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Deformation space of discrete groups of SU(2,1) in quaternionic hyperbolic planes

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Companion Notebook to the paper with same title by A. Guilloux and I. Kim

I) Quaternions and basis of sp(2,1)

I-1) Quaternions and matrices representation

We define in fact Q[i3]+Q[i3]j\mathbb Q[i\sqrt 3] + \mathbb Q[i\sqrt 3]j to work only with numbers in a number field. We denote i3i\sqrt 3 by s3s3, and the action by complex conjugation on Q[i3]\mathbb Q[i\sqrt 3].

X = QQ['X'].0 K = NumberField((X^2+3),'s') s3 = K.0 conj = K.automorphisms()[1] s3^2

A quaternion is then seen as a 4-tuple of real number (a,b,c,d)=a+s3b+j+s3j(a,b,c,d) = a + s3 b + j + s3j. We define first the elements 00 and 11, i(3)i \sqrt(3), jj and k(3)k\sqrt(3) of the quaternions and then a function which takes a list of 99 4-tuples and define the SL(6,C)SL(6,\mathbb C) representation of the quaternionic matrix with those 9 entries.

Zero = [0,0,0,0] One = [1,0,0,0] i = [0,1,0,0] j = [0,0,1,0] k = [0,0,0,1]
def quat_mat(l): Ibis = K(s3) return matrix(K, [ [(l[0][0]+Ibis*l[0][1]),(-l[0][2] - Ibis* l[0][3]) ,\ (l[1][0]+Ibis*l[1][1]),(-l[1][2] - Ibis* l[1][3]),\ (l[2][0]+Ibis*l[2][1]),(-l[2][2] - Ibis* l[2][3])], # First line [(l[0][2]-Ibis*l[0][3]),(l[0][0] - Ibis* l[0][1]) ,\ (l[1][2]-Ibis*l[1][3]),(l[1][0] - Ibis* l[1][1]),\ (l[2][2]-Ibis*l[2][3]),(l[2][0] - Ibis* l[2][1])], # Second line [(l[3][0]+Ibis*l[3][1]),(-l[3][2] - Ibis* l[3][3]) ,\ (l[4][0]+Ibis*l[4][1]),(-l[4][2] - Ibis* l[4][3]),\ (l[5][0]+Ibis*l[5][1]),(-l[5][2] - Ibis* l[5][3])], # Third line [(l[3][2]-Ibis*l[3][3]),(l[3][0] - Ibis* l[3][1]) ,\ (l[4][2]-Ibis*l[4][3]),(l[4][0] - Ibis* l[4][1]),\ (l[5][2]-Ibis*l[5][3]),(l[5][0] - Ibis* l[5][1])], # Fourth line [(l[6][0]+Ibis*l[6][1]),(-l[6][2] - Ibis* l[6][3]) ,\ (l[7][0]+Ibis*l[7][1]),(-l[7][2] - Ibis* l[7][3]),\ (l[8][0]+Ibis*l[8][1]),(-l[8][2] - Ibis* l[8][3])], # Fifth line [(l[6][2]-Ibis*l[6][3]),(l[6][0] - Ibis* l[6][1]) ,\ (l[7][2]-Ibis*l[7][3]),(l[7][0] - Ibis* l[7][1]),\ (l[8][2]-Ibis*l[8][3]),(l[8][0] - Ibis* l[8][1])], # Sixth line ])
[ 1 0 s 0 0 -1] [ 0 1 0 -s 1 0] [ 0 -s 0 0 0 0] [-s 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0]

I-2) A basis of sp(2,1)

We define the natural basis for sp(2,1)\mathfrak{sp}(2,1) with first 99 anti-diagonal elements and 1212 others.

a1_i = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,i,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a1_j = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,j,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a1_k = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,k,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a2_i = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,i,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a2_j = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,j,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a2_k = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,k,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero]) a3_i = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ i,Zero,Zero]) a3_j = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ j,Zero,Zero]) a3_k = quat_mat([Zero,Zero,Zero,\ Zero,Zero,Zero,\ k,Zero,Zero])
o1_1 = quat_mat([One, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, [-1,0,0,0]]) o1_i = quat_mat([i, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, i]) o1_j = quat_mat([j, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, j]) o1_k = quat_mat([k, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, k]) o2_1 = quat_mat([Zero, One, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, [-1,0,0,0],\ Zero, Zero, Zero]) o2_i = quat_mat([Zero, i, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, i,\ Zero, Zero, Zero]) o2_j = quat_mat([Zero, j, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, j,\ Zero, Zero, Zero]) o2_k = quat_mat([Zero, k, Zero,\ Zero, Zero, k,\ Zero, Zero, Zero]) o3_1 = quat_mat([Zero, Zero, Zero,\ One, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, [-1,0,0,0], Zero]) o3_i = quat_mat([Zero, Zero, Zero,\ i, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, i, Zero]) o3_j = quat_mat([Zero, Zero, Zero,\ j, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, j, Zero]) o3_k = quat_mat([Zero, Zero, Zero,\ k, Zero, Zero,\ Zero, k, Zero])

The basis is simply the list of the 2121 above matrices.

