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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309<Chapter Label="ChangesGAP46toGAP47">1<Heading>Changes between &GAP; 4.6 and &GAP; 4.7</Heading>23This chapter contains an overview of most important changes4introduced in &GAP; 4.7.2 release (the first public release5of &GAP; 4.7).67It also contains information about subsequent update releases for &GAP; 4.7.89<Section Label="fix472">10<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.2 (December 2013)</Heading>1112<Subsection Label="Changes in the core GAP47 system">13<Heading>Changes in the core &GAP; system introduced in &GAP; 4.7</Heading>1415Improved and extended functionality:16<List>17<!-- cf. #411, 412, 413 -->18<Item>19The methods for computing conjugacy classes of permutation groups have20been rewritten from scratch to enable potential use for groups in21different representations. As a byproduct the resulting code is22(sometimes notably) faster. It also now is possible to calculate23canonical conjugacy class representatives in permutation groups,24which can be beneficial when calculating character tables.25</Item>26<Item>27The methods for determining (conjugacy classes of) subgroups in28non-solvable groups have been substantially improved in speed and29scope for groups with multiple nonabelian composition factors.30</Item>31<Item>32There is a new method for calculating the maximal subgroups of33a permutation group (with chief factors of width less or equal 5)34without calculating the whole subgroup lattice.35</Item>36<Item>37If available, information from the table of marks library is38used to speed up subgroup calculations in almost simple factor groups.39</Item>40<Item>41The broader availability of maximal subgroups is used to improve42the calculation of double cosets.43</Item>44<Item>45To illustrate the improvements listed above, one could try, for example46<Log><![CDATA[47g:=WreathProduct(MathieuGroup(11),Group((1,2)));48Length(ConjugacyClassesSubgroups(g));49]]></Log>50and51<Log><![CDATA[52g:=SemidirectProduct(GL(3,5),GF(5)^3);53g:=Image(IsomorphismPermGroup(g));54MaximalSubgroupClassReps(g);55]]></Log>56</Item>57<Item>58Computing the exponent of a finite group <M>G</M> could be extremely slow.59This was due to a slow default method being used, which computed60all conjugacy classes of elements in order to compute the exponent.61We now instead compute Sylow subgroups <M>P_1</M>, ..., <M>P_k</M> of62<M>G</M> and use the easily verified equality63<M>exp(G) = exp(P_1) x ... x exp(P_k)</M>.64This is usually at least as fast and in many cases orders of magnitude65faster.66<Log><![CDATA[67gap> G:=SmallGroup(2^7*9,33);;68gap> H:=DirectProduct(G, ElementaryAbelianGroup(2^10));;69gap> Exponent(H); # should take at most a few milliseconds707271gap> K := PerfectGroup(2688,3);;72gap> Exponent(K); # should take at most a few seconds7316874]]></Log>75</Item>76<Item>77<!-- #414 -->78The functionality in &GAP; for transformations and transformation semigroups has79been rewritten and extended. Partial permutations and inverse semigroups have80been newly implemented. The documentation for transformations and81transformation semigroups has been improved. Transformations and partial82permutations are implemented in the &GAP; kernel. Methods for calculating83attributes of transformations and partial permutations, and taking products,84and so are also implemented in the kernel. The new implementations are largely85backwards compatible; some exceptions are given below.86<P/>87The degree of a transformation <C>f</C> is usually defined as the88largest positive integer where <C>f</C> is defined. In previous versions of89&GAP;, transformations were only defined on positive integers less than their90degree, it was only possible to multiply transformations of equal degree, and a91transformation did not act on any point exceeding its degree. Starting with92&GAP; 4.7, transformations behave more like permutations, in that93they fix unspecified points and it is possible to multiply