import { Divider } from "antd";
import { Icon } from "@cocalc/frontend/components/icon";
import A from "components/misc/A";
export default function Help() {
return (
<Divider orientation="left" style={{ width: "600px" }}>
<A href="">
<Icon name="medkit" /> Vouchers
</A>{" "}
color: "#666",
maxWidth: "600px",
When a voucher code is redeemed,{" "}
<A href="/settings/purchases" external>
</A>{" "}
will be added to the account. Use this{" "}
<A href="/settings/purchases" external>
</A>{" "}
to make purchases.
If you have any questions, <A href="/support">contact support</A>, visit{" "}
<A href="/vouchers">the Voucher Center</A>, or{" "}
<A href="">read the docs</A>.