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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ############################################################################# ## #M Print( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print an additive magma ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an add. magma", [ IsAdditiveMagma ], function( A ) Print( "AdditiveMagma( ... )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an add. magma with generators", [ IsAdditiveMagma and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma ], function( A ) Print( "AdditiveMagma( ", GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( A ), " )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an add. magma-with-zero with generators", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ) ) then Print( "AdditiveMagmaWithZero( ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "AdditiveMagmaWithZero( ", GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an add. magma-with-inverses with generators", [ IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ) ) then Print( "AdditiveGroup( ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "AdditiveGroup( ", GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view an add. magma ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an add. magma", [ IsAdditiveMagma ], function( A ) Print( "<additive magma>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an add. magma with generators", [ IsAdditiveMagma and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma ], function( A ) Print( "<additive magma with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an add. magma-with-zero with generators", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ) ) then Print( "<trivial additive magma-with-zero>" ); else Print( "<additive magma-with-zero with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ) ), " generators>" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an add. magma-with-inverses with generators", [ IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ) ) then Print( "<trivial additive magma-with-inverses>" ); else Print( "<additive magma-with-inverses with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ) ), " generators>" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsTrivial( <A> ) . . . . . . . test whether an additive magma is trivial ## InstallImmediateMethod( IsTrivial, IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero, 0, function( A ) return ForAll( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ), IsZero ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( IsTrivial, IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup, 0, function( A ) return ForAll( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), IsZero ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AdditiveMagma( <gens> ) #F AdditiveMagma( <Fam>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AdditiveMagma, function( arg ) # list of generators if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) and 0 < Length( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( arg[1] ); # family plus list of generators elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsFamily( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); # generators elif 0 < Length( arg ) then return AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( arg ); fi; # no argument given, error Error("usage: AdditiveMagma(<gens>), AdditiveMagma(<Fam>,<gens>)"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveMagma( <M>, <gens> ) add. submagma of <M> generated by <gens> ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveMagma, function( M, gens ) if not IsAdditiveMagma( M ) then Error( "<M> must be an additive magma" ); elif IsEmpty( gens ) then return SubadditiveMagmaNC( M, gens ); elif not IsHomogeneousList(gens) then Error( "<gens> must be a homogeneous list of elements" ); elif not IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(M), FamilyObj(gens) ) then Error( "families of <gens> and <M> are different" ); fi; if not ForAll( gens, x -> x in M ) then Error( "<gens> must be elements in <M>" ); fi; return SubadditiveMagmaNC( M, gens ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveMagmaNC( <M>, <gens> ) ## ## Note that `SubadditiveMagmaNC' is allowed to call `Objectify' ## in the case that <gens> is empty. ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveMagmaNC, function( M, gens ) local K, S; if IsEmpty( gens ) then K:= NewType( FamilyObj(M), IsAdditiveMagma and IsTrivial and IsAttributeStoringRep ); S:= Objectify( K, rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( S, [] ); else S:= AdditiveMagmaByGenerators(gens); fi; SetParent( S, M ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AdditiveMagmaWithZero( <gens> ) #F AdditiveMagmaWithZero( <Fam>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AdditiveMagmaWithZero, function( arg ) # list of generators if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) and 0 < Length( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators( arg[1] ); # family plus list of generators elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsFamily( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); # generators elif 0 < Length( arg ) then return AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators( arg ); fi; # no argument given, error Error("usage: AdditiveMagmaWithZero(<gens>), ", "AdditiveMagmaWithZero(<Fam>,<gens>)"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveMagmaWithZero( <M>, <gens> ) #F . . . add. submagma-with-one of <M> gen. by <gens> ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveMagmaWithZero, function( M, gens ) if not IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero( M ) then Error( "<M> must be an additive magma-with-zero" ); elif IsEmpty( gens ) then return SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC( M, gens ); elif not IsHomogeneousList(gens) then Error( "<gens> must be a homogeneous list of elements" ); elif not IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(M), FamilyObj(gens) ) then Error( "families of <gens> and <M> are different" ); fi; if not ForAll( gens, x -> x in M ) then Error( "<gens> must be elements in <M>" ); fi; return SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC( M, gens ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC( <M>, <gens> ) ## ## Note that `SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC' is allowed to call `Objectify' ## in the case that <gens> is empty. ## ## Furthermore note that a trivial additive magma with zero is automatically ## an additive group. ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC, function( M, gens ) local K, S; if IsEmpty( gens ) then K:= NewType( FamilyObj(M), IsAdditiveGroup and IsTrivial and IsAttributeStoringRep ); S:= Objectify( K, rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( S, [] ); else S:= AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators(gens); fi; SetParent( S, M ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AdditiveGroup( <gens> ) #F AdditiveGroup( <Fam>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AdditiveGroup, function( arg ) # list of generators if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsList( arg[1] ) and 0 < Length( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveGroupByGenerators( arg[1] ); # family plus list of generators elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsFamily( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[1] ) then return AdditiveGroupByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); # generators elif 0 < Length( arg ) then return AdditiveGroupByGenerators( arg ); fi; # no argument given, error Error("usage: AdditiveGroup(<gens>), ", "AdditiveGroup(<Fam>,<gens>)"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveGroup( <M>, <gens> ) . . . add. subgroup of <M> gen. by <gens> ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveGroup, function( M, gens ) if not IsAdditiveGroup( M ) then Error( "<M> must be an additive group" ); elif IsEmpty( gens ) then return SubadditiveGroupNC( M, gens ); elif not IsHomogeneousList(gens) then Error( "<gens> must be a homogeneous list of elements" ); elif not IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(M), FamilyObj(gens) ) then Error( "families of <gens> and <M> are different" ); fi; if not ForAll( gens, x -> x in M ) then Error( "<gens> must be elements in <M>" ); fi; return SubadditiveGroupNC( M, gens ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubadditiveGroupNC( <M>, <gens> ) ## ## Note that `SubadditiveGroupNC' is allowed to call `Objectify' ## in the case that <gens> is empty. ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubadditiveGroupNC, function( M, gens ) local K, S; if IsEmpty( gens ) then K:= NewType( FamilyObj(M), IsAdditiveGroup and IsTrivial and IsAttributeStoringRep ); S:= Objectify( K, rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( S, [] ); else S:= AdditiveGroupByGenerators(gens); fi; SetParent( S, M ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M TrivialSubadditiveMagmaWithZero( <M> ) . . . for an add.-magma-with-zero ## InstallMethod( TrivialSubadditiveMagmaWithZero, "for add.-magma-with-zero", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], M -> SubadditiveMagmaWithZeroNC( M, [] ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( <gens> ) . . . . . . . . . . for a collection ## InstallMethod( AdditiveMagmaByGenerators, "for collection", [ IsCollection ], function( gens ) local M; M:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( gens ), IsAdditiveMagma and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( <Fam>, <gens> ) . . . . . for family and list ## InstallOtherMethod( AdditiveMagmaByGenerators, "for family and list", [ IsFamily, IsList ], function( family, gens ) local M; if not ( IsEmpty(gens) or IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(gens), family ) ) then Error( "<family> and family of <gens> do not match" ); fi; M:= Objectify( NewType( family, IsAdditiveMagma and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators( <gens> ) . . . . . . for a collection ## InstallMethod( AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators, "for collection", [ IsCollection ], function( gens ) local M; M:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( gens ), IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators( <Fam>, <gens> ) . for family and list ## InstallOtherMethod( AdditiveMagmaWithZeroByGenerators, "for family and list", [ IsFamily, IsList ], function( family, gens ) local M; if not ( IsEmpty(gens) or IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(gens), family ) ) then Error( "<family> and family of <gens> do not