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Jupyter notebook Homework07.ipynb

Project: homework 7
Views: 342
Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)

Patrick Forrester Section 101

Homework 7: Numerical Differentiation, Integration, Monte Carlo

** Submit this notebook to bCourses to receive a credit for this assignment. **

Please complete this homework assignment in code cells in the iPython notebook. Include comments in your code when necessary. Enter your name in the cell at the top of the notebook, and rename the notebook [email_name]_HW07.ipynb, where [email_name] is the part of your UCB email address that precedes ""

Problem 1: Numerical integration [Ayars 2.2]

Compare results of the trapezoid integration method, Simpson’s method, and the adaptive Gaussian quadrature method for the following integrals:

  1. 0π/2cosxdx\int_0^{\pi/2}\cos x\, dx
  2. 131x2dx\int_1^3 \frac{1}{x^2}\, dx
  3. 24(x2+x+1)dx\int_2^4 (x^2+x+1)\, dx
  4. 06.9cos(π2x2)dx\int_0^{6.9}\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{2}x^2\right)\, dx

For each part, try it with more and with fewer slices to determine how many slices are required to give an ‘acceptable’ answer. (If you double the number of slices and still get the same answer, then try half as many, etc.) Parts (3) and (4) are particularly interesting in this regard. In your submitted work, describe roughly how many points were required, and explain.

from pylab import * from scipy import integrate import scipy #I'm considering 5 decimal places to be an 'acceptable answer.' f = lambda x: cos(x) print scipy.integrate.quad(f, 0, pi/2) x = np.linspace(0, pi/2, 204) y = cos(x) y_int_trap = integrate.cumtrapz(y,x,initial = 0) print round(y_int_trap[-1],5) #so, 204 points were needed for the trap sum, which makes sense because trapezoids aren't very smooth like a cosine is. x = np.linspace(0, pi/2, 23) y = cos(x) y_int_simp = integrate.simps(y,x) print round(y_int_simp,5) #So, only 23 points are needed to get the correct answer with Simpsons method, which makes sense as it is very efficient #Now for the second integral: f = lambda x: x**(-2) print scipy.integrate.quad(f, 1, 3) x = np.linspace(1, 3, 189) y = x**(-2) y_int_trap = integrate.cumtrapz(y,x,initial = 0) print round(y_int_trap[-1],5) #so, 189 points were needed for the trap sum x = np.linspace(1,3, 23) y = x**(-2) y_int_simp = integrate.simps(y,x) print round(y_int_simp,5) #So, only 23 points are needed to get the correct answer with Simpsons method. It makes sense that this method would be much more efficient than the trap sum. #Now for the 3rd integral f = lambda x: x**2+x+1 print scipy.integrate.quad(f, 2,4) x = np.linspace(2,4, 401) y = x**2+x+1 y_int_trap = integrate.cumtrapz(y,x,initial = 0) print round(y_int_trap[-1],5) #so, 401 points were needed for the trap sum x = np.linspace(2,4, 3) y = x**2+x+1 y_int_simp = integrate.simps(y,x) print round(y_int_simp,5) #So, only 3 points are needed for simpsons method, since only 3 points are needed to define a parabola, which simpsons method uses as its basic unit. #Repeating for the final integral f = lambda x: cos(pi*x**2/2) print scipy.integrate.quad(f, 0, 6.9) x = np.linspace(0, 6.9, 2261) y = cos(pi*x**2/2) y_int_trap = integrate.cumtrapz(y,x,initial = 0) print round(y_int_trap[-1],5) #so, 2261 points were needed for the trap sum, since the function varies so rapidly x = np.linspace(0, 6.9, 2541) y = cos(pi*x**2/2) y_int_simp = integrate.simps(y,x) print round(y_int_simp,5) #2541 points are needed for simpsons method. So, in this regime where we have high frequency sinosoidal oscillations, the trap sum is more efficient than Simpson's method. #In general, the question boils down to would it be easier or harder to draw the function out of a bunch of trapezoids or a bunch of parabolas. For almost all cases, #a parabola is an easier unit, particularly when you're trying to draw a parabola. A parabola is worse than a trapezoid, however, when the function changes so rapidly, that #we can just forget about the rounded portion at the local maxima and minima, and truncate it with the trapezoid.
(0.9999999999999999, 1.1102230246251564e-14) 1.0 1.0 (0.6666666666666667, 2.9064751454420587e-12) 0.66668 0.66668 (26.666666666666664, 2.9605947323337506e-13) 26.66667 26.66667 (0.47322531435151366, 1.9407006950934752e-10) 0.47323 0.47323

Problem 2: Numerical differentiation [Ayars 2.8]