Base_sp = [a1_i,a1_j,a1_k,\ o2_1,o2_i,o2_j,o2_k,\ a2_i,a2_j,a2_k,\ o1_1,o1_i,o1_j,o1_k,\ o3_1,o3_i,o3_j,o3_k,\ a3_i,a3_j,a3_k]

I-3) Coordinates computations

We have two way to look at elements of sp(2,1)\mathfrak{sp}(2,1): first as quaternionic matrices (in sl(6,C))\mathfrak{sl}(6,\mathbb C)) and second as vectors of 2121 coordinates. We define the functions to pass from one form to the other.

def quat_matTOcoord(M): A1_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[0,4]-M[1,5])) A1_j = QQ(1/2*(M[1,4] - M[0,5])) A1_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[1,4] + M[0,5])) A1 = [A1_i,A1_j,A1_k] O2_1 = QQ(1/(2)*(M[0,2]+M[1,3])) O2_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[0,2]-M[1,3])) O2_j = QQ(1/2*(M[1,2] - M[0,3])) O2_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[1,2] + M[0,3])) O2 = [O2_1,O2_i,O2_j,O2_k] O1_1 = QQ(1/(2)*(M[0,0]+M[1,1])) O1_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[0,0]-M[1,1])) O1_j = QQ(1/2*(M[1,0] - M[0,1])) O1_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[1,0] + M[0,1])) O1 = [O1_1,O1_i,O1_j,O1_k] A2_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[2,2]-M[3,3])) A2_j = QQ(1/2*(M[3,2] - M[2,3])) A2_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[3,2] + M[2,3])) A2 = [A2_i,A2_j,A2_k] O3_1 = QQ(1/(2)*(M[2,0]+M[3,1])) O3_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[2,0]-M[3,1])) O3_j = QQ(1/2*(M[3,0] - M[2,1])) O3_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[3,0] + M[2,1])) O3 = [O3_1,O3_i,O3_j,O3_k] A3_i = QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[4,0]-M[5,1])) A3_j = QQ(1/2*(M[5,0] - M[4,1])) A3_k = -QQ(1/(2*s3)*(M[5,0] + M[4,1])) A3 = [A3_i,A3_j,A3_k] return matrix(QQ,A1 + O2 + A2 + O1 + O3 + A3).transpose()
def CoordTOmat(coor): coo = coor.list() M = zero_matrix(K,6,6) for c,vec in zip(coo,Base_sp): M += c*vec return M

I-4) The adjoint action

We are now able to compute the adjoint action in coordinates.

def Ad_action(M): ad = zero_matrix(QQ,21,21) for i,vec in enumerate(Base_sp): ad[:,i] = quat_matTOcoord(M * vec * M.inverse()) return ad

II) The figure eight knot group and its representation

II-1) The group as a quotient of the free group

F2.<a,b> = FreeGroup(2)
G8 = F2/ [b^-1*a*b*a^-1*b*a*b^-1*a^-1*b*a^-1] G8.relations()

II-2) The representation ρ0\rho_0

We define the representation ρ0\rho_0

A = quat_mat([Un,[1,0,0,0],[-1/2,-1/2,0,0],Zero,Un,[-1,0,0,0],Zero,Zero,Un]) B = quat_mat([Un,Zero,Zero,Un,Un,Zero,[-1/2,-1/2,0,0],[-1,0,0,0],Un])

And check that they verify the relation:

[1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 0 0 0] [0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 0 0 1]

III) Alexander matrix and cohomological computations

We define the matrix such that Z1Z^1 is its kernel.

def Z1Ad_sp(G,h): H = [] for i in h: H = H + [Ad_action(i)] Z1 = G.alexander_matrix(H) Z1 = block_matrix(len(G.relations()),G.ngens(),Z1.list()) return Z1; Z1Ad_sp(G8,[A,B])
21 x 42 dense matrix over Rational Field (use the '.str()' method to see the entries)

We define the matrix such that B1B^1 is its image.

def B1Ad_sp(G,h): n = (h[0]).nrows() B1 = Ad_action(h[0])- matrix.identity(21) for i in range(1,len(h)): B1 = B1.stack(Ad_action(h[i])-matrix.identity(21)) return B1; B1Ad_sp(G8,[A,B])
42 x 21 dense matrix over Rational Field (use the '.str()' method to see the entries)

And compute the dimension of the quotient: it is 33.

def dim_H1Ad_sp(G,h): Z1 = Z1Ad_sp(G,h).right_kernel() B1 = B1Ad_sp(G,h).column_space() if not(B1.is_subspace(Z1)): print "Probleme de definition des cocycles/cobord" else: return dim(Z1.quotient(B1)) dim_H1Ad_sp(G8,[A,B])