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GitHub Repository: veeralakrishna/DataCamp-Project-Solutions-Python
Path: blob/master/Exploring the NYC Airbnb Market/notebook.ipynb
Views: 1229
Kernel: Python 3

1. Importing the Data

New York City skyline
Welcome to New York City (NYC), one of the most-visited cities in the world. As a result, there are many Airbnb listings to meet the high demand for temporary lodging for anywhere between a few nights to many months. In this notebook, we will take a look at the NYC Airbnb market by combining data from multiple file types like .csv, .tsv, and .xlsx.

We will be working with three datasets:

  1. "datasets/airbnb_price.csv"

  2. "datasets/airbnb_room_type.xlsx"

  3. "datasets/airbnb_last_review.tsv"

Our goals are to convert untidy data into appropriate formats to analyze, and answer key questions including:

  • What is the average price, per night, of an Airbnb listing in NYC?
  • How does the average price of an Airbnb listing, per month, compare to the private rental market?
  • How many adverts are for private rooms?
  • How do Airbnb listing prices compare across the five NYC boroughs?
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime as dt # Load airbnb_price.csv, prices prices = pd.read_csv("datasets/airbnb_price.csv") # Load airbnb_room_type.xlsx, xls xls = pd.ExcelFile("datasets/airbnb_room_type.xlsx") # Parse the first sheet from xls, room_types room_types = xls.parse(0) # Load airbnb_last_review.tsv, reviews reviews = pd.read_csv("datasets/airbnb_last_review.tsv", sep="\t") # Print the first five rows of each DataFrame print( f"prices: {prices.head()}", "\n", f"room_types: {room_types.head()}", "\n", f"reviews: {reviews.head()}" )
prices: listing_id price nbhood_full 0 2595 225 dollars Manhattan, Midtown 1 3831 89 dollars Brooklyn, Clinton Hill 2 5099 200 dollars Manhattan, Murray Hill 3 5178 79 dollars Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen 4 5238 150 dollars Manhattan, Chinatown room_types: listing_id description room_type 0 2595 Skylit Midtown Castle Entire home/apt 1 3831 Cozy Entire Floor of Brownstone Entire home/apt 2 5099 Large Cozy 1 BR Apartment In Midtown East Entire home/apt 3 5178 Large Furnished Room Near B'way private room 4 5238 Cute & Cozy Lower East Side 1 bdrm Entire home/apt reviews: listing_id host_name last_review 0 2595 Jennifer May 21 2019 1 3831 LisaRoxanne July 05 2019 2 5099 Chris June 22 2019 3 5178 Shunichi June 24 2019 4 5238 Ben June 09 2019

2. Cleaning the price column

Now the DataFrames have been loaded, the first step is to calculate the average price per listing by room_type.

You may have noticed that the price column in the prices DataFrame currently states each value as a string with the currency (dollars) following, i.e.,

225 dollars
89 dollars
200 dollars

We will need to clean the column in order to calculate the average price.

# Remove whitespace and string characters from prices column prices["price"] = prices["price"].str.replace(" dollars", "") # Convert prices column to numeric datatype prices["price"] = pd.to_numeric(prices["price"]) # Print 1st 5 rows print(prices["price"].head()) # Print descriptive statistics for the price column print(prices["price"].describe())
0 225 1 89 2 200 3 79 4 150 Name: price, dtype: int64 count 25209.000000 mean 141.777936 std 147.349137 min 0.000000 25% 69.000000 50% 105.000000 75% 175.000000 max 7500.000000 Name: price, dtype: float64

3. Calculating average price

We can see three quarters of listings cost $175 per night or less.

However, there are some outliers including a maximum price of $7,500 per night!

Some of listings are actually showing as free. Let's remove these from the DataFrame, and calculate the average price.

# Subset prices for listings costing $0 named "free_listings" free_listings = prices["price"] == 0 print(type(free_listings)) print(free_listings.shape) # Update prices by removing all free listings from prices # Similar to SQL's concept of "NOT IN" prices = prices.loc[~free_listings] # Calculate the average price and round to nearest 2 decimal places, avg_price avg_price = round(prices["price"].mean(),2) # Print the average price print("The average price per night for an Airbnb listing in NYC is ${}.".format(avg_price))
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> (25209,) The average price per night for an Airbnb listing in NYC is $141.82.

4. Comparing costs to the private rental market

Now we know how much a listing costs, on average, per night, but it would be useful to have a benchmark for comparison. According to Zumper, a 1 bedroom apartment in New York City costs, on average, $3,100 per month. Let's convert the per night prices of our listings into monthly costs, so we can compare to the private market.

# Add a new column to the prices DataFrame, price_per_month prices["price_per_month"] = prices["price"] * 365 / 12 # print(type(prices["price_per_month"])) # Calculate average_price_per_month average_price_per_month = round(prices["price_per_month"].mean(),2) # Compare Airbnb and rental market print("Airbnb monthly costs are ${}, while in the private market you would pay {}.".format(average_price_per_month, "$3,100.00"))
Airbnb monthly costs are $4313.61, while in the private market you would pay $3,100.00.

5. Cleaning the room type column

Unsurprisingly, using Airbnb appears to be substantially more expensive than the private rental market. We should, however, consider that these Airbnb listings include single private rooms or even rooms to share, as well as entire homes/apartments.