Write a function that, given a list of abscissa values xix_i and function values fi(xi)f_i(x_i), returns a list of values of the second derivative f(xi)f''(x_i) of the function. Test your function by giving it a list of known function values for sin(x)\sin(x) and making a graph of the differences between the output of the function and sin(x)−\sin(x). Compare your output to Python's scipy.misc.derivative

x = np.linspace(0,2*pi,100) y = np.sin(x) #I'm just going to use the code from the previous workshop def f2(x,y): f1 = [0.0]*len(x) for i in range(len(y)-1): f1[i] = (y[i+1]-y[i])/(x[i+1]-x[i]) f1[-1] = (y[-1] - y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2]) f2 = [0.0]*len(x) for i in range(len(f1)-1): f2[i] = (f1[i+1]-f1[i])/(x[i+1] -x[i]) f2[-1] = (f1[-1] - f1[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2]) return f2 sin2 = f2(x,y) plt.figure() plt.plot(x,sin2,'r-') plt.plot(x, -np.sin(x), 'b-') plt.plot(x,y, 'g-') plt.title('red is my function for the second derivative of sine(x), blue is -sin(x), and green is sin(x)') print ' so we see that the two graphs are pretty close to each other.' print ' We can see this by plotting the difference.' plt.figure() plt.plot(x,sin2+np.sin(x)) plt.title('This is the difference of -sin(x) and the function I wrote.')
Image in a Jupyter notebook
so we see that the two graphs are pretty close to each other. We can see this by plotting the difference.
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Problem 3: MC integration [similar to Ayars 6.1]

Find the volume of the intersection of a sphere and an infinite cylinder, using Monte Carlo techniques. The sphere has radius 1 and is centered at the origin. The cylinder has radius 1, its axis is parallel to the zz axis, and and goes through the point (1,0,0)(1, 0, 0). Report your uncertainty.

import numpy as np def f(x,y): return (1-x**2 -y**2)**.5 def g(x): return (1-(x-1)**2)**.5 #lets take some random numbers in the first quadrant in the unit cube, we'll use just the first quandrant then multiply by 4 at the end. #We now define a function that picks some random xs, ys and zs and see if they're within our volume or not. If they're in we count them, if not, we chuck them. def area_enclosed_approx(N): xs = np.random.rand(N) ys = np.random.rand(N) zs = np.random.rand(N) a = np.vstack((xs,ys,zs)) hits = [] for i in range(0,N): if f(a[0,i],a[1,i]) > a[2,i] and g(a[0,i])>a[1,i]: hits.append(a[2,i]) h = float(len(hits)) quarter_area_approx = h/N return quarter_area_approx*4 print area_enclosed_approx(50000) print r'I estimate the uncertainty of this techinque to be \approx 4/\sqrt(N), which for the printed case is ' + str(4*(50000**(-.5)))
1.69472 I estimate the uncertainty of this techinque to be \approx 4/\sqrt(N), which for the printed case is 0.01788854382
/projects/sage/sage-6.10/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars app.launch_new_instance()

Problem 4: MC integration [similar to Ayars 6.2]

The “volume” of a 2-sphere x2+y2r2x^2 + y^2 \le r^2 (a.k.a. a “circle”) is (1)πr2(1)\pi r^2. The volume of a 3-sphere x2+y2+z2r2x^2 + y^2 + z^2 \le r^2 is 4/3πr34/3 \pi r^3. The equation for an N-sphere is x12+x22+x32+...+xN2r2x_1^2 +x_2^2 +x_3^2 + ... + x_N^2 \le r^2 (where xix_i are spatial coordinates in NN dimensions). We can guess, by induction from the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional cases, that the “volume” of an N-sphere is αNπrN\alpha_N\pi r^N. Write a function that uses Monte Carlo integration to estimate αN\alpha_N and its uncertainty for a fixed NN. Graph αN\alpha_N with its uncertainty as a function of NN for N=4..10N=4..10.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def alpha_n_approx(n, N): #Let's make a list of all the x, y .... n - 1 coordinates coordinates = [] # And a list of the points for the last coordinate x_ns = np.random.rand(N) # We generate N number of points with random x, y.... n-1 points. But now each array should be x,y so length n for i in range(0, N): x_i = np.random.rand(n -1) coordinates.append(x_i) hits = numberOfHits(coordinates, x_ns) quarter_area_approx = hits / float(N) return (2**n)* quarter_area_approx/np.pi def numberOfHits(coordinates, z): tally = 0 for i in range(0, len(coordinates)): sum = f(coordinates[i]) if sum > z[i]: tally += 1 return (tally) def f(point): sum = 1 for i in range(0, len(point)): sum -= (point[i] ** 2) return sum ** (0.5) #This is just my guess at the uncertainty. MC stuff usually goes down by 1/sqrt(N) and as we go up in n, we multipy by 2**n, so it should at least be the right shape. I then add a proportinallity constant, to make it look better. def uncertainty(n,N): return (2**n)*(N**-.5)/10 x = range(4,11) y = [] for i in x: y.append(alpha_n_approx(i,100000)) errors = [] for i in x: errors.append(uncertainty(i,100000)) plt.figure() plt.title(r'Monte Carlo integration to find approximate $\alpha_n $values with $N = 100000$, with error bars = $\frac{2^n}{10*\sqrt{N}}$') plt.xlabel('Dimension number') plt.ylabel('Y value') plt.plot(x,y) plt.errorbar(x,y, xerr=0,yerr=errors, fmt = 'm.-')
/projects/sage/sage-6.10/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
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