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Image: ubuntu2004
plot(1 / (1 + 25 * x^2),-1,1)
def newton_method(f, c, eps, maxiter=100): x = f.variables()[0] fprime = f.derivative(x) try: g = f._fast_float_(x) gprime = fprime._fast_float_(x) except AttributeError: g = f; gprime = fprime iterates = [c] for i in xrange(maxiter): fc = g(c) if abs(fc) < eps: return c, iterates c = c - fc/gprime(c) iterates.append(c) return c, iterates var('x') html("<h1>Double Precision Root Finding Using Newton's Method</h1>") @interact def _(f = x^2 - 2, c = float(0.5), eps=(-3,(-16..-1)), interval=float(0.5)): eps = 10^(eps) print "eps = %s"%float(eps) time z, iterates = newton_method(f, c, eps) print "root =", z print "f(c) = %r"%f(x=z) n = len(iterates) print "iterations =", n html(iterates) P = plot(f, (x,z-interval, z+interval), rgbcolor='blue') h = P.ymax(); j = P.ymin() L = sum(point((w,(n-1-float(i))/n*h), rgbcolor=(float(i)/n,0.2,0.3), pointsize=10) + \ line([(w,h),(w,j)],rgbcolor='black',thickness=0.2) for i,w in enumerate(iterates)) show(P + L, xmin=z-interval, xmax=z+interval)

Double Precision Root Finding Using Newton's Method

@interact def _(q1=(-1,(-3,3)), q2=(-2,(-3,3)), cmap=['autumn', 'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'gray', 'hot', 'hsv', 'jet', 'pink', 'prism', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter']): x,y = var('x,y') f = q1/sqrt((x+1)^2 + y^2) + q2/sqrt((x-1)^2+(y+0.5)^2) C = contour_plot(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=30, contours=15, cmap=cmap) show(C, figsize=3, aspect_ratio=1) show(plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)), figsize=5, viewer='tachyon')
var('x') @interact def midpoint(n = slider(1,100,1,4), f = input_box(default = "x^2", type = str), start = input_box(default = "0", type = str), end = input_box(default = "1", type = str)): a = N(start) b = N(end) func = sage_eval(f, locals={'x':x}) dx = (b-a)/n midxs = [q*dx+dx/2 + a for q in range(n)] midys = [func(x_val) for x_val in midxs] rects = Graphics() for q in range(n): xm = midxs[q] ym = midys[q] rects = rects + line([[xm-dx/2,0],[xm-dx/2,ym],[xm+dx/2,ym],[xm+dx/2,0]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) + point((xm,ym), rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) min_y = find_minimum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0] max_y = find_maximum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0] html('<h3>Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule</h3>') html('$\int_{a}^{b}{f(x) dx} {\\approx} \sum_i{f(x_i) \Delta x}$') print "\n\nSage numerical answer: " + str(integral_numerical(func,a,b,max_points = 200)[0]) print "Midpoint estimated answer: " + str(RDF(dx*sum([midys[q] for q in range(n)]))) show(plot(func,a,b) + rects, xmin = a, xmax = b, ymin = min_y, ymax = max_y)
# by Nick Alexander (based on the work of Marshall Hampton) var('x') @interact def midpoint(f = input_box(default = sin(x^2) + 2, type = SR), interval=range_slider(0, 10, 1, default=(0, 4), label="Interval"), number_of_subdivisions = slider(1, 20, 1, default=4, label="Number of boxes"), endpoint_rule = selector(['Midpoint', 'Left', 'Right', 'Upper', 'Lower'], nrows=1, label="Endpoint rule")): a, b = map(QQ, interval) t = sage.calculus.calculus.var('t') func = fast_callable(f(x=t), RDF, vars=[t]) dx = ZZ(b-a)/ZZ(number_of_subdivisions) xs = [] ys = [] for q in range(number_of_subdivisions): if endpoint_rule == 'Left': xs.append(q*dx + a) elif endpoint_rule == 'Midpoint': xs.append(q*dx + a + dx/2) elif endpoint_rule == 'Right': xs.append(q*dx + a + dx) elif endpoint_rule == 'Upper': x = find_maximum_on_interval(func, q*dx + a, q*dx + dx + a)[1] xs.append(x) elif endpoint_rule == 'Lower': x = find_minimum_on_interval(func, q*dx + a, q*dx + dx + a)[1] xs.append(x) ys = [ func(x) for x in xs ] rects = Graphics() for q in range(number_of_subdivisions): xm = q*dx + dx/2 + a x = xs[q] y = ys[q] rects += line([[xm-dx/2,0],[xm-dx/2,y],[xm+dx/2,y],[xm+dx/2,0]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) rects += point((x, y), rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) min_y = min(0, find_minimum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0]) max_y = max(0, find_maximum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0]) # html('<h3>Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule</h3>') show(plot(func,a,b) + rects, xmin = a, xmax = b, ymin = min_y, ymax = max_y) def cap(x): # print only a few digits of precision if x < 1e-4: return 0 return RealField(20)(x) sum_html = "%s \cdot \\left[ %s \\right]" % (dx, ' + '.join([ "f(%s)" % cap(i) for i in xs ])) num_html = "%s \cdot \\left[ %s \\right]" % (dx, ' + '.join([ str(cap(i)) for i in ys ])) numerical_answer = integral_numerical(func,a,b,max_points = 200)[0] estimated_answer = dx * sum([ ys[q] for q in range(number_of_subdivisions)]) html(r''' <div class="math"> \begin{align*} \int_{a}^{b} {f(x) \, dx} & = %s \\\ \sum_{i=1}^{%s} {f(x_i) \, \Delta x} & = %s \\\ & = %s \\\ & = %s . \end{align*} </div> ''' % (numerical_answer, number_of_subdivisions, sum_html, num_html, estimated_answer))
Number of boxes 
Endpoint rule 