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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 4662971[1X10 [33X[0;0YStreams[133X[101X23[33X[0;0Y[13XStreams[113X provide flexible access to [5XGAP[105X's input and output processing. An4[13Xinput stream[113X takes characters from some source and delivers them to [5XGAP[105X5which [13Xreads[113X them from the stream. When an input stream has delivered all6characters it is at [10Xend-of-stream[110X. An [13Xoutput stream[113X receives characters from7[5XGAP[105X which [13Xwrites[113X them to the stream, and delivers them to some destination.[133X89[33X[0;0YA major use of streams is to provide efficient and flexible access to files.10Files can be read and written using [2XRead[102X ([14X9.7-1[114X) and [2XAppendTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X),11however the former only allows a complete file to be read as [5XGAP[105X input and12the latter imposes a high time penalty if many small pieces of output are13written to a large file. Streams allow input files in other formats to be14read and processed, and files to be built up efficiently from small pieces15of output. Streams may also be used for other purposes, for example to read16from and print to [5XGAP[105X strings, or to read input directly from the user.[133X1718[33X[0;0YAny stream is either a [13Xtext stream[113X, which translates the [10Xend-of-line[110X19character ([10X\n[110X) to or from the system's representation of [10Xend-of-line[110X (e.g.,20[13Xnew-line[113X under UNIX and [13Xcarriage-return[113X-[13Xnew-line[113X under DOS), or a [13Xbinary21stream[113X, which does not translate the [10Xend-of-line[110X character. The processing22of other unprintable characters by text streams is undefined. Binary streams23pass them unchanged.[133X2425[33X[0;0YWhereas it is cheap to append to a stream, streams do consume system26resources, and only a limited number can be open at any time, therefore it27is necessary to close a stream as soon as possible using [2XCloseStream[102X28([14X10.2-1[114X). If creating a stream failed then [2XLastSystemError[102X ([14X9.1-1[114X) can be29used to get information about the failure.[133X303132[1X10.1 [33X[0;0YCategories for Streams and the StreamsFamily[133X[101X3334[1X10.1-1 IsStream[101X3536[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X3738[33X[0;0YStreams are [5XGAP[105X objects and all open streams, input, output, text and39binary, lie in this category.[133X4041[1X10.1-2 IsClosedStream[101X4243[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsClosedStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X4445[33X[0;0YWhen a stream is closed, its type changes to lie in [2XIsClosedStream[102X. This46category is used to install methods that trap accesses to closed streams.[133X4748[1X10.1-3 IsInputStream[101X4950[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsInputStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X5152[33X[0;0YAll input streams lie in this category, and support input operations such as53[2XReadByte[102X ([14X10.3-3[114X) (see [14X10.3[114X)[133X5455[1X10.1-4 IsInputTextStream[101X5657[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsInputTextStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X5859[33X[0;0YAll [13Xtext[113X input streams lie in this category. They translate new-line60characters read.[133X6162[1X10.1-5 IsInputTextNone[101X6364[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsInputTextNone[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X6566[33X[0;0YIt is convenient to use a category to distinguish dummy streams (see [14X10.9[114X)67from others. Other distinctions are usually made using representations[133X6869[1X10.1-6 IsOutputStream[101X7071[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsOutputStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X7273[33X[0;0YAll output streams lie in this category and support basic operations such as74[2XWriteByte[102X ([14X10.4-1[114X) (see Section [14X10.4[114X).[133X7576[1X10.1-7 IsOutputTextStream[101X7778[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsOutputTextStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X7980[33X[0;0YAll [13Xtext[113X output streams lie in this category and translate new-line81characters on output.[133X8283[1X10.1-8 IsOutputTextNone[101X8485[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsOutputTextNone[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X8687[33X[0;0YIt is convenient to use a category to distinguish dummy streams (see [14X10.9[114X)88from others. Other distinctions are usually made using representations[133X8990[1X10.1-9 StreamsFamily[101X9192[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XStreamsFamily[102X[32X family[133X9394[33X[0;0YAll streams lie in the [2XStreamsFamily[102X.[133X959697[1X10.2 [33X[0;0YOperations applicable to All Streams[133X[101X9899[1X10.2-1 CloseStream[101X100101[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XCloseStream[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X102103[33X[0;0YIn order to preserve system resources and to flush output streams every104stream should be closed as soon as it is no longer used using [2XCloseStream[102X.[133X105106[33X[0;0YIt is an error to try to read characters from or write characters to a107closed stream. Closing a stream tells the [5XGAP[105X kernel and/or the operating108system kernel that the file is no longer needed. This may be necessary109because the [5XGAP[105X kernel and/or the operating system may impose a limit on how110many streams may be open simultaneously.