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GitHub Repository: AllenDowney/ModSimPy
Path: blob/master/notebooks/kitten.ipynb
Views: 531
Kernel: Python 3

Modeling and Simulation in Python

Case study.

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the module from modsim import *


Let's simulate a kitten unrolling toilet paper. As reference material, see this video.

The interactions of the kitten and the paper roll are complex. To keep things simple, let's assume that the kitten pulls down on the free end of the roll with constant force. Also, we will neglect the friction between the roll and the axle.

This figure shows the paper roll with rr, FF, and τ\tau. As a vector quantity, the direction of τ\tau is into the page, but we only care about its magnitude for now.

We'll start by loading the units we need.

radian = UNITS.radian m = UNITS.meter s = UNITS.second kg = UNITS.kilogram N = UNITS.newton

And a few more parameters in the Params object.

params = Params(Rmin = 0.02 * m, Rmax = 0.055 * m, Mcore = 15e-3 * kg, Mroll = 215e-3 * kg, L = 47 * m, tension = 2e-4 * N, t_end = 120 * s)

make_system computes rho_h, which we'll need to compute moment of inertia, and k, which we'll use to compute r.

def make_system(params): """Make a system object. params: Params with Rmin, Rmax, Mcore, Mroll, L, tension, and t_end returns: System with init, k, rho_h, Rmin, Rmax, Mcore, Mroll, ts """ L, Rmax, Rmin = params.L, params.Rmax, params.Rmin Mroll = params.Mroll init = State(theta = 0 * radian, omega = 0 * radian/s, y = L) area = pi * (Rmax**2 - Rmin**2) rho_h = Mroll / area k = (Rmax**2 - Rmin**2) / 2 / L / radian return System(params, init=init, area=area, rho_h=rho_h, k=k)

Testing make_system

system = make_system(params)

Here's how we compute I as a function of r:

def moment_of_inertia(r, system): """Moment of inertia for a roll of toilet paper. r: current radius of roll in meters system: System object with Mcore, rho, Rmin, Rmax returns: moment of inertia in kg m**2 """ Mcore, Rmin, rho_h = system.Mcore, system.Rmin, system.rho_h Icore = Mcore * Rmin**2 Iroll = pi * rho_h / 2 * (r**4 - Rmin**4) return Icore + Iroll

When r is Rmin, I is small.

moment_of_inertia(system.Rmin, system)

As r increases, so does I.

moment_of_inertia(system.Rmax, system)


Write a slope function we can use to simulate this system. Here are some suggestions and hints:

  • r is no longer part of the State object. Instead, we compute r at each time step, based on the current value of y, using

y=12k(r2Rmin2)y = \frac{1}{2k} (r^2 - R_{min}^2)

  • Angular velocity, omega, is no longer constant. Instead, we compute torque, tau, and angular acceleration, alpha, at each time step.

  • I changed the definition of theta so positive values correspond to clockwise rotation, so dydt = -r * omega; that is, positive values of omega yield decreasing values of y, the amount of paper still on the roll.

  • Your slope function should return omega, alpha, and dydt, which are the derivatives of theta, omega, and y, respectively.

  • Because r changes over time, we have to compute moment of inertia, I, at each time step.

That last point might be more of a problem than I have made it seem. In the same way that F=maF = m a only applies when mm is constant, τ=Iα\tau = I \alpha only applies when II is constant. When II varies, we usually have to use a more general version of Newton's law. However, I believe that in this example, mass and moment of inertia vary together in a way that makes the simple approach work out. Not all of my collegues are convinced.

# Solution goes here

Test slope_func with the initial conditions.

# Solution goes here

Run the simulation.

# Solution goes here

And look at the results.


Check the results to see if they seem plausible:

  • The final value of theta should be about 220 radians.

  • The final value of omega should be near 4 radians/second, which is less one revolution per second, so that seems plausible.

  • The final value of y should be about 35 meters of paper left on the roll, which means the kitten pulls off 12 meters in two minutes. That doesn't seem impossible, although it is based on a level of consistency and focus that is unlikely in a kitten.

  • Angular velocity, omega, should increase almost linearly at first, as constant force yields almost constant torque. Then, as the radius decreases, the lever arm decreases, yielding lower torque, but moment of inertia decreases even more, yielding higher angular acceleration.

Plot theta

def plot_theta(results): plot(results.theta, color='C0', label='theta') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angle (rad)') plot_theta(results)

Plot omega

def plot_omega(results): plot(, color='C2', label='omega') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Angular velocity (rad/s)') plot_omega(results)

Plot y

def plot_y(results): plot(results.y, color='C1', label='y') decorate(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Length (m)') plot_y(results)