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Image: ubuntu2004
from sage.plot.plot3d.shapes2 import Line var('u,v') var('x,y,z') parametric_plot3d((-2*u,u,0),(u,-3,3), thickness = 4)+parametric_plot3d((6-2*v,v,4), (v,-3,3),color="green", opacity = 0.8, thickness = 4)+point3d((0,0,0),size=10,color='red',opacity=1)+text3d("origin", (0,0,0.5), color=(0.5,0,0))+text3d("solution to homogeneous system Ax=0", (-2,1,0.5), color='blue')+text3d("solution to inhomogeneous system Ax=b", (6,0,4.5), color='green')
implicit_plot3d(3*x-6*y+3*z==0, (x, -2, 2), (y, -2,2), (z,-2,2),opacity = 0.5, color = "blue")+implicit_plot3d(3*x-6*y+3*z==5, (x, -2, 2), (y, -2,2), (z,-2,2),opacity = 0.5, color = "red")+text3d("solution to inhomogeneous system 3x-6y+3z=5 ", (2,0,0), color='red')+text3d("solution to homogeneous system 3x-6y+3z=0 ", (0,0,0), color='blue')