match" ); fi; M:= Objectify( NewType( family, IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveGroupByGenerators( <gens> ) . . . . for a collection ## InstallMethod( AdditiveGroupByGenerators, "for collection", [ IsCollection ], function( gens ) local M; M:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( gens ), IsAdditiveGroup and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveGroupByGenerators(<Fam>,<gens>) . for family and list ## InstallOtherMethod( AdditiveGroupByGenerators, "for family and list", [ IsFamily, IsList ], function( family, gens ) local M; if not ( IsEmpty(gens) or IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj(gens), family ) ) then Error( "<family> and family of <gens> do not match" ); fi; M:= Objectify( NewType( family, IsAdditiveGroup and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( M, AsList( gens ) ); return M; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( <A> ) #M GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( <A> ) #M GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( <A> ) ## ## If nothing special is known about the additive magma <A> we have ## no chance to get the required generators. ## ## If we know `GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma', ## they are also `GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero'. ## If we know `GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero', ## they are also `GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup'. ## InstallImmediateMethod( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero, IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma and IsAttributeStoringRep, 0, A -> GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( A ) ); InstallImmediateMethod( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup, IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero and IsAttributeStoringRep, 0, A -> GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ) ); InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma, [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], A -> Concatenation( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( A ), [ Zero( A ) ] ) ); InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma, [ IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ], A -> Concatenation( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), [ Zero( A ) ], List( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), AdditiveInverse ) ) ); InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero, [ IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ], A -> Concatenation( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), List( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), AdditiveInverse ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Representative( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . one element of an additive magma ## InstallMethod( Representative, "for additive magma with known generators", [ IsAdditiveMagma and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma ], RepresentativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma ) ); InstallMethod( Representative, "for additive-magma-with-zero with known generators", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], RepresentativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero ) ); InstallMethod( Representative, "for additive-magma-with-inverses with known generators", [ IsAdditiveGroup and HasGeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ], RepresentativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup ) ); InstallMethod( Representative, "for additive-magma-with-zero with known zero", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasZero ], SUM_FLAGS, Zero ); InstallMethod( Representative, "for additive-magma-with-zero with stored parent", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasParentAttr ], function( A ) if not IsIdenticalObj( A, Parent( A ) ) then return Zero( Representative( Parent( A ) ) ); fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveNeutralElement( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . zero of an additive magma ## InstallMethod( AdditiveNeutralElement, [ IsAdditiveMagma ], function( M ) local m; if IsFinite( M ) then for m in M do if ForAll( M, n -> n + m = n ) then return m; fi; od; return fail; else TryNextMethod(); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Zero( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zero of an additive magma ## InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for additive magma", [ IsAdditiveMagma ], function( A ) local zero; zero:= Zero( Representative( A ) ); if zero <> fail and zero in A then return zero; else return fail; fi; end ); InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for additive magma with zero (look at family)", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], SUM_FLAGS, function( A ) A:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) ); if HasZero( A ) then return Zero( A ); else TryNextMethod(); fi; end ); #T immediate? InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for an add. magma-with-zero with parent (ask the parent)", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and HasParent ], function( A ) if not IsIdenticalObj( A, Parent( A ) ) then return Zero( Parent( A ) ); fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); #T really ask the parent for such information? InstallOtherMethod( Zero, "for