import { z } from "../../framework";
import { FailedAPIOperationSchema, OkAPIOperationSchema } from "../common";
import { ComputeServerIdSchema } from "./common";
export const SetComputeServerImageTestedInputSchema = z
id: ComputeServerIdSchema,
tested: z
"Indicates whether the server image specified in the `id` field has been tested.",
`Set whether or not the image a compute server with given id is using has been tested.
This is used by admins when manually doing final integration testing for a new image
on some cloud provider.`,
export const SetComputeServerImageTestedOutputSchema = z.union([
export type SetComputeServerImageTestedInput = z.infer<
typeof SetComputeServerImageTestedInputSchema
export type SetComputeServerImageTestedOutput = z.infer<
typeof SetComputeServerImageTestedOutputSchema