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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346# This code extracts the examples from the ref manual chapter-wise and # stores this in a workspace. Read("makedocreldata.g"); exstut := ExtractExamples(GAPInfo.ManualDataTut.pathtodoc, GAPInfo.ManualDataTut.main, GAPInfo.ManualDataTut.files, "Chapter"); RS := rec(changeSources := true); WS := rec(compareFunction := "uptowhitespace"); WSRS := rec(changeSources := true, compareFunction := "uptowhitespace"); WriteTutExamplesTst := function(fnam) local ch, i, a; PrintTo(fnam,"gap> save:=SizeScreen();; SizeScreen([72,save[2]]);;\n"); for i in [1..Length(exstut)] do ch := exstut[i]; AppendTo(fnam, "\n#### Tutorial, Chapter ",i," ####\n", "gap> START_TEST(\"", i, "\");\n"); for a in ch do AppendTo(fnam, "\n# ",a[2], a[1]); od; od; AppendTo(fnam, "gap> SizeScreen(save);;\n"); end;