import { z } from "../../framework";
export const ProjectIdSchema = z.string().uuid().describe("Project id.");
export type ProjectId = z.infer<typeof ProjectIdSchema>;
export const ProjectTitleSchema = z
"The short title of the project. Should use no special formatting, except hashtags.",
export type ProjectTitle = z.infer<typeof ProjectTitleSchema>;
export const ProjectDescriptionSchema = z.string().describe(
`A longer textual description of the project. This can include hashtags and should
be formatted using markdown.`,
export type ProjectDescription = z.infer<typeof ProjectDescriptionSchema>;
export const ProjectNameSchema = z.string().describe(
`The optional name of this project. Must be globally unique (up to case) across all
projects with a given *owner*. It can be between 1 and 100 characters from a-z, A-Z,
0-9, period, and dash.`,
export type ProjectName = z.infer<typeof ProjectNameSchema>;