[133X111112[1X10.2-2 FileDescriptorOfStream[101X113114[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XFileDescriptorOfStream[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X115116[33X[0;0Yreturns the UNIX file descriptor of the underlying file. This is mainly117useful for the [2XUNIXSelect[102X ([14X10.2-3[114X) function call. This is as of now only118available on UNIX-like operating systems and only for streams to local119processes and local files.[133X120121[1X10.2-3 UNIXSelect[101X122123[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XUNIXSelect[102X( [3Xinlist[103X, [3Xoutlist[103X, [3Xexclist[103X, [3Xtimeoutsec[103X, [3Xtimeoutusec[103X ) [32X function[133X124125[33X[0;0Ymakes the UNIX C-library function [10Xselect[110X accessible from [5XGAP[105X for streams.126The functionality is as described in the man page (see UNIX file descriptors127(integers) for streams. They can be obtained via [2XFileDescriptorOfStream[102X128([14X10.2-2[114X) for streams to local processes and to local files. The argument129[3Xtimeoutsec[103X is a timeout in seconds as in the [10Xstruct timeval[110X on the C level.130The argument [3Xtimeoutusec[103X is analogously in microseconds. The total timeout131is the sum of both. If one of those timeout arguments is not a small integer132then no timeout is applicable ([9Xfail[109X is allowed for the timeout arguments).[133X133134[33X[0;0YThe return value is the number of streams that are ready, this may be 0 if a135timeout was specified. All file descriptors in the three lists that are not136yet ready are replaced by [9Xfail[109X in this function. So the lists are changed![133X137138[33X[0;0YThis function is not available on the Macintosh architecture and is only139available if your operating system has [10Xselect[110X, which is detected during140compilation of [5XGAP[105X.[133X141142143[1X10.3 [33X[0;0YOperations for Input Streams[133X[101X144145[33X[0;0YTwo operations normally used to read files: [2XRead[102X ([14X9.7-1[114X) and [2XReadAsFunction[102X146([14X9.7-2[114X) can also be used to read [5XGAP[105X input from a stream. The input is147immediately parsed and executed. When reading from a stream [3Xstr[103X, the [5XGAP[105X148kernel generates calls to [10XReadLine([3Xstr[103X[10X)[110X to supply text to the parser.[133X149150[33X[0;0YThree further operations: [2XReadByte[102X ([14X10.3-3[114X), [2XReadLine[102X ([14X10.3-4[114X) and [2XReadAll[102X151([14X10.3-5[114X), support reading characters from an input stream without parsing152them. This can be used to read data in any format and process it in [5XGAP[105X.[133X153154[33X[0;0YAdditional operations for input streams support detection of end of stream,155and (for those streams for which it is appropriate) random access to the156data.[133X157158[1X10.3-1 Read[101X159160[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XRead[102X( [3Xinput-text-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X161162[33X[0;0Yreads the input-text-stream as input until [10Xend-of-stream[110X occurs. See [14X9.7[114X for163details.[133X164165[1X10.3-2 ReadAsFunction[101X166167[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadAsFunction[102X( [3Xinput-text-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X168169[33X[0;0Yreads the input-text-stream as function and returns this function. See [14X9.7[114X170for details.[133X171172[4X[32X Example [32X[104X173[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# a function with local `a' does not change the global one[127X[104X174[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xa := 1;;[127X[104X175[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xi := InputTextString( "local a; a := 10; return a*10;" );;[127X[104X176[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadAsFunction(i)();[127X[104X177[4X[28X100[128X[104X178[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xa;[127X[104X179[4X[28X1[128X[104X180[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# reading it via `Read' does[127X[104X181[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xi := InputTextString( "a := 10;" );;[127X[104X182[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XRead(i);[127X[104X183[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xa;[127X[104X184[4X[28X10[128X[104X185[4X[32X[104X186187[1X10.3-3 ReadByte[101X188189[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadByte[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X190191[33X[0;0Y[2XReadByte[102X returns one character (returned as integer) from the input stream192[3Xinput-stream[103X. [2XReadByte[102X returns [9Xfail[109X if there is no character available, in193particular if it is at the end of a file.[133X194195[33X[0;0YIf [3Xinput-stream[103X is the input stream of a input/output process, [2XReadByte[102X may196also return [9Xfail[109X if no byte is currently available.[133X197198[33X[0;0Y[2XReadByte[102X is the basic operation for input streams. If a [2XReadByte[102X method is199installed for a user-defined type of stream which does not block, then all200the other input stream operations will work (although possibly not at peak201efficiency).[133X202203[33X[0;0Y[2XReadByte[102X will wait (block) until a byte is available. For instance if the204stream is a connection to another process, it will wait for the process to205output a byte.[133X206207[1X10.3-4 ReadLine[101X208209[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadLine[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X210211[33X[0;0Y[2XReadLine[102X returns one line (returned as string [13Xwith[113X the newline) from the212input stream [3Xinput-stream[103X. [2XReadLine[102X reads in the input until a newline is213read or the end-of-stream is encountered.