Let's dive deeper into the room_type column to find out the breakdown of listings by type of room. The room_type column has several variations for private room listings, specifically:

  • "Private room"
  • "private room"

We can solve this by converting all string characters to lower case (upper case would also work just fine).

# Convert the room_type column to lowercase room_types["room_type"] = room_types["room_type"].str.lower() # Update the room_type column to category data type # room_types["room_type"] = room_types["room_type"].astype("category") # Create the variable room_frequencies room_frequencies = room_types["room_type"].value_counts() # Print room_frequencies print(room_frequencies)
entire home/apt 13266 private room 11356 shared room 587 Name: room_type, dtype: int64

6. What timeframe are we working with?

It seems there is a fairly similar sized market opportunity for both private rooms (45% of listings) and entire homes/apartments (52%) on the Airbnb platform in NYC.

Now let's turn our attention to the reviews DataFrame. The last_review column contains the date of the last review in the format of "Month Day Year" e.g., May 21 2019. We've been asked to find out the earliest and latest review dates in the DataFrame, and ensure the format allows this analysis to be easily conducted going forwards.

# Change the data type of the last_review column to datetime # reviews["last_review"] = pd.to_datetime(reviews["last_review"]) print(type(reviews["last_review"])) # Create first_reviewed, the earliest review date first_reviewed = reviews["last_review"] # Create last_reviewed, the most recent review date last_reviewed = reviews["last_review"] # Print the oldest and newest reviews from the DataFrame print("The latest Airbnb review is {}, the earliest review is {}".format(last_reviewed, first_reviewed))
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> The latest Airbnb review is 2019-07-09, the earliest review is 2019-01-01

7. Joining the DataFrames.

Now we've extracted the information needed, we will merge the three DataFrames to make any future analysis easier to conduct. Once we have joined the data, we will remove any observations with missing values and check for duplicates.

# Merge prices and room_types to create rooms_and_prices rooms_and_prices = pd.merge(prices, room_types, how="outer", on="listing_id") # Merge rooms_and_prices with the reviews DataFrame to create airbnb_merged airbnb_merged = pd.merge(rooms_and_prices, reviews, how="outer", on="listing_id") # Drop missing values from airbnb_merged airbnb_merged.dropna(inplace=True) # Check if there are any duplicate values print("There are {} duplicates in the DataFrame.".format(airbnb_merged.duplicated().sum()))
There are 0 duplicates in the DataFrame.

8. Analyzing listing prices by NYC borough

Now we have combined all data into a single DataFrame, we will turn our attention to understanding the difference in listing prices between New York City boroughs. We can currently see boroughs listed as the first part of a string within the nbhood_full column, e.g.,

Manhattan, Midtown
Brooklyn, Clinton Hill
Manhattan, Murray Hill
Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen
Manhattan, Chinatown

We will therefore need to extract this information from the string and store in a new column, borough, for analysis.

# Extract information from the nbhood_full column and store as a new column, borough # Either use `.str.partition()` or `.str.split()` airbnb_merged["borough"] = airbnb_merged["nbhood_full"].str.partition(",", expand=True)[0] # Group by borough and calculate summary statistics boroughs = airbnb_merged.groupby("borough")["price"].agg(["sum", "mean", "median", "count"]) # Round boroughs to 2 decimal places, and sort by mean in descending order boroughs = boroughs.round(2).sort_values("mean", ascending=False) # Print boroughs print(boroughs)
sum mean median count borough Manhattan 1898417.0 184.04 149.0 10315 Brooklyn 1275250.0 122.02 95.0 10451 Queens 320715.0 92.83 70.0 3455 Staten Island 22974.0 86.04 71.0 267 Bronx 55156.0 79.25 65.0 696

9. Price range by borough

The above output gives us a summary of prices for listings across the 5 boroughs. In this final task we would like to categorize listings based on whether they fall into specific price ranges, and view this by borough.

We can do this using percentiles and labels to create a new column, price_range, in the DataFrame. Once we have created the labels, we can then group the data and count frequencies for listings in each price range by borough.

We will assign the following categories and price ranges:

label price
Budget \$0-69
Average \$70-175
Expensive \$176-350
Extravagant > \$350
# Create labels for the price range, label_names label_names = ["Budget", "Average", "Expensive", "Extravagant"] # Create the label ranges, ranges ranges = [0, 69, 175, 350, np.inf] # Insert new column, price_range, into DataFrame # Use `pd.cut` to segment and sort data values into bins # Useful for going from a continuous variable to a categorical variable airbnb_merged["price_range"] = pd.cut(airbnb_merged["price"], bins=ranges, labels=label_names) # Calculate borough and price_range frequencies, prices_by_borough prices_by_borough = airbnb_merged.groupby(["borough", "price_range"])["price_range"].agg("count") print(prices_by_borough)
borough price_range Bronx Budget 381 Average 285 Expensive 25 Extravagant 5 Brooklyn Budget 3194 Average 5532 Expensive 1466 Extravagant 259 Manhattan Budget 1148 Average 5285 Expensive 3072 Extravagant 810 Queens Budget 1631 Average 1505 Expensive 291 Extravagant 28 Staten Island Budget 124 Average 123 Expensive 20 Name: price_range, dtype: int64