select time, event, value -> 'utm', value ->> 'referrer' from central_log where value ->> 'utm' is not null order by time desc limit 100;
Files being edited right now:
select account_id, project_id, right(filename,40), time from file_access_log where time >= now() - interval '1 minute' order by time desc;
select count(distinct account_id) from file_access_log where time >= now() - interval '1 minute';
select count(distinct account_id) from file_access_log where time >= now() - interval '1 day';
select count(distinct project_id) from file_access_log where time >= now() - interval '1 day';
select count(distinct account_id) from file_access_log where time >= now() - interval '1 day' - interval '1 year' and time <= now() - interval '1 year';
Recently published paths:
select now()-created,project_id,path from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '1 day' and created <= now() order by created desc;
select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '1 day' and created <= now(); select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '2 day' and created <= now() - interval '1 day'; select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '3 day' and created <= now() - interval '2 day';
select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '1 day' and created <= now() and disabled; select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '2 day' and created <= now() - interval '1 day' and disabled; select count(*) from public_paths where created >= now() - interval '3 day' and created <= now() - interval '2 day' and disabled;
select count(*) from project_log where time >= now() - interval '2 day' and time <= now() - interval '1 day' and event
Recently added collaborators:
select now()-time,project_id from project_log where time >= now() - interval '1 day' and time <= now() and event
select count(*) from project_log where time >= now() - interval '2 day' and time <= now() - interval '1 day' and event
Top collaborators (users who have many projects)
WITH collabs AS (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, jsonb_object_keys(users) AS account_id
FROM projects
GROUP BY account_id
SELECT num, first_name, last_name, email_address
FROM collabs, accounts
WHERE accounts.account_id = collabs.account_id::UUID
AND num > 100
Exclude course projects:
select now()-a.time,a.project_id from project_log as a, projects as b where a.time >= now() - interval '1 day' and a.time <= now() and a.event
select count(*) from project_log as a, projects as b where a.time >= now() - interval '1 day' and a.time <= now() and a.event
Check on our SLO, namely number of projects that took 30s or more to start among the last 100 projects started.
select count(*) from project_log where event
select now() - time, event
select * from (select now()-time as age, project_id,(event
How long files are taking to open, as perceived by the user:
Problems people are having right now:
select NOW() - time as timeago, left(account_id::VARCHAR,6), left(error,80) as error from client_error_log order by time desc limit 50;
select NOW() - time as timeago, left(error,300) as error from client_error_log where error like '%Error saving file%' order by time desc limit 50;
select NOW() - time as timeago, left(error,300) as error from client_error_log where error like '%has_unsaved_changes%' order by time desc limit 50;
File access for a user with given email address:
select project_id, file_access_log.account_id, filename, time from file_access_log, accounts where file_access_log.account_id=accounts.account_id and accounts.email_address='[email protected]' order by time desc limit 50;
File access for a user with given account_id
select * from file_access_log where account_id='...' order by time desc limit 50;
How many patches in the last hour?
select count(*) from patches where time >= now()-interval '60 min';
Recently created accounts:
select NOW() - created, first_name, last_name, email_address from accounts where created is not null order by created desc limit 100;
Recently created accounts from gmail.com
select created, first_name, last_name, email_address from accounts where created is not null and email_address LIKE '%gmail.com%' order by created desc limit 10;
Active projects:
select NOW() - last_edited as when, left(title,35) as title, project_id from projects where last_edited is not null order by last_edited desc limit 100;
Uncaught exceptions that got reported to the DB (so from storage, hubs, etc.):
select time, NOW() - time as timeago, event, left(value
select * from central_log where event = 'uncaught_exception' order by time desc limit 1;
The syncstring (hence project_id, etc.) for a file with a given path somewhere... (you'll see this in the problems). This can be kind of slow since there is no index.
select * from syncstrings where path='2017-01-29-135641.sagews';
or for really common paths:
select * from syncstrings where path='Homework 1.tex' and last_active is not null order by last_active desc limit 10;
Find active sage worksheets:
select * from syncstrings where path like '%.sagews' and last_active is not null order by last_active desc limit 10;
Same as above, but return URIs to the files.