arbitrary94transformations.95<List>96<Item>97in the display of a transformation, the trailing fixed points are no longer98printed. More precisely, in the display of a transformation <C>f</C> if99<C>n</C> is the largest value such that <C>n^f<>n</C> or100<C>i^f=n</C> for some <C>i<>n</C>, then the values exceeding <C>n</C>101are not printed.102</Item>103<Item>104the display for semigroups of transformations now includes more information,105for example <C><transformation semigroup on 10 pts with 10 generators></C> and106<C><inverse partial perm semigroup on 10 pts with 10 generators></C>.107</Item>108<Item>109transformations which define a permutation can be inverted, and groups of110transformations can be created.111</Item>112</List>113Further information regarding transformations and partial permutations, can be114found in the relevant chapters of the reference manual.115<P/>116The code for Rees matrix semigroups has been completely rewritten to fix the117numerous bugs in the previous versions. The display of a Rees matrix semigroup118has also been improved to include the numbers of rows and columns, and the119underlying semigroup. Again the new implementations should be backwards120compatible with the exception that the display is different.121<P/>122The code for magmas with a zero adjoined has been improved so that it is123possible to access more information about the original magma. The display has124also been changed to indicate that the created magma is a magma with zero125adjoined (incorporating the display of the underlying magma). Elements of a126magma with zero are also printed so that it is clear that they belong to a127magma with zero.128<P/>129If a semigroup is created by generators in the category130IsMultiplicativeElementWithOneCollection and CanEasilyCompareElements, then it131is now checked if the One of the generators is given as a generator. In this132case, the semigroup is created as a monoid.133</Item>134<Item>135Added a new operation <Ref Oper="GrowthFunctionOfGroup" BookName="ref"/>136that gives sizes of distance spheres in the Cayley graph of a group.137</Item>138<Item>139<!-- #123 -->140A new group constructor <Ref Oper="FreeAbelianGroup" BookName="ref"/>141for free abelian groups has been added. By default, it creates suitable142fp groups. Though free abelian groups groups do not offer much143functionality right now, in the future other implementations may be144provided, e.g. by the <Package>Polycyclic</Package> package.145</Item>146<Item>147<!-- #29 -->148The message about halving the pool size at startup is only shown149when <C>-D</C> command line option is used150(see <Ref Sect="Command line options" BookName="ref"/>).151[Suggested by Volker Braun]152</Item>153<Item>154<!-- #180 -->155An info class called <Ref InfoClass="InfoObsolete" BookName="ref"/>156with the default level 0 is introduced.157Setting it to 1 will trigger warnings at runtime if an obsolete variable158declared with <C>DeclareObsoleteSynonym</C> is used. This is recommended for159testing &GAP; distribution and packages.160</Item>161<Item>162The &GAP; help system now recognises some common different spelling patterns163(for example, -ise/-ize, -isation/-ization, solvable/soluble) and searches164for all possible spelling options even when the synonyms are not declared.165</Item>166<Item>167<!-- #452 -->168Added new function <Ref Func="Cite" BookName="ref"/> which produces citation169samples for &GAP; and packages.170</Item>171<Item>172<!-- #198 -->173It is now possible to compile &GAP; with user-supplied <C>CFLAGS</C>174which now will not be overwritten by &GAP; default settings.175[Suggested by Jeroen Demeyer]176</Item>177</List>178179Fixed bugs:180181<List>182<Item>183<!-- #444 -->184<Ref Func="Union" BookName="ref"/> had <M>O(n^3)</M> behaviour when185given many ranges (e.g. it could take 10 seconds to find a union of1861000 1-element sets). The new implementation reduces that to187<M>O(n log n)</M> (and 4ms for the 10 second example), at the cost188of not merging ranges as well as before in some rare cases.189</Item>190<Item>191<!