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def lefthand_rs(fcn,a,b,n): # output: left-hand riemann sum approx of int_a^n fcn(x)dx using n steps Deltax = (b-a)*1.0/n return Deltax*sum([f(a+Deltax*i) for i in range(n)]) #Example n=5 f(x)=e^(-x) print lefthand_rs(f(x),0,1,n).n();
def righthand_rs(fcn,a,b,n): # output: right-hand riemann sum approx of int_a^b fcn(x)dx using n steps Deltax = (b-a)*1.0/n return Deltax*sum([f(a+Deltax*(i+1)) for i in range(n)]) #Example n=5 f(x)=x^2 print righthand_rs(f(x),0,1,n).n();
def midpoint_rule(fcn,a,b,n): # output: midpoint rule approx of int_a^b fcn(x)dx using n steps Deltax = (b-a)*1.0/n xs=[a+Deltax*i for i in range(n+1)] ysmid=[f((xs[i]+xs[i+1])/2) for i in range(n)] return Deltax*sum(ysmid) #Example n=5; f(x)=x*x print midpoint_rule(f(x),0,1,n).n();
f(x) = x^2 f = Piecewise([[(0,1), f]]) g = f.riemann_sum(300, mode="right") F = f.plot(color="blue") R= add([line([[a,0],[a,f(x=a)],[b,f(x=b)],[b,0]], color="red") for (a,b), f in g.list()]) show(F+R)
def trapezoid_rule(fcn,a,b,n): # output: trapezoid rule approx of int_a^b fcn(x)dx using n steps Deltax = (b-a)*1.0/n coeffs = [2]*(n-1) coeffs = [1]+coeffs+[1] valsf = [f(a+Deltax*i) for i in range(n+1)] return (Deltax/2)*sum([coeffs[i]*valsf[i] for i in range(n+1)]) #Example n=10; f(x)=1/x print trapezoid_rule(f(x),1,2,n).n();
x = var('x') f1(x) = e^(x^2) f = Piecewise([[(0,1),f1]]) trapezoid_sum = f.trapezoid(5) P = f.plot(rgbcolor=(0,0,1), plot_points=40) Q = trapezoid_sum.plot(rgbcolor=(1,0,0), plot_points=40) L = add([line([[a,0],[a,f(x=a)]], rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for (a,b), f in trapezoid_sum.list()]) M = line([[1,0],[1,f1(1)]], rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) show(P + Q + L + M)
def simpsons_rule(fcn,a,b,n): # output: simpsons rule approx of int_a^b fcn(x)dx using n steps (n must be an even integer) Deltax = (b-a)*1.0/n n2=int(n/2) coeffs = [4,2]*n2 coeffs = [1] +coeffs[:n-1]+[1] valsf = [f(a+Deltax*i) for i in range(n+1)] return (Deltax/3)*sum([coeffs[i]*valsf[i] for i in range(n+1)]) #Example n=7; f(x)=1/x print simpsons_rule(f(x),1,2,n).n();