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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Thomas Breuer #W and Willem de Graaf ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains generic methods for algebras and algebras-with-one. ## ############################################################################# ## #M Representative( <A> ) . . . . . . . . one element of a left operator ring ## InstallMethod( Representative, "for left operator ring with known generators", [ IsLeftOperatorRing and HasGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing ], RepresentativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Representative( <A> ) . . . one element of a left operator ring-with-one ## InstallMethod( Representative, "for left operator ring-with-one with known generators", [ IsLeftOperatorRingWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne ], RepresentativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M FLMLORByGenerators( <R>, <gens> ) . . . . <R>-FLMLOR generated by <gens> #M FLMLORByGenerators( <R>, <gens>, <zero> ) ## InstallMethod( FLMLORByGenerators, "for ring and collection", [ IsRing, IsCollection ], function( R, gens ) local A; A:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( gens ), IsFLMLOR and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetLeftActingDomain( A, R ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A, AsList( gens ) ); CheckForHandlingByNiceBasis( R, gens, A, false ); return A; end ); InstallOtherMethod( FLMLORByGenerators, "for ring, homogeneous list, and ring element", [ IsRing, IsHomogeneousList, IsRingElement ], function( R, gens, zero ) local A; A:= Objectify( NewType( CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( zero ) ), IsFLMLOR and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetLeftActingDomain( A, R ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A, gens ); SetZero( A, zero ); if IsEmpty( gens ) then SetIsTrivial( A, true ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A, gens ); fi; CheckForHandlingByNiceBasis( R, gens, A, zero ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( <R>, <gens> ) unit. <R>-FLMLOR gen. by <gens> #M FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( <R>, <gens>, <zero> ) ## InstallMethod( FLMLORWithOneByGenerators, "for ring and collection", [ IsRing, IsCollection ], function( R, gens ) local A; A:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( gens ), IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetLeftActingDomain( A, R ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( A, AsList( gens ) ); CheckForHandlingByNiceBasis( R, gens, A, false ); return A; end ); InstallOtherMethod( FLMLORWithOneByGenerators, "for ring, homogeneous list, and ring element", [ IsRing, IsHomogeneousList, IsRingElement ], function( R, gens, zero ) local A; A:= Objectify( NewType( CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( zero ) ), IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetLeftActingDomain( A, R ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( A, AsList( gens ) ); SetZero( A, zero ); CheckForHandlingByNiceBasis( R, gens, A, zero ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Algebra( <F>, <gens> ) #F Algebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero> ) #F Algebra( <F>, <gens>, "basis" ) #F Algebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero>, "basis" ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FLMLOR, function( arg ) local A; # ring and list of generators if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) and 0 < Length( arg[2] ) then A:= FLMLORByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); # ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then if arg[3] = "basis" then A:= FLMLORByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); UseBasis( A, arg[2] ); else A:= FLMLORByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ); fi; # ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 4 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) and arg[4] = "basis" then A:= FLMLORByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ); UseBasis( A, arg[2] ); # no argument given, error else Error( "usage: FLMLOR( <F>, <gens> ), ", "FLMLOR( <F>, <gens>, <zero> )" ); fi; # Return the result. return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Subalgebra( <A>, <gens> ) . . . . . subalgebra of <A> generated by <gens> #F Subalgebra( <A>, <gens>, "basis" ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubFLMLOR, function( arg ) local S; if Length( arg ) <= 1 or not IsFLMLOR( arg[1] ) or not IsHomogeneousList( arg[2] ) then Error( "first argument must be a FLMLOR,\n", "second argument must be a list of generators" ); elif IsEmpty( arg[2] ) then return SubFLMLORNC( arg[1], arg[2] ); elif IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj( arg[1] ), FamilyObj( arg[2] ) ) and ForAll( arg[2], v -> v in arg[1] ) then S:= FLMLORByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ), arg[2] ); SetParent( S, arg[1] ); if Length( arg ) = 3 and arg[3] = "basis" then UseBasis( S, arg[2] ); fi; return S; fi; Error( "usage: SubFLMLOR( <V>, <gens> [, \"basis\"] )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubalgebraNC( <A>, <gens>, "basis" ) #F SubalgebraNC( <A>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubFLMLORNC, function( arg ) local S; if IsEmpty( arg[2] ) then S:= Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( arg[1] ), IsFLMLOR and IsTrivial and IsTwoSidedIdealInParent and IsAttributeStoringRep ), rec() ); SetLeftActingDomain( S, LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ) ); SetGeneratorsOfLeftModule( S, AsList( arg[2] ) ); else S:= FLMLORByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ), arg[2] ); fi; if Length( arg ) = 3 and arg[3] = "basis" then UseBasis( S, arg[2] ); fi; SetParent( S, arg[1] ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AlgebraWithOne( <F>, <gens> ) #F AlgebraWithOne( <F>, <gens>, <zero> ) #F AlgebraWithOne( <F>, <gens>, "basis" ) #F AlgebraWithOne( <F>, <gens>, <zero>, "basis" ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FLMLORWithOne, function( arg ) local A; # ring and list of generators if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) and 0 < Length( arg[2] ) then A:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); # ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) then if arg[3] = "basis" then A:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2] ); UseBasis( A, arg[2] ); else A:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ); fi; # ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 4 and IsRing( arg[1] ) and IsList( arg[2] ) and arg[4] = "basis" then A:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3] ); UseBasis( A, arg[2] ); # no argument given, error else Error( "usage: FLMLORWithOne( <F>, <gens> ), ", "FLMLORWithOne( <F>, <gens>, <zero> )" ); fi; # Return the result. return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubalgebraWithOne( <A>, <gens> ) subalg.-with-one of <A> gen. by <gens> ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubFLMLORWithOne, function( arg ) local S; if Length( arg ) <= 1 or not IsFLMLOR( arg[1] ) or not IsHomogeneousList( arg[2] ) then Error( "first argument must be a FLMLOR,\n", "second argument must be a list of generators" ); elif IsEmpty( arg[2] ) then return SubFLMLORWithOneNC( arg[2], arg[2] ); elif IsIdenticalObj( FamilyObj( arg[1] ), FamilyObj( arg[2] ) ) and ForAll( arg[2], v -> v in arg[1] ) and ( IsFLMLORWithOne( arg[1] ) or One( arg[1] ) <> fail ) then S:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ), arg[2] ); SetParent( S, arg[1] ); if Length( arg ) = 3 and arg[3] = "basis" then UseBasis( S, arg[2] ); fi; return S; fi; Error( "usage: SubFLMLORWithOne( <V>, <gens> [, \"basis\"] )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SubalgebraWithOneNC( <A>, <gens> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SubFLMLORWithOneNC, function( arg ) local S, gens; if IsEmpty( arg[2] ) then # Note that `S' is in general not trivial, # and if we call `Objectify' here then `S' does not get a special # representation (e.g., as a matrix algebra). # So the argument that special methods would catch this case # does not hold! gens:= [ One( arg[1] ) ]; S:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ), gens ); UseBasis( S, gens ); else S:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( arg[1] ), arg[2] ); if Length( arg ) = 3 and arg[3] = "basis" then UseBasis( S, arg[2] ); fi; fi; SetParent( S, arg[1] ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M LieAlgebraByDomain( <A> ) ## ## The Lie algebra of the associative algebra <A> ## InstallMethod( LieAlgebraByDomain, "for an algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) local T, n, zero, nullvec, S, i, j, k, m, cfs, cij, cji; if not IsAssociative( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # We construct a structure constants table for the Lie algebra # corresponding to <A>. If the structure constants of <A> are given by # d_{ij}^k, then the structure constants of the Lie algebra will be given # by d_{ij}^k - d_{ji}^k. T:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A ) ); n:= Dimension( A ); zero:= Zero( LeftActingDomain( A ) ); nullvec:= List( [1..n], x -> zero ); S:= EmptySCTable( n, zero, "antisymmetric" ); for i in [1..n] do for j in [i+1..n] do cfs:= ShallowCopy( nullvec ); cij:= T[i][j]; cji:= T[j][i]; for m in [1..Length(cij[1])] do k:= cij[1][m]; cfs[k]:= cfs[k] + cij[2][m]; od; for m in [1..Length(cji[1])] do k:= cji[1][m]; cfs[k]:= cfs[k] - cji[2][m]; od; cij:= [ ]; for m in [1..n] do if cfs[m] <> zero then Add( cij, cfs[m] ); Add( cij, m ); fi; od; SetEntrySCTable( S, i, j, cij ); od; od; return LieAlgebraByStructureConstants( LeftActingDomain( A ), S ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F LieAlgebra( <A> ) #F LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens> ) #F LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero> ) #F LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens>, "basis" ) #F LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero>, "basis" ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( LieAlgebra, function( arg ) #T check that the families have the same characteristic? #T `CharacteristicFamily' ? local A,gens; # In the case of one domain argument, # construct the isomorphic Lie algebra. if Length( arg ) = 1 and IsDomain( arg[1] ) then A:= LieAlgebraByDomain( arg[1] ); # division ring and list of generators elif Length( arg ) >= 2 and IsList( arg[2] ) then gens:= List( arg[2], x -> LieObject( x ) ); if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsDivisionRing( arg[1] ) and 0 < Length( arg[2] ) then A:= AlgebraByGenerators( arg[1], gens ); # division ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsDivisionRing( arg[1] ) then if arg[3] = "basis" then A:= AlgebraByGenerators( arg[1], gens ); UseBasis( A, gens ); else A:= AlgebraByGenerators( arg[1], gens, arg[3] ); fi; # division ring, list of generators plus zero elif Length( arg ) = 4 and IsDivisionRing( arg[1] ) and arg[4] = "basis" then A:= AlgebraByGenerators( arg[1], gens, arg[3] ); UseBasis( A, gens ); else Error( "usage: LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens> ), ", "LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero> ), LieAlgebra( <D> )"); fi; # no argument given, error else Error( "usage: LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens> ), ", "LieAlgebra( <F>, <gens>, <zero> ), LieAlgebra( <D> )"); fi; # Return the result. return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F EmptySCTable( <dim>, <zero> ) #F EmptySCTable( <dim>, <zero>, \"symmetric\" ) #F EmptySCTable( <dim>, <zero>, \"antisymmetric\" ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( EmptySCTable, function( arg ) local dim, T, entry, i; if 2 <= Length( arg ) and IsInt( arg[1] ) and IsZero( arg[2] ) and ( Length( arg ) = 2 or IsString( arg[3] ) ) then dim:= arg[1]; T:= []; entry:= Immutable( [ [], [] ] ); for i in [ 1 .. dim ] do T[i]:= List( [ 1 .. dim ], x -> entry ); od; # Store the symmetry flag. if Length( arg ) = 3 then if arg[3] = "symmetric" then Add( T, 1 ); elif arg[3] = "antisymmetric" then Add( T, -1 ); else Error("third argument must be \"symmetric\" or \"antisymmetric\""); fi; else Add( T, 0 ); fi; # Store the zero coefficient. Add( T, arg[2] ); else Error( "usage: EmptySCTable( <dim>, <zero> [,\"symmetric\"] )" ); fi; return T; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SetEntrySCTable( <T>, <i>, <j>, <list> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( SetEntrySCTable, function( T, i, j, list ) local range, zero, Fam, entry, k, val, pos; # Check that `i' and `j' are admissible. range:= [ 1 .. Length( T ) - 2 ]; if not i in range then Error( "<i> must lie in ", range ); elif not j in range then Error( "<j> must lie in ", range ); fi; # Check `list', and construct the table entry. zero:= T[ Length( T ) ]; Fam:= FamilyObj( zero ); entry:= [ [], [] ]; for k in [ 1, 3 .. Length( list ) -1 ] do val:= list[k]; pos:= list[k+1]; # Check that `pos' is inside the table, # and that its entry is assigned only once. if not pos in range then Error( "list entry ", list[k+1], " must lie in ", range ); elif pos in entry[1] then Error( "position ", pos, " must occur at most once in <list>" ); fi; # Check that the coefficients either fit to the zero element # or are rationals (with suitable denominators). if FamilyObj( val ) = Fam then if val <> zero then Add( entry[1], pos ); Add( entry[2], val ); fi; elif IsRat( val ) then if val <> 0 then Add( entry[1], pos ); Add( entry[2], val * One( zero ) ); fi; else Error( "list entry ", list[k], " does not fit to zero element" ); fi; od; # Set the table entry. SortParallel( entry[1], entry[2] ); T[i][j]:= Immutable( entry ); # Add the value `T[j][i]' in the case of (anti-)symmetric tables. if T[ Length(T) - 1 ] = 1 then T[j][i]:= T[i][j]; elif T[ Length(T) - 1 ] = -1 then T[j][i]:= Immutable( [ entry[1], -entry[2] ] ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ReducedSCTable( <T>, <one> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ReducedSCTable, function( T, one ) local new, n, i, j, entry; new:= []; n:= Length( T ) - 2; # Reduce the entries. for i in [ 1 .. n ] do new[i]:= []; for j in [ 1 .. n ] do entry:= T[i][j]; entry:= [ Immutable( entry[1] ), entry[2] * one ]; MakeImmutable( entry ); new[i][j]:= entry; od; od; # Store zero coefficient and symmetry flag. new[ n+1 ]:= T[ n+1 ]; new[ n+2 ]:= T[ n+2 ] * one; # Return the immutable new table. MakeImmutable( new ); return new; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F GapInputSCTable( <T>, <varnam> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( GapInputSCTable, function( T, varnam ) local dim, str, lower, i, j, entry, k; # Initialize, and set the ranges for the loops. dim:= Length( T ) - 2; str:= Concatenation( varnam, ":= EmptySCTable( ", String( dim ), ", ", String( T[ Length( T ) ] ) ); lower:= [ 1 .. dim ]; if T[ dim+1 ] = 1 then Append( str, ", \"symmetric\"" ); elif T[ dim+1 ] = -1 then Append( str, ", \"antisymmetric\"" ); else lower:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( dim, 1 ); fi; Append( str, " );\n" ); # Fill up the table. for i in [ 1 .. dim ] do for j in [ lower[i] .. dim ] do entry:= T[i][j]; if not IsEmpty( entry[1] ) then Append( str, "SetEntrySCTable( " ); Append( str, varnam ); Append( str, ", " ); Append( str, String(i) ); Append( str, ", " ); Append( str, String(j) ); Append( str, ", [" ); for k in [ 1 .. Length( entry[1] )-1 ] do Append( str, String( entry[2][k] ) ); Add( str, ',' ); Append( str, String( entry[1][k] ) ); Add( str, ',' ); od; k:= Length( entry[1] ); Append( str, String( entry[2][k] ) ); Add( str, ',' ); Append( str, String( entry[1][k] ) ); Append( str, "] );\n" ); fi; od; od; ConvertToStringRep( str ); return str; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F IdentityFromSCTable( <T> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( IdentityFromSCTable, function( T ) local n, # dimension of the underlying algebra equ, # equation system to solve zero, # zero of the field zerovec, # zero vector vec, # right hand side of the equation system one, # identity of the field i, j, k, # loop over rows of `equ' row, # one row of the equation system Tpos, # Tval, # p, # sol, sum; n:= Length( T ) - 2; zero:= T[ n+2 ]; # If the table belongs to a trivial algebra, # the identity is equal to the zero. if n = 0 then return EmptyRowVector( FamilyObj( zero ) ); fi; # Set up the equation system, # in row $i$ and column $(k-1)*n + j$ we have $c_{ijk}$. equ:= []; zerovec:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( n^2, zero ); vec:= ShallowCopy( zerovec ); one:= One( zero ); for i in [ 1 .. n ] do row:= ShallowCopy( zerovec ); for j in [ 1 .. n ] do Tpos:= T[i][j][1]; Tval:= T[i][j][2]; p:= (j-1)*n; for k in [ 1 .. Length( Tpos ) ] do row[ p + Tpos[k] ]:= Tval[k]; od; od; Add( equ, row ); vec[ (i-1)*n + i ]:= one; od; sol:= SolutionMat( equ, vec ); # If we have a candidate and if the algebra is not known # to be commutative then check whether the candidate # acts trivially also from the right. if sol <> fail and T[ n+1 ] <> 1 then for j in [ 1 .. n ] do for k in [ 1 .. n ] do sum:= zero; for i in [ 1 .. n ] do Tpos:= T[j][i]; p:= Position( Tpos[1], k ); #T cheaper !!! if p <> fail then sum:= sum + sol[i] * Tpos[2][p]; fi; od; if ( j = k and sum <> one ) or ( j <> k and sum <> zero ) then return fail; fi; od; od; fi; # Return the result. return sol; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F QuotientFromSCTable( <T>, <num>, <den> ) ## ## We solve the equation system $<num> = x <den>$. ## If no solution exists, `fail' is returned. ## ## In terms of the basis $B$ with vectors $b_1, \ldots, b_n$ this means ## for $<num> = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i b_i$, ## $<den> = \sum_{i=1}^n c_i b_i$, ## $x = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i b_i$ that ## $a_k = \sum_{i,j} c_i x_j c_{ijk}$ for all $k$. ## Here $c_{ijk}$ denotes the structure constants w.r.t. $B$. ## This means $a = x M$ with $M_{ik} = \sum_{j=1}^n c_{ijk} c_j$. ## InstallGlobalFunction( QuotientFromSCTable, function( T, x, c ) local M, # matrix of the equation system n, # dimension of the algebra zero, # zero vector i, j, # loop variables row, # one row of `M' entry, # val; # M:= []; n:= Length( c ); # If the algebra is zero dimensional, # the zero is also the identity and thus also its inverse. if n = 0 then return c; fi; zero:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( n, T[ Length( T ) ] ); for i in [ 1 .. n ] do row:= ShallowCopy( zero ); for j in [ 1 .. n ] do entry:= T[i][j]; val:= c[j]; row{ entry[1] }:= row{ entry[1] } + val * entry[2]; #T better! od; Add( M, row ); od; # Return the quotient, or `fail'. return SolutionMat( M, x ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F TestJacobi( <T> ) ## ## We check whether for all $1 \leq m \leq n$ the equality ## $\sum_{l=1}^n c_{jkl} c_{ilm} + c_{kil} c_{jlm} + c_{ijl} c_{klm} = 0$ ## holds. ## InstallGlobalFunction( TestJacobi, function( T ) local zero, # the zero of the field n, # dimension of the algebra i, j, k, m, # loop variables cij, cki, cjk, # structure constant vectors sum, t; zero:= T[ Length( T ) ]; n:= Length( T ) - 2; for i in [ 1 .. n ] do for j in [ i+1 .. n ] do cij:= T[i][j]; for k in [ j+1 .. n ] do cki:= T[k][i]; cjk:= T[j][k]; for m in [ 1 .. n ] do sum:= zero; for t in [ 1 .. Length( cjk[1] ) ] do sum:= sum + cjk[2][t] * SCTableEntry( T, i, cjk[1][t], m ); od; for t in [ 1 .. Length( cki[1] ) ] do sum:= sum + cki[2][t] * SCTableEntry( T, j, cki[1][t], m ); od; for t in [ 1 .. Length( cij[1] ) ] do sum:= sum + cij[2][t] * SCTableEntry( T, k, cij[1][t], m ); od; if sum <> zero then return [ i, j, k ]; fi; od; od; od; od; return true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M MultiplicativeNeutralElement( <A> ) ## ## is the multiplicative neutral element of <A> if this exists, ## otherwise is `fail'. ## ## Let $(b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_n)$ be a basis of $A$, and $e$ the result of ## `MultiplicativeNeutralElement( <A> )'. ## Then $e = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i b_i$, and for $1 \leq k \leq n$ we have ## $e \cdot b_j = b_j$, or equivalently ## $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i b_i \cdot b_j = b_j$. ## Define the structure constants by ## $b_i \cdot b_j = \sum_{k=1}^n c_{ijk} b_k$. ## ## Then $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i c_{ijk} = \delta_{jk}$ for $1 \leq k \leq n$. ## ## This yields $n^2$ linear equations for the $n$ indeterminates $a_i$, ## and a solution is a left identity. ## For this we have to test whether it is also a right identity. ## InstallMethod( MultiplicativeNeutralElement, [ IsFLMLOR and IsFiniteDimensional ], function( A ) local B, # basis of `A' one; # result B:= Basis( A ); one:= IdentityFromSCTable( StructureConstantsTable( B ) ); if one <> fail then one:= LinearCombination( B, one ); fi; return one; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsAssociative( <A> ) ## ## We check whether the vectors of a basis satisfy the associativity law. ## (Bilinearity of the multiplication is of course assumed.) ## ## If $b_i \cdot b_j = \sum_{l=1}^n c_{ijl} b_l$ then we have ## $b_i \cdot ( b_j \cdot b_k ) = ( b_i \cdot b_j ) \cdot b_k$ ## if and only if ## $\sum_{l=1}^n c_{jkl} c_{ilm} = \sum_{l=1}^n c_{ijl} c_{lkm}$ for all ## $1 \leq m \leq n$. ## ## We check this equality for all $1 \leq i, j, k \leq n$. ## InstallMethod( IsAssociative, "generic method for a (finite dimensional) FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) local T, # structure constants table w.r.t. a basis of `A' zero, range, i, j, k, l, m, Ti, Tj, cijpos, cijval, cjkpos, cjkval, sum, x, pos; if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; T:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A ) ); zero:= Zero( LeftActingDomain( A ) ); range:= [ 1 .. Length( T[1] ) ]; for i in range do Ti:= T[i]; for j in range do cijpos:= Ti[j][1]; cijval:= Ti[j][2]; Tj:= T[j]; for k in range do cjkpos:= Tj[k][1]; cjkval:= Tj[k][2]; for m in range do sum:= zero; for l in [ 1 .. Length( cjkpos ) ] do x:= Ti[ cjkpos[l] ]; pos:= Position( x[1], m ); if pos <> fail then sum:= sum + cjkval[l] * x[2][ pos ]; fi; od; for l in [ 1 .. Length( cijpos ) ] do x:= T[ cijpos[l] ][k]; pos:= Position( x[1], m ); if pos <> fail then sum:= sum - cijval[l] * x[2][ pos ]; fi; od; if sum <> zero then # $i, j, k$ fail Info( InfoAlgebra, 2, "IsAssociative fails for i = ", i, ", j = ", j, ", k = ", k ); return false; fi; od; od; od; od; return true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsAnticommutative( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .for a fin.