-- #423 -->192<C>IsLatticeOrderBinaryRelation</C> only checked the existence of upper193bounds but not the uniqueness of the least upper bound (and dually for194lower bounds), so in some cases it could return the wrong answer.195[Reported by Attila Egri-Nagy]196</Item>197<Item>198<!-- #453 -->199<Ref Oper="LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup" BookName="ref"/> triggered a200break loop if the list of generators of the 2nd argument contained201the identity element of the group.202[Reported by Ignat Soroko]203</Item>204<Item>205<!-- #454 -->206Fixed regression in heuristics used by207<Ref Oper="NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup" BookName="ref"/> that208could produce a permutation representation of an unreasonably large degree.209[Reported by Izumi Miyamoto]210</Item>211<Item>212<!-- #129 -->213Fixed inconsistent behaviour of <C>QuotientMod( Integers, r, s, m )</C>214in the case where <A>s</A> and <A>m</A> are not coprime. This fix also215corrects the division behaviour of <C>ZmodnZ</C> objects, see216<Ref Oper="QuotientMod" BookName="ref" /> and217<Ref Func="ZmodnZ" BookName="ref"/>.218[Reported by Mark Dickinson]219</Item>220<Item>221<!-- #408 -->222Fixed an oversight in the loading process causing223<Ref Func="OnQuit" BookName="ref"/> not resetting the options224stack after exiting the break loop.225</Item>226<Item>227<!-- #407 -->228Empty strings were treated slightly differently than other strings in229the &GAP; kernel, for historical reasons. This resulted in various230inconsistencies. For example, <C>IsStringRep("")</C> returned true,231but a method installed for arguments of type <C>IsStringRep</C> would232NOT be invoked when called with an empty string.233<P/>234We remove this special case in the &GAP; kernel (which dates back the235very early days of &GAP; 4 in 1996). This uncovered one issue in236the kernel function <C>POSITION_SUBSTRING</C> (when calling it with an237empty string as second argument), which was also fixed.238</Item>239<Item>240<!-- #219 -->241The parser for floating point numbers contained a bug that could cause242&GAP; to crash or to get into a state where the only action left to the243user was to exit &GAP; via Ctrl-D. For example, entering four dots with244spaces between them on the &GAP; prompt and then pressing the return key245caused &GAP; to exit.246<P/>247The reason was (ironically) an error check in the innards of the float248parser code which invoked the &GAP; <C>Error()</C> function at a point249where it should not have.250</Item>251<Item>252Removing the last character in a string was supposed to overwrite the old253removed character in memory with a zero byte, but failed to do so due to an254off-by-one error. For most &GAP; operations, this has no visible effect,255except for those which directly operate on the underlying memory representation256of strings. For example, when trying to use such a string to reference a record257entry, a (strange) error could be triggered.258</Item>259<Item>260<Ref Oper="ViewString" BookName="ref"/> and <Ref Oper="DisplayString" BookName="ref"/>261are now handling strings, characters and immediate FFEs in a consistent manner.262</Item>263<Item>264<!-- #417, 436, 437, 446 -->265Multiple fixes to the build process for less common Debian platforms266(arm, ia64, mips, sparc, GNU/Hurd). [Suggested by Bill Allombert]267</Item>268<Item>269<!-- #425, 426, 427, 438 -->270Fixes for several regressions in the <F>gac</F> script.271[Suggested by Bill Allombert]272</Item>273</List>274275Changed functionality:276<List>277<Item>278<!-- #230 -->279It is not possible now to call <Ref Oper="WreathProduct" BookName="ref"/>280with 2nd argument <A>H</A> not being a permutation group, without using the 3rd281argument specifying the permutation representation. This is an incompatible282change but it will produce an error instead of a wrong result. The former283behaviour of <Ref Oper="WreathProduct" BookName="ref"/> may now be achieved284by using <Ref Oper="StandardWreathProduct" BookName="ref"/> which returns the wreath285product for the (right regular) permutation action of <A>H</A> on its elements.286</Item>287<Item>288<!