import { z } from "../../framework";
import { FailedAPIOperationSchema } from "../common";
import { ComputeServerIdSchema } from "./common";
export const ComputeServerActionInputSchema = z
id: ComputeServerIdSchema,
action: z
.enum(["start", "stop", "reboot", "suspend", "resume", "deprovision"])
.describe("Action to be performed on the compute server."),
`Perform various actions on a specific compute server (e.g., power off, deprovision,
export const ComputeServerActionOutputSchema = z.union([
result: z
"List of likely guesses for the type of code, from most likely to less likely.",
export type ComputeServerActionInput = z.infer<
typeof ComputeServerActionInputSchema
export type ComputeServerActionOutput = z.infer<
typeof ComputeServerActionOutputSchema