[133X214215[33X[0;0YIf [3Xinput-stream[103X is the input stream of a input/output process, [2XReadLine[102X may216also return [9Xfail[109X or return an incomplete line if the other process has not217yet written any more. It will always wait (block) for at least one byte to218be available, but will then return as much input as is available, up to a219limit of one line[133X220221[33X[0;0YA default method is supplied for [2XReadLine[102X which simply calls [2XReadByte[102X222([14X10.3-3[114X) repeatedly. This is only safe for streams that cannot block. The223kernel uses calls to [2XReadLine[102X to supply input to the parser when reading224from a stream.[133X225226[1X10.3-5 ReadAll[101X227228[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadAll[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X[, [3Xlimit[103X] ) [32X operation[133X229230[33X[0;0Y[2XReadAll[102X returns all characters as string from the input stream [3Xstream-in[103X. It231waits (blocks) until at least one character is available from the stream, or232until there is evidence that no characters will ever be available again.233This last indicates that the stream is at end-of-stream. Otherwise, it reads234as much input as it can from the stream without blocking further and returns235it to the user. If the stream is already at end of file, so that no bytes236are available, [9Xfail[109X is returned. In the case of a file stream connected to a237normal file (not a pseudo-tty or named pipe or similar), all the bytes238should be immediately available and this function will read the remainder of239the file.[133X240241[33X[0;0YWith a second argument, at most [3Xlimit[103X bytes will be returned. Depending on242the stream a bounded number of additional bytes may have been read into an243internal buffer.[133X244245[33X[0;0YA default method is supplied for [2XReadAll[102X which simply calls [2XReadLine[102X246([14X10.3-4[114X) repeatedly. This is only really safe for streams which cannot247block. Other streams should install a method for [2XReadAll[102X[133X248249[4X[32X Example [32X[104X250[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xi := InputTextString( "1Hallo\nYou\n1" );;[127X[104X251[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadByte(i);[127X[104X252[4X[28X49[128X[104X253[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCHAR_INT(last);[127X[104X254[4X[28X'1'[128X[104X255[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(i);[127X[104X256[4X[28X"Hallo\n"[128X[104X257[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(i);[127X[104X258[4X[28X"You\n"[128X[104X259[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(i);[127X[104X260[4X[28X"1"[128X[104X261[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(i);[127X[104X262[4X[28Xfail[128X[104X263[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadAll(i);[127X[104X264[4X[28X""[128X[104X265[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XRewindStream(i);;[127X[104X266[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadAll(i);[127X[104X267[4X[28X"1Hallo\nYou\n1"[128X[104X268[4X[32X[104X269270[1X10.3-6 IsEndOfStream[101X271272[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsEndOfStream[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X273274[33X[0;0Y[2XIsEndOfStream[102X returns [9Xtrue[109X if the input stream is at [13Xend-of-stream[113X, and275[9Xfalse[109X otherwise. Note that [2XIsEndOfStream[102X might return [9Xfalse[109X even if the next276[2XReadByte[102X ([14X10.3-3[114X) fails.[133X277278[1X10.3-7 PositionStream[101X279280[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XPositionStream[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X281282[33X[0;0YSome input streams, such as string streams and file streams attached to disk283files, support a form of random access by way of the operations284[2XPositionStream[102X, [2XSeekPositionStream[102X ([14X10.3-9[114X) and [2XRewindStream[102X ([14X10.3-8[114X).285[2XPositionStream[102X returns a non-negative integer denoting the current position286in the stream (usually the number of characters [13Xbefore[113X the next one to be287read.[133X288289[33X[0;0YIf this is not possible, for example for an input stream attached to290standard input (normally the keyboard), then [9Xfail[109X is returned[133X291292[1X10.3-8 RewindStream[101X293294[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XRewindStream[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X ) [32X operation[133X295296[33X[0;0Y[2XRewindStream[102X attempts to return an input stream to its starting condition,297so that all the same characters can be read again. It returns [9Xtrue[109X if the298rewind succeeds and [9Xfail[109X otherwise[133X299300[33X[0;0YA default method implements RewindStream using [2XSeekPositionStream[102X ([14X10.3-9[114X).[133X301302[1X10.3-9 SeekPositionStream[101X303304[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XSeekPositionStream[102X( [3Xinput-stream[103X, [3Xpos[103X ) [32X operation[133X305306[33X[0;0Y[2XSeekPositionStream[102X attempts to rewind or wind forward an input stream to the307specified position. This is not possible for all streams. It returns [9Xtrue[109X if308the seek is successful and [9Xfail[109X otherwise.