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Kernel: Python 3 (old Anaconda 3)
###### Elevator Simulation ## CS166: Modeling, Simulation & Decision Making
import math import numpy as np import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import ttest_ind from matplotlib import ticker from copy import deepcopy %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18, 4)
# # Simulation parameters # passenger_count = int(input("How many passengers will use the elevator?")) # max_capacity = int(input("How many people can the elevator carry?")) # n_floors = int(input("How many floors are there in the building?")) # max_time = range(1800) # Time steps passenger_count = 100 max_capacity = 5 n_floors = 20 max_time = range(1800) # Time steps

Definition of the elevator class

class Elevator: def __init__(self, max_floors = n_floors, default_floor = 1, capacity = max_capacity, logs = False): ''' Initializes an elevator object. Inputs: * max_floors (int) The number of floors in the building. * default_floor (int) The floor the elevator returns to if there are no calls or requests. * capacity (int) The maximum number of people the elevator can carry at the same time. * logs (bool) Whether to print several debugging messages when running the simulation. ''' self.max_floors = max_floors self.default_floor = default_floor self.current_floor = self.default_floor self.user_count = 0 # How many users are in the elevator. self.capacity = capacity #OR max_capacity = int(input("How many people can the elevator carry?")) self.call_pool = {} self.calls = {} # which user pressed the button and attempting to go in which direction self.requests = {} # which buttons were pressed inside the elevator by whom self.direction = +1 # +1 if the elevator is going upward, -1 if going downward ##Nico's methods def add_call(self): ''' At each time step, there is a chance that will method will be called from the building method timestep(), adding a random user to the list of calls. ''' # Choose a random user from pool. Assign the popped user to dictionary of elevator calls. calling_user = random.choice(list(self.call_pool.keys())) self.calls[calling_user] = self.call_pool.pop(calling_user) #remove one call from the call_pool, append it to the elevator calls return calling_user def stop(self): ''' At each time step, this method is called to evaluated whether the elevator should stop at the current floor. Returns a boolean that answers the question: Should the elevator stop? ''' calls_copy = list(self.calls.values()) calls_copy = [abs(call) for call in calls_copy] # Checks whether current floor is the desired destination of any users inside. if (self.current_floor in self.requests.values()): return True # Checks whether current floor and direction matches the call of any users outside, if capacity has not been reached. elif (self.direction*self.current_floor in self.calls.values()) and (self.user_count < self.capacity): return True elif (self.current_floor in calls_copy) and (self.user_count == 0): return True else: return False # Move elevator def swap(self, users, logs = False): ''' At each time step, if the elevator stops, this method allows users to leave or enter the elevator. ''' #we want to pop things from dictionary while we iterate calls_copy = deepcopy(self.calls) requests_copy = deepcopy(self.requests) # Allows people to leave, iterating over passengers and floors in the dictionary of requests. for passenger, floor in requests_copy.items(): if floor == self.current_floor: self.requests.pop(passenger) # Return dropped passenger and remove it from queue of requests_over_time dropped_passenger = passenger # Question: Can't we just pop and use the object passenger to set .in_elevator to False? self.user_count -=1 if logs: print('Passenger %d was dropped at floor %d.' %(passenger, self.current_floor)) users[dropped_passenger].in_elevator = False # dropped passenger is now outside the elevator # Allows people to enter, iterating over passengers and floors in the dictionary of calls. for passenger, floor in calls_copy.items(): if self.user_count == self.capacity: # If the elevator is full, break. break elif self.user_count == 0: if abs(floor) == self.current_floor: self.calls.pop(passenger) # Return added passenger and remove it from queue of calls added_passenger = passenger self.user_count +=1 if logs: print('Passenger %d entered the elevator at floor %d.' %(passenger, self.current_floor)) users[added_passenger].in_elevator = True # Added passenger is now inside the elevator self.requests[passenger] = users[passenger].destination # Add their destination to requests if logs: print(users[passenger].destination,'DESTINATION OF PASSENGER',passenger) elif floor == self.direction*self.current_floor: # If floor and direction match call self.calls.pop(passenger) # Return added passenger and remove it from queue of calls # Same question from loop above applies. added_passenger = passenger self.user_count +=1 if logs: print('Passenger %d entered the elevator at floor %d.' %(passenger, self.current_floor)) users[added_passenger].in_elevator = True # Added passenger is now inside the elevator self.requests[passenger] = users[passenger].destination # Add their destination to requests if logs: print(users[passenger].destination,'DESTINATION OF PASSENGER',passenger) def path(self): ''' This strategy looks at each time step where it has to move next. It takes into account the calls and requests, prioritizing requests over calls. If there are no requests or calls it goes to the default (ground) floor. If there are no requests, but calls are present, it prioritizes the calls that are going to **sweep** the most floors while moving. ''' # Create a list of all the called floors current_calls = list(self.calls.values()) if self.current_floor >= self.max_floors: # >= for debugging self.direction = -1 # Direction is either -1 or 1 # If there are no requests from inside the elevator, pursue the strategy elif len(self.requests) == 0: # If there are no calls, go to default floor if len(current_calls) == 0: if self.current_floor-self.default_floor > 0: self.direction = -1 # If already on default floor, stay else: self.direction = 0 # If there are calls outside the elevator else: #Get the min of all calls. Negative numbers are calls going down, so it will prioritize high floors going down negmax = min(current_calls) #Create a list with only the calls going up poscalls = [i for i in current_calls if i > 1] if len(poscalls)>0: #Min of the list of calls going up, that way you end up with the lowest floor calling to go up posmin = min(poscalls) #If there's only 1 call and no requests, go towards the called floor if len(current_calls) == 1: if current_calls[0]>0: direction = self.current_floor - current_calls[0] if direction >0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 else: direction = self.current_floor + current_calls[0] if direction >0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 elif 1 in current_calls: #If multiple calls, prioritize the top or ground floor. If both are being called, then go go the one closest to current floor. if self.max_floors in current_calls: if current_floor<=(0.5*self.max_floors): self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 elif self.max_floors in current_calls: self.direction = +1 #If there are no calls going up just go towards the highest floor being called elif len(poscalls) == 0: direction = self.current_floor + negmax if direction > 0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 #If there are only calls going up, go towards the lowest up call. elif posmin == negmax: direction = self.current_floor - negmax if direction > 0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 #If both calls going up and down are present, choose the one that is closest to the ground floor or top floor, respectively. elif (posmin-1) < (self.max_floors + negmax): if self.current_floor < posmin: self.direction = +1 else: self.direction = -1 elif (posmin-1) > (self.max_floors + negmax): if self.current_floor>(negmax*-1): self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 else: #If the distance between the calls going up and down to its 'roof floors' are the same, #prioritize the one closest to current floor pos = abs(self.current_floor - posmin) neg = abs(self.current_floor - negmax) if pos<neg: if (self.current_floor - posmin) >0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 else: if (self.current_floor + negmax) >0: self.direction = -1 else: self.direction = +1 else: #If there are requests, go towards any requested floor, as they are all in the same direction. request1 = list(self.requests.values()) direction = self.current_floor - request1[0] if direction < 0: self.direction = +1 else: self.direction = -1 def move(self, strategy = 1, logs = False): ''' At each time step, move the elevator if it has not stopped. ''' if self.direction == +1: self.current_floor += 1 elif self.direction == -1: self.current_floor -= 1 if self.direction == 1: dir_string = 'up' elif self.direction == -1: dir_string = 'down' elif self.direction == 0 : dir_string = 'No movement' if logs: print('Elevator moves %s from floor %d carrying %d people.' %(dir_string, self.current_floor, self.user_count)) if strategy == 1: if self.current_floor >= self.max_floors: #>= for debugging self.direction = -1 #direction is either -1 or 1 if self.current_floor == 1: self.direction = +1

