, copy a matrix over a different ring 5.2-8 \+
, for matrices 5.5-14 \-
, for matrices 5.5-15 \/
, constructor for residue class rings 3.2-3 \=
, for matrices 5.5-17 AddMat
, homalgTable entry B.1-13 AffineDegree
5.4-21 AffineDimension
5.4-20 AreEqualMatrices
, homalgTable entry B.2-1 AreUnitsCentral
3.3-55 AssociatedGradedRing
3.4-28 BasisAlgorithmRespectsPrincipalIdeals
3.3-54 BasisOfColumnModule
, for matrices 5.5-23 BasisOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-39 BasisOfColumnsCoeff
, for matrices 5.5-35 BasisOfRowModule
, for matrices 5.5-22 BasisOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-38 BasisOfRowsCoeff
, for matrices 5.5-34 CanBeUsedToDecideZero
6.3-1 CertainColumns
, for matrices 5.5-8 CertainRows
, for matrices 5.5-7 CoefficientsOfNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries
5.4-15 CoefficientsOfUnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries
5.4-14 CoefficientsRing
3.4-20 ColumnRankOfMatrix
5.4-11 Compose
, homalgTable entry B.1-15 ConstantTermOfHilbertPolynomialn
5.4-23 ConstructorForHomalgMatrices
3.4-5 ContainsAField
3.3-2 CoordinateRingOfGraph
, for ring maps 4.4-4 DecideZero
, for matrices and relations 5.5-40 DecideZeroColumns
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-25 DecideZeroColumnsEffectively
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-37 DecideZeroRows
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-24 DecideZeroRowsEffectively
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-36 DegreeOfMorphism
, for ring maps 4.4-3 Determinant
, homalgTable entry B.1-19 DeterminantMat
5.4-3 DiagMat
, for matrices 5.5-11 ElementaryRank
3.4-26 Eliminate
5.5-21 Eval
, for matrices created with AddMat C.4-15 GeneralLinearRank
3.4-25 GenerateSameColumnModule
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-50 GenerateSameRowModule
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-49 GetColumnIndependentUnitPositions
, for matrices 5.5-18 GetRowIndependentUnitPositions
, for matrices 5.5-19 GetUnitPosition
, for matrices 5.5-20 GlobalDimension
3.4-24 HasInvariantBasisProperty
3.3-20 HasLeftInvariantBasisProperty
3.3-21 HasRightInvariantBasisProperty
3.3-22 HilbertPoincareSeries
5.4-18 HilbertPolynomial
5.4-19 HomalgDiagonalMatrix
, constructor for diagonal matrices 5.2-7 HomalgFieldOfRationals
, constructor for the field of rationals 3.2-2 HomalgIdentityMatrix
, constructor for identity matrices 5.2-4 HomalgInitialIdentityMatrix
, constructor for initial quadratic matrices with ones on the diagonal 5.2-2 HomalgInitialMatrix
, constructor for initial matrices filled with zeros 5.2-1 HomalgMatrix
, constructor for matrices using a list 5.2-6 homalgMode
E.2-1 HomalgRing
, for matrices 5.5-1 HomalgRingOfIntegers
, constructor for the integers 3.2-1 homalgTable
3.4-2 HomalgVoidMatrix
, constructor for void matrices 5.2-5 HomalgZeroMatrix
, constructor for zero matrices 5.2-3 IdentityMatrix
, homalgTable entry B.1-4 IndeterminateAntiCommutingVariablesOfExteriorRing
3.4-17 IndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations
3.4-13 IndeterminateDerivationsOfRingOfDerivations
3.4-15 IndeterminatesOfExteriorRing
3.4-19 IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing
3.4-11 InitialIdentityMatrix
, homalgTable entry for initial identity matrices B.1-2 InitialMatrix
, homalgTable entry for initial matrices B.1-1 Inverse
, for homalg ring elements 3.4-1 Involution
, for matrices 5.5-6 IsArtinian
, for rings 3.3-38 IsAutomorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-6 IsBasisOfColumnsMatrix
5.3-23 IsBasisOfRowsMatrix
5.3-22 IsBezoutRing
3.3-8 IsCohenMacaulay
3.3-35 IsDedekindDomain
3.3-12 IsDiagonalMatrix
5.3-13 IsDiscreteValuationRing
3.3-13 IsDivisionRingForHomalg
3.3-5 IsEmptyMatrix
5.3-12 IsEpimorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-4 IsFieldForHomalg
3.3-4 IsFiniteFreePresentationRing
3.3-48 IsFreePolynomialRing
3.3-14 IsGlobalDimensionFinite
3.3-17 IsGorenstein
3.3-36 IsHereditary
3.3-26 IsHermite
3.3-29 IsHomalgInternalMatrixRep
5.1-2 IsHomalgInternalRingRep
3.1-4 IsHomalgMatrix
5.1-1 IsHomalgRing
3.1-1 IsHomalgRingElement
3.1-3 IsHomalgRingMap
4.1-1 IsHomalgRingMapRep
4.1-3 IsHomalgRingRelations
6.1-1 IsHomalgRingRelationsAsGeneratorsOfLeftIdeal
6.1-2 IsHomalgRingRelationsAsGeneratorsOfRightIdeal
6.1-3 IsHomalgRingSelfMap
4.1-2 IsIdentityMatrix
