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Path: blob/master/Tools/AP_Periph/ReleaseNotes.txt
Views: 1798
Release 1.7.0 26th February 20231--------------------------------23This is a major AP_Periph release with the following key changes:45- fixed DroneCAN packet parsing bug when dealing with corrupt packets6- added BATT_HIDE_MASK parameter7- support IPv4 networking in AP_Periph and PPP gateway8- support per-cell battery monitoring9- rate limit EFI updates10- support serial tunnelling over DroneCAN11- support relays over DroneCAN via hardpoint messages12- support mapping MAVLink SEND_TEXT to DroneCAN debug levels13- fixed CANFD timings1415Release 1.6.0 8th September 202316--------------------------------1718This is a major release with the following changes:1920- much faster CAN bootloader for faster firmware update21- improved handling of peripherals with 2 or more CAN interfaces22- support most AP_Periph features in SITL testing23- added RC input support24- added battery balance plug support25- support sending RPM over DroneCAN26- support for pitot temperature reporting2728Release 1.5.1 23rd July 202329---------------------------3031This is a major release with the following changes:3233- support serial tunnelling over DroneCAN34- raised CAN priority of MovingBaseline data35- support APD ESC telemetry36- support DroneCAN and CAN statistics reporting37- support KDECAN to DroneCAN translation3839The serial tunnelling support allows for uCenter to be used over40DroneCAN with the serial tunnelling panel in the DroneCAN GUI41tool. This allows for monitoring of uBlox GPS over a telemetry link,42and update of F9P firmware over DroneCAN4344Release 1.5.0 27th Mar 202345---------------------------4647This is a major release with the following changes:4849- fixed airspeed bus default50- limit mag to 25Hz by default51- fixed send rate of GPS yaw52- fixed HW ESC telem temp units53- allow set of port for HW telem54- send GNSS heading message if available55- stop sending old GNSS Fix message5657Release 1.4.1 27th Sep 202258---------------------------5960This is a minor release with one bug fix:6162- fixed compass diagnonal compensation for AP_Periph compasses6364Release 1.4.0 4th Sep 202265--------------------------6667This is a major release with a significant number of changes:6869- use new AP_CheckFirmware system70- fixed passing of WGS84 height from GPS71- support CANFD on STM32H772- fixes for moving baseline yaw with DroneCAN GPS73- fixed GPS dropout issues on F4 and L4 GPS74- added EFI peripheral support75- fixed non-contiguous mask for ESC telem7677Release 1.3.1 15th Apr 202278---------------------------7980This is a minor release with a single bug fix:8182- fixed intermittent loss of GPS packets on F4 and L4 GPS nodes which caused loss of GPS lock on the flight controller8384Release 1.3.0 18th Mar 202285---------------------------8687This is a major release with several significant bug fixes and88improvements:8990- added new peripherals: BirdCANdy, MatekL431, CubeOrange-periph,91G4-ESC, HerePro, Hitec-Airspeed, HolybroG4GPS, HolybroGPS,92Sierra-F405, Sierra-F421, Sierra-F9P, Sierra-L431,93f103-QiotekPeriph, f405-MatekGPS, f405-MatekAirspeed, mRo-M10095,94ARK_GPS, HitecMosaic, MatekH743-periph, Pixracer-periph9596- support dshot for CAN ESC outputs9798- support a wider range of notify options99100- numerous small bug fixes101102- support lua scripting in peripherals103104- switched to DroneCAN compiler and libraries105106- support logging in peripherals107108- support dual CAN bus109110- support BLHeli monitoring of ESC telemetry111112- support mavlink in peripherals113114- support moving baseline yaw dual-GPS on dual-CAN GPS115116- support MPPT battery driver117118- fixed MSP GPS yaw119120Note that the next major release will add CANFD support.121122Release 1.2.0 6th Jan 2020123--------------------------124125This is a major release with several significant bug fixes and126improvements:127128- support for battery monitor nodes129130- support for testing in SITL131132- improvements in error reporting to the flight controller133134- fixes to stack sizes135136- MSP output support137138- support for BGR NCP5623 LEDs139140- switched to common CAN stack with main ArduPilot vehicle code141142- added several new board types143144145Release 1.1.0 14th May 2020146---------------------------147148This is a major release with several significant bug fixes:149150- fixed initial GPS timestamp which could cause ArduPilot to get bad151time sync152153- fixed airspeed pressure wrap154155- fixed rangefinder to send the RNGFND1_ADDR as sensor_id156157- added distinctive LED blink pattern when waiting for UAVCAN node ID158allocation159160- added HWESC build targets for HobbyWing ESC telemetry161162- fixed RM3100 compass scaling bug163164Release 1.0.0 9th November 2019165-------------------------------166167Initial stable release168169170