Definition of the building class

class Building: def __init__(self, elevator, users): # ''' # Initializes the building object. # Inputs: # * max_floors (int) The number of floors in the building. # * elevator (Elevator) The elevator used in the simulation. # * capacity (list of Passenger) A list of users used in the sim. # * logs (bool) Whether to print several debugging messages # when running the simulation. # ''' self.max_floors = elevator.max_floors #OR n_floors = int(input("How many floors are there in the building?")) self.elevator = elevator self.users = users # There arrays are storages for values to be plotted later self.calls_over_time = [] self.requests_over_time = [] self.count_over_time = [] def timestep(self, elevator, users, strategy = 1, logs = False): # ''' # This is the main control function of the simulation. It checks # whether the elevator should stop or move. If it stops, it allows # users to come in and out of the elevator. If it moves, it computes # the appropriate path. # ''' #print(elevator.user_count, elevator.current_floor*elevator.direction, elevator.calls) #check evolution of attributes # Check if elevator needs to stop if elevator.stop(): # If the elevator stops, do as below if logs: print('Elevator stops at %d.' %(elevator.current_floor)) elevator.swap(users, logs = logs) # Add and drop passengers else: # If elevator needs to move do as follows if strategy == 2: elevator.path() # Check where it has to go elevator.move(logs = logs, strategy = strategy) # Move a floor up or down if random.random() < 0.1: #10% chance of adding a new call from the pool regardless of action taken try: if logs: print('User %d called the elevator.' %(elevator.add_call())) # Nico: Why did you add .add_call() in the else? else: elevator.add_call() except: pass def store_data(self, elevator): # ''' # Store final attribute values. # ''' self.calls_over_time.append(len(elevator.calls)) self.requests_over_time.append(len(elevator.requests)) self.count_over_time.append(elevator.user_count)