-dim. FLMLOR ## ## is `true' if the multiplication in <A> is anticommutative, ## and `false' otherwise. ## InstallMethod( IsAnticommutative, "generic method for a (finite dimensional) FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) local n, # dimension of `A' T, # table of structure constants for `A' zero, # zero coefficient i, j; # loop over rows and columns ot `T' if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; n:= Dimension( A ); T:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A ) ); zero:= T[ n+2 ]; for i in [ 2 .. n ] do for j in [ 1 .. i-1 ] do if T[i][j][1] <> T[j][i][1] or ( not IsEmpty( T[i][j][1] ) and PositionNot( T[i][j][2] + T[j][i][2], zero ) <= Length( T[i][j][2] ) ) then return false; fi; od; od; if Characteristic( A ) <> 2 then # The values on the diagonal must be zero. for i in [ 1 .. n ] do if not IsEmpty( T[i][i][1] ) then return false; fi; od; fi; return true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsCommutative( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . for finite dimensional FLMLOR ## ## Check whether every basis vector commutes with every basis vector. ## InstallMethod( IsCommutative, "generic method for a finite dimensional FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], IsCommutativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfVectorSpace ) ); #T use structure constants! ############################################################################# ## #M IsCommutative( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . for an associative FLMLOR ## ## If <A> is associative then we can restrict the check to a smaller ## equation system than that for arbitrary algebras, since we have to check ## $x a = a x$ only for algebra generators $a$ and $x$, not for all vectors ## of a basis. ## InstallMethod( IsCommutative, "for an associative FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR and IsAssociative ], IsCommutativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAlgebra ) ); InstallMethod( IsCommutative, "for an associative FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAssociative ], IsCommutativeFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsZeroSquaredRing( <A> ) . . . . . . . . for a finite dimensional FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( IsZeroSquaredRing, "for a finite dimensional FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) if not IsAnticommutative( A ) then # Every zero squared ring is anticommutative. return false; elif ForAny( BasisVectors( Basis( A ) ), x -> not IsZero( x*x ) ) then # If not all basis vectors are zero squared then we return `false'. return false; elif IsCommutative( LeftActingDomain( A ) ) then # If otherwise the left acting domain is commutative then we return # `true' because we know that <A> is anticommutative and the basis # vectors are zero squared. return true; else # Otherwise we give up. TryNextMethod(); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsJacobianRing( <A> ) ## InstallMethod( IsJacobianRing, "for a (finite dimensional) FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) local n, # dimension of `A' T, # table of structure constants for `A' i; # loop over the diagonal of `T' if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # In characteristic 2 we have to make sure that $a \* a = 0$. #T really? T:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A ) ); if Characteristic( A ) = 2 then n:= Dimension( A ); for i in [ 1 .. n ] do if not IsEmpty( T[i][i][1] ) then return false; fi; od; fi; # Check the Jacobi identity $[a,[b,c]] + [b,[c,a]] + [c,[a,b]] = 0$. return TestJacobi( T ) = true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Intersection2( <A1>, <A2> ) . . . . . . . . . intersection of two FLMLORs ## InstallMethod( Intersection2, "generic method for two FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR ], Intersection2Spaces( AsFLMLOR, SubFLMLORNC, FLMLOR ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Intersection2( <A1>, <A2> ) . . . . intersection of two FLMLORs-with-one ## InstallMethod( Intersection2, "generic method for two FLMLORs-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLORWithOne, IsFLMLORWithOne ], Intersection2Spaces( AsFLMLORWithOne, SubFLMLORWithOneNC, FLMLORWithOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M \/( <A>, <I> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . factor of an algebra by an ideal #M \/( <A>, <relators> ) . . . . . . . . . factor of an algebra by an ideal ## ## is the factor algebra of the finite dimensional algebra <A> modulo ## the ideal <I> or the ideal spanned by the collection <relators>. ## InstallOtherMethod( \/, "for FLMLOR and collection", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsCollection ], function( A, relators ) if IsFLMLOR( relators ) then TryNextMethod(); else return A / TwoSidedIdealByGenerators( A, relators ); fi; end ); InstallOtherMethod( \/, "for FLMLOR and empty list", [ IsFLMLOR, IsList and IsEmpty ], function( A, empty ) # `NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( A, TrivialSubFLMLOR( A ) )' is the # identity mapping on `A', and `ImagesSource' of it yields `A'. return A; end ); InstallOtherMethod( \/, "generic method for two FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR ], function( A, I ) return ImagesSource( NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( A, I ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M TrivialSubadditiveMagmaWithZero( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . for a FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( TrivialSubadditiveMagmaWithZero, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], A -> SubFLMLORNC( A, [] ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLOR( <R>, <D> ) . . view a collection as a FLMLOR over the ring <R> ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLOR, "for a ring and a collection", [ IsRing, IsCollection ], function( F, D ) local A, L; D:= AsSSortedList( D ); L:= ShallowCopy( D ); A:= TrivialSubFLMLOR( AsFLMLOR( F, D ) ); SubtractSet( L, AsSSortedList( A ) ); while 0 < Length(L) do A:= ClosureLeftOperatorRing( A, L[1] ); #T call explicit function that maintains an elements list? SubtractSet( L, AsSSortedList( A ) ); od; if Length( AsList( A ) ) <> Length( D ) then return fail; fi; A:= FLMLOR( F, GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), Zero( D[1] ) ); SetAsSSortedList( A, D ); SetSize( A, Length( D ) ); SetIsFinite( A, true ); #T ? # Return the FLMLOR. return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLOR( <F>, <V> ) . . view a left module as FLMLOR over the field <F> ## ## is an algebra over <F> that is equal (as set) to <V>. ## For that, perhaps the field of <A> has to be changed before ## getting the correct list of generators. ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLOR, "for a division ring and a free left module", [ IsDivisionRing, IsFreeLeftModule ], function( F, V ) local L, A; if LeftActingDomain( V ) = F then A:= FLMLOR( F, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; if HasBasis( V ) then SetBasis( A, Basis( V ) ); fi; elif IsTrivial( V ) then # We need the zero. A:= FLMLOR( F, [], Zero( V ) ); elif IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( V ), F ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( F, LeftActingDomain(V) ) ) ); L:= Concatenation( List( L, x -> List( GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ), y -> x * y ) ) ); A:= FLMLOR( F, L ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; elif IsSubset( F, LeftActingDomain( V ) ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( LeftActingDomain(V), F ) ) ); if ForAny( L, x -> ForAny( GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ), y -> not x * y in V ) ) then return fail; fi; A:= FLMLOR( F, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; else V:= AsFLMLOR( Intersection( F, LeftActingDomain( V ) ), V ); return AsFLMLOR( F, V ); fi; UseIsomorphismRelation( V, A ); UseSubsetRelation( V, A ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLOR( <F>, <A> ) . . . view an algebra as algebra over the field <F> ## ## is an algebra over <F> that is equal (as set) to <D>. ## For that, perhaps the field of <A> has to be changed before ## getting the correct list of generators. ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLOR, "for a division ring and an algebra", [ IsDivisionRing, IsFLMLOR ], function( F, D ) local L, A; if LeftActingDomain( D ) = F then return D; elif IsTrivial( D ) then # We need the zero. A:= FLMLOR( F, [], Zero( D ) ); elif IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( D ), F ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( F, LeftActingDomain(D) ) ) ); L:= Concatenation( List( L, x -> List( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> x * y ) ) ); A:= FLMLOR( F, L ); elif IsSubset( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( LeftActingDomain(D), F ) ) ); if ForAny( L, x -> ForAny( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> not x * y in D ) ) then return fail; fi; A:= FLMLOR( F, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ) ); else D:= AsFLMLOR( Intersection( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ), D ); return AsFLMLOR( F, D ); fi; UseIsomorphismRelation( D, A ); UseSubsetRelation( D, A ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLORWithOne( <R>, <D> ) . . . . . . view a coll. as a FLMLOR-with-one ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLORWithOne, "for a ring and a collection", [ IsRing, IsCollection ], function( F, D ) return AsFLMLORWithOne( AsFLMLOR( F, D ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLORWithOne( <F>, <V> ) . . view a left module as a algebra-with-one ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLORWithOne, "for a division ring and a free left module", [ IsDivisionRing, IsFreeLeftModule ], function( F, V ) local L, A; # Check that `V' contains the identity. if One( V ) = fail then return fail; elif LeftActingDomain( V ) = F then A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; # Left module generators and basis are maintained. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) then SetGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) ); fi; if HasBasis( V ) then SetBasis( A, Basis( V ) ); fi; elif IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( V ), F ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( F, LeftActingDomain(V) ) ) ); L:= Concatenation( List( L, x -> List( GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ), y -> x * y ) ) ); A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, L ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; elif IsSubset( F, LeftActingDomain( V ) ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( LeftActingDomain(V), F ) ) ); if ForAny( L, x -> ForAny( GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ), y -> not x * y in V ) ) then return fail; fi; A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( V ) ); if A <> V then return fail; fi; else # Note that we need not use the isomorphism and subset relations # (see below) because this is the task of the calls to # `AsAlgebraWithOne'. A:= AsAlgebraWithOne( Intersection( F, LeftActingDomain( V ) ), V ); return AsAlgebraWithOne( F, A ); fi; UseIsomorphismRelation( V, A ); UseSubsetRelation( V, A ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLORWithOne( <F>, <D> ) . . . . view an algebra as a algebra-with-one ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLORWithOne, "for a division ring and an algebra", [ IsDivisionRing, IsFLMLOR ], function( F, D ) local L, A; # Check that `D' contains the identity. if One( D ) = fail then return fail; elif LeftActingDomain( D ) = F then A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( D ) ); # Left module generators and basis are maintained. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( D ) then SetGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A, GeneratorsOfLeftModule( D ) ); fi; if HasBasis( D ) then SetBasis( A, Basis( D ) ); fi; elif IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( D ), F ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( F, LeftActingDomain(D) ) ) ); L:= Concatenation( List( L, x -> List( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> x * y ) ) ); A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, L ); elif IsSubset( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( LeftActingDomain(D), F ) ) ); if ForAny( L, x -> ForAny( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> not x * y in D ) ) then return fail; fi; A:= FLMLORWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( D ) ); else # Note that we need not use the isomorphism and subset relations # (see below) because this is the task of the calls to # `AsAlgebraWithOne'. D:= AsAlgebraWithOne( Intersection( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ), D ); return AsAlgebraWithOne( F, D ); fi; UseIsomorphismRelation( D, A ); UseSubsetRelation( D, A ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsFLMLORWithOne( <F>, <D> ) . . view an alg.-with-one as an alg.-with-one ## InstallMethod( AsFLMLORWithOne, "for a division ring and a algebra-with-one", [ IsDivisionRing, IsFLMLORWithOne ], function( F, D ) local L, A; if LeftActingDomain( D ) = F then return D; elif IsSubset( LeftActingDomain( D ), F ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( F, LeftActingDomain(D) ) ) ); L:= Concatenation( List( L, x -> List( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> x * y ) ) ); A:= AlgebraWithOne( F, L ); elif IsSubset( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ) then # Make sure that the field change does not change the elements. L:= BasisVectors( Basis( AsField( LeftActingDomain(D), F ) ) ); if ForAny( L, x -> ForAny( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ), y -> not x * y in D ) ) then return fail; fi; A:= AlgebraWithOne( F, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( D ) ); else # Note that we need not use the isomorphism and subset relations # (see below) because this is the task of the calls to # `AsAlgebraWithOne'. D:= AsAlgebraWithOne( Intersection( F, LeftActingDomain( D ) ), D ); return AsAlgebraWithOne( F, D ); fi; UseIsomorphismRelation( D, A ); UseSubsetRelation( D, A ); return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ClosureLeftOperatorRing( <A>, <a> ) . . . . . . . closure with an element ## InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR and a ring element", #T why not a general function for any left operator ring? #T (need `LeftOperatorRingByGenerators' ?) IsCollsElms, [ IsFLMLOR, IsRingElement ], function( A, a ) # if possible test if the element lies in the ring already, if HasGeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ) and a in GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ) then return A; # otherwise make a new left operator ring else return FLMLOR( LeftActingDomain( A ), Concatenation( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), [ a ] ) ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for an FLMLOR with basis, and a ring element", IsCollsElms, [ IsFLMLOR and HasBasis, IsRingElement ], function( A, a ) # test if the element lies in the FLMLOR already, if a in A then return A; # otherwise make a new FLMLOR else return FLMLOR( LeftActingDomain( A ), #T FLMLORByGenerators? Concatenation( BasisVectors( Basis( A ) ), [ a ] ), "basis" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR-with-one and a ring element", IsCollsElms, [ IsFLMLORWithOne, IsRingElement ], function( A, a ) # if possible test if the element lies in the ring already, if a in GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( A ) then return A; # otherwise make a new left operator ring-with-one else return FLMLORWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), Concatenation( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( A ), [ a ] ) ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR-with-one with basis, and a ring element", IsCollsElms, [ IsFLMLORWithOne and HasBasis, IsRingElement ], function( A, a ) # test if the element lies in the FLMLOR already, if a in A then return A; # otherwise make a new FLMLOR-with-one else return FLMLORWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), Concatenation( BasisVectors( Basis( A ) ), [ a ] ), "basis" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR containing the whole family, and a ring element", IsCollsElms, [ IsFLMLOR and IsWholeFamily, IsRingElement ], SUM_FLAGS, # this is better than everything else function( A, a ) return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ClosureLeftOperatorRing( <A>, <U> ) . closure of two left operator rings ## InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for two left operator rings", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsLeftOperatorRing, IsLeftOperatorRing ], function( A, S ) local g; # one generator for g in GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( S ) do A := ClosureLeftOperatorRing( A, g ); od; return A; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for two left operator rings-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsLeftOperatorRingWithOne, IsLeftOperatorRingWithOne ], function( A, S ) local g; # one generator for g in GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( S ) do A := ClosureLeftOperatorRing( A, g ); od; return A; end ); InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for a left op. ring cont. the whole family, and a collection", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsLeftOperatorRing and IsWholeFamily, IsCollection ], SUM_FLAGS, # this is better than everything else function( A, S ) return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ClosureLeftOperatorRing( <A>, <list> ) . . . . closure of left op. ring ## InstallMethod( ClosureLeftOperatorRing, "for left operator ring and list of elements", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsLeftOperatorRing, IsCollection ], function( A, list ) local g; # one generator for g in list do A:= ClosureLeftOperatorRing( A, g ); od; return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisOfClosureUnderAction( <F>, <Agens>, <from>, <init>, <opr>, #F <zero>, <maxdim> ) ## ## This function is used to compute bases of finite dimensional ideals $I$ ## in *associative* algebras that are given by ideal generators $J$ and ## (generators of) the acting algebra $A$. ## An important special case is that of the algebra $A$ itself, given by ## algebra generators. ## ## The algorithm assumes that it is possible to deal with mutable bases of ## vector spaces generated by elements of $A$. ## It proceeds as follows. ## ## Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over the ring $F$, ## and $I$ a two-sided ideal in $A$ that is generated (as a two-sided ideal) ## by the set $J$. ## (For the cases of one-sided ideals, see below.) ## ## Let $S$ be a set of algebra generators of $A$. ## The identity of $A$, if exists, need not be contained in $S$. ## ## Each element $x$ in $I$ can be written as a linear combination of ## products $j a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n$, with $j \in J$ and $a_i \in S$ for ## $1 \leq i \leq n$. ## Let $l(x)$ denote the minimum of the largest $n$ for involved words ## $a_1 a_2 \cdots a_n$, taken over all possible expressions for $x$. ## ## Define $I_i = \{ x \in I \mid l(x) \leq i \}$. ## Then $I_i$ is an $F$-space, $A_0 = \langle J \rangle_F$, ## and $I_0 \< I_1 \< I_2 \< \cdots I_k \< I_{k+1} \< \ldots$ ## is an ascending chain that eventually reaches $I$. ## For $i > 0$ we have ## $I_{i+1} = \langle I_i\cup\bigcup_{s\in S} ( I_i s\cup s I_i )\rangle_F$. ## ## (*Note* that the computation of the $I_i$ gives us the smallest value $k$ ## such that every element is a linear combination of words in terms of the ## algebra generators, of maximal length $k$.) ## InstallGlobalFunction( MutableBasisOfClosureUnderAction, function( F, Agens, from, init, opr, zero, maxdim ) local MB, # mutable basis, result gen, # loop over generators v, # dim, # dimension of the actual left module right, # `true' if we have to multiply from the right left; # `true' if we have to multiply from the left # Get the side(s) from where to multiply. left := true; right := true; if from = "left" then right:= false; elif from = "right" then left:= false; fi; # $I_0$ MB := MutableBasis( F, init, zero ); dim := 0; while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and dim < maxdim do # `MB' is a mutable basis of $I_i$. dim:= NrBasisVectors( MB ); if right then # Compute $I^{\prime}_i = I_i + \sum_{s \in S} I_i s$. for gen in Agens do for v in BasisVectors( MB ) do CloseMutableBasis( MB, opr( v, gen ) ); od; od; fi; if left then # Compute $I_i + \sum_{s \in S} s I_i$ # resp. $I^{\prime}_i + \sum_{s \in S} s I_i$. for gen in Agens do for v in BasisVectors( MB ) do CloseMutableBasis( MB, opr( gen, v ) ); od; od; fi; od; # Return the mutable basis. return MB; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisOfNonassociativeAlgebra( <F>, <Agens>, <zero>, <maxdim> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( MutableBasisOfNonassociativeAlgebra, function( F, Agens, zero, maxdim ) local MB, # mutable basis, result dim, # dimension of the current left module bv, # current basis vectors v, w; # loop over basis vectors found already MB := MutableBasis( F, Agens, zero ); dim := 0; while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and dim < maxdim do dim := NrBasisVectors( MB ); bv := BasisVectors( MB ); for v in bv do for w in bv do CloseMutableBasis( MB, v * w ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, w * v ); od; od; od; # Return the mutable basis. return MB; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisOfIdealInNonassociativeAlgebra( <F>, <Vgens>, <Igens>, #F <zero>, <from>, <maxdim> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( MutableBasisOfIdealInNonassociativeAlgebra, function( F, Vgens, Igens, zero, from, maxdim ) local MB, # mutable basis, result dim, # dimension of the current left module bv, # current basis vectors right, # `true' if we have to multiply from the right left, # `true' if we have to multiply from the left v, gen; # loop over basis vectors found already # Get the side(s) from where to multiply. left := true; right := true; if from = "left" then right:= false; elif from = "right" then left:= false; fi; dim := 0; MB := MutableBasis( F, Igens, zero ); while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and dim < maxdim do dim := NrBasisVectors( MB ); bv := BasisVectors( MB ); for v in bv do for gen in Vgens do if left then CloseMutableBasis( MB, gen * v ); fi; if right then CloseMutableBasis( MB, v * gen ); fi; od; od; od; # Return the mutable basis. return MB; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSubset( <A>, <B> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . test for subset of FLMLORs ## ## These methods are preferable to that for free left modules because they ## use algebra generators. ## ## We assume that generators of an extension of the left acting domains can ## be computed if they are fields; note that infinite field extensions do ## not (yet) occur in {\GAP} as `LeftActingDomain' values. ## InstallMethod( IsSubset, "for two FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR ], function( D1, D2 ) local F1, F2; F1:= LeftActingDomain( D1 ); F2:= LeftActingDomain( D2 ); if not ( HasIsDivisionRing( F1 ) and IsDivisionRing( F1 ) and HasIsDivisionRing( F2 ) and IsDivisionRing( F2 ) ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # catch trivial case if IsSubset(GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing(D1), GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing(D2)) then return true; fi; return IsSubset( D1, GeneratorsOverIntersection( D2, GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( D2 ), F2, F1 ) ); end ); InstallMethod( IsSubset, "for two FLMLORs-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLORWithOne, IsFLMLORWithOne ], function( D1, D2 ) local F1, F2; F1:= LeftActingDomain( D1 ); F2:= LeftActingDomain( D2 ); if not ( HasIsDivisionRing( F1 ) and IsDivisionRing( F1 ) and HasIsDivisionRing( F2 ) and IsDivisionRing( F2 ) ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return IsSubset( D1, GeneratorsOverIntersection( D2, GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( D2 ), F2, F1 ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view a FLMLOR ## ## print left acting domain, if known also dimension or no. of generators ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) Print( "<free left module over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR with known dimension", [ IsFLMLOR and HasDimension ], 1, # override method requiring gens. function( A ) Print( "<free left module of dimension ", Dimension( A ), " over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR with known generators", [ IsFLMLOR and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "<free left module over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring, with ", Length( GeneratorsOfFLMLOR( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print a FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) Print( "FLMLOR( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ... )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a FLMLOR with known generators", [ IsFLMLOR and HasGeneratorsOfFLMLOR ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfFLMLOR( A ) ) then Print( "FLMLOR( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", [], ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "FLMLOR( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ", GeneratorsOfFLMLOR( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view a FLMLOR-with-one ## ## print left acting domain, if known also dimension or no. of generators ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne ], function( A ) Print( "<free left module over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring-with-one>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR-with-one with known dimension", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and HasDimension ], 1, # override method requ. gens. function( A ) Print( "<free left module of dimension ", Dimension( A ), " over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring-with-one>" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a FLMLOR-with-one with known generators", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfFLMLORWithOne ], function( A ) Print( "<free left module over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", and ring-with-one, with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print a FLMLOR-with-one ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne ], function( A ) Print( "FLMLORWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ... )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a FLMLOR-with-one with known generators", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfFLMLOR ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfFLMLORWithOne( A ) ) then Print( "FLMLORWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", [], ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "FLMLORWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ", GeneratorsOfFLMLORWithOne( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view an algebra ## ## print left acting domain, if known also dimension or no. of generators ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "<algebra over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra with known dimension", [ IsAlgebra and HasDimension ], 1, # override method requiring gens. function( A ) Print( "<algebra of dimension ", Dimension( A ), " over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra with known generators", [ IsAlgebra and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "<algebra over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print an algebra ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "Algebra( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ... )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra with known generators", [ IsAlgebra and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebra ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ) ) then Print( "Algebra( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", [], ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "Algebra( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ", GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view an algebra-with-one ## ## print left acting domain, if known also dimension or no. of generators ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra-with-one", [ IsAlgebraWithOne ], function( A ) if IsIdenticalObj(A,LeftActingDomain(A)) then Print( "<algebra-with-one over itself>" ); else Print( "<algebra-with-one over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra-with-one with known dimension", [ IsAlgebraWithOne and HasDimension ], 1, # override method requ. gens. function( A ) Print( "<algebra-with-one of dimension ", Dimension( A ), " over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra-with-one with known generators", [ IsAlgebraWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne ], function( A ) Print( "<algebra-with-one over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print an algebra-with-one ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra-with-one", [ IsAlgebraWithOne ], function( A ) Print( "AlgebraWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ... )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra-with-one with known generators", [ IsAlgebraWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebra ], function( A ) if IsEmpty( GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) ) then Print( "AlgebraWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", [], ", Zero( A ), " )" ); else Print( "AlgebraWithOne( ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", ", GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view a Lie algebra ## ## print left acting domain, if known also dimension or no. of generators ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a Lie algebra", [ IsLieAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "<Lie algebra over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a Lie algebra with known dimension", [ IsLieAlgebra and HasDimension ], 1, # override method requ. gens. function( A ) Print( "<Lie algebra of dimension ", Dimension( A ), " over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ">" ); end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a Lie algebra with known generators", [ IsLieAlgebra and HasGeneratorsOfAlgebra ], function( A ) Print( "<Lie algebra over ", LeftActingDomain( A ), ", with ", Length( GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ) ), " generators>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsSubalgebra(<A>, <U>) . view an algebra as subalgebra of another algebra ## InstallMethod( AsSubalgebra, "for two algebras", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebra ], function( A, U ) local samecoeffs, S; if not IsSubset( A, U ) then return fail; fi; # Construct the generators list. samecoeffs:= LeftActingDomain( A ) = LeftActingDomain( U ); if not samecoeffs then U:= AsAlgebra( LeftActingDomain( A ), U ); fi; # Construct the subalgebra. S:= SubalgebraNC( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( U ) ); # Maintain useful information. UseIsomorphismRelation( U, S ); UseSubsetRelation( U, S ); if samecoeffs and HasDimension( U ) then SetDimension( S, Dimension( U ) ); fi; # Return the subalgebra. return S; end ); InstallMethod( AsSubalgebra, "for an algebra and an algebra-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebraWithOne ], function( A, U ) local samecoeffs, S; if not IsSubset( A, U ) then return fail; fi; # Construct the generators list. samecoeffs:= LeftActingDomain( A ) = LeftActingDomain( U ); if not samecoeffs then U:= AsAlgebraWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), U ); fi; # Construct the subalgebra. S:= SubalgebraWithOneNC( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( U ) ); # Maintain useful information. UseIsomorphismRelation( U, S ); UseSubsetRelation( U, S ); if samecoeffs and HasDimension( U ) then SetDimension( S, Dimension( U ) ); fi; # Return the subalgebra. return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsSubalgebraWithOne(<A>, <U>) . . . view algebra as subalgebra of another ## InstallMethod( AsSubalgebraWithOne, "for two algebras", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebra ], function( A, U ) local S; if not IsSubset( A, U ) or One( U ) = fail then return fail; fi; if LeftActingDomain( A ) <> LeftActingDomain( U ) then U:= AsAlgebraWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), U ); fi; # Construct and return the subalgebra. S:= SubalgebraWithOneNC( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( U ) ); UseIsomorphismRelation( U, S ); UseSubsetRelation( U, S ); return S; end ); InstallMethod( AsSubalgebraWithOne, "for an algebra and a algebra-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebraWithOne ], function( A, U ) local S; if not IsSubset( A, U ) then return fail; fi; if LeftActingDomain( A ) <> LeftActingDomain( U ) then U:= AsAlgebraWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), U ); fi; # Construct and return the subalgebra. S:= SubalgebraWithOneNC( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( U ) ); UseIsomorphismRelation( U, S ); UseSubsetRelation( U, S ); return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( <A>, <S>, <issubset> ) ## ## Let $(b_1, \ldots, b_n)$ be a basis of <A>, and $(s_1, \ldots, s_m)$ ## be a basis of <S>, with $s_j = \sum_{l=1}^n v_{jl} b_l$. ## The structure constants of <A> are $c_{ijk}$ with ## $b_i b_j = \sum_{k=1}^n c_{ijk} b_k$. ## Then we compute a basis of the solution space of the system ## $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \sum_{l=1}^n v_{jl} ( c_{ilk} - c_{lik} )$ for ## $1 \leq j \leq m$ and $1 \leq k \leq n$. ## ## (left null space of an $n \times (nm)$ matrix) ## ## If the multiplication in <A> is known to be anticommutative this is used. ## (Note that the case of commutative multiplication is handled in a more ## general way.) ## #T We will have problems with this approach if centralizers of algebras over #T non-commutative coefficients domains are considered. #T In this case, <S> might stand for generators w.r.t. a larger coefficients #T domain that also must be centralized ... ## InstallGlobalFunction( CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra, function( A, S, issubset ) local B, # basis of `A' T, # structure constants table w. r. to `B' n, # dimension of `A' m, # length of `S' M, # matrix of the equation system v, # coefficients of basis vectors of `S' w.r. to `B' zerovector, # initialize one row of `M' row, # one row of `M' i, j, k, l, # loop variables cil, cli, # offset, pos; # Handle the case that `S' may be not contained in `A'. # (If `A' knows a basis and `S' is a subset of `A' then # there are methods that return `A' itself as closure.) if not issubset then M:= ClosureAlgebra( A, S ); return Intersection2( A, CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( M, S, true ) ); fi; # Now `S' is known to be contained in `A'. B:= Basis( A ); T:= StructureConstantsTable( B ); n:= Dimension( A ); m:= Length( S ); M:= []; v:= List( S, x -> Coefficients( B, x ) ); zerovector:= [ 1 .. n*m ] * Zero( LeftActingDomain( A ) ); if HasIsAnticommutative( A ) and IsAnticommutative( A ) then # Column $(j-1)*n + k$ contains in row $i$ the value # $\sum_{l=1}^n v_{jl} c_{ilk}$ for i in [ 1 .. n ] do row:= ShallowCopy( zerovector ); for l in [ 1 .. n ] do cil:= T[i][l]; for j in [ 1 .. m ] do offset:= (j-1)*n; for k in [ 1 .. Length( cil[1] ) ] do pos:= cil[1][k] + offset; row[ pos ]:= row[ pos ] + v[j][l] * cil[2][k]; od; od; od; Add( M, row ); od; else # Column $(j-1)*n + k$ contains in row $i$ the value # $\sum_{l=1}^n v_{jl} ( c_{ilk} - c_{lik} )$ for i in [ 1 .. n ] do row:= ShallowCopy( zerovector ); for l in [ 1 .. n ] do cil:= T[i][l]; cli:= T[l][i]; for j in [ 1 .. m ] do offset:= (j-1)*n; for k in [ 1 .. Length( cil[1] ) ] do pos:= cil[1][k] + offset; row[ pos ]:= row[ pos ] + v[j][l] * cil[2][k]; od; for k in [ 1 .. Length( cli[1] ) ] do pos:= cli[1][k] + offset; row[ pos ]:= row[ pos ] - v[j][l] * cli[2][k]; od; od; od; Add( M, row ); od; fi; # Solve the equation system. M:= NullspaceMat( M ); # Construct the generators from the coefficient vectors. M:= List( M, x -> LinearCombination( B, x ) ); # Return the subalgebra. if IsFLMLORWithOne( A ) then return SubalgebraWithOneNC( A, M, "basis" ); else return SubalgebraNC( A, M, "basis" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralizerOp( <A>, <S> ) . . . . . cent. of a vector space in an algebra ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "for a finite dimensional algebra and a vector space with parent", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsVectorSpace and HasParent ], function( A, S ) if not IsIdenticalObj( A, Parent( S ) ) or not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( A, BasisVectors( Basis( S ) ), true ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralizerOp( <A>, <S> ) . . . cent. of an algebra in an assoc. algebra ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "for a fin. dim. assoc. algebra and an algebra with parent", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra and IsAssociative, IsAlgebra and HasParent ], function( A, S ) if not IsIdenticalObj( A, Parent( S ) ) or not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( S ), true ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralizerOp( <A>, <S> ) . . . . . cent. of a vector space in an algebra ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "for a finite dimensional algebra and a vector space", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsVectorSpace ], function( A, S ) if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( A, BasisVectors( Basis( S ) ), false ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralizerOp( <A>, <S> ) . . . cent. of an algebra in an assoc. algebra ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "for a fin. dim. assoc. algebra and an algebra", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra and IsAssociative, IsAlgebra ], function( A, S ) if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return CentralizerInFiniteDimensionalAlgebra( A, GeneratorsOfAlgebra( S ), false ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralizerOp( <A>, <elm> ) . . . . . . cent. of an element in an algebra ## InstallMethod( CentralizerOp, "for an algebra and an element", IsCollsElms, [ IsAlgebra, IsObject ], function( A, elm ) return Centralizer( A, Algebra( LeftActingDomain( A ), [ elm ] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F CentreFromSCTable( <T> ) ## ## Given a structure constants table <T> w.r.t. a basis $B$, say, ## `CentreFromSCTable' returns a list of $B$-coefficients vectors ## of a basis for the centre of an $F$-algebra with s.c. table <T>, ## where $F$ is assumed to be commutative. ## ## We have to solve the system ## $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i ( c_{ijk} - c_{jik} ) = 0$ for $1 \leq j, k \leq n$. ## BindGlobal( "CentreFromSCTable", function( T ) local n, # the dimension M, # matrix of the equation system i, j, k, # loop variables row, # one row in `M' offset, # offset between entry in `T' and column in `M' pos, # nonzero positions in $c_{ij}$ val; # loop over structure constants in $c_{ij}$ n:= Length( T ) - 2; M:= NullMat( n, n*n, T[ Length( T ) ] ); for i in [ 1 .. n ] do row:= M[i]; for j in [ 1 .. n ] do offset:= (j-1)*n; row{ offset + T[i][j][1] }:= T[i][j][2]; pos:= T[j][i][1]; val:= T[j][i][2]; for k in [ 1 .. Length( pos ) ] do row[ offset + pos[k] ]:= row[ offset + pos[k] ] - val[k]; #T cheaper! od; od; od; # Solve the equation system. return NullspaceMat( M ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Centre( <A> ) ## InstallMethod( Centre, "for a finite dimensional FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) local C, # centre of `A', result B, # a basis of `A' M; # matrix of the equation system if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # If necessary convert `A' to a FLMLOR over a commutative ring. if not IsCommutative( LeftActingDomain( A ) ) then A:= AsFLMLOR( Centre( LeftActingDomain( A ) ), A ); fi; # Solve the equation system. # If a s.c. table is already known, we use it since this allows us to # avoid multiplications. # Only if no s.c. table is known and if the algebra is known to be # associative and if the number of algebra generators is less than the # number of basis vectors, we do not force the computation of a # s.c. table. # (Note that for associative algebras, # we have to check $x a = a x$ only for algebra generators $a$, # not for all vectors of a basis.) B:= Basis( A ); if HasStructureConstantsTable( B ) or not ( HasIsAssociative( A ) and IsAssociative( A ) ) then M:= CentreFromSCTable( StructureConstantsTable( B ) ); else if HasGeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ) then M:= GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ); else M:= GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ); fi; if Dimension( A ) <= 2 * Length( M ) then M:= CentreFromSCTable( StructureConstantsTable( B ) ); else M:= List( BasisVectors( B ), bi -> Concatenation( List( M, a -> Coefficients( B, bi * a - a * bi ) ) ) ); M:= NullspaceMat( M ); fi; fi; # Construct the generators from the coefficient vectors. M:= List( M, x -> LinearCombination( B, x ) ); # Construct the centre. if IsFLMLORWithOne( A ) then C:= SubalgebraWithOneNC( A, M, "basis" ); else C:= SubalgebraNC( A, M, "basis" ); fi; Assert( 1, IsAbelian( C ) ); SetIsAbelian( C, true ); # Return the centre. return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisOfProductSpace( <U>, <V> ) ## ## Once we have the basis vectors for the product space, ## we only have to decide whether the result of `ProductSpace' is an ideal, ## an algebra, or just a vector space. ## This decision is left to the methods of `ProductSpace', ## the computation of basis vectors is done by `MutableBasisOfProductSpace'. ## BindGlobal( "MutableBasisOfProductSpace", function( U, V ) local inter, # intersection of left acting domains u, v, # loop over the bases MB; # mutable basis of the commutator subspace, result if LeftActingDomain( U ) = LeftActingDomain( V ) then inter:= LeftActingDomain( U ); else inter:= Intersection2( LeftActingDomain( U ), LeftActingDomain( V ) ); U:= AsVectorSpace( inter, U ); V:= AsVectorSpace( inter, V ); fi; MB:= MutableBasis( inter, [], Zero( U ) ); V:= BasisVectors( Basis( V ) ); for u in BasisVectors( Basis( U ) ) do for v in V do CloseMutableBasis( MB, u * v ); od; od; # Return the result. return [ MB, inter ]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ProductSpace( <U>, <V> ) . . . . . . . . . . . for two free left modules ## InstallMethod( ProductSpace, "for two free left modules", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFreeLeftModule, IsFreeLeftModule ], function( U, V ) local MB, vectors, C; # Compute basis vectors. MB:= MutableBasisOfProductSpace( U, V ); vectors:= BasisVectors( MB[1] ); if IsEmpty( vectors ) then return TrivialSubspace( U ); fi; # Create the appropriate domain. if HasParent( U ) and HasParent( V ) and IsIdenticalObj( Parent( U ), Parent( V ) ) then C:= SubmoduleNC( Parent( U ), vectors, "basis" ); else C:= FreeLeftModule( MB[2], vectors, "basis" ); fi; # Insert the basis. SetBasis( C, ImmutableBasis( MB[1] ) ); # Return the result. return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ProductSpace( <U>, <V> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for two algebras ## ## If $<U> = <V>$ is known to be an algebra then the product space is also ## an algebra, moreover it is an ideal in <U>. ## If <U> and <V> are known to be ideals in an algebra $A$ ## then the product space is known to be an algebra and an ideal in $A$. ## InstallMethod( ProductSpace, "for two algebras", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebra ], function( U, V ) local P, MB, C; # Look for the ideal relation that allows one to construct an ideal. if IsIdenticalObj( U, V ) then P:= U; elif HasParent( V ) and IsIdenticalObj( Parent( V ), U ) and HasIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( V ) and IsTwoSidedIdealInParent( V ) then P:= U; elif HasParent( U ) and IsIdenticalObj( Parent( U ), V ) and HasIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( U ) and IsTwoSidedIdealInParent( U ) then P:= V; else TryNextMethod(); fi; # Compute basis vectors for the result. MB:= MutableBasisOfProductSpace( U, V )[1]; # The result is an ideal in `U'. C:= SubalgebraNC( P, BasisVectors( MB ), "basis" ); SetIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( C, true ); SetBasis( C, ImmutableBasis( MB, C ) ); # Return the result. return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ProductSpace( <U>, <V> ) . . . . . . . . for two ideals with same parent ## InstallMethod( ProductSpace, "for two ideals with same parent", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsAlgebra and HasParent and IsTwoSidedIdealInParent, IsAlgebra and HasParent and IsTwoSidedIdealInParent ], function( U, V ) local MB, C; if not IsIdenticalObj( Parent( U ), Parent( V ) ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # The result is an ideal in the parent of `U'. MB:= MutableBasisOfProductSpace( U, V )[1]; C:= SubalgebraNC( Parent( U ), BasisVectors( MB ), "basis" ); SetIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( C, true ); SetBasis( C, ImmutableBasis( MB, C ) ); # Return the result. return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RadicalOfAlgebra( <A> ) . . . . . . . . radical of an associative algebra ## ## `RadicalOfAlgebra' computes the radical (maximal nilpotent ideal) ## of an associative algebra <A> by first constructing a faithful ## matrix representation. ## (Note that there is a special implementation for associative matrix ## algebras.) ## ## If <A> contains an identity element then the adjoint representation is ## already faithful. ## ## Otherwise we add an identity element (Dorroh extension). ## More precisely we consider the space $B = \{ (x,t) | x\in A, t\in F }$. ## We let <A> act on this space via $a (x,t) = (ax+ta,0)$. ## Then it is easily seen that this representation is faithful. ## InstallMethod( RadicalOfAlgebra, "for an associative algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) local bb, # list of matrices representing the basis elements of <A> n, # dimension of <A> BA, # basis of `A' bv, # basis vectors of `BA' F, # left acting domain of `A' M, # (n+1) x (n+1) matrix i,j, # loop variables col, # a column of `M' B, # the representation of <A> R, # the radical of `B' bas, # a basis of `B' (corresponding to the basis of <A>) rad; # a basis of the radical of <A> # Make sure that the algebra is associative and not a matrix algebra. if not IsAssociative( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; n:= Dimension( A ); BA:= Basis( A ); bv:= BasisVectors( BA ); F:= LeftActingDomain( A ); if One( A ) <> fail then bb:= List( bv, x -> AdjointMatrix( BA, x ) ); else bb:= []; for i in [1..n] do M:=[]; for j in [1..n] do col:= Coefficients( BA, bv[i] * bv[j] ); col[n+1]:= Zero( F ); Add( M, col ); od; col:= [ 1 .. n+1 ] * Zero( F ); col[i]:= One( F ); Add( M, col ); Add( bb, M ); od; fi; # Compute the radical of the isomorphic matrix algebra. B:= Algebra( F, bb, "basis" ); R:= RadicalOfAlgebra( B ); # Transfer the radical back to the original algebra. bas:= BasisNC( B, bb ); rad:= List( BasisVectors( Basis( R ) ), x -> LinearCombination( BA, Coefficients( bas, x ) ) ); return SubalgebraNC( A, rad, "basis" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsTrivial( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( IsTrivial, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], A -> ForAll( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), IsZero ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsTrivial( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a FLMLOR-with-one ## ## A FLMLOR-with-one is trivial if and only if its identity is equal to its ## zero. ## InstallMethod( IsTrivial, "for a FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne ], A -> IsZero( One( A ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneratorsOfLeftModule( <A> ) ## ## We assume that it is possible to construct a basis for the algebra <A>. ## If <A> is finite dimensional and if we know algebra generators ## then the process of successive closure under the action of <A> on itself ## yields this. ## InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfLeftModule, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], A -> BasisVectors( Basis( A ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Basis( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . basis from FLMLOR gens. for FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( Basis, "for a FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) # If generators as left module are known # we do not need to multiply at all. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return ImmutableBasis( MutableBasisOfNonassociativeAlgebra( LeftActingDomain( A ), GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), Zero( A ), infinity ), A ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Basis( <A> ) . . . . . . basis from FLMLOR gens. for associative FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( Basis, "for an associative FLMLOR", [ IsFLMLOR and IsAssociative ], function( A ) local mb; # If generators as left module are known # we do not need to multiply at all. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; mb:= MutableBasisOfClosureUnderAction( LeftActingDomain( A ), GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), "left", GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), \*, Zero( A ), infinity ); return ImmutableBasis( mb, A ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Basis( <A> ) . basis from FLMLOR gens. for associative FLMLOR-with-one ## InstallMethod( Basis, "for an associative FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAssociative ], function( A ) # If generators as left module are known # we do not need to multiply at all. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return ImmutableBasis( MutableBasisOfClosureUnderAction( LeftActingDomain( A ), GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), "left", [ One( A ) ], \*, Zero( A ), infinity ), A ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Basis( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . basis from FLMLOR gens. for Lie algebra ## ## In a Lie algebra, every word (with brackets) in terms of algebra ## generators is a linear combination of left-normed words; ## this means that it is sufficient to multiply with generators from one ## side. ## InstallMethod( Basis, "for a Lie algebra", [ IsLieAlgebra ], function( A ) local mb; # If generators as left module are known # we do not need to multiply at all. if HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; mb:= MutableBasisOfClosureUnderAction( LeftActingDomain( A ), GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), "left", GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( A ), \*, Zero( A ), infinity ); return ImmutableBasis( mb, A ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PowerSubalgebraSeries( <A> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( PowerSubalgebraSeries, "for an algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function ( A ) local S, # power subalgebra series of <A>, result D; # power subalgebras # Compute the series by repeated calling of `ProductSpace'. S := [ A ]; D := ProductSpace( A, A ); while D <> S[ Length(S) ] do Add( S, D ); D:= ProductSpace( D, D ); od; # Return the series when it becomes stable. return S; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsNilpotentElement( <L>, <x> ) . . . . . . for an algebra and an element ## ## <x> is nilpotent if its adjoint matrix $A$ (i.e. the linear map coming ## from left multiplication by <x>) is nilpotent. ## To check this, we only need to check whether $A^n$ (or a smaller power) ## is zero, where $n$ denotes the dimension of <L>. ## InstallMethod( IsNilpotentElement, "for an algebra, and an element", IsCollsElms, [ IsAlgebra, IsRingElement ], function( L, x ) local B, # a basis of `L' A, # adjoint matrix of `x w.r. to `B' n, # dimension of `L' i, # loop variable zero; # zero coefficient B := Basis( L ); A := AdjointMatrix( B, x ); n := Dimension( L ); i := 1; zero:= Zero( A[1][1] ); if ForAll( A, x -> n < PositionNot( x, zero ) ) then return true; fi; while i < n do i:= 2 * i; A:= A * A; if ForAll( A, x -> n < PositionNot( x, zero ) ) then return true; fi; od; return false; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( <A> ) . . . . . . . . for a FLMLOR-with-one ## InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne ], A -> Concatenation( [ One( A ) ], GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( A ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing( <A> ) . . . . for FLMLOR with module gens. ## InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRing, "for a FLMLOR with known left module generators", [ IsFLMLOR and HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule ], GeneratorsOfLeftModule ); ############################################################################# ## #M GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne( <A> ) . for FLMLOR with module gens. ## InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfLeftOperatorRingWithOne, "for a FLMLOR-with-one with known left module generators", [ IsFLMLORWithOne and HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule ], GeneratorsOfLeftModule ); ############################################################################# ## #M DirectSumOfAlgebras( <A1>, <A2> ) ## ## Construct a s.c. algebra. ## (There are special methods for the sum of appropriate matrix algebras.) ## #T embeddings/projections should be provided! ## InstallOtherMethod( DirectSumOfAlgebras, "for two algebras", [ IsAlgebra, IsAlgebra ], function( A1, A2 ) local n, # The dimension of the resulting algebra. i,j, # Loop variables. T, # The table of structure constants of the direct sum. scT, # n1, # The dimension of A1. n2, # The dimension of A2. ll, # A list of structure constants. L, # result. sym, # if both products are (anti)symmetric, then the result # will have the same property. R1,R2, # Root systems of A1,A2. f1,f2, # Embeddings of A1,A2 in L. R, # Root system of L. RV, # List of various things. r, pos; # List of positions. if LeftActingDomain( A1 ) <> LeftActingDomain( A2 ) then Error( "<A1> and <A2> must be written over the same field" ); fi; n1:= Dimension( A1 ); n2:= Dimension( A2 ); n:= n1+n2; T:= []; # Initialize the s.c. table. T:= EmptySCTable( n, Zero( LeftActingDomain( A1 ) ) ); # Enter the structure constants for the first algebra. scT:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A1 ) ); sym:= scT[n1+1]; T{ [ 1 .. n1 ] }{ [ 1 .. n1 ] }:= scT{ [ 1 .. n1 ] }; scT:= StructureConstantsTable( Basis( A2 ) ); for i in [1..n2] do