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Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)

CS166: Elevator Simulation

Group members: Galena, Urmila, Long, Valyo, Qiqi

import random import numpy as np class Elevator(): """ Models an elevator Attributes: current_floor = An integer representing the elevator's current floor num_floors = An integer representing the number of floors the elevator can travel action_queue = A list representing passengers that need to be delivered to their destination max_capacity = An integer indicating how many passengers can fit in the elevator passengers_inside = A list of passenger objects whose pickedup attribute == True. That is, a list of passengers inside the elvator. """ def __init__(self, num_floors, current_floor = 1, direction="up", max_capacity = 300): #user must manually update max_capacity to change the elevator capacity. self.current_floor = current_floor self.num_floors = num_floors self.action_queue = [] # next floor to stop at self.max_capacity = max_capacity self.passengers_inside = [] # list of passengers inside the elevator def add_request(self, passenger): """ Add passengers to the action queue if capacity allows """ if len(self.passengers_inside) <= self.max_capacity : self.passengers_inside.append(passenger) self.action_queue.append(passenger.destination) passenger.pickedup = True def completed(self, passenger, sim_time): """ Remove passengers who have been delivered to their destination """ self.passengers_inside.remove(passenger) self.action_queue.remove(passenger.destination) passenger.pickedup = False passenger.reached = True passenger.delivery_time = sim_time print "Next Actions:",self.action_queue def move(self, curr_fl): self.current_floor = curr_fl class Passenger(): """ Models a passenger Attributes: starting_floor = An integer representing the floor the passenger starts on destination = An integer representing the floor the passenger is going to pickedup.reached= Both Boolean values indicating whether a paasenger is picked up / has reached destination """ def __init__(self, num_floors, pickedup=False, reached=False): self.starting_floor = random.randint(1, num_floors) self.destination = random.choice([i for i in range(1,num_floors+1) if i!=self.starting_floor]) self.pickedup = pickedup #default: False self.reached = reached #default: False self.direction = "up" if self.destination > self.starting_floor else "down" self.delivery_time = 0 class Building(): """ Models a building Attributes: num_floors = An integer representing the number of floors in the building num_passengers = An integer indicating how many passengers there are in the building """ def __init__(self, num_passengers, num_floors=10): self.num_floors = num_floors self.num_passengers = num_passengers self.passengers_remained = num_passengers self.simulation_time = 0 def execution_simple(self): """ Implement the naive execution strategy: The Elevator stops at every floor, picking up passengers, if any, regardless of their intended direction, until all passengers have arrived at their respective destination""" elevator = Elevator(self.num_floors) pass_list = [] #to store inidividual passenger wait times deliverytime_list = [] self.passenger_delivery_times=[] for x in range(self.num_passengers): y = Passenger(self.num_floors) pass_list.append(y) while self.passengers_remained > 0: #start loop, the elevator would keep going all the way up and all the way down until no passengers are left for fl in range(0, self.num_floors): elevator.move(fl+1) #move 1 floor and door opens, 12 seconds self.simulation_time += 12 for passenger in pass_list: if elevator.current_floor == passenger.starting_floor and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==False: elevator.add_request(passenger) self.simulation_time += 10 if elevator.current_floor == passenger.destination and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==True: elevator.completed(passenger, self.simulation_time) self.passengers_remained -= 1 deliverytime_list.append(self.simulation_time) print "Total number of remaining passengers:",(self.passengers_remained) if self.passengers_remained == 0: self.passenger_delivery_times=deliverytime_list print "Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining" print "Total time take:", self.simulation_time return for fl in range(self.num_floors+1, 1, -1): elevator.move(fl-1) #move 1 floor and door opens, 12 seconds self.simulation_time += 12 for passenger in pass_list: if elevator.current_floor == passenger.starting_floor and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==False: elevator.add_request(passenger) if elevator.current_floor == passenger.destination and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==True: elevator.completed(passenger, self.simulation_time) self.passengers_remained -= 1 deliverytime_list.append(self.simulation_time) print "Total number of remaining passengers:", self.passengers_remained if self.passengers_remained == 0: self.passenger_delivery_times=deliverytime_list print "Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining" print "Total time take:",self.simulation_time return def execution(self): """ Implement the improved strategy The elevator only picks up passengers that are going in the same direction as it is moving towards. The iteration ends when all passengers have arrived at their respective destination""" #initiate pass list elevator = Elevator(self.num_floors) pass_list = [] #to store inidividual passenger wait times deliverytime_list = [] self.passenger_delivery_times=[] for x in range(self.num_passengers): y = Passenger(self.num_floors) pass_list.append(y) while self.passengers_remained > 0: #start loop, the elevator would keep going all the way up and all the way down until no passengers are left for fl in range(0, self.num_floors): door_open = False elevator.move(fl+1) #move floors, 2 seconds self.simulation_time += 2 for passenger in pass_list: if elevator.current_floor == passenger.starting_floor and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==False and passenger.direction=="up": elevator.add_request(passenger) door_open = True if elevator.current_floor == passenger.destination and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==True: elevator.completed(passenger, self.simulation_time) self.passengers_remained -= 1 deliverytime_list.append(self.simulation_time) print "Total number of remaining passengers:", self.passengers_remained door_open = True if self.passengers_remained == 0: self.passenger_delivery_times=deliverytime_list self.simulation_time =+ 10 #add 10 secs for door opening print "Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining" print "Total time taken:", self.simulation_time return if door_open: #door opens, add 10 seconds self.simulation_time += 10 for fl in range(self.num_floors+1, 1, -1): elevator.move(fl-1) #move floors, 2 seconds self.simulation_time += 2 for passenger in pass_list: door_open = False if elevator.current_floor == passenger.starting_floor and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==False and passenger.direction == "down": elevator.add_request(passenger) door_open = True if elevator.current_floor == passenger.destination and passenger.reached==False and passenger.pickedup==True: elevator.completed(passenger, self.simulation_time) self.passengers_remained -= 1 deliverytime_list.append(self.simulation_time) print "Total number of remaining passengers:", self.passengers_remained door_open = True if door_open : self.simulation_time += 10 if self.passengers_remained == 0: self.passenger_delivery_times=deliverytime_list print "Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining" print "Total time taken:", self.simulation_time return