select format('/projects/%s/files/%s', project_id, path) from syncstrings where path like '%.sagews' and last_active is not null order by last_active desc limit 30;
Active syncstrings:
select string_id, project_id, left(path,50) as path, NOW()-last_active from syncstrings where last_active is not null order by last_active desc limit 20;
Active syncstrings in a particular project:
select string_id, left(path,50) as path, NOW()-last_active as age from syncstrings where project_id='0bdb2cf7-fd5b-473f-9bfc-801f09efe8a3' and last_active is not null order by last_active desc limit 20;
Syncstrings with given path and owner:
select * from syncstrings where path='assignments/2017-01-31/problem-5/problem-5.tex' and array['6ad75132-11ce-4917-9e14-ac9b53a8bd76'::uuid]@>users is not null order by last_active desc limit 5;
Archived vs. non-archived Syncstrings:
SELECT count(*), (archived is null) AS is_archived FROM syncstrings GROUP BY is_archived;
What's going on in the DB right now:
select now()-query_start,client_addr,left(query,130) from pg_stat_activity order by now()-query_start desc;
What people are computing now in sage worksheets:
select now()-time as timeago, left(input::TEXT,80) from eval_inputs order by time desc limit 100;
select now()-time as timeago, left(output::TEXT,80) from eval_outputs order by time desc limit 100;
And their errors?
Server's total uptime in seconds:
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (NOW() - pg_postmaster_start_time)) as start_time_seconds from pg_postmaster_start_time();
System stats for each table:
SELECT schemaname, relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_tup_hot_upd, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup, n_mod_since_analyze, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum, last_analyze, last_autoanalyze, vacuum_count, autovacuum_count, analyze_count, autoanalyze_count FROM pg_stat_user_tables;
Webapp errors
Total in the last hour
SELECT COUNT(*), severity FROM webapp_errors WHERE time > NOW() - '1 hour'::INTERVAL GROUP BY severity;
Overview of the last day's severe error message, ordered by how often they occurred.
SELECT COUNT(message) as num, message FROM webapp_errors WHERE severity='error' AND time > NOW() - '24 hour'::INTERVAL GROUP BY message ORDER BY num DESC;
Go through recent webapp errors with some filters. Change the "offset" value...
SELECT * FROM webapp_errors WHERE severity='error' AND message NOT ILIKE '%xhr%' AND message NOT ILIKE '%websocket%' ORDER BY time LIMIT 1 OFFSET 5;
Undefined properties of objects in the webapp in the past 24 hours:
SELECT COUNT(message) as num, message FROM webapp_errors WHERE severity='error' AND message LIKE 'Cannot read property%' AND time > NOW() - '24 hour'::INTERVAL GROUP BY message ORDER BY num DESC;
Search for a specific part in an error message in a specific release (first characters of the smc_git_rev
SELECT * FROM webapp_errors WHERE message LIKE '%call'' of%' AND smc_git_rev LIKE 'cc75%' ORDER BY time LIMIT 3;
Hourly (or 10minute blocks) active users
EXTRACT('isodow' FROM time) as day,
EXTRACT('hour' FROM time) as hour
-- , trunc(EXTRACT('minute' FROM time) / 10) as min10
FROM file_access_log
WHERE time >= NOW() - '2 week'::interval
GROUP BY day, hour -- , min10
Copied library entries .. timestamp is about when the feature was released
SELECT count(*), event ->> 'title' AS title, event ->> 'docid' AS docid
FROM project_log where event ->> 'event' = 'library'
AND event ->> 'title' IS NOT NULL
AND time >= '2017-12-12'::TIMESTAMP
GROUP BY title, docid
Usage of Snippet Examples
WITH stats AS (
, event ->> 'lang' AS lang
, event ->> 'entry' as entry
, lower(reverse(split_part(reverse(event ->> 'path'), '.', 1))) AS filetype
FROM project_log WHERE time >= '2018-04-05'::TIMESTAMP
AND event ->> 'event' = 'assistant'
GROUP BY lang, entry, filetype
WHERE cnt > 1
Jupyter kernel defaults
SELECT COUNT(*), editor_settings ->> 'jupyter' AS kernel from accounts GROUP BY kernel ORDER BY count DESC;
and recent
SELECT COUNT(*), editor_settings #>> '{jupyter, kernel}' AS kernel from accounts WHERE last_active > NOW() - '1 month'::INTERVAL GROUP BY kernel ORDER BY count DESC;
Applied upgrades per project (just the idea)
SELECT project_id, SUM((u.value #>> '{upgrades, memory}')::INT) FROM projects AS p, jsonb_each(p.users) AS u WHERE (u.value #>> '{upgrades, memory}')::INT > 0 GROUP BY project_id limit 10;