[133X309310311[1X10.4 [33X[0;0YOperations for Output Streams[133X[101X312313[1X10.4-1 WriteByte[101X314315[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XWriteByte[102X( [3Xoutput-stream[103X, [3Xbyte[103X ) [32X operation[133X316317[33X[0;0Ywrites the next character (given as [13Xinteger[113X) to the output stream318[3Xoutput-stream[103X. The function returns [9Xtrue[109X if the write succeeds and [9Xfail[109X319otherwise.[133X320321[33X[0;0Y[2XWriteByte[102X is the basic operation for output streams. If a [2XWriteByte[102X method322is installed for a user-defined type of stream, then all the other output323stream operations will work (although possibly not at peak efficiency).[133X324325[1X10.4-2 WriteLine[101X326327[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XWriteLine[102X( [3Xoutput-stream[103X, [3Xstring[103X ) [32X operation[133X328329[33X[0;0Yappends [3Xstring[103X to [3Xoutput-stream[103X. A final newline is written. The function330returns [9Xtrue[109X if the write succeeds and [9Xfail[109X otherwise.[133X331332[33X[0;0YA default method is installed which implements [2XWriteLine[102X by repeated calls333to [2XWriteByte[102X ([14X10.4-1[114X).[133X334335[1X10.4-3 WriteAll[101X336337[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XWriteAll[102X( [3Xoutput-stream[103X, [3Xstring[103X ) [32X operation[133X338339[33X[0;0Yappends [3Xstring[103X to [3Xoutput-stream[103X. No final newline is written. The function340returns [9Xtrue[109X if the write succeeds and [9Xfail[109X otherwise. It will block as long341as necessary for the write operation to complete (for example for a child342process to clear its input buffer )[133X343344[33X[0;0YA default method is installed which implements [2XWriteAll[102X by repeated calls to345[2XWriteByte[102X ([14X10.4-1[114X).[133X346347[33X[0;0YWhen printing or appending to a stream (using [2XPrintTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), or [2XAppendTo[102X348([14X9.7-3[114X) or when logging to a stream), the kernel generates a call to349[2XWriteAll[102X for each line output.[133X350351[4X[32X Example [32X[104X352[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xstr := "";; a := OutputTextString(str,true);;[127X[104X353[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteByte(a,INT_CHAR('H'));[127X[104X354[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X355[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteLine(a,"allo");[127X[104X356[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X357[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteAll(a,"You\n");[127X[104X358[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X359[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(a);[127X[104X360[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(str);[127X[104X361[4X[28XHallo[128X[104X362[4X[28XYou[128X[104X363[4X[32X[104X364365366[1X10.4-4 [33X[0;0YPrintTo and AppendTo (for streams)[133X[101X367368[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XPrintTo[102X( [3Xoutput-stream[103X, [3Xarg1[103X, [3X...[103X ) [32X function[133X369[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XAppendTo[102X( [3Xoutput-stream[103X, [3Xarg1[103X, [3X...[103X ) [32X function[133X370371[33X[0;0YThese functions work like [2XPrint[102X ([14X6.3-4[114X), except that the output is appended372to the output stream [3Xoutput-stream[103X.[133X373374[4X[32X Example [32X[104X375[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xstr := "";; a := OutputTextString(str,true);;[127X[104X376[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XAppendTo( a, (1,2,3), ":", Z(3) );[127X[104X377[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(a);[127X[104X378[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint( str, "\n" );[127X[104X379[4X[28X(1,2,3):Z(3)[128X[104X380[4X[32X[104X381382[1X10.4-5 LogTo[101X383384[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XLogTo[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X385386[33X[0;0Ycauses the subsequent interaction to be logged to the output stream [3Xstream[103X.387It works in precisely the same way as it does for files (see [2XLogTo[102X ([14X9.7-4[114X)).[133X388389[1X10.4-6 InputLogTo[101X390391[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputLogTo[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X392393[33X[0;0Ycauses the subsequent input to be logged to the output stream [3Xstream[103X. It394works just like it does for files (see [2XInputLogTo[102X ([14X9.7-5[114X)).[133X395396[1X10.4-7 OutputLogTo[101X397398[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XOutputLogTo[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X399400[33X[0;0Ycauses the subsequent output to be logged to the output stream [3Xstream[103X. It401works just like it does for files (see [2XOutputLogTo[102X ([14X9.7-6[114X)).[133X402403[1X10.4-8 SetPrintFormattingStatus[101X404405[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XSetPrintFormattingStatus[102X( [3Xstream[103X, [3Xnewstatus[103X ) [32X operation[133X406[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XPrintFormattingStatus[102X( [3Xstream[103X ) [32X operation[133X407408[33X[0;0YWhen text is being sent to an output text stream via [2XPrintTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X),409[2XAppendTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), [2XLogTo[102X ([14X10.4-5[114X), etc., it is by default formatted just as410it would be were it being printed to the screen. Thus, it is broken into411lines of reasonable length at (where possible) sensible places, lines412containing elements of lists or records are indented, and so forth. This is413appropriate if the output is eventually to be viewed by a human, and414harmless if it to passed as input to [5XGAP[105X, but may be unhelpful if the output415is to be passed as input to another program. It is possible to turn off this416behaviour for a stream using the [2XSetPrintFormattingStatus[102X operation, and to417test whether it is on or off using [2XPrintFormattingStatus[102X.