-- #180 -->289The function <C>ViewLength</C> to specify the maximal number of lines290that are printed in <Ref Oper="ViewObj" BookName="ref" /> became291obsolete, since there was already a user preference <C>ViewLength</C>292to specify this. The value of this preference is also accessible in293<C>GAPInfo.ViewLength</C>.294</Item>295</List>296297</Subsection>298299<Subsection Label="New and updated packages since GAP 4.6.5">300<Heading>New and updated packages since &GAP; 4.6.5</Heading>301302<Index>Packages, new</Index>303At the time of the release of &GAP; 4.6.5 there were 107 packages304redistributed with &GAP;. The first public release of &GAP; 4.7305contains 114 packages.306<P/>307308One of essential changes is that309the <Package>Citrus</Package> package by J.Mitchell has been renamed310to <Package>Semigroups</Package>. The package has been completely311overhauled, the performance has been improved, and the code has been312generalized so that in the future the same code can be used to compute313with other types of semigroups.314<P/>315316Furthermore, new packages that have been added to the redistribution317since the release of &GAP; 4.6.5 are:318319<List>320<Item>321<Package>4ti2interface</Package> package by Sebastian Gutsche, providing322an interface to <Package>4ti2</Package>, a software package for algebraic,323geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces (<URL></URL>).324</Item>325<Item>326<Package>CoReLG</Package> by Heiko Dietrich, Paolo Faccin and327Willem de Graaf for calculations in real semisimple Lie algebras.328</Item>329<Item>330<Package>IntPic</Package> package by Manuel Delgado, aimed at providing331a simple way of getting a pictorial view of sets of integers. The main332goal of the package is producing <Package>Tikz</Package> code for arrays333of integers. The code produced is to be included in a &LaTeX; file, which334can then be processed. Some of the integers are emphasized by using335different colors for the cells containing them.336</Item>337<Item>338<Package>LieRing</Package> by Serena Cicalo and Willem de Graaf for339constructing finitely-presented Lie rings and calculating the Lazard340correspondence. The package also provides a database of small341<M>n</M>-Engel Lie rings.342</Item>343<Item>344<Package>LiePRing</Package> package by Michael Vaughan-Lee and Bettina345Eick, introducing a new datastructure for nilpotent Lie rings of prime-power346order. This allows to define such Lie rings for specific primes as well347as for symbolic primes and other symbolic parameters. The package also348includes a database of nilpotent Lie rings of order at most <M>p^7</M>349for all primes <M>p > 3</M>.350</Item>351<Item>352<Package>ModIsom</Package> by Bettina Eick, which contains various353methods for computing with nilpotent associative algebras. In particular,354it contains a method to determine the automorphism group and to test355isomorphisms of such algebras over finite fields and of modular group356algebras of finite <M>p</M>-groups. Further, it contains a nilpotent quotient357algorithm for finitely presented associative algebras and a method358to determine Kurosh algebras.359</Item>360<Item>361<Package>SLA</Package> by Willem de Graaf for computations with362simple Lie algebras. The main topics of the package are nilpotent363orbits, theta-groups and semisimple subalgebras.364</Item>365</List>366367<Index>Packages, upgraded</Index>368Furthermore, some packages have been upgraded substantially369since the &GAP; 4.6.5 release:370<List>371<Item>372<Package>ANUPQ</Package> package by Greg Gamble, Werner Nickel373and Eamonn O'Brien has been updated after Max Horn joined it as a374maintainer. As a result, it is now much easier to install and use375it with the current &GAP; release.376</Item>377<Item>378<Package>Wedderga</Package> package by Osnel Broche Cristo, Allen Herman,379Alexander