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SageMath code to compute and verify division polynomials of elliptic curves
Project: 18.783 Fall 2023
Views: 96License: GPL3
Image: ubuntu2204
Kernel: SageMath 9.8
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R.<x,y,A,B>=PolynomialRing(Rationals()) def reduce_poly_once(f): g = R(0) for t in f.monomials(): if t.mod(y^2) == 0: g += f.monomial_coefficient(t)*R(t/y^2*(x^3+A*x+B)) else: g += f.monomial_coefficient(t)*t return g def reduce_poly(f): while f.degrees()[1] > 1: f = reduce_poly_once(f) return f def reduce_point(P): return (reduce_poly(P[0]),reduce_poly(P[1]),reduce_poly(P[2])) def dbl(P): x1= P[0]; y1=P[1]; z1=P[2] x3=x1^4-2*A*x1^2*z1^4-8*B*x1*z1^6+A^2*z1^8 y3=x1^6+5*A*x1^4*z1^4+20*B*x1^3*z1^6-5*A^2*x1^2*z1^8-4*A*B*x1*z1^10-(A^3+8*B^2)*z1^12 z3=2*y1*z1 return reduce_point((x3,y3,z3)) def add(P,Q): if compare_point(P,Q): return dbl(P) x1=P[0]; y1=P[1]; z1=P[2]; x2=Q[0]; y2=Q[1]; z2=Q[2] x3 = A*(x1*z2^2+x2*z1^2)*z1^2*z2^2 + 2*B*z1^4*z2^4 + x1^2*x2*z2^2+x1*x2^2*z1^2-2*y1*y2*z1*z2 y3 =(A*x2*z2+B*z2^3)*y2*z1^6 - (A*x1*z1+B*z1^3)*y1*z2^6+2*(x2^3*y1*z1^3 - x1^3*y2*z2^3) + 3*x1*x2*z1*z2*(x1*y2*z1 - x2*y1*z2) + 3*y1*y2*(y1*z2^3 - y2*z1^3) z3 = x1*z2^2-x2*z1^2 return reduce_point((x3,y3,z3)) def compare_point(P,Q): return (P[0]*Q[2]^2 == Q[0]*P[2]^2 and P[1]*Q[2]^3 == Q[1]*P[2]^3)
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# compute the first 7 division polynomials using the group law # NB: to avoid introducing extra factors compute P[2m+1] as P[m]+P[m+1] and P[2m]=P[m]+P[m] # It will also work with arbitrary additions, but this may require removing common factors from the coordinates # A more complicated version of reduce_point that does this is provided below. P = [(R(0),R(1),R(0))] # point at infinity P.append((R(x),R(y),R(1))) # generic point P P.append(dbl(P[1])) # 2P = P + P P.append(add(P[2],P[1])) # 3P = 2P + P P.append(dbl(P[2])) # 4P = 2P + 2P P.append(add(P[2],P[3])) # 5P = 2P + 3P P.append(dbl(P[3])) # 6P = 3P + 3P P.append(add(P[3],P[4])) # 7P = 3P + 4P
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for n in range(1,8): print("%d, %s, %s, %s"%(n,P[n][0], P[n][1], P[n][2]))
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# compute first 7 division polynomials using recurrence relations M=8 psi=[R(0) for m in range(0,M+2)] for m in range(0,5): psi[m]=P[m][2] psi[3]=-psi[3] # fix sign of psi_3 to match definition # note that we need psi[m+2] to compute omega[m] for n in range(5,M+2): m = n//2 if n==2*m: psi[2*m] =reduce_poly(R(psi[m]*(psi[m+2]*psi[m-1]^2-psi[m-2]*psi[m+1]^2)/(2*y))) else: psi[2*m+1]=reduce_poly(psi[m+2]*psi[m]^3-psi[m-1]*psi[m+1]^3) phi=[R(0) for m in range(0,M)] for m in range(1,M): phi[m] = reduce_poly(x*psi[m]^2-psi[m+1]*psi[m-1]) omega=[R(0) for m in range(0,M)] omega[0]=1 omega[1]=y for m in range(2,M): omega[m] = reduce_poly(R((psi[m+2]*psi[m-1]^2-psi[m-2]*psi[m+1]^2)/(4*y)))
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# verify that we get the same result using the recurrences as when we used the group law for m in range(1,M): print("%d: %s"%(m,compare_point(P[m],(phi[m],omega[m],psi[m]))))
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# this is a more thorough point reduction function that removes common factors def reduce_point(P): x3 = reduce_poly(P[0]) y3 = reduce_poly(P[1]) z3 = reduce_poly(P[2]) z32 = reduce_poly(z3^2) z33 = reduce_poly(z3^3) h = R((y3*numerator(x3/z32)) / (x3*numerator(y3/z33))) x3 = R(x3/h^2); y3 = R(y3/h^3); z3 = R(z3/h) if z3.mod(y) == 0 and x3.mod(x^3+A*x+B) == 0 and y3.mod((x^3+A*x+B)^2) == 0: z3 = R(z3/y); x3 = R(x3/(x^3+A*x+B)); y3 = R(y*y3/(x^3+A*x+B)^2) if z3.mod(x^3+A*x+B) == 0 and x3.mod(x^3+A*x+B) == 0 and y3.mod((x^3+A*x+B)*y) == 0: z3 = R(y*z3/(x^3+A*x+B)); x3 = R(x3/(x^3+A*x+B)); y3 = R(y3/(y*(x^3+A*x+B))) xc = gcd([int(c) for c in x3.coefficients()]) yc = gcd([int(c) for c in y3.coefficients()]) zc = gcd([int(c) for c in z3.coefficients()]) if zc%2 == 0 and xc%4 == 0 and yc%8 == 0: z3 = R(z3/2); x3 = R(x3/4); y3 = R(y3/8); xc = gcd([int(c) for c in x3.coefficients()]) yc = gcd([int(c) for c in y3.coefficients()]) zc = gcd([int(c) for c in z3.coefficients()]) if zc%2 == 0 and xc%4 == 0 and yc%8 == 0: z3 = R(z3/2); x3 = R(x3/4); y3 = R(y3/8); return (x3,y3,z3)
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