[133X418419[33X[0;0Y[2XSetPrintFormattingStatus[102X sets whether output sent to the output stream420[3Xstream[103X via [2XPrintTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), [2XAppendTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), etc. will be formatted with421line breaks and indentation. If the second argument [3Xnewstatus[103X is [9Xtrue[109X then422output will be so formatted, and if [9Xfalse[109X then it will not. If the stream is423not a text stream, only [9Xfalse[109X is allowed.[133X424425[33X[0;0Y[2XPrintFormattingStatus[102X returns [9Xtrue[109X if output sent to the output text stream426[3Xstream[103X via [2XPrintTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), [2XAppendTo[102X ([14X9.7-3[114X), etc. will be formatted with427line breaks and indentation, and [9Xfalse[109X otherwise. For non-text streams, it428returns [9Xfalse[109X. If as argument [3Xstream[103X the string [10X"*stdout*"[110X is given, these429functions refer to the formatting status of the standard output (so usually430the users terminal screen).[133X431432[33X[0;0YThese functions do not influence the behaviour of the low level functions433[2XWriteByte[102X ([14X10.4-1[114X), [2XWriteLine[102X ([14X10.4-2[114X) or [2XWriteAll[102X ([14X10.4-3[114X) which always434write without formatting.[133X435436[4X[32X Example [32X[104X437[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs := "";; str := OutputTextString(s,false);;[127X[104X438[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintTo(str,Primes{[1..30]});[127X[104X439[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs;[127X[104X440[4X[28X"[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,\[128X[104X441[4X[28X \n 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ]"[128X[104X442[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(s,"\n");[127X[104X443[4X[28X[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, [128X[104X444[4X[28X 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ][128X[104X445[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XSetPrintFormattingStatus(str, false);[127X[104X446[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintTo(str,Primes{[1..30]});[127X[104X447[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs;[127X[104X448[4X[28X"[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61,\[128X[104X449[4X[28X \n 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ][ 2, 3, 5, 7\[128X[104X450[4X[28X, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, \[128X[104X451[4X[28X79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ]"[128X[104X452[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(s,"\n");[127X[104X453[4X[28X[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, [128X[104X454[4X[28X 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ][ 2, 3, 5, 7, 1\[128X[104X455[4X[28X1, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79,\[128X[104X456[4X[28X 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113 ][128X[104X457[4X[32X[104X458459460[1X10.5 [33X[0;0YFile Streams[133X[101X461462[33X[0;0YFile streams are streams associated with files. An input file stream reads463the characters it delivers from a file, an output file stream prints the464characters it receives to a file. The following functions can be used to465create such streams. They return [9Xfail[109X if an error occurred, in this case466[2XLastSystemError[102X ([14X9.1-1[114X) can be used to get information about the error.[133X467468[1X10.5-1 InputTextFile[101X469470[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputTextFile[102X( [3Xfilename[103X ) [32X operation[133X471472[33X[0;0Y[10XInputTextFile( [3Xfilename[103X[10X )[110X returns an input stream in the category473[2XIsInputTextStream[102X ([14X10.1-4[114X) that delivers the characters from the file474[3Xfilename[103X.[133X475476[1X10.5-2 OutputTextFile[101X477478[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XOutputTextFile[102X( [3Xfilename[103X, [3Xappend[103X ) [32X operation[133X479480[33X[0;0Y[10XOutputTextFile( [3Xfilename[103X[10X, [3Xappend[103X[10X )[110X returns an output stream in the category481[10XIsOutputTextFile[110X that writes received characters to the file [3Xfilename[103X. If482[3Xappend[103X is [9Xfalse[109X, then the file is emptied first, otherwise received483characters are added at the end of the file.[133X484485[4X[32X Example [32X[104X486[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# use a temporary directory[127X[104X487[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xname := Filename( DirectoryTemporary(), "test" );;[127X[104X488[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# create an output stream, append output, and close again[127X[104X489[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xoutput := OutputTextFile( name, true );;[127X[104X490[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XAppendTo( output, "Hallo\n", "You\n" );[127X[104X491[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(output);[127X[104X492[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# create an input, print complete contents of file, and close[127X[104X493[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xinput := InputTextFile(name);;[127X[104X494[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint( ReadAll(input) );[127X[104X495[4X[28XHallo[128X[104X496[4X[28XYou[128X[104X497[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(input);[127X[104X498[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# append a single line[127X[104X499[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xoutput := OutputTextFile( name, true );;[127X[104X500[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XAppendTo( output, "AppendLine\n" );[127X[104X501[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# close output stream to flush the output[127X[104X502[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(output);[127X[104X503[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# create an input, print complete contents of file, and close[127X[104X504[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xinput := InputTextFile(name);;[127X[104X505[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint( ReadAll(input) );[127X[104X506[4X[28XHallo[128X[104X507[4X[28XYou[128X[104X508[4X[28XAppendLine[128X[104X509[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(input);[127X[104X510[4X[32X[104X511512513[1X10.6 [33X[0;0YUser Streams[133X[101X514515[33X[0;0YThe commands described in this section create streams which accept516characters from, or deliver characters to, the user, via the keyboard or the517[5XGAP[105X session display.[133X518519[1X10.6-1 InputTextUser[101X520521[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputTextUser[102X( ) [32X function[133X522523[33X[0;0Yreturns an input text stream which delivers characters typed by the user (or524from the standard input device if it has been redirected). In normal525circumstances, characters are delivered one by one as they are typed,526without waiting until the end of a line. No prompts are printed.[133X527528[1X10.6-2 OutputTextUser[101X529530[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XOutputTextUser[102X( ) [32X function[133X531532[33X[0;0Yreturns an output stream which delivers characters to the user's display (or533the standard output device if it has been redirected). Each character is534delivered immediately it is written, without waiting for a full line of535output. Text written in this way is [13Xnot[113X written to the session log (see536[2XLogTo[102X ([14X9.7-4[114X)).[133X537538[1X10.6-3 InputFromUser[101X539540[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputFromUser[102X( [3Xarg[103X ) [32X function[133X541542[33X[0;0Yprints the [3Xarg[103X as a prompt, then waits until a text is typed by the user (or543from the standard input device if it has been redirected). This text must be544a [13Xsingle[113X expression, followed by one [13Xenter[113X. This is evaluated (see545[2XEvalString[102X ([14X27.9-3[114X)) and the result is returned.[133X546547548[1X10.7 [33X[0;0YString Streams[133X[101X549550[33X[0;0YString streams are streams associated with strings. An input string stream551reads the characters it delivers from a string, an output string stream552appends the characters it receives to a string. The following functions can553be used to create such streams.[133X554555[1X10.7-1 InputTextString[101X556557[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputTextString[102X( [3Xstring[103X ) [32X operation[133X558559[33X[0;0Y[10XInputTextString( [3Xstring[103X[10X )[110X returns an input stream that delivers the560characters from the string [3Xstring[103X. The [3Xstring[103X is not changed when reading561characters from it and changing the [3Xstring[103X after the call to [2XInputTextString[102X562has no influence on the input stream.[133X563564[1X10.7-2 OutputTextString[101X565566[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XOutputTextString[102X( [3Xlist[103X, [3Xappend[103X ) [32X operation[133X567568[33X[0;0Yreturns an output stream that puts all received characters into the list569[3Xlist[103X. If [3Xappend[103X is [9Xfalse[109X, then the list is emptied first, otherwise received570characters are added at the end of the list.[133X571572[4X[32X Example [32X[104X573[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# read input from a string[127X[104X574[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xinput := InputTextString( "Hallo\nYou\n" );;[127X[104X575[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(input);[127X[104X576[4X[28X"Hallo\n"[128X[104X577[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadLine(input);[127X[104X578[4X[28X"You\n"[128X[104X579[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27X# print to a string[127X[104X580[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xstr := "";;[127X[104X581[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xout := OutputTextString( str, true );;[127X[104X582[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrintTo( out, 1, "\n", (1,2,3,4)(5,6), "\n" );[127X[104X583[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(out);[127X[104X584[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint( str );[127X[104X585[4X[28X1[128X[104X586[4X[28X(1,2,3,4)(5,6)[128X[104X587[4X[32X[104X588589590[1X10.8 [33X[0;0YInput-Output Streams[133X[101X591592[33X[0;0YInput-output streams capture bidirectional communications between [5XGAP[105X and593another process, either locally or (@as yet unimplemented@) remotely.[133X594595[33X[0;0YSuch streams support the basic operations of both input and output streams.596They should provide some buffering, allowing output data to be written to597the stream, even when input data is waiting to be read, but the amount of598this buffering is operating system dependent, and the user should take care599not to get too far ahead in writing, or behind in reading, or deadlock may600occur.