Konovalov, Aurora Olivieri, Gabriela Olteanu, Ángel del Río and380Inneke Van Gelder has been extended to include functions for calculating381local and global Schur indices of ordinary irreducible characters of382finite groups, cyclotomic algebras over abelian number fields, and rational383quaternion algebras (contribution by Allen Herman).384</Item>385</List>386387</Subsection>388389</Section>390391<Section Label="fix473">392<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.3 (February 2014)</Heading>393394Fixed bugs which could lead to incorrect results:395<List>396<Item>397Incorrect result returned by <C>AutomorphismGroup(PSp(4,2^n))</C>.398[Reported by Anvita]399</Item>400<Item>401The <Ref Oper="Order" BookName="ref"/> method for group homomorphisms402newly introduced in &GAP; 4.7 had a bug that caused it to403sometimes return incorrect results.404[Reported by Benjamin Sambale]405</Item>406</List>407408Fixed bugs that could lead to break loops:409<List>410<Item>411Several bugs were fixed and missing methods were introduced in the412new code for transformations, partial permutations and semigroups413that was first included in &GAP; 4.7. Some minor corrections414were made in the documentation for transformations.415</Item>416<Item>417Break loop in <C>IsomorphismFpMonoid</C> when prefixes in418generators names were longer than one letter.419[Reported by Dmytro Savchuk and Yevgen Muntyan]420</Item>421<Item>422Break loop while displaying the result of423<Ref Func="MagmaWithInversesByMultiplicationTable" BookName="ref"/>.424[Reported by Grahame Erskine]425</Item>426</List>427428Improved functionality:429<List>430<Item>431Better detection of UTF-8 terminal encoding on some systems.432[Suggested by Andries Brouwer]433</Item>434</List>435436</Section>437438<Section Label="fix474">439<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.4 (February 2014)</Heading>440This release was prepared immediately after &GAP; 4.7.3 to revert441the fix of the error handling for the single quote at the end of442an input line, contained in &GAP; 4.7.3. It happened that (only443on Windows) the fix caused error messages in one of the packages.444</Section>445446<Section Label="fix475">447<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.5 (May 2014)</Heading>448449Fixed bugs which could lead to incorrect results:450<List>451<Item>452<Ref Func="InstallValue" BookName="ref" /> cannot handle immediate453values, characters or booleans for technical reasons. A check for454such values was introduced to trigger an error message and prevent455incorrect results caused by this. [Reported by Sebastian Gutsche]456</Item>457<Item>458<Ref Oper="KnowsDictionary" BookName="ref"/> and459<Ref Oper="LookupDictionary" BookName="ref" />460methods for <C>IsListLookupDictionary</C> were using461<Ref Oper="PositionFirstComponent" BookName="ref" />;462the latter is only valid on sorted lists, but in463<C>IsListLookupDictionary</C> the underlying464list is NOT sorted in general, leading to bogus results.465</Item>466</List>467468Other fixed bugs:469<List>470<Item>471A bug in <C>DirectProductElementsFamily</C> which used472<Ref Prop="CanEasilyCompareElements" BookName="ref"/> instead of473<Ref Prop="CanEasilySortElements" BookName="ref"/>.474</Item>475<Item>476Fixed wrong <C>Infolevel</C> message that caused a break loop477for some automorphism group computations.478</Item>479<Item>480Fixed an error that sometimes caused a break loop in481<Ref Func="HallSubgroup" BookName="ref"/>.482[Reported by Benjamin Sambale]483</Item>484<Item>485Fixed a rare error in computation of conjugacy classes of a486finite group by homomorphic images, providing fallback to a487default algorithm.488</Item>489<Item>490Fixed an error in the calculation of Frattini subgroup in the491case of the trivial radical.492</Item>493<Item>494Several minor bugs were fixed in the documentation, kernel, and495library code for transformations.496</Item>497<Item>498Fixed errors in <Ref Func="NumberPerfectGroups" BookName="ref" />499and <Ref