Definition of the passenger class

class Passenger: def __init__(self, id, elevator, seed, in_elevator = False): #setting default values, otherwise specifiable # ''' # Initializes a passenger object. A passenger has an id, an origin, # a destination, a direction, and a tracker on whether they are in the elevator or not. # ''' ifrandom.seed(id + seed) #im putting the initialization of the two attributes below so that it takes the seed change if random.random() < 0.3: # 30% chance the user will start from ground floor self.current_floor = 1 destination = random.randint(1, elevator.max_floors) while (destination == 1): destination = random.randint(2, elevator.max_floors) self.destination = destination else: # 70% chance the user will start anywhere else self.current_floor = random.randint(2, elevator.max_floors) if random.random() < 0.3: # 30% chance the user will want to go to ground floor self.destination = 1 else: stination = random.randint(1, elevator.max_floors) # 70% chance the user will want to go anywhere else while (destination == self.current_floor): destination = random.randint(2, elevator.max_floors) self.destination = destination = id self.direction=np.sign(self.destination - self.current_floor) # Direction as the sign of the difference self.in_elevator = in_elevator def __str__(self): ''' Define how a Passenger object should be printed ''' in_string = '' # String to represent direction ('up' or 'down') if self.in_elevator == True: in_string = 'inside' else: in_string = 'outside' dir_string = '' if self.direction == 1: dir_string = 'up' elif self.direction == -1: dir_string = 'down' elif self.direction == 0: dir_string = 'nowhere (they are at destination)' #this shouldn't be necessary return('Passenger %d is %s the elevator, wanting to go %s from floor %d to floor %d.') %(,in_string,dir_string,self.current_floor,self.destination)

Overarching loop

def simulate_elevator(passenger_count, n_floors, max_capacity, max_time, logs = False, seed = 1, strategy = 1): ''' The main function initializes storage arrays and the main objects: The Elevator, the list of Passengers, and the Building. The main loop iterates over the array of time steps, storing the data of the current step and calling on the .timestep() method of the building object. The loop breaks if no one is using the elevator. Inputs: * passenger_count (int) The numbers of users in the simulation. * n_floors (int) The number of floors in the building. * max_capacity (int) The maximum number of people the elevator can hold. * max_time (int) The maximum number of time steps of the simulation. * logs (bool) Defaults to false. Whether to print several messages during execution to help with debugging. * seed (int) Defaults to 1. A seed that changes the results of the stochastic parts of the model. * strategy (int) Defaults to 1. 1 is a basic strategy where the elevator traverses the entire building before changing directions. 2 is a more complex strategy that optimizes the elevator's path. Outputs: * (dictionary) Includes three arrays storing the time steps of the simmulation, the number of calls over time, and the number of requests over time. ''' elevator = Elevator(max_floors = n_floors, capacity = max_capacity) # Initialize elevator # for line before, an alternative is: passenger_count = int(input("How many passengers will use the elevator?")) users = [Passenger(id = i, elevator = elevator, seed = seed) for i in range(passenger_count)] # Generate users building = Building(elevator = elevator, users = users) # Initialize building for user in users: elevator.call_pool[] = user.current_floor * user.direction ## IMPORTANT: This replentishes the calling queue!! for time_step in max_time: #main loop building.store_data(elevator) building.timestep(elevator, users, strategy = strategy, logs = logs) if len(elevator.requests)!=elevator.user_count: if logs: print(len(elevator.requests),elevator.user_count) if (time_step > 50) and (len(elevator.calls)==0) and (len(elevator.requests)==0) and (len(elevator.call_pool)==0): if logs: print('Simulation over after %d timesteps.' %time_step) break #end simulation if no one is using or calling the elevator building.store_data(elevator) return {'timesteps' : time_step,'calls' : building.calls_over_time, 'requests' : building.requests_over_time}

