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GitHub Repository: DanielBarnes18/IBM-Data-Science-Professional-Certificate
Path: blob/main/08. Data Visualization with Python/Final Assignment/Flight Delay Time Statistics Dashboard.ipynb
Views: 4598
Kernel: Python 3 logo


Create an airline delay dashboard

Dashboard components:

  • Monthly average carrier delay by reporting airline for the given year.

  • Monthly average weather delay by reporting airline for the given year.

  • Monthly average natioanl air system delay by reporting airline for the given year.

  • Monthly average security delay by reporting airline for the given year.

  • Monthly average late aircraft delay by reporting airline for the given year.

NOTE: Year range should be between 2010 and 2020


  • Design layout for the application.

  • Create a callback function. Add callback decorator and define inputs and outputs.

  • Call compute_info with appropriate parameters.

  • Create 5 line graphs.

  • Run the application.

App Skeleton

app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.H1('...TODO1...', style={...TODO1...}), html.Div(["Input Year: ", dcc.Input(id='...TODO2...', value='...TODO2...', type='...TODO2...', style={'...TODO2...'}),], style={'font-size': 30}), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.Div('...TODO3...'), html.Div('...TODO3...') ], style={'display': 'flex'}), html.Div([ html.Div('...TODO3...'), html.Div('...TODO3...') ], style={'display': 'flex'}), html.Div('...TODO3...', style={'width':'65%'}) ]) # add callback decorator @app.callback( [ Output(...TODO4...), Output(...TODO4...), Output(...TODO4...), Output(...TODO4...), Output(...TODO4...) ], Input(...TODO4...)) # Add computation to callback function and return graph def get_graph(entered_year): # Compute required information for creating graph from the data ...TODO5..., ...TODO5..., ...TODO5..., ...TODO5..., ...TODO5... = compute_info(airline_data, entered_year) # Create graph carrier_fig = px.line(...TODO6..., x='...TOTO6...', y='...TOTO6...', color='...TOTO6...', title='...TOTO6...') weather_fig = px.line(...TODO6..., x='...TOTO6...', y='...TOTO6...', color='...TOTO6...', title='...TOTO6...') nas_fig = px.line(...TODO6..., x='...TOTO6...', y='...TOTO6...', color='...TOTO6...', title='...TOTO6...') sec_fig = px.line(...TODO6..., x='...TOTO6...', y='...TOTO6...', color='...TOTO6...', title='...TOTO6...') late_fig = px.line(...TODO6..., x='...TOTO6...', y='...TOTO6...', color='...TOTO6...', title='...TOTO6...') return[carrier_fig, weather_fig, nas_fig, sec_fig, late_fig] # Run the app if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(mode='jupyterlab')

Helper to fill TODOs


Deals with providing title to the dashboard and styling it.

  • Title as Flight Delay Time Statistics, align text as center, color as #503D36, and font size as 30.

  • Style sample: style={'textAlign': 'right', 'color': '#000000', 'font-size': 0})


Deals with creating dash input core component and styling it

  • Set id for the component as input-year, default value as 2010, and type as number.

  • Style: provide height of the input box to be 35px and font size as 30.

  • Style sample: style={'height':'3px', 'font-size': 00}


Deals with adding graph component and providing ids.

  • Add dcc.Graph component.

  • Provide ids in the following order carrier-plot, weather-plot, nas-plot, security-plot, and late-plot.


Deals with structing callback output components.

  • List containing component id and component property.

  • Component id will be similar to TODO3 ids and property will be figure.


Deals with extracting computed data for creating graphs.

  • Function will be returning 5 computed dataframes. set returned dataframes names to be avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late.


Deals with creating line plots using returned dataframes from the above step using Link for reference is here

1. Monthly average carrier delay by reporting airline for the given year

  • Set figure name as carrier_fig, data as avg_car, x as Month, y as CarrierDelay, color as Reporting_Airline and title as Average carrrier delay time (minutes) by airline.