, homalgTable entry B.2-2 IsIdentityMorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-2 IsInitialIdentityMatrix
5.3-27 IsInitialMatrix
5.3-26 IsInjectivePresentation
6.3-2 IsIntegersForHomalg
3.3-6 IsIntegralDomain
3.3-25 IsIntegrallyClosedDomain
3.3-9 IsInvertibleMatrix
5.3-9 IsIsomorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-5 IsKaplanskyHermite
3.3-11 IsKoszul
3.3-37 IsLeftArtinian
3.3-39 IsLeftFiniteFreePresentationRing
3.3-49 IsLeftGlobalDimensionFinite
3.3-18 IsLeftHereditary
3.3-27 IsLeftHermite
3.3-30 IsLeftInvertibleMatrix
5.3-10 IsLeftNoetherian
3.3-33 IsLeftOreDomain
3.3-42 IsLeftPrincipalIdealRing
3.3-45 IsLeftRegular
5.3-7 IsLocal
3.3-23 IsLocalizedWeylRing
3.3-16 IsLowerStairCaseMatrix
5.3-20 IsLowerTriangularMatrix
5.3-16 IsMinusOne
3.3-56 IsMonic
, for homalg ring elements 3.3-57 IsMonicUptoUnit
, for homalg ring elements 3.3-58 IsMonomorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-3 IsMorphism
, for ring maps 4.3-1 IsNoetherian
3.3-32 IsOne
5.3-2 IsOreDomain
3.3-41 IsPermutationMatrix
5.3-4 IsPreHomalgRing
3.1-2 IsPrincipalIdealRing
3.3-44 IsRationalsForHomalg
3.3-3 IsReducedBasisOfColumnsMatrix
5.3-25 IsReducedBasisOfRowsMatrix
5.3-24 IsRegular
3.3-47 IsResidueClassRingOfTheIntegers
3.3-7 IsRightArtinian
3.3-40 IsRightFiniteFreePresentationRing
3.3-50 IsRightGlobalDimensionFinite
3.3-19 IsRightHereditary
3.3-28 IsRightHermite
3.3-31 IsRightInvertibleMatrix
5.3-11 IsRightNoetherian
3.3-34 IsRightOreDomain
3.3-43 IsRightPrincipalIdealRing
3.3-46 IsRightRegular
5.3-8 IsRingRelationsRep
6.1-4 IsScalarlMatrix
5.3-14 IsSemiLocalRing
3.3-24 IsSemiSimpleRing
3.3-52 IsSimpleRing
3.3-51 IsSpecialSubidentityMatrix
5.3-5 IsStrictLowerTriangularMatrix
5.3-18 IsStrictUpperTriangularMatrix
5.3-17 IsSubidentityMatrix
5.3-6 IsSuperCommutative
3.3-53 IsTriangularMatrix
5.3-21 IsUniqueFactorizationDomain
3.3-10 IsUnitFree
5.3-3 IsUpperStairCaseMatrix
5.3-19 IsUpperTriangularMatrix
5.3-15 IsVoidMatrix
5.3-28 IsWeylRing
3.3-15 IsZero
, for matrices 5.3-1 IsZeroMatrix
, homalgTable entry B.1-16 KroneckerMat
, for matrices 5.5-12 KrullDimension
3.4-21 LeftDivide
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-46 LeftGlobalDimension
3.4-22 LeftInverse
5.4-12 LeftInverseLazy
, for matrices 5.5-4 MatrixOfSymbols
5.4-24 MinusOne
3.4-8 MulMat
, homalgTable entry B.1-12 NonZeroColumns
5.4-7 NonZeroRows
5.4-6 NrColumns
5.4-2 NrRows
5.4-1 NumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries
5.4-17 One
, for homalg rings 3.4-7 PositionOfFirstNonZeroEntryPerColumn
5.4-9 PositionOfFirstNonZeroEntryPerRow
5.4-8 ProductOfIndeterminates
3.4-9 ProjectiveDegree
5.4-22 Range
, for ring maps 4.4-2 RationalParameters
3.4-10 ReducedBasisOfColumnModule
, for matrices 5.5-31 ReducedBasisOfRowModule
, for matrices 5.5-30 ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-33 ReducedSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-32 ReducedSyzygiesOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-44 ReducedSyzygiesOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-43 RelativeIndeterminateAntiCommutingVariablesOfExteriorRing
3.4-18 RelativeIndeterminateCoordinatesOfRingOfDerivations
3.4-14 RelativeIndeterminateDerivationsOfRingOfDerivations
3.4-16 RelativeIndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing
3.4-12 RelativeSyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns
, ResidueClassRing D.1-12 RelativeSyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows
, ResidueClassRing D.1-11 RightDivide
, for pairs of matrices 5.5-45 RightGlobalDimension
3.4-23 RightInverse
5.4-13 RightInverseLazy
, for matrices 5.5-5 RingElementConstructor
3.4-3 RingMap
, constructor for ring maps 4.2-1 RowRankOfMatrix
5.4-10 Source
, for ring maps 4.4-1 StableRank
3.4-27 SubMat
, homalgTable entry B.1-14 SyzygiesGeneratorsOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-27 SyzygiesGeneratorsOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-26 SyzygiesOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-42 SyzygiesOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-41 TypeOfHomalgMatrix
3.4-4 UnionOfColumns
, for matrices 5.5-10 UnionOfRows
, for matrices 5.5-9 UnreducedNumeratorOfHilbertPoincareSeries
5.4-16 Zero
, for homalg rings 3.4-6 ZeroColumns
5.4-5 ZeroMatrix
, homalgTable entry B.1-3 ZeroRows
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