Plot of passenger statistics

waiting = simulate_elevator(passenger_count, n_floors, max_capacity, max_time, strategy = 1)['calls'] inside = simulate_elevator(passenger_count, n_floors, max_capacity, max_time, strategy = 1)['requests'] plot_calls = plt.plot(waiting, label='Waiting for elevator') plt.title('Trolley elevator') plt.xlabel('Timestep') plot_requests = plt.plot(inside, label='In elevator') plt.xlabel('Timestep') plt.text(s='Average in elevator: '+str(round(np.mean(inside),2)),y=5.5,x=0) plt.text(s='Average waiting: '+str(round(np.mean(waiting),2)),y=5,x=0) plt.legend(loc=1) waiting = simulate_elevator(passenger_count, n_floors, max_capacity, max_time, strategy = 2)['calls'] inside = simulate_elevator(passenger_count, n_floors, max_capacity, max_time, strategy = 2)['requests'] plot_calls = plt.plot(waiting, label='Waiting for elevator') plt.title('Smart elevator') plt.xlabel('Timestep') plot_requests = plt.plot(inside, label='In elevator') plt.xlabel('Timestep') plt.text(s='Average in elevator: '+str(round(np.mean(inside),2)),y=6,x=0) plt.text(s='Average waiting: '+str(round(np.mean(waiting),2)),y=5,x=0) plt.legend(loc=1)
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
timesteps_trolley = [] timesteps_smart = [] for _ in range(2,100): timesteps_trolley.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = 100, n_floors = _, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, strategy = 1)['timesteps']) for _ in range(2,100): timesteps_smart.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = 100, n_floors = _, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, strategy = 2)['timesteps']) plt.plot(range(2,100),timesteps_trolley,label='Trolley elevator') plt.plot(range(2,100),timesteps_smart,label='Smart elevator') plt.xlabel('Number of floors in the building') plt.xticks(np.arange(0,100,5)) plt.ylabel('Timesteps required to finish simulation') plt.legend(loc=1)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
timesteps_trolley = [] timesteps_smart = [] for _ in range(120): timesteps_trolley.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = _, n_floors = n_floors, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, strategy = 1)['timesteps']) for _ in range(120): timesteps_smart.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = _, n_floors = n_floors, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, strategy = 2)['timesteps']) m_trolley,b_trolley = np.polyfit(range(120), timesteps_trolley, 1) m_smart,b_smart = np.polyfit(range(120), timesteps_smart, 1) plt.plot(range(120),timesteps_trolley,label='Trolley elevator',linewidth=0.50) plt.plot([m_trolley*x + b_trolley for x in range(120)],color=u'#1f77b4',label= str(round(m_trolley,4))+'x +'+str(round(b_trolley,4))) plt.plot(range(120),timesteps_smart,label='Smart elevator',linewidth=0.50) plt.plot([m_smart*x + b_trolley for x in range(120)],color=u'#ff7f0e',label= str(round(m_smart,4))+'x +'+str(round(b_smart,4))) plt.plot plt.xlabel('Number of passengers in the building') plt.ylabel('Timesteps required to finish simulation') plt.legend(loc=1)
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timesteps_trolley = [] timesteps_smart = [] for _ in range(30): timesteps_trolley.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = 100, n_floors = 20, max_capacity = _, max_time = max_time, strategy = 1)['timesteps']) for _ in range(30): timesteps_smart.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = 100, n_floors = 20, max_capacity = _, max_time = max_time, strategy = 2)['timesteps']) plt.plot(range(30),timesteps_trolley,label='Trolley elevator') plt.plot(range(30),timesteps_smart,label='Smart elevator') plt.xlabel('Elevator capacity') plt.ylabel('Timesteps required to finish simulation') plt.legend(loc=1) plt.grid(True)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
timesteps_trolley = [] timesteps_smart = [] for _ in range(200): timesteps_trolley.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = passenger_count, n_floors = n_floors, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, seed =_,strategy=1)['timesteps']) for _ in range(200): timesteps_smart.append(simulate_elevator(passenger_count = passenger_count, n_floors = n_floors, max_capacity = max_capacity, max_time = max_time, seed =_, strategy=2)['timesteps']) plt.hist(timesteps_trolley,label='Trolley elevator',bins=9,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(timesteps_smart,label='Smart elevator',bins=9,alpha=0.5) plt.suptitle('Average timesteps taken: '+str(int(np.mean(timesteps_trolley)))+' (trolley) '+str(int(np.mean(timesteps_smart)))+' (smart)'+'\nMost timesteps taken: '+str(max(timesteps_trolley))+' (trolley) '+str(max(timesteps_smart))+' (smart)') plt.text(s='p-value:'+str(ttest_ind(timesteps_trolley,timesteps_smart)[1]),y=50,x=1200,fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('Timesteps required to finish simulation') plt.ylabel('Relative frequency')
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