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GitHub Repository: AllenDowney/ModSimPy
Path: blob/master/notebooks/chap04.ipynb
Views: 622
Kernel: Python 3

Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 4

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the modsim library from modsim import *

Returning values

Here's a simple function that returns a value:

def add_five(x): return x + 5

And here's how we call it.

y = add_five(3)

If you run a function on the last line of a cell, Jupyter displays the result:


But that can be a bad habit, because usually if you call a function and don't assign the result in a variable, the result gets discarded.

In the following example, Jupyter shows the second result, but the first result just disappears.

add_five(3) add_five(5)

When you call a function that returns a variable, it is generally a good idea to assign the result to a variable.

y1 = add_five(3) y2 = add_five(5) print(y1, y2)

Exercise: Write a function called make_state that creates a State object with the state variables olin=10 and wellesley=2, and then returns the new State object.

Write a line of code that calls make_state and assigns the result to a variable named init.

# Solution goes here
# Solution goes here

Running simulations

Here's the code from the previous notebook.

def step(state, p1, p2): """Simulate one minute of time. state: bikeshare State object p1: probability of an Olin->Wellesley customer arrival p2: probability of a Wellesley->Olin customer arrival """ if flip(p1): bike_to_wellesley(state) if flip(p2): bike_to_olin(state) def bike_to_wellesley(state): """Move one bike from Olin to Wellesley. state: bikeshare State object """ if state.olin == 0: state.olin_empty += 1 return state.olin -= 1 state.wellesley += 1 def bike_to_olin(state): """Move one bike from Wellesley to Olin. state: bikeshare State object """ if state.wellesley == 0: state.wellesley_empty += 1 return state.wellesley -= 1 state.olin += 1 def decorate_bikeshare(): """Add a title and label the axes.""" decorate(title='Olin-Wellesley Bikeshare', xlabel='Time step (min)', ylabel='Number of bikes')

Here's a modified version of run_simulation that creates a State object, runs the simulation, and returns the State object.

def run_simulation(p1, p2, num_steps): """Simulate the given number of time steps. p1: probability of an Olin->Wellesley customer arrival p2: probability of a Wellesley->Olin customer arrival num_steps: number of time steps """ state = State(olin=10, wellesley=2, olin_empty=0, wellesley_empty=0) for i in range(num_steps): step(state, p1, p2) return state

Now run_simulation doesn't plot anything:

state = run_simulation(0.4, 0.2, 60)

But after the simulation, we can read the metrics from the State object.


Now we can run simulations with different values for the parameters. When p1 is small, we probably don't run out of bikes at Olin.

state = run_simulation(0.2, 0.2, 60) state.olin_empty

When p1 is large, we probably do.

state = run_simulation(0.6, 0.2, 60) state.olin_empty

More for loops

linspace creates a NumPy array of equally spaced numbers.

p1_array = linspace(0, 1, 5)

We can use an array in a for loop, like this:

for p1 in p1_array: print(p1)

This will come in handy in the next section.

linspace is defined in You can get the documentation using help.


linspace is based on a NumPy function with the same name. Click here to read more about how to use it.

Exercise: Use linspace to make an array of 10 equally spaced numbers from 1 to 10 (including both).

# Solution goes here

Exercise: The modsim library provides a related function called linrange. You can view the documentation by running the following cell:


Use linrange to make an array of numbers from 1 to 11 with a step size of 2.

# Solution goes here

Sweeping parameters

p1_array contains a range of values for p1.

p2 = 0.2 num_steps = 60 p1_array = linspace(0, 1, 11)

The following loop runs a simulation for each value of p1 in p1_array; after each simulation, it prints the number of unhappy customers at the Olin station:

for p1 in p1_array: state = run_simulation(p1, p2, num_steps) print(p1, state.olin_empty)

Now we can do the same thing, but storing the results in a SweepSeries instead of printing them.

sweep = SweepSeries() for p1 in p1_array: state = run_simulation(p1, p2, num_steps) sweep[p1] = state.olin_empty

And then we can plot the results.

plot(sweep, label='Olin') decorate(title='Olin-Wellesley Bikeshare', xlabel='Arrival rate at Olin (p1 in customers/min)', ylabel='Number of unhappy customers')


Exercise: Wrap this code in a function named sweep_p1 that takes an array called p1_array as a parameter. It should create a new SweepSeries, run a simulation for each value of p1 in p1_array, store the results in the SweepSeries, and return the SweepSeries.

Use your function to plot the number of unhappy customers at Olin as a function of p1. Label the axes.

# Solution goes here
# Solution goes here

Exercise: Write a function called sweep_p2 that runs simulations with p1=0.5 and a range of values for p2. It should store the results in a SweepSeries and return the SweepSeries.

# Solution goes here
# Solution goes here

Optional Exercises

The following two exercises are a little more challenging. If you are comfortable with what you have learned so far, you should give them a try. If you feel like you have your hands full, you might want to skip them for now.

Exercise: Because our simulations are random, the results vary from one run to another, and the results of a parameter sweep tend to be noisy. We can get a clearer picture of the relationship between a parameter and a metric by running multiple simulations with the same parameter and taking the average of the results.

Write a function called run_multiple_simulations that takes as parameters p1, p2, num_steps, and num_runs.

num_runs specifies how many times it should call run_simulation.

After each run, it should store the total number of unhappy customers (at Olin or Wellesley) in a TimeSeries. At the end, it should return the TimeSeries.

Test your function with parameters

p1 = 0.3 p2 = 0.3 num_steps = 60 num_runs = 10

Display the resulting TimeSeries and use the mean function provided by the TimeSeries object to compute the average number of unhappy customers (see Section 2.7).

# Solution goes here
# Solution goes here

Exercise: Continuting the previous exercise, use run_multiple_simulations to run simulations with a range of values for p1 and

p2 = 0.3 num_steps = 60 num_runs = 20

Store the results in a SweepSeries, then plot the average number of unhappy customers as a function of p1. Label the axes.

What value of p1 minimizes the average number of unhappy customers?

# Solution goes here
# Solution goes here