import { z } from "../../framework";
import { FailedAPIOperationSchema, OkAPIOperationSchema } from "../common";
import { ProjectIdSchema } from "./common";
export const DeleteProjectInputSchema = z
project_id: ProjectIdSchema,
`Deletes a specific project. This causes three operations to occur in succession.
Firstly, all project licenses associated with the project are removed. Next, the
project is stopped. Finally, the project's \`delete\` flag in the database is
set, which removes it from the user interface. This operation may be reversed by
restoring the project via the API, with the proviso that all information about
applied project licenses is lost in the delete operation.`,
export const DeleteProjectOutputSchema = z.union([
export type DeleteProjectInput = z.infer<typeof DeleteProjectInputSchema>;
export type DeleteProjectOutput = z.infer<typeof DeleteProjectOutputSchema>;