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Data Visualization with Python
📄 Summary
This course teaches how to present and visualize complex data in a manner that makes sense to people, and allows for insights to be easily seen and derived. This course makes use of several Python data visualization libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, and Folium, to explore Canadian immigration data. It also covers dashboard creation using Plotly Dash, with a final assignment combining the skills learned to analyse and report US domestic airline flights performance in a dashboard.
📑 Main Topics
Introduction to Data Visualization Tools
Basic and Specialized Visualization Tools
Advanced Visualizations and Geospatial Data
Dashboard creation using Plotly Dash.
🔑 Key Skills Learned
Using Matplotlib to create various plots, including line plots, area plots, histograms, bar charts, and more.
Applying advanced visualization tools to create waffle charts and word clouds.
Using Seaborn with Matplotlib to generate attractive regression plots.
Creating maps and visualizing geospatial data, using Folium.
Using Plotly, Plotly.graph_objects, and Plotly express commands.
Using Dash and basic Dash components (core and HTML).
🏆 Certificates
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