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Image: ubuntu2004

This worksheet is based on the description in Wikipedia on the Crank-Nicolson Method.

# Crank-Nicholson used to solve the 1 dimensional linear diffusion equation: u_t = p*u_xx where p is constant. #define a test function for the bottom. I think of this as an initial concentration (of salt in water, heat in a metal bar) function #over time this concentration changes according to the u_t = p*u_xx. The concentration at the ends is forced by the side conditions #u(t,0)=lft(t) and u(t,1)=rt(t). def f(x): return(x-x*cos(float(pi*.5)*x)) #return(sin(float(pi)*x)+x) #return x def lft(t): return(t) def rt(t): return(1.0-t) def umat(f=x,lft=0,rt=1,N=16,M=4,p=1): dx=float(1/M); dt=float(1/N); r=p*.5*dt/dx^2;print(r) #set up the table of approximate values for u with the given values on the bottom and sides u=matrix(RR,N+1,M+1); for i in range(0,M+1): u[0,i]=f(i*dx) for i in range(1,N+1): u[i,0]=lft(i*dt) for i in range(1,N+1): u[i,M]=rt(i*dt) #initialize a,b,c and righthand side d a=vector(RR,{M:0}) b=vector(RR,{M:0}) c=vector(RR,{M:0}) d=vector(RR,{M:0}) #now compute the rows of u, using Crank-Nicholson equations for 1D diffusion and the tridiagonal system solution algorithm. for k in range(1, N+1): #set up the coefficient matrix for i in range(1,M): a[i]=-r b[i]=1+2*r c[i]=-r a[1]=0 c[M-1]=0 #set up the right hand side d for i in range(1, M): d[i]=(r*u[k-1,i-1]+(1-2*r)*u[k-1,i]+r*u[k-1,i+1]) d[M-1]=d[M-1]+r*u[k,M] d[1]=d[1]+r*u[k,0] #the forward elimination step c[1]=c[1]/b[1]; d[1]=d[1]/b[1] for i in range(2,M-1): c[i]=c[i]/(b[i]-c[i-1]*a[i]) d[i]=(d[i]-d[i-1]*a[i])/(b[i]-c[i-1]*a[i]) d[M-1]=(d[M-1]-d[M-2]*a[M-1])/(b[M-1]-c[M-2]*a[M-1]) #print(c);print(d); #the back substitution step u[k,M-1]=d[M-1] for i in range(0,M-2): u[k,M-2-i]=d[M-2-i]-c[M-2-i]*u[k,M-2-i+1] return(u) # we can use plot_list to draw a picture of the concentration function at any time. def plotrow(u,f,i): if i > u.nrows(): return('no row here') M=u.ncols() V=[] for j in range(0,M): V.append([j/(M-1),u[i,j]]) return(list_plot(V)+plot(f,(x,0,1)))
# compute an 11 by 101 table of approximate value of u. w=umat(f,lft,rt,M=10,N=100,p=.5);#w
a = animate([plotrow(w,f,i) for i in range(0,100,5)], xmin=0, xmax=1, figsize=[2,1])
#we can use list_plot3d and get an idea of what the distribution surface looks like list_plot3d(w)
#We can also use point3d to draw piecewise linear curves thru the points in each row of the table def plottable(u): M=u.ncols() N=u.nrows() L=list_plot3d(u) for r in range(0,N): V=[] for j in range(0,M): V.append((r,j,u[r,j])) L=L+line(V,color="red") return(L)

File: /usr/local/lib/sage/sage-4.7.2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/plot/

Type: <type ‘type’>

Definition: animate( [noargspec] )


Return an animation of a sequence of plots of objects.


  • v - list of Sage objects. These should preferably be graphics objects, but if they aren’t then plot is called on them.
  • xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax - the ranges of the x and y axes.
  • **kwds - all additional inputs are passed onto the rendering command. E.g., use figsize to adjust the resolution and aspect ratio.


sage: a = animate([sin(x + float(k)) for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.3)],
...                xmin=0, xmax=2*pi, figsize=[2,1])
sage: a
Animation with 21 frames
sage: a[:5]
Animation with 5 frames
sage:          # optional -- ImageMagick
sage: a[:5].show()      # optional -- ImageMagick

The show function takes arguments to specify the delay between frames (measured in hundredths of a second, default value 20) and the number of iterations (default value 0, which means to iterate forever). To iterate 4 times with half a second between each frame:

sage:, iterations=4) # optional -- ImageMagick

An animation of drawing a parabola:

sage: step = 0.1
sage: L = Graphics()
sage: v = []
sage: for i in srange(0,1,step):
...       L += line([(i,i^2),(i+step,(i+step)^2)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0), thickness=2)
...       v.append(L)
sage: a = animate(v, xmin=0, ymin=0)
sage: # optional -- ImageMagick
sage: show(L)

TESTS: This illustrates that ticket #2066 is fixed (setting axes ranges when an endpoint is 0):

sage: animate([plot(sin, -1,1)], xmin=0, ymin=0)._Animation__kwds['xmin']

We check that Trac #7981 is fixed:

sage: a = animate([plot(sin(x + float(k)), (0, 2*pi), ymin=-5, ymax=5)
...            for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.3)])
sage: # optional -- ImageMagick