[133X601602[33X[0;0YAt present the only type of Input-Output streams that are implemented603provide communication with a local child process, using a pseudo-tty.[133X604605[33X[0;0YLike other streams, write operations are blocking, read operations will606block to get the first character, but not thereafter.[133X607608[33X[0;0YAs far as possible, no translation is done on characters written to, or read609from the stream, and no control characters have special effects, but the610details of particular pseudo-tty implementations may effect this.[133X611612[1X10.8-1 IsInputOutputStream[101X613614[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XIsInputOutputStream[102X( [3Xobj[103X ) [32X Category[133X615616[33X[0;0Y[2XIsInputOutputStream[102X is the Category of Input-Output Streams; it returns [9Xtrue[109X617if the [3Xobj[103X is an input-output stream and [9Xfalse[109X otherwise.[133X618619[1X10.8-2 InputOutputLocalProcess[101X620621[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputOutputLocalProcess[102X( [3Xdir[103X, [3Xexecutable[103X, [3Xargs[103X ) [32X function[133X622623[33X[0;0Ystarts up a slave process, whose executable file is [3Xexecutable[103X, with [21Xcommand624line[121X arguments [3Xargs[103X in the directory [3Xdir[103X. (Suitable choices for [3Xdir[103X are625[10XDirectoryCurrent()[110X or [10XDirectoryTemporary()[110X (see Section [14X9.3[114X);626[10XDirectoryTemporary()[110X may be a good choice when [3Xexecutable[103X generates output627files that it doesn't itself remove afterwards.) [2XInputOutputLocalProcess[102X628returns an InputOutputStream object. Bytes written to this stream are629received by the slave process as if typed at a terminal on standard input.630Bytes written to standard output by the slave process can be read from the631stream.[133X632633[33X[0;0YWhen the stream is closed, the signal SIGTERM is delivered to the child634process, which is expected to exit.[133X635636[4X[32X Example [32X[104X637[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xd := DirectoryCurrent();[127X[104X638[4X[28Xdir("./")[128X[104X639[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xf := Filename(DirectoriesSystemPrograms(), "rev");[127X[104X640[4X[28X"/usr/bin/rev"[128X[104X641[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs := InputOutputLocalProcess(d,f,[]);[127X[104X642[4X[28X< input/output stream to rev >[128X[104X643[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteLine(s,"The cat sat on the mat");[127X[104X644[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X645[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XPrint(ReadLine(s));[127X[104X646[4X[28Xtam eht no tas tac ehT[128X[104X647[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xx := ListWithIdenticalEntries(10000,'x');;[127X[104X648[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XConvertToStringRep(x);[127X[104X649[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteLine(s,x);[127X[104X650[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X651[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XWriteByte(s,INT_CHAR('\n'));[127X[104X652[4X[28Xtrue[128X[104X653[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xy := ReadAll(s);;[127X[104X654[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XLength(y);[127X[104X655[4X[28X4095[128X[104X656[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XCloseStream(s);[127X[104X657[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27Xs;[127X[104X658[4X[28X< closed input/output stream to rev >[128X[104X659[4X[32X[104X660661[1X10.8-3 ReadAllLine[101X662663[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadAllLine[102X( [3Xiostream[103X[, [3Xnofail[103X][, [3XIsAllLine[103X] ) [32X operation[133X664665[33X[0;0YFor an input/output stream [3Xiostream[103X [2XReadAllLine[102X reads until a newline666character if any input is found or returns [9Xfail[109X if no input is found,667i.e. if any input is found [2XReadAllLine[102X is non-blocking.[133X668669[33X[0;0YIf the argument [3Xnofail[103X (which must be [9Xfalse[109X or [9Xtrue[109X) is provided and it is670set to [9Xtrue[109X then [2XReadAllLine[102X will wait, if necessary, for input and never671return [9Xfail[109X.[133X672673[33X[0;0YIf the argument [3XIsAllLine[103X (which must be a function that takes a string674argument and returns either [9Xtrue[109X or [9Xfalse[109X) then it is used to determine what675constitutes a whole line. The default behaviour is equivalent to passing the676function[133X677678[4X[32X Example [32X[104X679[4X[28Xline -> 0 < Length(line) and line[Length(line)] = '\n'[128X[104X680[4X[32X[104X681682[33X[0;0Yfor the [3XIsAllLine[103X argument. The purpose of the [3XIsAllLine[103X argument is to683cater for the case where the input being read is from an external process684that writes a [21Xprompt[121X for data that does not terminate with a newline.[133X685686[33X[0;0YIf the first argument is an input stream but not an input/output stream then687[2XReadAllLine[102X behaves as if [2XReadLine[102X ([14X10.3-4[114X) was called with just the first688argument and any additional arguments are ignored.[133X689690691[1X10.9 [33X[0;0YDummy Streams[133X[101X692693[33X[0;0YThe following two commands create dummy streams which will consume all694characters and never deliver one.[133X695696[1X10.9-1 InputTextNone[101X697698[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInputTextNone[102X( ) [32X function[133X699700[33X[0;0Yreturns a dummy input text stream, which delivers no characters, i.e., it is701always at end of stream. Its main use is for calls to [2XProcess[102X ([14X11.1-1[114X) when702the started program does not read anything.