#sanity check, one iteration build_simple = Building(20) build_simple.execution_simple()
Next Actions: [6, 9, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 19 Next Actions: [9, 10, 3] Total number of remaining passengers: 18 Next Actions: [10, 3, 5] Total number of remaining passengers: 17 Next Actions: [3, 5, 6] Total number of remaining passengers: 16 Next Actions: [3, 5, 1] Total number of remaining passengers: 15 Next Actions: [3, 1] Total number of remaining passengers: 14 Next Actions: [1, 10, 9] Total number of remaining passengers: 13 Next Actions: [10, 9, 8] Total number of remaining passengers: 12 Next Actions: [10, 9, 8] Total number of remaining passengers: 11 Next Actions: [10, 9, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 10 Next Actions: [10, 10, 3] Total number of remaining passengers: 9 Next Actions: [10, 3, 3] Total number of remaining passengers: 8 Next Actions: [3, 3] Total number of remaining passengers: 7 Next Actions: [3, 3, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 6 Next Actions: [3, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 5 Next Actions: [10] Total number of remaining passengers: 4 Next Actions: [2, 5, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 3 Next Actions: [2, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 2 Next Actions: [2] Total number of remaining passengers: 1 Next Actions: [] Total number of remaining passengers: 0 Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining Total time take: 1028
#sanity check: 1 iteration import numpy as np simple_wait_times = build_simple.passenger_delivery_times simple_mean = np.mean(simple_wait_times) simple_max = np.max(simple_wait_times) print "average wait time:",simple_mean print "maximum wait time:",simple_max
average wait time: 586.0 maximum wait time: 1028
#sanity check: 1 iteration build_improved = Building(20) build_improved.execution()
Next Actions: [9, 10, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 19 Next Actions: [10, 10, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 18 Next Actions: [10, 10] Total number of remaining passengers: 17 Next Actions: [10] Total number of remaining passengers: 16 Next Actions: [] Total number of remaining passengers: 15 Next Actions: [2, 2, 8] Total number of remaining passengers: 14 Next Actions: [2, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 13 Next Actions: [2, 2, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 12 Next Actions: [2, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 11 Next Actions: [2] Total number of remaining passengers: 10 Next Actions: [] Total number of remaining passengers: 9 Next Actions: [10, 9] Total number of remaining passengers: 8 Next Actions: [10] Total number of remaining passengers: 7 Next Actions: [] Total number of remaining passengers: 6 Next Actions: [7, 4, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 5 Next Actions: [4, 2] Total number of remaining passengers: 4 Next Actions: [2, 1, 1] Total number of remaining passengers: 3 Next Actions: [1, 1] Total number of remaining passengers: 2 Next Actions: [1] Total number of remaining passengers: 1 Next Actions: [] Total number of remaining passengers: 0 Simulation Complete; no passengers remaining Total time taken: 500
#sanity check: 1 iteration improved_wait_times = build_improved.passenger_delivery_times improved_mean = np.mean(improved_wait_times) improved_max = np.max(improved_wait_times) print "average wait time:",improved_mean print "maximum wait time:",improved_max
average wait time: 274.4 maximum wait time: 490
%%capture #simulation: 1000 iterations simple_wait_times_mean = [] simple_wait_times_max = [] for i in range(1000): build_simple = Building(20) build_simple.execution_simple() simple_wait_times_mean.append(np.mean(build_simple.passenger_delivery_times)) simple_wait_times_max.append(np.max(build_simple.passenger_delivery_times))
%%capture #simulation: 1000 iterations improved_wait_times_mean = [] improved_wait_times_max = [] for i in range(1000): build_improved = Building(20) build_improved.execution() improved_wait_times_mean.append(np.mean(build_improved.passenger_delivery_times)) improved_wait_times_max.append(np.max(build_improved.passenger_delivery_times))
#result print-out: case 1: no cap limit print("Average wait time, naive strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.mean(simple_wait_times_mean), 2)) print("Max wait time, naive strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.max(simple_wait_times_max),2)) print("Average wait time, improved strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.mean(improved_wait_times_mean),2)) print("Max wait time, improved strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.max(improved_wait_times_max),2))
('Average wait time, naive strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 317.85) ('Max wait time, naive strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 440.0) ('Average wait time, improved strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 165.94) ('Max wait time, improved strat, no cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 420.0)
#result print-out: case 2: with cap limit print("Average wait time, naive strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.mean(simple_wait_times_mean),2)) print("Max wait time, naive strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.max(simple_wait_times_max),2)) print("Average wait time, improved strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.mean(improved_wait_times_mean),2)) print("Max wait time, improved strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ", round(np.max(improved_wait_times_max),2))
('Average wait time, naive strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 522.36) ('Max wait time, naive strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 1440.0) ('Average wait time, improved strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 229.89) ('Max wait time, improved strat, with cap limit, after 1000 realizations: ', 716.0)