Func="NumberPerfectLibraryGroups" BookName="ref" /> not500being aware that there are no perfect groups of odd order.501</Item>502<Item>503Restored the ability to build &GAP; on OS X 10.4 and 10.5504which was accidentally broken in the previous &GAP; release by505using the build option not supported by these versions.506</Item>507<Item>508Fixed some problems for ia64 and sparc architectures.509[Reported by Bill Allombert and Volker Braun]510</Item>511</List>512513New package added for the redistribution with &GAP;:514<List>515<Item>516<Package>permut</Package> package by A.Ballester-Bolinches,517E.Cosme-Llópez, and R.Esteban-Romero to deal with permutability518in finite groups.519</Item>520</List>521522</Section>523524525<Section Label="fix476">526<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.6 (November 2014)</Heading>527528Fixed bugs which could lead to incorrect results:529<List>530<Item>531A bug that may cause <Ref Func="ShortestVectors" BookName="ref"/> to532return an incomplete list. [Reported by Florian Beye]533</Item>534<Item>535A bug that may lead to incorrect results and infinite loops when &GAP;536is compiled without GMP support using gcc 4.9.537</Item>538<Item>539A bug that may cause <Ref Func="OrthogonalEmbeddings" BookName="ref"/> to540return an incomplete result. [Reported by Benjamin Sambale]541</Item>542</List>543544Fixed bugs that could lead to break loops:545<List>546<Item>547<Ref Oper="ClosureGroup" BookName="ref"/> should be used instead of548<Ref Func="ClosureSubgroup" BookName="ref"/> in case there is no parent549group, otherwise some calculations such as e.g.550<Ref Oper="NormalSubgroups" BookName="ref"/> may fail.551[Reported by Dmitrii Pasechnik]552</Item>553<Item>554Fixed a line in the code that used a hard-coded identity permutation,555not a generic identity element of a group. [Reported by Toshio Sumi]556</Item>557<Item>558Fixed a problem in the new code for calculating maximal subgroups559that caused a break loop for some groups from the transitive groups560library. [Reported by Petr Savicky]561</Item>562<Item>563Fixed a problem in <Ref Oper="ClosureSubgroup" BookName="ref"/> not564accepting some groups without <Ref Oper="Parent" BookName="ref"/>.565[Reported by Inneke van Gelder]566</Item>567</List>568569Other fixed bugs:570<List>571<Item>572Eliminated a number of compiler warnings detected with some newer573versions of <Package>C</Package> compilers.574</Item>575<Item>576Some minor bugs in the transformation and partial permutation code577and documentation were resolved.578</Item>579</List>580581</Section>582583584<Section Label="fix477">585<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.7 (February 2015)</Heading>586587New features:588<List>589<Item>590Introduced some arithmetic operations for infinity and negative infinity,591see <Ref Label="Infinity" BookName="ref"/>.592</Item>593<Item>594Introduced new property <Ref Prop="IsGeneratorsOfSemigroup" BookName="ref"/>595which reflects wheter the list or collection generates a semigroup.596</Item>597</List>598599Fixed bugs which could lead to incorrect results:600<List>601<Item>602Fixed a bug in <Ref Func="Union" BookName="ref"/> (actually,603in the internal library function <C>JoinRanges</C>) caused by604downward running ranges. [Reported by Matt Fayers]605</Item>606<Item>607Fixed a bug where recursive records might be printed with the wrong608component name, coming from component names being ordered differently609in two different pieces of code. [Reported by Thomas Breuer]610</Item>611<Item>612The usage of <C>abs</C> in <File>src/gmpints.c</File> was replaced by613<C>AbsInt</C>. The former is defined to operate on 32-bit integers614even if &GAP; is compiled in 64-bit mode. That lead to truncating615&GAP; integers and caused a crash in <Ref Func="RemInt" BookName="ref"/>,616reported by Willem De Graaf and Heiko Dietrich. Using <C>AbsInt</C> fixes617the crash, and ensures the correct behaviour on 32-bit and 64-bit builds.618</Item>619</List>620621Fixed bugs that could lead to break loops:622<List>623<Item>624A