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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
all in one place. Commercial Alternative to JupyterHub.

GitHub Repository: sagemathinc/cocalc
Path: blob/master/src/packages/hub/
Views: 923

The hub CoCalc web server.

This code is part of and isn't currently designed to be used standalone. Our plan is to refactor this code into smaller useful modules that are published under the @cocalc npm organization.

This is a node.js process that serves all of the following (possibly simultaneously):

  • static content - our mirror of the cdn and the results of webpack (packages/static)

  • an http api as documented at

  • a websocket connection that client browsers use for sign in, account config, creating projects, etc.

  • a proxy server that connects client browsers to projects

  • project control server that creates, starts and stops projects running locally

Running the server

Run the dev server, suitable for use inside a CoCalc project:

npm run hub-project-dev

Using a different BASE_PATH and PORT

Just set either the BASE_PATH or PORT environment variables when starting thehub, and it will use what you set. If you do not set a BASE_PATH it uses either"/" by default, or something involving the project id if you're inside a CoCalcproject.

If you don't set the PORT then 5000 is used by default. The only way to set the port is via the PORT environment variable.

You can use the --hostname command line options if you are starting the hub directly via the cocalc-hub-server script and need to specify a different interface (e.g., instead of localhost).

Listening on https

As a quick test, you can do

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./selfsigned.key -out selfsigned.crt

to create self-signed key and cert. You can then start the hub with these two files as options:

cd packages/hub; npx cocalc-hub-server ... --https-key=./selfsigned.key --https-cert=./selfsigned.crt

and the hub will use https instead of http. Simple as that.