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Path: blob/master/Tools/completion/bash/_ap_bin
Views: 1799
#!/usr/bin/env bash _ap_bin() { local cur opts COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" opts="--help -h" opts+=" --wipe -w" opts+=" --unhide-groups -u" opts+=" --speedup -s" opts+=" --rate -r" opts+=" --console -C" opts+=" --instance -I" opts+=" --synthetic-clock -S" opts+=" --home -O" opts+=" --model -M" opts+=" --fg -F" # Prevent word reuse lim=$((COMP_CWORD - 1)) for i in $(seq 0 $lim); do if [[ $opts == *"${COMP_WORDS[i]}"* ]]; then opts=${opts//${COMP_WORDS[i]}/} opts=${opts//--${COMP_WORDS[i]}/} fi done COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '$(_parse_help "$1")' -- "$cur") $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) } complete -F _ap_bin arducopter complete -F _ap_bin arduplane complete -F _ap_bin ardusub complete -F _ap_bin arducopter