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Project: Ramsey
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Kernel: SageMath (stable)
# Import libraries import itertools from random import randint # Variables BLUE = 1 RED = 0 COLOR_NAMES = ["RED", "BLUE"] TRI = 3 QUAD = 4 PENT = 5 HEX = 6 HEPT = 7 OCT = 8 NON = 9 SHAPE_NAMES = ["", "", "", "TRI", "QUAD", "PENT", "HEX", "HEPT", "OCT", "NON"]
# Generate pseudo-random coloring of Kn def gen_random_coloring(n): coloring = dict() for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): coloring[(i,j)] = randint(0,1) return coloring
# Given a random coloring of Kn, shape, and color, # return the number of occurrences of that shape in Kn def count_freq_of_shape_of_color(nsize, num_vertices, color, coloring): shape_count = 0 for a_polygon in itertools.combinations(xrange(nsize), num_vertices): coloring_index = sum([coloring[an_edge] for an_edge in itertools.combinations(a_polygon, 2)]) RED: if coloring_index == binomial(num_vertices, 2) and color == shape_count = shape_count + 1 elif coloring_index == 0 and color == BLUE: shape_count = shape_count + 1 return shape_count
# Create frequency distribution to list def frequency_dist_to_list(freq_dist): maxval = max(freq_dist.keys()) exhaustive_list = [] for j in range(0,maxval+1): if j in freq_dist: exhaustive_list.append(freq_dist[j]) else: exhaustive_list.append(0) return exhaustive_list
# Calculate mode, mean, and variance def get_mode_mean_and_var(some_results): expanded_list = [] for num, freq in some_results.items(): for i in range(freq): expanded_list.append(num) return (max(expanded_list), mean(expanded_list), variance(expanded_list))
from sage.plot.bar_chart import bar_chart ## RUN TRIAL AND CREATE PLOTS def run_experiment(num_trials, num_vertices, shape_to_look_for, color_to_look_for): print "### BEGIN TRIAL ###" results_dist = {} print "Generating and checking", num_trials, "cliques of size", num_vertices print "\nThere are", num_trials*binomial(num_vertices, shape_to_look_for),"possible", COLOR_NAMES[color_to_look_for], SHAPE_NAMES[shape_to_look_for], "to check\n" for j in range(num_trials): if j%(num_trials/10) == 0: print j,'/',num_trials, "cliques scanned" count = count_freq_of_shape_of_color(num_vertices, shape_to_look_for, color_to_look_for, gen_random_coloring(num_vertices)) if count in results_dist: results_dist[count] += 1 else: results_dist[count] = 1 L = 2.0^(- binomial(shape_to_look_for,2))*binomial(num_vertices,shape_to_look_for) if color_to_look_for == BLUE: graph_color = (0, 0, 1) else: graph_color = (1, 0, 0) graph = bar_chart(frequency_dist_to_list(results_dist), rgbcolor=graph_color)+plot(num_trials*L^x/factorial(x)*exp(-L), (0,len(frequency_dist_to_list(results_dist))),color='black') (the_mode, the_mean, the_var) = get_mode_mean_and_var(results_dist) print "\n*** RESULTS ***" print "Mode:", the_mode print "L:", L print "Mean:", float(the_mean) print "Var:", float(the_var) print "SD:", sqrt(float(the_var)) print "***************\n" print "\n### END EXPERIMENT ###\n" return (L, results_dist, graph, mean, var)
(L_tri, results_for_red_tri, red_tri_graph, red_tri_mean, red_tri_var) = run_experiment(100, 9, TRI, RED)
### BEGIN EXPERIMENT ### Generating and checking 100 cliques of size 9 There are 8400 possible RED TRI to check 0 / 100 cliques scanned 10 / 100 cliques scanned 20 / 100 cliques scanned 30 / 100 cliques scanned 40 / 100 cliques scanned 50 / 100 cliques scanned 60 / 100 cliques scanned 70 / 100 cliques scanned 80 / 100 cliques scanned 90 / 100 cliques scanned *** RESULTS *** L: 10.5000000000000 Mean: 10.55 Var: 40.4116161616 SD: 6.35701314782 *************** ### END EXPERIMENT ###
Image in a Jupyter notebook
