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# 6.4-2
*, for fans 4.4-1
*, for polytopes 6.4-1
Convex .-3
AffineCone 6.3-5
AmbientSpaceDimension 3.3-2
Cone, for a ray list 5.5-1
ContainingGrid 3.3-3
Contains 5.4-2
DefiningInequalities 5.3-8
Dimension 3.3-1
DrawObject 3.4-1
DualCone 5.3-1
FacetInequalities 6.3-3
Facets 5.3-4
FactorGrid 5.3-6
FactorGridMorphism 5.3-10
Fan, For Fans 4.5-1
Fan, For a list of rays and a list of cones 4.5-2
GridGeneratedByCone 5.3-5
GridGeneratedByOrthogonalCone 5.3-7
HasConvexSupport 4.2-6
HilbertBasis 5.3-2
IntersectionOfCones 5.4-1
IsComplete 4.2-1
IsCone 5.1-1
IsContainedInFan 5.3-9
IsConvexObject 3.1-1
IsFan 4.1-1
IsFullDimensional 3.2-1
IsLatticePolytope 6.2-2
IsNormalPolytope 6.2-4
IsNotEmpty 6.2-1
IsPointed 4.2-2
IsPolytope 6.1-1
IsRay 5.2-1
IsRegularFan 4.2-4
IsSimplePolytope 6.2-6
IsSimplicial, for a fan 4.2-5
IsSimplicial, for a polytope 6.2-5
IsSmooth 4.2-3
IsVeryAmple 6.2-3
LatticePoints 6.3-2
MaximalCones 4.3-4
NormalFan 6.3-6
Polytope, for lists of points 6.5-1
PolytopeByInequalities 6.5-2
RayGenerators 4.3-2
Rays 4.3-1
RaysInFacets 5.3-3
RaysInMaximalCones 4.3-3
RelativeInteriorLatticePoints 6.3-7
StarFan, for a cone 5.4-3
StarFan, for a cone and a fan 5.4-4
StarSubdivisionOfIthMaximalCone 5.4-5
Vertices 6.3-1
VerticesInFacets 6.3-4
WeakPointerToExternalObject 3.4-2

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