[133X703704[1X10.9-2 OutputTextNone[101X705706[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XOutputTextNone[102X( ) [32X function[133X707708[33X[0;0Yreturns a dummy output stream, which discards all received characters. Its709main use is for calls to [2XProcess[102X ([14X11.1-1[114X) when the started program does not710write anything.[133X711712713[1X10.10 [33X[0;0YHandling of Streams in the Background[133X[101X714715[33X[0;0YThis section describes a feature of the [5XGAP[105X kernel that can be used to716handle pending streams somehow [21Xin the background[121X. This is currently not717available on the Macintosh architecture and only on operating systems that718have [10Xselect[110X.[133X719720[33X[0;0YRight before [5XGAP[105X reads a keypress from the keyboard it calls a little721subroutine that can handle streams that are ready to be read or ready to be722written. This means that [5XGAP[105X can handle these streams during user input on723the command line. Note that this does not work when [5XGAP[105X is in the middle of724some calculation.[133X725726[33X[0;0YThis feature is used in the following way. One can install handler functions727for reading or writing streams via [2XInstallCharReadHookFunc[102X ([14X10.10-1[114X).728Handlers can be removed via [2XUnInstallCharReadHookFunc[102X ([14X10.10-2[114X)[133X729730[33X[0;0YNote that handler functions must not return anything and get one integer731argument, which refers to an index in one of the following arrays (according732to whether the function was installed for input, output or exceptions on the733stream). Handler functions usually should not output anything on the734standard output because this ruins the command line during command line735editing.[133X736737[1X10.10-1 InstallCharReadHookFunc[101X738739[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XInstallCharReadHookFunc[102X( [3Xstream[103X, [3Xmode[103X, [3Xfunc[103X ) [32X function[133X740741[33X[0;0Yinstalls the function [3Xfunc[103X as a handler function for the stream [3Xstream[103X. The742argument [3Xmode[103X decides, for what operations on the stream this function is743installed. [3Xmode[103X must be a string, in which a letter [10Xr[110X means [21Xread[121X, [10Xw[110X means744[21Xwrite[121X and [10Xx[110X means [21Xexception[121X, according to the [10Xselect[110X function call in the745UNIX C-library (see [10Xman select[110X and [2XUNIXSelect[102X ([14X10.2-3[114X)). More than one746letter is allowed in [3Xmode[103X. As described above the function is called in a747situation when [5XGAP[105X is reading a character from the keyboard. Handler748functions should not use much time to complete.[133X749750[33X[0;0YThis functionality does not work on the Macintosh architecture and only751works if the operating system has a [10Xselect[110X function.[133X752753[1X10.10-2 UnInstallCharReadHookFunc[101X754755[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XUnInstallCharReadHookFunc[102X( [3Xstream[103X, [3Xfunc[103X ) [32X function[133X756757[33X[0;0Yuninstalls the function [3Xfunc[103X as a handler function for the stream [3Xstream[103X.758All instances are deinstalled, regardless of the mode of operation (read,759write, exception).[133X760761[33X[0;0YThis functionality does not work on the Macintosh architecture and only762works if the operating system has a [10Xselect[110X function.[133X763764765[1X10.11 [33X[0;0YComma separated files[133X[101X766767[33X[0;0YIn some situations it can be desirable to process data given in the form of768a spreadsheet (such as Excel). [5XGAP[105X can do this using the CSV (comma769separated values) format, which spreadsheet programs can usually read in or770write out.[133X771772[33X[0;0YThe first line of the spreadsheet is used as labels of record components,773each subsequent line then corresponds to a record. Entries enclosed in774double quotes are considered as strings and are permitted to contain the775separation character (usually a comma).[133X776777[1X10.11-1 ReadCSV[101X778779[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XReadCSV[102X( [3Xfilename[103X[, [3Xnohead[103X][, [3Xseparator[103X] ) [32X function[133X780781[33X[0;0YThis function reads in a spreadsheet, saved in CSV format ([13Xc[113Xomma [13Xs[113Xeparated782[13Xv[113Xalues) and returns its entries as a list of records. The entries of the783first line of the spreadsheet are used to denote the names of the record784components. Blanks will be translated into underscore characters. If the785parameter [3Xnohead[103X is given as [9Xtrue[109X, instead the record components will be786called [10Xfieldn[110X. Each subsequent line will create one record. If given,787[3Xseparator[103X is the character used to separate fields. Otherwise it defaults to788a comma.[133X789790[1X10.11-2 PrintCSV[101X791792[33X[1;0Y[29X[2XPrintCSV[102X( [3Xfilename[103X, [3Xlist[103X[, [3Xfields[103X] ) [32X function[133X793794[33X[0;0YThis function prints a list of records as a spreadsheet in CSV format (which795can be read in for example into Excel). The names of the record components796will be printed as entries in the first line. If the argument [3Xfields[103X is797given only the record fields listed in this list will be printed and they798will be printed in the same arrangement as given in this list. If the option799noheader is set to true the line with the record field names will not be800printed.[133X801802803804