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Path: blob/master/Exploring the evolution of Linux/notebook.ipynb
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1. Introduction
Version control repositories like CVS, Subversion or Git can be a real gold mine for software developers. They contain every change to the source code including the date (the "when"), the responsible developer (the "who"), as well as little message that describes the intention (the "what") of a change.
In this notebook, we will analyze the evolution of a very famous open-source project – the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel is the heart of some Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS.
We get some first insights into the work of the development efforts by
- identifying the TOP 10 contributors and
- visualizing the commits over the years.
Linus Torvalds, the (spoiler alert!) main contributor to the Linux kernel (and also the creator of Git), created a mirror of the Linux repository on GitHub. It contains the complete history of kernel development for the last 13 years.
For our analysis, we will use a Git log file with the following content:
2. Reading in the dataset
The dataset was created by using the command git log --encoding=latin-1 --pretty="%at#%aN"
. The latin-1
encoded text output was saved in a header-less csv file. In this file, each row is a commit entry with the following information:
: the time of the commit as a UNIX timestamp in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (Git log placeholder "%at
: the name of the author that performed the commit (Git log placeholder "%aN
The columns are separated by the number sign #
. The complete dataset is in the datasets/
directory. It is a gz
-compressed csv file named git_log.gz
3. Getting an overview
The dataset contains the information about every single code contribution (a "commit") to the Linux kernel over the last 13 years. We'll first take a look at the number of authors and their commits to the repository.
4. Finding the TOP 10 contributors
There are some very important people that changed the Linux kernel very often. To see if there are any bottlenecks, we take a look at the TOP 10 authors with the most commits.
5. Wrangling the data
For our analysis, we want to visualize the contributions over time. For this, we use the information in the timestamp
column to create a time series-based column.
6. Treating wrong timestamps
As we can see from the results above, some contributors had their operating system's time incorrectly set when they committed to the repository. We'll clean up the timestamp
column by dropping the rows with the incorrect timestamps.
7. Grouping commits per year
To find out how the development activity has increased over time, we'll group the commits by year and count them up.
8. Visualizing the history of Linux
Finally, we'll make a plot out of these counts to better see how the development effort on Linux has increased over the the last few years.
9. Conclusion
Thanks to the solid foundation and caretaking of Linux Torvalds, many other developers are now able to contribute to the Linux kernel as well. There is no decrease of development activity at sight!