ } end end -- Monoids variables {M} [monoid M] [monoid N] [monoid P] (c : con M) /-- The quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation is a monoid. -/ @[to_additive add_monoid "The quotient of an `add_monoid` by an additive congruence relation is an `add_monoid`."] instance monoid : monoid c.quotient := { one := ((1 : M) : c.quotient), mul := (*), mul_assoc := λ x y z, quotient.induction_on₃' x y z $ λ _ _ _, congr_arg coe $ mul_assoc _ _ _, mul_one := λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ _, congr_arg coe $ mul_one _, one_mul := λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ _, congr_arg coe $ one_mul _ } /-- The quotient of a `comm_monoid` by a congruence relation is a `comm_monoid`. -/ @[to_additive add_comm_monoid "The quotient of an `add_comm_monoid` by an additive congruence relation is an `add_comm_monoid`."] instance comm_monoid {α : Type*} [comm_monoid α] (c : con α) : comm_monoid c.quotient := { mul_comm := λ x y, con.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z, by rw [←coe_mul, ←coe_mul, mul_comm], ..c.monoid} variables {c} /-- The 1 of the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation is the equivalence class of the monoid's 1. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The 0 of the quotient of an `add_monoid` by an additive congruence relation is the equivalence class of the `add_monoid`'s 0."] lemma coe_one : ((1 : M) : c.quotient) = 1 := rfl variables (M c) /-- The submonoid of `M × M` defined by a congruence relation on a monoid `M`. -/ @[to_additive add_submonoid "The `add_submonoid` of `M × M` defined by an additive congruence relation on an `add_monoid` `M`."] protected def submonoid : submonoid (M × M) := { carrier := { x | c x.1 x.2 }, one_mem' := c.iseqv.1 1, mul_mem' := λ _ _, c.mul } variables {M c} /-- The congruence relation on a monoid `M` from a submonoid of `M × M` for which membership is an equivalence relation. -/ @[to_additive of_add_submonoid "The additive congruence relation on an `add_monoid` `M` from an `add_submonoid` of `M × M` for which membership is an equivalence relation."] def of_submonoid (N : submonoid (M × M)) (H : equivalence (λ x y, (x, y) ∈ N)) : con M := { r := λ x y, (x, y) ∈ N, iseqv := H, mul' := λ _ _ _ _, N.mul_mem } /-- Coercion from a congruence relation `c` on a monoid `M` to the submonoid of `M × M` whose elements are `(x, y)` such that `x` is related to `y` by `c`. -/ @[to_additive to_add_submonoid "Coercion from a congruence relation `c` on an `add_monoid` `M` to the `add_submonoid` of `M × M` whose elements are `(x, y)` such that `x` is related to `y` by `c`."] instance to_submonoid : has_coe (con M) (submonoid (M × M)) := ⟨λ c, c.submonoid M⟩ @[to_additive] lemma mem_coe {c : con M} {x y} : (x, y) ∈ (↑c : submonoid (M × M)) ↔ (x, y) ∈ c := iff.rfl @[to_additive to_add_submonoid_inj] theorem to_submonoid_inj (c d : con M) (H : (c : submonoid (M × M)) = d) : c = d := ext $ λ x y, show (x, y) ∈ (c : submonoid (M × M)) ↔ (x, y) ∈ ↑d, by rw H @[to_additive] lemma le_iff {c d : con M} : c ≤ d ↔ (c : submonoid (M × M)) ≤ d := ⟨λ h x, h x.1 x.2, λ h x y hc, h $ show (x, y) ∈ c, from hc⟩ /-- The kernel of a monoid homomorphism as a congruence relation. -/ @[to_additive "The kernel of an `add_monoid` homomorphism as an additive congruence relation."] def ker (f : M →* P) : con M := mul_ker f f.3 /-- The definition of the congruence relation defined by a monoid homomorphism's kernel. -/ @[to_additive "The definition of the additive congruence relation defined by an `add_monoid` homomorphism's kernel."] lemma ker_rel (f : M →* P) {x y} : ker f x y ↔ f x = f y := iff.rfl /-- There exists an element of the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation (namely 1). -/ @[to_additive "There exists an element of the quotient of an `add_monoid` by a congruence relation (namely 0)."] instance quotient.inhabited : inhabited c.quotient := ⟨((1 : M) : c.quotient)⟩ variables (c) /-- The natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relation. -/ @[to_additive "The natural homomorphism from an `add_monoid` to its quotient by an additive congruence relation."] def mk' : M →* c.quotient := ⟨coe, rfl, λ _ _, rfl⟩ variables (x y : M) /-- The kernel of the natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relation `c` equals `c`. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The kernel of the natural homomorphism from an `add_monoid` to its quotient by an additive congruence relation `c` equals `c`."] lemma mk'_ker : ker' = c := ext $ λ _ _, c.eq variables {c} /-- The natural homomorphism from a monoid to its quotient by a congruence relation is surjective. -/ @[to_additive "The natural homomorphism from an `add_monoid` to its quotient by a congruence relation is surjective."] lemma mk'_surjective : surjective' := λ x, by rcases x; exact ⟨x, rfl⟩ @[simp, to_additive] lemma comp_mk'_apply (g : c.quotient →* P) {x} : g.comp' x = g x := rfl /-- The elements related to `x ∈ M`, `M` a monoid, by the kernel of a monoid homomorphism are those in the preimage of `f(x)` under `f`. -/ @[to_additive "The elements related to `x ∈ M`, `M` an `add_monoid`, by the kernel of an `add_monoid` homomorphism are those in the preimage of `f(x)` under `f`. "] lemma ker_apply_eq_preimage {f : M →* P} (x) : (ker f) x = f ⁻¹' {f x} := set.ext $ λ x, ⟨λ h, set.mem_preimage.2 $ set.mem_singleton_iff.2 h.symm, λ h, (set.mem_singleton_iff.1 $ set.mem_preimage.1 h).symm⟩ /-- Given a monoid homomorphism `f : N → M` and a congruence relation `c` on `M`, the congruence relation induced on `N` by `f` equals the kernel of `c`'s quotient homomorphism composed with `f`. -/ @[to_additive "Given an `add_monoid` homomorphism `f : N → M` and an additive congruence relation `c` on `M`, the additive congruence relation induced on `N` by `f` equals the kernel of `c`'s quotient homomorphism composed with `f`."] lemma comap_eq {f : N →* M} : comap f f.map_mul c = ker ('.comp f) := ext $ λ x y, show c _ _ ↔' _ =' _, by rw ←c.eq; refl variables (c) (f : M →* P) /-- The homomorphism on the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation `c` induced by a homomorphism constant on `c`'s equivalence classes. -/ @[to_additive "The homomorphism on the quotient of an `add_monoid` by an additive congruence relation `c` induced by a homomorphism constant on `c`'s equivalence classes."] def lift (H : c ≤ ker f) : c.quotient →* P := { to_fun := λ x, con.lift_on x f $ λ _ _, H _ _, map_one' := by rw ←f.map_one; refl, map_mul' := λ x y, con.induction_on₂ x y $ λ m n, f.map_mul m n ▸ rfl } variables {c f} /-- The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of `add_monoid`s commutes."] lemma lift_mk' (H : c ≤ ker f) (x) : c.lift f H (' x) = f x := rfl /-- The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of `add_monoid`s commutes."] lemma lift_coe (H : c ≤ ker f) (x : M) : c.lift f H x = f x := rfl /-- The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of monoids commutes. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The diagram describing the universal property for quotients of `add_monoid`s commutes."] theorem lift_comp_mk' (H : c ≤ ker f) : (c.lift f H).comp' = f := by ext; refl /-- Given a homomorphism `f` from the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation, `f` equals the homomorphism on the quotient induced by `f` composed with the natural map from the monoid to the quotient. -/ @[simp, to_additive "Given a homomorphism `f` from the quotient of an `add_monoid` by an additive congruence relation, `f` equals the homomorphism on the quotient induced by `f` composed with the natural map from the `add_monoid` to the quotient."] lemma lift_apply_mk' (f : c.quotient →* P) : c.lift (f.comp') (λ x y h, show f ↑x = f ↑y, by rw c.eq.2 h) = f := by ext; rcases x; refl /-- Homomorphisms on the quotient of a monoid by a congruence relation are equal if they are equal on elements that are coercions from the monoid. -/ @[to_additive "Homomorphisms on the quotient of an `add_monoid` by an additive congruence relation are equal if they are equal on elements that are coercions from the `add_monoid`."] lemma lift_funext (f g : c.quotient →* P) (h : ∀ a : M, f a = g a) : f = g := begin rw [←lift_apply_mk' f, ←lift_apply_mk' g], congr' 1, exact monoid_hom.ext_iff.2 h, end /-- The uniqueness part of the universal property for quotients of monoids. -/ @[to_additive "The uniqueness part of the universal property for quotients of `add_monoid`s."] theorem lift_unique (H : c ≤ ker f) (g : c.quotient →* P) (Hg : g.comp' = f) : g = c.lift f H := lift_funext g (c.lift f H) $ λ x, by rw [lift_coe H, ←comp_mk'_apply, Hg] /-- Given a congruence relation `c` on a monoid and a homomorphism `f` constant on `c`'s equivalence classes, `f` has the same image as the homomorphism that `f` induces on the quotient. -/ @[to_additive "Given an additive congruence relation `c` on an `add_monoid` and a homomorphism `f` constant on `c`'s equivalence classes, `f` has the same image as the homomorphism that `f` induces on the quotient."] theorem lift_range (H : c ≤ ker f) : (c.lift f H).range = f.range := submonoid.ext $ λ x, ⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, by revert hy; rcases y; exact λ hy, ⟨y, hy.1, by rw [hy.2.symm, ←lift_coe H]; refl⟩, λ ⟨y, hy⟩, ⟨↑y, hy.1, by rw ←hy.2; refl⟩⟩ /-- Surjective monoid homomorphisms constant on a congruence relation `c`'s equivalence classes induce a surjective homomorphism on `c`'s quotient. -/ @[to_additive "Surjective `add_monoid` homomorphisms constant on an additive congruence relation `c`'s equivalence classes induce a surjective homomorphism on `c`'s quotient."] lemma lift_surjective_of_surjective (h : c ≤ ker f) (hf : surjective f) : surjective (c.lift f h) := λ y, exists.elim (hf y) $ λ w hw, ⟨w, (lift_mk' h w).symm ▸ hw⟩ variables (c f) /-- Given a monoid homomorphism `f` from `M` to `P`, the kernel of `f` is the unique congruence relation on `M` whose induced map from the quotient of `M` to `P` is injective. -/ @[to_additive "Given an `add_monoid` homomorphism `f` from `M` to `P`, the kernel of `f` is the unique additive congruence relation on `M` whose induced map from the quotient of `M` to `P` is injective."] lemma ker_eq_lift_of_injective (H : c ≤ ker f) (h : injective (c.lift f H)) : ker f = c := to_setoid_inj $ ker_eq_lift_of_injective f H h variables {c} /-- The homomorphism induced on the quotient of a monoid by the kernel of a monoid homomorphism. -/ @[to_additive "The homomorphism induced on the quotient of an `add_monoid` by the kernel of an `add_monoid` homomorphism."] def ker_lift : (ker f).quotient →* P := (ker f).lift f $ λ _ _, id variables {f} /-- The diagram described by the universal property for quotients of monoids, when the congruence relation is the kernel of the homomorphism, commutes. -/ @[simp, to_additive "The diagram described by the universal property for quotients of `add_monoid`s, when