  • Sample: carrier_fig = px.line(avg_car, x='Month', y='CarrierDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average carrrier delay time (minutes) by airline')

2. Monthly average weather delay by reporting airline for the given year

Set figure name as weather_fig, data as avg_weather, x as Month, y as WeatherDelay, color as Reporting_Airline and title as Average weather delay time (minutes) by airline.

3. Monthly average natioanl air system delay by reporting airline for the given year

Set figure name as nas_fig, data as avg_NAS, x as Month, y as NASDelay, color as Reporting_Airline and title as Average NAS delay time (minutes) by airline.

4. Monthly average security delay by reporting airline for the given year

Set figure name as sec_fig, data as avg_sec, x as Month, y as SecurityDelay, color as Reporting_Airline and title as Average security delay time (minutes) by airline').

5. Monthly average late aircraft delay by reporting airline for the given year

Set figure name as late_fig, data as avg_late, x as Month, y as LateAircraftDelay, color as Reporting_Airline and title as Average late aircraft delay time (minutes) by airline.

# Import required libraries import pandas as pd import dash from dash import html from dash import dcc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import as px # Create a dash application app = dash.Dash(__name__) # Read the airline data into pandas dataframe airline_data = pd.read_csv('', encoding = "ISO-8859-1", dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str}) """ Compute_info function description This function takes in airline data and selected year as an input and performs computation for creating charts and plots. Arguments: airline_data: Input airline data. entered_year: Input year for which computation needs to be performed. Returns: Computed average dataframes for carrier delay, weather delay, NAS delay, security delay, and late aircraft delay. """ def compute_info(airline_data, entered_year): # Select data df = airline_data[airline_data['Year']==int(entered_year)] # Compute delay averages avg_car = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['CarrierDelay'].mean().reset_index() avg_weather = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['WeatherDelay'].mean().reset_index() avg_NAS = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['NASDelay'].mean().reset_index() avg_sec = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['SecurityDelay'].mean().reset_index() avg_late = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['LateAircraftDelay'].mean().reset_index() return avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late # Build dash app layout app.layout = html.Div(children=[ html.H1('Flight Delay Time Statistics', style={'textAlign': 'center', 'color': '#503D36', 'font-size': 30}), html.Div(["Input Year: ", dcc.Input(id='input-year', value='2010', type='number', style={'height':'35px', 'font-size': 30}),], style={'font-size': 30}), html.Br(), html.Br(), html.Div([ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='carrier-plot')), html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='weather-plot')) ], style={'display': 'flex'}), html.Div([ html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='nas-plot')), html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='security-plot')) ], style={'display': 'flex'}), html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='late-plot'), style={'width':'65%'}) ]) """Callback Function Function that returns figures using the provided input year. Arguments: entered_year: Input year provided by the user. Returns: List of figures computed using the provided helper function `compute_info`. """ # Callback decorator @app.callback( [ Output(component_id='carrier-plot', component_property='figure'), Output(component_id='weather-plot', component_property='figure'), Output(component_id='nas-plot', component_property='figure'), Output(component_id='security-plot', component_property='figure'), Output(component_id='late-plot', component_property='figure') ], Input(component_id='input-year', component_property='value')) # Computation to callback function and return graph def get_graph(entered_year): # Compute required information for creating graph from the data avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late = compute_info(airline_data, entered_year) # Create graph carrier_fig = px.line(avg_car, x='Month', y='CarrierDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average carrier delay time (minutes) by airline') weather_fig = px.line(avg_weather, x='Month', y='WeatherDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average weather delay time (minutes) by airline') nas_fig = px.line(avg_NAS, x='Month', y='NASDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average NAS delay time (minutes) by airline') sec_fig = px.line(avg_sec, x='Month', y='SecurityDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average security delay time (minutes) by airline') late_fig = px.line(avg_late, x='Month', y='LateAircraftDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average late aircraft delay time (minutes) by airline') return[carrier_fig, weather_fig, nas_fig, sec_fig, late_fig] # Run the app if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server()
Dash is running on Dash is running on Dash is running on * Serving Flask app "__main__" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: off