additive magma with zero", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], A -> Zero( Representative( A ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Characteristic(<obj>) ## InstallMethod( Characteristic, "delegate to family (magma)", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], function( el ) return Characteristic( FamilyObj(el) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Enumerator( <A> ) . . . . enumerator of trivial additive magma with zero ## EnumeratorOfTrivialAdditiveMagmaWithZero := A -> Immutable( [ Zero( A ) ] ); InstallMethod( Enumerator, "for trivial add. magma-with-zero", [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero and IsTrivial ], EnumeratorOfTrivialAdditiveMagmaWithZero ); ############################################################################# ## #F ClosureAdditiveMagmaDefault( <A>, <elm> ) closure of add. magma with elm ## BindGlobal( "ClosureAdditiveMagmaDefault", function( A, elm ) local C, # closure `\< <a>, <obj> \>', result gens, # generators of <A> gen, # generator of <A> or <C> Celements, # intermediate list of elements len; # current number of elements gens:= GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( A ); # try to avoid adding an element to a add. magma that already contains it if elm in gens or ( HasAsSSortedList( A ) and elm in AsSSortedList( A ) ) then return A; fi; # make the closure add. magma gens:= Concatenation( gens, [ elm ] ); C:= AdditiveMagmaByGenerators( gens ); UseSubsetRelation( C, A ); # if the elements of <A> are known then extend this list # (multiply each element from the left and right with the new # generator, and then multiply with all elements until the # list becomes stable) if HasAsSSortedList( A ) then Celements := ShallowCopy( AsSSortedList( A ) ); AddSet( Celements, elm ); UniteSet( Celements, Celements + elm ); UniteSet( Celements, elm + Celements ); repeat len:= Length( Celements ); for gen in Celements do UniteSet( Celements, Celements + gen ); UniteSet( Celements, gen + Celements ); od; until len = Length( Celements ); SetAsSSortedList( C, AsSSortedList( Celements ) ); SetIsFinite( C, true ); SetSize( C, Length( Celements ) ); fi; # return the closure return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Enumerator( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . set of the elements of an add. magma ## BindGlobal( "EnumeratorOfAdditiveMagma", function( A ) local gens, # add. magma generators of <A> H, # subadd. magma of the first generators of <A> gen; # generator of <A> # handle the case of an empty add. magma gens:= GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( A ); if IsEmpty( gens ) then return []; fi; # start with the empty add. magma and its element list H:= SubadditiveMagma( A, [] ); SetAsSSortedList( H, Immutable( [ ] ) ); # Add the generators one after the other. # We use a function that maintains the elements list for the closure. for gen in gens do H:= ClosureAdditiveMagmaDefault( H, gen ); od; # return the list of elements Assert( 2, HasAsSSortedList( H ) ); return AsSSortedList( H ); end ); InstallMethod( Enumerator, "generic method for an add. magma", [ IsAdditiveMagma and IsAttributeStoringRep ], EnumeratorOfAdditiveMagma ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSubset( <M>, <N> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for two additive magmas ## InstallMethod( IsSubset, "for two additive magmas", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAdditiveMagma, IsAdditiveMagma ], function( M, N ) return IsSubset( M, GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagma( N ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSubset( <M>, <N> ) . . . . . . . . . for two additive magmas with zero ## InstallMethod( IsSubset, "for two additive magmas with zero", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero, IsAdditiveMagmaWithZero ], function( M, N ) return IsSubset( M, GeneratorsOfAdditiveMagmaWithZero( N ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSubset( <M>, <N> ) . . . . . . . for two additive magmas with inverses ## InstallMethod( IsSubset, "for two additive magmas with inverses", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAdditiveGroup, IsAdditiveGroup ], function( M, N ) return IsSubset( M, GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( N ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ClosureAdditiveGroup( <A>, <a> ) . . . . . . for add. group and element ## InstallMethod( ClosureAdditiveGroup, "for add. group and element", IsCollsElms, [ IsAdditiveGroup, IsAdditiveElement ], function( A, a ) # if possible test if the element lies in the add. group already if a in GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ) or ( HasAsList( A ) and a in AsList( A ) ) then return A; fi; # Otherwise make a new add. group. return AdditiveGroupByGenerators( Concatenation( GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( A ), [ a ] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ClosureAdditiveGroup( <A>, <B> ) . . . . . . . . . . for two add. groups ## InstallOtherMethod( ClosureAdditiveGroup, "for two add. groups", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAdditiveGroup, IsAdditiveGroup ], function( A, B ) local C, b; C:= A; for b in GeneratorsOfAdditiveGroup( B ) do C:= ClosureAdditiveGroup( C, b ); od; return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E