#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
class ESC_APD_Telem {
ESC_APD_Telem (AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_uart, float num_poles);
bool update();
struct telem {
uint32_t error_count;
float voltage;
float current;
float temperature;
int32_t rpm;
uint8_t power_rating_pct;
const telem &get_telem(void) {
return decoded;
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart;
union {
struct PACKED {
uint16_t voltage;
uint16_t temperature;
int16_t bus_current;
uint16_t reserved0;
uint32_t erpm;
uint16_t input_duty;
uint16_t motor_duty;
uint16_t reserved1;
uint16_t checksum;
uint16_t stop;
} packet;
uint8_t bytes[22];
} received;
static_assert(sizeof(received.packet) == sizeof(received.bytes), "The packet must be the same size as the raw buffer");
uint8_t len;
struct telem decoded;
float pole_count;
float convert_temperature(uint16_t raw) const;
void shift_buffer(void);