(L_pent, results_for_blue_pent, blue_pent_graph, blue_pent_mean, blue_pent_var) = run_experiment(10000, 14, PENT, BLUE)
### BEGIN EXPERIMENT ### Generating and checking 10000 cliques of size 14 There are 20020000 possible BLUE PENT to check 0 / 10000 cliques scanned 1000 / 10000 cliques scanned 2000 / 10000 cliques scanned 3000 / 10000 cliques scanned 4000 / 10000 cliques scanned 5000 / 10000 cliques scanned 6000 / 10000 cliques scanned 7000 / 10000 cliques scanned 8000 / 10000 cliques scanned 9000 / 10000 cliques scanned *** RESULTS *** L: 1.95507812500000 Mean: 1.9438 Var: 13.7184134013 SD: 3.70383765861 *************** ### END EXPERIMENT ###
experiments = [[1000, 14, PENT, BLUE], [1000, 14, RED, TRI], [1000, 9, RED, TRI]] [run_experiment(*args) for args in experiments]
### BEGIN EXPERIMENT ### Generating and checking 10000 cliques of size 14 There are 20020000 possible BLUE PENT to check 0 / 10000 cliques scanned
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-14-4ca99ac95f62> in <module>() 1 experiments = [[Integer(10000), Integer(14), PENT, BLUE]] ----> 2 [run_experiment(*args) for args in experiments] <ipython-input-8-82ada7006739> in run_experiment(num_trials, num_vertices, shape_to_look_for, color_to_look_for) 10 if j%(num_trials/Integer(10)) == Integer(0): 11 print j,'/',num_trials, "cliques scanned" ---> 12 count = count_freq_of_shape_of_color(num_vertices, shape_to_look_for, color_to_look_for, gen_random_coloring(num_vertices)) 13 if count in results_dist: 14 results_dist[count] += Integer(1) <ipython-input-5-478b4677255c> in count_freq_of_shape_of_color(nsize, num_vertices, color, coloring) 5 for a_polygon in itertools.combinations(xrange(nsize), num_vertices): 6 coloring_index = sum([coloring[an_edge] for an_edge in itertools.combinations(a_polygon, Integer(2))]) ----> 7 if coloring_index == binomial(num_vertices, Integer(2)) and color == RED: 8 shape_count = shape_count + Integer(1) 9 elif coloring_index == Integer(0) and color == BLUE: /ext/sage/sage-8.1/src/sage/symbolic/function.pyx in sage.symbolic.function.BuiltinFunction.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:11602)() 992 res = self._evalf_try_(*args) 993 if res is None: --> 994 res = super(BuiltinFunction, self).__call__( 995 *args, coerce=coerce, hold=hold) 996 /ext/sage/sage-8.1/src/sage/symbolic/function.pyx in sage.symbolic.function.Function.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:6696)() 489 (<Expression>args[0])._gobj, hold) 490 elif self._nargs == 2: --> 491 res = g_function_eval2(self._serial, (<Expression>args[0])._gobj, 492 (<Expression>args[1])._gobj, hold) 493 elif self._nargs == 3: /ext/sage/sage-8.1/src/sage/symbolic/function.pyx in sage.symbolic.function.BuiltinFunction._evalf_or_eval_ (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/function.cpp:12951)() 1081 res = self._evalf_try_(*args) 1082 if res is None: -> 1083 return self._eval0_(*args) 1084 else: 1085 return res /ext/sage/sage-8.1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/other.pyc in _eval_(self, n, k) 1688 return prod(n - i for i in range(k)) / factorial(k) 1689 -> 1690 def _eval_(self, n, k): 1691 """ 1692 EXAMPLES:: src/cysignals/signals.pyx in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt() src/cysignals/signals.pyx in cysignals.signals.sig_raise_exception() KeyboardInterrupt: