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Dragon Fractal in Python

Project: NEH
Views: 160
Kernel: Python 3 (Anaconda)

The Dragon Fractal

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
s = '' def replace(x): return x.replace('V','m').replace('M','V').upper()[::-1] def dragonNext(x): return x + 'V' + replace(x) def iterateDragon(N): x = s for i in range(N): x = dragonNext(x) return x def nextDir(curr,dir): if curr == 'E' and dir == 'V': return 'S' if curr == 'W' and dir == 'V': return 'N' if curr == 'S' and dir == 'V': return 'W' if curr == 'N' and dir == 'V': return 'E' if curr == 'E' and dir == 'M': return 'N' if curr == 'W' and dir == 'M': return 'S' if curr == 'S' and dir == 'M': return 'E' if curr == 'N' and dir == 'M': return 'W' def strToDir(x): lst = 'N' for char in x: lst += nextDir(lst[-1],char) return lst def points(N): str = iterateDragon(N) dir = strToDir(str) x,y = [0],[0] for char in dir: if char == 'N': x += [x[-1]] y += [y[-1]+1] if char == 'E': x += [x[-1]+1] y += [y[-1]] if char == 'S': x += [x[-1]] y += [y[-1]-1] if char == 'W': x += [x[-1]-1] y += [y[-1]] return np.array(x),np.array(y) def dragon(N): x,y = points(N) plt.plot(x,y,color='black')
Image in a Jupyter notebook