problem with <Ref Func="ProbabilityShapes" BookName="ref"/> not setting625frequencies list for small degrees. [Reported by Daniel Błażewicz and626independently by Mathieu Gagne]627</Item>628<Item>629An error when generating a free monoid of rank infinity.630[Reported by Nick Loughlin]631</Item>632<Item>633Several bugs with the code for Rees matrix semigroups not handling634trivial cases properly.635</Item>636<Item>637A bug in <Ref Attr="IsomorphismTypeInfoFiniteSimpleGroup" BookName="ref"/>638affecting one particular group due to a misformatting in a routine that639translates between the Chevalley type and the name used in the table640(in this case, <C>"T"</C> was used instead of <C>["T"]</C>).641[Reported by Petr Savicky]642</Item>643</List>644645Other fixed bugs:646<List>647<Item>648The <Ref Oper="Basis" BookName="ref"/> method for full homomorphism649spaces of linear mappings did not set basis vectors which could be650obtained by <Ref Attr="GeneratorsOfLeftModule" BookName="ref"/>.651</Item>652<Item>653A problem with <Ref Attr="GaloisType" BookName="ref"/> entering an654infinite loop in the routine for approximating a root. [Reported by Daniel Błażewicz]655</Item>656<Item>657Fixed the crash when &GAP; is called when the environment variables658<C>HOME</C> or <C>PATH</C> are unset. [Reported by Bill Allombert]659</Item>660</List>661662Furthermore, new packages that have been added to the redistribution663since the release of &GAP; 4.7.6 are:664665<List>666<Item>667<Package>json</Package> package by Christopher Jefferson, providing668a mapping between the <Package>JSON</Package> markup language and &GAP;669</Item>670<Item>671<Package>SglPPow</Package> package by Bettina Eick and Michael Vaughan-Lee,672providing the database of <M>p</M>-groups of order <M>p^7</M> for673<M>p > 11</M>, and of order <M>3^8</M>.674</Item>675</List>676677</Section>678679680<Section Label="fix478">681<Heading>&GAP; 4.7.8 (June 2015)</Heading>682683</Section>684685Fixed bugs which could lead to incorrect results:686<List>687<Item>688Added two groups of degree 1575 which were missing in the689library of first primitive groups. [Reported by Gordon Royle]690</Item>691<Item>692Fixed the error in the code for algebra module elements in packed693representation caused by the use of <Ref Oper="Objectify" BookName="ref"/>694with the type of the given object instead of <Ref Func="ObjByExtRep" BookName="ref"/>695as recommended in <Ref Sect="Further Improvements in Implementing Residue Class Rings"696BookName="ref"/>. The problem was that after calculating <C>u+v</C> where one of the697summands was known to be zero, this knowledge was wrongly passed to the sum via the698type. [Reported by Istvan Szollosi]699</Item>700<Item>701Fixed a bug in <Ref Oper="PowerMod" BookName="ref"/> causing wrong results702for univariate Laurent polynomials when the two polynomial arguments are703stored with the same non-zero shift. [Reported by Max Horn]704</Item>705</List>706707Furthermore, new packages that have been added to the redistribution708since the release of &GAP; 4.7.7 are:709710<List>711<Item>712<Package>PatternClass</Package> by Michael Albert, Ruth Hoffmann and713Steve Linton, allowing to explore the permutation pattern classes714build by token passing networks. Amongst other things, it can compute715the basis of a permutation pattern class, create automata from token716passing networks and check if the deterministic automaton is a possible717representative of a token passing network.718</Item>719<Item>720<Package>QPA</Package> by Edward Green and Øyvind Solberg, providing721data structures and algorithms for computations with finite dimensional722quotients of path algebras, and with finitely generated modules over such723algebras. It implements data structures for quivers, quotients of path724algebras, and modules, homomorphisms and complexes of modules over725quotients of path algebras.726</Item>727</List>728729</Chapter>730731732<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->733<!-- %% -->734<!-- %E -->735736737