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lab graphs

Project: PHY230
Views: 39
Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)
import numpy as np %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dist=[1e-5,5e-3,10e-3,15e-3,20e-3,25e-3] force=[42.5798,12.6549,4.7088,2.03067,0.95157,0.4905] sigma=[1e20,1e2,1e1,1e-1,1e-2,1e-3] fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,8)) axis.plot(dist, force, 'ko') #plotting raw data axis.set_ylim(0,45) plt.title('Force - Distance Relationship For a Single Cylindrical Magnet Pair') plt.xlabel('Distance (mm)') plt.ylabel('Force (N)')
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def funcToFit(dist,M,c): #providing a model to compare to the data, to see if the model is a good approximation K = 9.87e-15 h = 5e-3 return K*M**2*(((1/(dist**2))+(1/(dist+2*h)**2)-(2/(dist+h)**2)))+c #returning equation for force
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit M0 = 1e5 #starting guess for magnetization c0 = 0 #displacement constant incase the data is offset by a value in y (force) p = [M0,c0] popt,pcov = curve_fit(funcToFit,dist[2:],force[2:],p0=p,sigma=sigma[2:])
M,c = popt #values of magnetization and the constant c as calculated by the model function print M print c
459339.094206 0.086346508817
#print pcov print( np.diag(pcov) )
[ 7.04697394e+07 2.26428245e-04]
Fmodel = [] distBins = np.arange(1e-3,26e-3,1e-4) #distances for the function to use to make the model for i in range(len(distBins)): Fmodel.append(funcToFit(distBins[i],M,c)) #inputting the arguements into the function #for the model
fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6)) e = [0.49,0.49,0.49,0.49,0.49] axis.plot(distBins, Fmodel, 'k',label='Model') #model axis.plot(dist, force, 'bo', label='Data') #data plt.errorbar(dist, force, xerr=0.0005, yerr=0.49e-4,fmt='.',capsize=1,ecolor='blue') plt.errorbar? axis.set_ylim(0,45) axis.set_xlim(0,0.025) #plt.title('Force - Distance Relationship For a Single Cylindrical Magnet Pair', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Distance ($m$)', fontsize = 14) plt.ylabel('Force ($N$)', fontsize=14) axis.legend(shadow=True)
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fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,4)) Forces = [19.6, 11.1, 1.57, 2.37, 3.52] magnets=[1,2,3,4,5],Forces,width=0.5,yerr=0.49e-4,capsize=20, align='center') axes.set_ylim(0,25) axes.set_xlim(0.5,5.5) axes.set_ylabel('Force ($N$)',fontsize=12) axes.set_xlabel('Magnet',fontsize=12)
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