the additive congruence relation is the kernel of the homomorphism, commutes."] lemma ker_lift_mk (x : M) : ker_lift f x = f x := rfl /-- Given a monoid homomorphism `f`, the induced homomorphism on the quotient by `f`'s kernel has the same image as `f`. -/ @[simp, to_additive "Given an `add_monoid` homomorphism `f`, the induced homomorphism on the quotient by `f`'s kernel has the same image as `f`."] lemma ker_lift_range_eq : (ker_lift f).range = f.range := lift_range $ λ _ _, id /-- A monoid homomorphism `f` induces an injective homomorphism on the quotient by `f`'s kernel. -/ @[to_additive "An `add_monoid` homomorphism `f` induces an injective homomorphism on the quotient by `f`'s kernel."] lemma injective_ker_lift (f : M →* P) : injective (ker_lift f) := λ x y, quotient.induction_on₂' x y $ λ _ _, (ker f).eq.2 /-- Given congruence relations `c, d` on a monoid such that `d` contains `c`, `d`'s quotient map induces a homomorphism from the quotient by `c` to the quotient by `d`. -/ @[to_additive "Given additive congruence relations `c, d` on an `add_monoid` such that `d` contains `c`, `d`'s quotient map induces a homomorphism from the quotient by `c` to the quotient by `d`."] def map (c d : con M) (h : c ≤ d) : c.quotient →* d.quotient := c.lift' $ λ x y hc, show (ker') x y, from (mk'_ker d).symm ▸ h x y hc /-- Given congruence relations `c, d` on a monoid such that `d` contains `c`, the definition of the homomorphism from the quotient by `c` to the quotient by `d` induced by `d`'s quotient map. -/ @[to_additive "Given additive congruence relations `c, d` on an `add_monoid` such that `d` contains `c`, the definition of the homomorphism from the quotient by `c` to the quotient by `d` induced by `d`'s quotient map."] lemma map_apply {c d : con M} (h : c ≤ d) (x) : d h x = c.lift' (λ x y hc, d.eq.2 $ h x y hc) x := rfl variables (c) /-- The first isomorphism theorem for monoids. -/ @[to_additive "The first isomorphism theorem for `add_monoid`s."] noncomputable def quotient_ker_equiv_range (f : M →* P) : (ker f).quotient ≃* f.range := { map_mul' := monoid_hom.map_mul _, [email protected]_bijective _ _ ((@mul_equiv.to_monoid_hom (ker_lift f).range _ _ _ $ mul_equiv.submonoid_congr ker_lift_range_eq).comp (ker_lift f).range_mk) $ bijective_comp (equiv.bijective _) ⟨λ x y h, injective_ker_lift f $ by rcases x; rcases y; injections, λ ⟨w, z, hzm, hz⟩, ⟨z, by rcases hz; rcases _x; refl⟩⟩ } /-- The first isomorphism theorem for monoids in the case of a surjective homomorphism. -/ @[to_additive "The first isomorphism theorem for `add_monoid`s in the case of a surjective homomorphism."] noncomputable def quotient_ker_equiv_of_surjective (f : M →* P) (hf : surjective f) : (ker f).quotient ≃* P := { map_mul' := monoid_hom.map_mul _, [email protected]_bijective _ _ (ker_lift f) ⟨injective_ker_lift f, lift_surjective_of_surjective (le_refl _) hf⟩ } /-- The second isomorphism theorem for monoids. -/ @[to_additive "The second isomorphism theorem for `add_monoid`s."] noncomputable def comap_quotient_equiv (f : N →* M) : (comap f f.map_mul c).quotient ≃* ('.comp f).range := (con.congr comap_eq).trans $ quotient_ker_equiv_range $'.comp f /-- The third isomorphism theorem for monoids. -/ @[to_additive "The third isomorphism theorem for `add_monoid`s."] def quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient (c d : con M) (h : c ≤ d) : (ker ( d h)).quotient ≃* d.quotient := { map_mul' := λ x y, con.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z, con.induction_on₂ w z $ λ a b, show _ =' a *' b, by rw ←'.map_mul; refl, ..quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient _ _ h } end con