Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
all in one place. Commercial Alternative to JupyterHub.
Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
all in one place. Commercial Alternative to JupyterHub.
Path: blob/master/src/packages/next/components/store/overview.tsx
Views: 923
/*1* This file is part of CoCalc: Copyright © 2022 Sagemath, Inc.2* License: MS-RSL – see for details3*/45import { Divider } from "antd";6import { useRouter } from "next/router";7import { useEffect } from "react";8import { Icon, PAYASYOUGO_ICON } from "@cocalc/frontend/components/icon";9import { Paragraph } from "components/misc";10import A from "components/misc/A";11import SiteName from "components/share/site-name";12import {13OVERVIEW_LARGE_ICON,14OVERVIEW_STYLE,15OverviewRow,16Product,17} from "lib/styles/layouts";1819export default function Overview() {20const router = useRouter();2122// most likely, user will go to the cart next23useEffect(() => {24router.prefetch("/store/site-license");25}, []);2627return (28<div style={OVERVIEW_STYLE}>29<Icon style={OVERVIEW_LARGE_ICON} name="shopping-cart" />30<h2 style={{ marginBottom: "30px" }}>31Welcome to the <SiteName /> Store!32</h2>33<div style={{ fontSize: "13pt" }}>34Shop below for <A href="/store/site-license">licenses</A> and{" "}35<A href="/store/vouchers">vouchers</A> or explore{" "}36<A href="/pricing">all available products and pricing</A>.37</div>38<OverviewRow>39<Product icon="key" title="Licenses" href="/store/site-license">40Buy a license to upgrade projects, get internet access, more CPU, disk41and memory.42</Product>43<Product href={"/store/vouchers"} icon="gift" title="Vouchers">44Purchase a <A href={"/vouchers"}>voucher code</A> to make <SiteName />{" "}45credit easily available to somebody else.46</Product>47<Divider />48<Product49href={"/features/compute-server"}50icon={PAYASYOUGO_ICON}51title="Compute Servers"52>53Run Jupyter Notebooks and Linux Terminals on GPUs and high-powered CPU54machines with full admin privileges. Pay as you go.55</Product>56<Product href={"/pricing/onprem"} icon="server" title="On-Premises">57Self-host <SiteName /> on your own compute resources in order to keep58your data on-site.59</Product>60</OverviewRow>61<Paragraph style={{ marginTop: "4em" }}>62If you already selected one or more items, view your{" "}63<A href="/store/cart">shopping cart</A> or go straight to{" "}64<A href="/store/checkout">checkout</A>.65</Paragraph>66<Paragraph>67You can also browse your{" "}68<A href="/settings/purchases">purchase history</A>,{" "}69<A href="/settings/licenses">licenses</A>, and{" "}70<A href="/vouchers/created">vouchers</A>.71</Paragraph>72</div>73);74}7576/*77<Product icon="rocket" title="License Booster" href="/store/boost">78Add additional upgrades to an existing and <em>compatible</em>{" "}79license.80</Product>81<Product82href={"/store/dedicated"}83icon="save"84icon2="dedicated"85title="Dedicated Disk/VM"86>87Attach a large dedicated disk for more storage to your project or run88your project on a dedicated Virtual Machine to harness much more CPU89and memory.90</Product>9192*/939495