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Views: 466316<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->1<!-- %% -->2<!-- %W authors.tex GAP documentation LDFM -->3<!-- %W & SMCS -->4<!-- %% -->5<!-- %H @(#)<M>Id: authors.tex,v 4.32 2006/02/20 00:49:37 gap Exp </M> -->6<!-- %% -->7<!-- %Y Copyright 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany -->8<!-- %% -->9<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->1011The following list gives the authors (indicated by A)12who designed the code in the first place,13as well as the current maintainers (indicated by M)14of the various modules of which &GAP; is composed.15<P/>16Since the process of modularization was started only recently, there might17be omissions both in scope and in contributors. The compilers of the18manual apologize for any such errors and promise to rectify them in future19editions.20<P/>21<List>22<Mark>Kernel</Mark>23<Item>24Frank Celler (A), Steve Linton (AM), Frank Lübeck (AM),25Werner Nickel (AM), Martin Schönert (A)26</Item>27<Mark>Automorphism groups of finite pc groups </Mark>28<Item>29Bettina Eick (A), Werner Nickel (M)30</Item>31<Mark>Binary Relations </Mark>32<Item>33Robert Morse (AM), Andrew Solomon (A)34</Item>35<Mark>Characters and Character Degrees of certain solvable groups </Mark>36<Item>37Hans Ulrich Besche (A), Thomas Breuer (AM)38</Item>39<Mark>Classes in nonsolvable groups </Mark>40<Item>41Alexander Hulpke (AM)42</Item>43<Mark>Classical Groups </Mark>44<Item>45Thomas Breuer (AM), Frank Celler (A), Stefan Kohl (AM),46Frank Lübeck (AM), Heiko Theißen (A)47</Item>48<Mark>Congruences of magmas, semigroups and monoids </Mark>49<Item>50Robert Morse (AM), Andrew Solomon (A)51</Item>52<Mark>Cosets and Double Cosets </Mark>53<Item>54Alexander Hulpke (AM)55</Item>56<Mark>Cyclotomics </Mark>57<Item>58Thomas Breuer (AM)59</Item>60<Mark>Dixon-Schneider Algorithm </Mark>61<Item>62Alexander Hulpke (AM)63</Item>64<Mark>Documentation Utilities </Mark>65<Item>66Frank Celler (A), Heiko Theißen (A), Alexander Hulpke (A),67Willem de Graaf (A), Steve Linton (A), Werner Nickel (A), Greg Gamble (AM)68</Item>69<Mark>Factor groups </Mark>70<Item>71Alexander Hulpke (AM)72</Item>73<Mark>Finitely presented groups </Mark>74<Item>75Volkmar Felsch (A), Alexander Hulpke (AM), Martin Schönert (A)76</Item>77<Mark>Finitely presented monoids and semigroups </Mark>78<Item>79Isabel Araújo (A), Derek Holt (A), Alexander Hulpke (A), James80Mitchell (M), Götz Pfeiffer (A), Andrew Solomon (A)81</Item>82<Mark>&GAP; for MacOS </Mark>83<Item>8485Burkhard Höfling (AM)86</Item>87<Mark>Group actions </Mark>88<Item>89Heiko Theißen (A) and Alexander Hulpke (AM)90</Item>91<Mark>Homomorphism search </Mark>92<Item>93Alexander Hulpke (AM)94</Item>95<Mark>Homomorphisms for finitely presented groups </Mark>96<Item>97Alexander Hulpke (AM)98</Item>99<Mark>Identification of Galois groups </Mark>100<Item>101Alexander Hulpke (AM)102</Item>103<Mark>Intersection of subgroups of finite pc groups </Mark>104<Item>105Frank Celler (A), Bettina Eick (A), Werner Nickel (M)106</Item>107<Mark>Irreducible Modules over finite fields for finite pc groups </Mark>108<Item>109Bettina Eick (AM)110</Item>111<Mark>Isomorphism testing with random methods </Mark>112<Item>113Hans Ulrich Besche (AM), Bettina Eick (AM)114</Item>115<Mark>Lie algebras </Mark>116<Item>117Thomas Breuer (A), Craig Struble (A), Juergen Wisliceny (A), Willem A. de Graaf (AM)118</Item>119<Mark>Monomiality Questions </Mark>120<Item>121Thomas Breuer (AM), Erzsébet Horváth (A)122</Item>123<Mark>Multiplier and Schur cover </Mark>124<Item>125Werner Nickel (AM), Alexander Hulpke (AM)126</Item>127<Mark>One-Cohomology and Complements </Mark>128<Item>129Frank Celler (A) and Alexander Hulpke (AM)130</Item>131<Mark>Partition Backtrack algorithm </Mark>132<Item>133Heiko Theißen (A), Alexander Hulpke (M)134</Item>135<Mark>Permutation group composition series </Mark>136<Item>137Ákos Seress (AM)138</Item>139<Mark>Permutation group homomorphisms </Mark>140<Item>141Ákos Seress (AM), Heiko Theißen (A), Alexander Hulpke (M)142</Item>143<Mark>Permutation Group Pcgs </Mark>144<Item>145Heiko Theißen (A), Alexander Hulpke (M)146</Item>147<Mark>Possible Permutation Characters </Mark>148<Item>149Thomas Breuer (AM), Götz Pfeiffer (A)150</Item>151<Mark>Possible Class Fusions, Possible Power Maps </Mark>152<Item>153Thomas Breuer (AM)154</Item>155<Mark>Primitive groups library </Mark>156<Item>157Heiko Theißen (A), Colva Roney-Dougal (AM)158</Item>159<Mark>Properties and attributes of finite pc groups </Mark>160<Item>161Frank Celler (A), Bettina Eick (A), Werner Nickel (M)162</Item>163<Mark>Random Schreier-Sims </Mark>164<Item>165Ákos Seress (AM)166</Item>167<Mark>Rational Functions </Mark>168<Item>169Frank Celler (A) and Alexander Hulpke (AM)170</Item>171<Mark>Semigroup relations </Mark>172<Item>173Isabel Araújo (A), Robert F. Morse (AM), Andrew Solomon (A)174</Item>175<Mark>Special Pcgs for finite pc groups </Mark>176<Item>177Bettina Eick (AM)178</Item>179<Mark>Stabilizer Chains </Mark>180<Item>181Ákos Seress (AM), Heiko Theißen (A), Alexander Hulpke (M)182</Item>183<Mark>Strings and Characters </Mark>184<Item>185186Martin Schönert (A), Frank Celler (A), Thomas Breuer (A),187Frank Lübeck (AM)188</Item>189<Mark>Structure Descriptions for Finite Groups </Mark>190<Item>191Stefan Kohl (AM), Markus Püschel (A), Sebastian Egner (A)192</Item>193<Mark>Subgroup lattice </Mark>194<Item>195Martin Schönert (A), Alexander Hulpke (AM)196</Item>197<Mark>Subgroup lattice for solvable groups </Mark>198<Item>199Alexander Hulpke (AM)200</Item>201<Mark>Subgroup presentations </Mark>202<Item>203Volkmar Felsch (A), Werner Nickel (M)204</Item>205<Mark>The Help System </Mark>206<Item>207Frank Celler (A), Frank Lübeck (AM)208</Item>209<Mark>Tietze transformations </Mark>210<Item>211Volkmar Felsch (A), Werner Nickel (M)212</Item>213<Mark>Transformation semigroups </Mark>214<Item>215Isabel Araújo (A), Robert Arthur (A), Robert F. Morse (AM),216Andrew Solomon (A)217</Item>218<Mark>Transitive groups library </Mark>219<Item>220Alexander Hulpke (AM)221</Item>222<Mark>Two-cohomology and extensions of finite pc groups </Mark>223<Item>224Bettina Eick (AM)225</Item>226</List>227<!-- %The system design of &GAP; 4 was initiated by -->228<!-- %Martin Schönert and has been continued by -->229<!-- %Thomas Breuer, Frank Celler and Steve Linton. -->230<!-- %</E></E> -->231<!-- %Large parts of &GAP; 4 have also been designed and written by: -->232<!-- %<P/> -->233<!-- %Bettina Eick, Volkmar Felsch, Willem de Graaf, Alexander Hulpke, -->234<!-- %Werner Nickel, Ferenc Rákóczi, Ákos Seress and Heiko Theißen. -->235<!-- %</E></E> -->236<!-- %The Macintosh Version of &GAP; has been written and maintained by Burkhard -->237<!-- %Höfling. -->238239<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->240<!-- %% -->241<!-- %E -->242243244