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Views: 168745
Image: ubuntu2004
%html <script src=""></script> <script type="application/processing" data-processing-target="pjs"> void setup() { size(400, 400); noStroke(); colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 100); rectMode(CENTER); } void draw() { background(51); fill(255, 80); rect(mouseX, height/2, mouseY/2+10, mouseY/2+10); fill(255, 80); rect(width-mouseX, height/2, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10); } </script> <canvas id="pjs"> </canvas>
G = graphs.DodecahedralGraph().to_directed() H = DiGraph() H.add_edges( G.edge_iterator() ); H.plot()

File: /sagenb/sage_install/sage-4.7/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/graphs/

Source Code (starting at line 77):

def graph_editor(graph=None, graph_name=None,
                 replace_input=True, **layout_options):
    Opens a graph editor in the Sage notebook.


    - ``graph`` - a :class:`Graph` instance (default:
      graphs.CompleteGraph(2)); the graph to edit

    - ``graph_name`` - a string (default: None); the variable name to
      use for the updated instance; by default, this function attempts
      to determine the name automatically

    - ``replace_input`` - a boolean (default: True); whether to
      replace the text in the input cell with the updated graph data
      when "Save" is clicked; if this is False, the data is **still**
      evaluated as if it had been entered in the cell


        sage: g = graphs.CompleteGraph(3)
        sage: graph_editor(g)                       # not tested
        sage: graph_editor(graphs.HouseGraph())     # not tested
        sage: graph_editor(graph_name='my_graph')   # not tested
        sage: h = graphs.StarGraph(6)
        sage: graph_editor(h, replace_input=False)  # not tested
    if graph is None:
        graph = graphs.CompleteGraph(2)

    if not EMBEDDED_MODE:
        return "This graph editor only runs in the Sage notebook."

    graph.layout(save_pos = True, **layout_options)

    if graph_name is None:
        graph_name = ''
        locs = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
        for var in locs:
            if id(locs[var]) == id(graph):
                graph_name = var

    cell_id = sagenb.notebook.interact.SAGE_CELL_ID

    # TODO: Put reasonable checks for large graphs, before disaster
    # occurs (i.e., breaks browser).

    close_button = r"""<button onclick="cell_delete_output(%(cell_id)s);">Close</button>""" % locals()

    if replace_input:
        eval_strategy = r"""
    f += ' graph_editor(' + g[2] + ');'
    evaluate_cell(%(cell_id)s, false);
""" % locals()
        eval_strategy = r"""
    saved_input = \$('#cell_input_%(cell_id)s').val();
    evaluate_cell(%(cell_id)s, false);
""" % locals()

    update_button = r"""<button onclick="
    var f, g, saved_input;
    g = \$('#iframe_graph_editor_%(cell_id)s')[0].contentWindow.update_sage();

    if (g[2] === '') {
        alert('You need to give a Sage variable name to the graph, before saving it.');
    f = g[2] + ' = Graph(' + g[0] + '); ' + g[2] + '.set_pos(' + g[1] + '); '
">Save</button>""" % locals()

    graph_js = graph_to_js(graph)
    data_fields = """<input type="hidden" id="graph_data_%(cell_id)s" value="%(graph_js)s"><input type="hidden" id="graph_name_%(cell_id)s" value="%(graph_name)s">""" % locals()

    return html(r"""<div id="graph_editor_%(cell_id)s"><table><tbody>
      <tr><td><iframe style="width: 800px; height: 400px; border: 0;" id="iframe_graph_editor_%(cell_id)s" src="/javascript/graph_editor/graph_editor.html?cell_id=%(cell_id)s"></iframe>%(data_fields)s</td></tr>
</tbody></table></div>""" % locals())
from sagenb.notebook.js import javascript s = javascript()