for j in [1..n2] do ll:= ShallowCopy( scT[i][j] ); ll[1]:= ll[1] + n1; T[n1+i][n1+j]:= ll; od; od; # Set the (anti)symmetric flag if scT[n2 + 1] = sym then T[n + 1] := sym; fi; if Characteristic( LeftActingDomain( A1 ) ) = 2 and sym in [ 1, -1 ] and scT[n2 + 1] in [ 1, -1 ] then T[n + 1] := 1; fi; L:= AlgebraByStructureConstants( LeftActingDomain( A1 ), T ); # Maintain useful information. if HasIsLieAlgebra( A1 ) and HasIsLieAlgebra( A2 ) and IsLieAlgebra( A1 ) and IsLieAlgebra( A2 ) then SetIsLieAlgebra( L, true ); if HasRootSystem( A1 ) and HasRootSystem( A2 ) then # We can easily compute the root system of `L'. R1:= RootSystem( A1 ); R2:= RootSystem( A2 ); f1:= LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( A1, L, CanonicalBasis(A1), CanonicalBasis(L){[1..Dimension(A1)]} ); f2:= LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( A2, L, CanonicalBasis(A2), CanonicalBasis(L){[Dimension(A1)+1..Dimension(L)]} ); R:= Objectify( NewType( NewFamily( "RootSystemFam", IsObject ), IsAttributeStoringRep and IsRootSystemFromLieAlgebra ), rec() ); RV:= List( PositiveRootVectors( R1 ), x -> Image( f1, x ) ); Append( RV, List( PositiveRootVectors( R2 ), x -> Image( f2, x ) ) ); SetPositiveRootVectors( R, RV ); RV:= List( NegativeRootVectors( R1 ), x -> Image( f1, x ) ); Append( RV, List( NegativeRootVectors( R2 ), x -> Image( f2, x ) ) ); SetNegativeRootVectors( R, RV ); RV:= List( PositiveRoots( R1 ), ShallowCopy ); for i in [1..Length(RV)] do Append( RV[i], ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( CartanMatrix( R2 ) ), Zero( LeftActingDomain( A2 ) ) ) ); od; for i in PositiveRoots( R2 ) do r:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( CartanMatrix( R1 ) ), Zero( LeftActingDomain( A1 ) ) ); Append( r, i ); Add( RV, r ); od; SetPositiveRoots( R, RV ); RV:= List( NegativeRoots( R1 ), ShallowCopy ); for i in [1..Length(RV)] do Append( RV[i], ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( CartanMatrix( R2 ) ), Zero( LeftActingDomain( A2 ) ) ) ); od; for i in NegativeRoots( R2 ) do r:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( CartanMatrix( R1 ) ), Zero( LeftActingDomain( A1 ) ) ); Append( r, i ); Add( RV, r ); od; SetNegativeRoots( R, RV ); pos:= List( SimpleSystem( R1 ), x -> Position( PositiveRoots(R1), x ) ); RV:= PositiveRoots( R ){pos}; pos:= List( SimpleSystem( R2 ), x -> Position( PositiveRoots(R2), x ) + Length( PositiveRoots(R1) )); Append( RV, PositiveRoots( R ){pos} ); SetSimpleSystem( R, RV ); RV:= [ ]; for i in [1,2,3] do RV[i]:= List( CanonicalGenerators( R1 )[i], x -> Image( f1, x ) ); Append( RV[i], List( CanonicalGenerators( R2 )[i], x -> Image( f2, x ) ) ); od; SetCanonicalGenerators( R, RV ); SetCartanMatrix( R, DirectSumMat( CartanMatrix( R1 ), CartanMatrix( R2 ) ) ); SetUnderlyingLieAlgebra( R, L ); SetRootSystem( L, R ); if HasChevalleyBasis( A1 ) and HasChevalleyBasis( A2 ) then RV:= [ ]; for i in [1,2,3] do RV[i]:= List( ChevalleyBasis( A1 )[i], x -> Image( f1, x ) ); Append( RV[i], List( ChevalleyBasis( A2 )[i], x -> Image( f2, x ) ) ); od; SetChevalleyBasis( L, RV ); fi; fi; if HasSemiSimpleType( A1 ) and HasSemiSimpleType( A2 ) then SetSemiSimpleType( L, Concatenation( SemiSimpleType(A1)," ", SemiSimpleType( A2 ) ) ); fi; if HasIsRestrictedLieAlgebra ( A1 ) and HasIsRestrictedLieAlgebra ( A2 ) and IsRestrictedLieAlgebra ( A1 ) and IsRestrictedLieAlgebra ( A2 ) then SetIsRestrictedLieAlgebra( L, true ); if HasPthPowerImages( Basis ( A1 ) ) and HasPthPowerImages( Basis ( A2 ) ) then if not IsBound (f1) then f1:= LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( A1, L, CanonicalBasis(A1), CanonicalBasis(L){[1..Dimension(A1)]} ); f2:= LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( A2, L, CanonicalBasis(A2), CanonicalBasis(L){[Dimension(A1)+1..Dimension(L)]}); fi; SetPthPowerImages( Basis ( L ), Concatenation ( List (PthPowerImages( Basis ( A1 ) ), x->x^f1), List (PthPowerImages( Basis ( A2 ) ), x->x^f2) ) ); fi; fi; fi; if HasIsAssociative( A1 ) and HasIsAssociative( A2 ) and IsAssociative( A1 ) and IsAssociative( A2 ) then SetIsAssociative( L, true ); fi; # Return the result. return L; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M DirectSumOfAlgebras( <list> ) . . . . . . . for a dense list of algebras ## InstallMethod( DirectSumOfAlgebras, "for list of algebras", [ IsDenseList ], function( list ) local R, A, i; if IsEmpty( list ) then Error( "<list> must be nonempty" ); fi; R:= LeftActingDomain( list[1] ); for A in list do if not IsFLMLOR( A ) or LeftActingDomain( A ) <> R then Error( "all entries in <list> must be FLMLORs over <R>" ); fi; od; A:= list[1]; for i in [ 2 .. Length( list ) ] do A:= DirectSumOfAlgebras( A, list[i] ); od; return A; end ); ############################################################################# ## #O IsCentral( <A>, <U> ) . . . . . . . . test if <U> is centralized by <A> ## ## Check whether every basis vector of <A> commutes with every basis vector ## of the subset <U>. ## ## For associative algebras, we have to check $u a = a u$ only for algebra ## generators $a$ and $u$ of $A$ and $U$, respectively, ## not for all vectors of a basis. ## InstallMethod( IsCentral, "for two FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR ], IsCentralFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfLeftModule, GeneratorsOfLeftModule ) ); InstallMethod( IsCentral, "for two associative FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR and IsAssociative, IsFLMLOR and IsAssociative ], IsCentralFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAlgebra, GeneratorsOfAlgebra ) ); InstallMethod( IsCentral, "for two associative FLMLORs-with-one", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAssociative, IsFLMLORWithOne and IsAssociative ], IsCentralFromGenerators( GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne, GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F FreeAlgebraConstructor( <name>, <magma> ) ## ## is used for a uniform treatment of free (associative) algebras(-with-one) ## BindGlobal( "FreeAlgebraConstructor", function( name, magma ) return function( arg ) local R, # coefficients ring names, # names of the algebra generators M, # magma A, # algebra F, # family i; # Check the argument list. if Length( arg ) = 0 or not IsRing( arg[1] ) then Error( "first argument must be a ring" ); fi; R:= arg[1]; # Construct names of generators. if Length( arg ) = 2 and IsInt( arg[2] ) then names:= List( [ 1 .. arg[2] ], i -> Concatenation( "x.", String(i) ) ); MakeImmutable( names ); elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsList( arg[2] ) and ForAll( arg[2], IsString ) then names:= arg[2]; elif Length( arg ) = 3 and IsInt( arg[2] ) and IsString( arg[3] ) then names:= List( [ 1 .. arg[2] ], x -> Concatenation( arg[3], ".", String(x) ) ); MakeImmutable( names ); elif ForAll( arg{ [ 2 .. Length( arg ) ] }, IsString ) then names:= arg{ [ 2 .. Length( arg ) ] }; else Error( "usage: ", name, "( <R>, <rank> )\n", "or ", name, "( <R>, <name1>, ... )" ); fi; M := magma( names ); # Construct the algebra as free magma algebra of a free magma over `R'. A := FreeMagmaRing( R, M ); # Store the names. F := ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) ); F!.names:= names; # Install grading if HasOne(M) then i := 0; else i := 1; fi; SetGrading( A, rec(min_degree := i, max_degree := infinity, source := Integers, hom_components := function(degree) local i, d, B, x, y; if HasOne(M) then B := [[One(M)],GeneratorsOfMagmaWithOne(M)]; else B := [[],GeneratorsOfMagma(M)]; fi; for d in [] do Add(B,[]); if IsAssociative(M) then for x in B[2] do for y in B[d] do Add(B[d+1],x*y); od; od; else for i in [2..d] do for x in B[i] do for y in B[d+2-i] do Add(B[d+1],x*y); od; od; od; fi; od; x := Zero(R); y := [One(R)]; return VectorSpace(R, List(B[degree+1], p->ElementOfMagmaRing( F, x, y, [p] ))); end)); # Return the result. return A; end; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F FreeAlgebra( <R>, <rank> ) . . . . . . . . . . free algebra of given rank #F FreeAlgebra( <R>, <rank>, <name> ) #F FreeAlgebra( <R>, <name1>, <name2>, ... ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FreeAlgebra, FreeAlgebraConstructor( "FreeAlgebra", FreeMagma ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F FreeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <rank> ) . . free algebra-with-one of given rank #F FreeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <rank>, <name> ) #F FreeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <name1>, <name2>, ... ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FreeAlgebraWithOne, FreeAlgebraConstructor( "FreeAlgebraWithOne", FreeMagmaWithOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F FreeAssociativeAlgebra( <R>, <rank> ) #F FreeAssociativeAlgebra( <R>, <rank>, <name> ) #F FreeAssociativeAlgebra( <R>, <name1>, <name2>, ... ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FreeAssociativeAlgebra, FreeAlgebraConstructor( "FreeAssociativeAlgebra", FreeSemigroup ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <rank> ) #F FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <rank>, <name> ) #F FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne( <R>, <name1>, <name2>, ... ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne, FreeAlgebraConstructor( "FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne", FreeMonoid ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M \.( <F>, <n> ) . . . . . . . . . access to generators of a free algebra ## InstallAccessToGenerators( IsMagmaRingModuloRelations, "magma ring containing the whole family", GeneratorsOfAlgebra ); InstallAccessToGenerators( IsMagmaRingModuloRelations and IsRingWithOne, "magma ring-with-one containing the whole family", GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne ); ############################################################################# ## #M CentralIdempotentsOfAlgebra( <A> ) ## ## Let A be an associative algebra with one. We construct a maximal ## system of orthogonal primitive idemoptents in the centre of A. ## First we let B be the centre of A and Q the ## the semisimple commutative associative algebra A/Rad(A). ## We calculate a complete set of orthogonal idempotents in `Q' ## and then lift them to A. ## The orthogonal idempotents in `Q' correspond to the decomposition ## of `Q' as a direct sum of simple ideals. Now `ideals' will contain ## a list of ideals of `Q' such that the direct sum of these equals ## `Q'. The variable `ids' will contain the idempotents corresponding ## to the ideals in `ids'. ## The algorithms has two parts: one for small fields (of size less than ## `2*Dimension( Q )', and one for big fields. ## If the field is big, then using a Las Vegas algorithm we find a ## splitting element (this is an element that generates `Q'). By ## factoring the minimal polynomial of such element we can find a ## complete set of orthogonal idempotents in one step. ## However, if the field is small splitting elements might not exist. ## In this case we use decomposable elements (of which the minimum ## polynomial factors into two (or more) relatively prime factors. ## Then using the same procedure as for splitting elements we can ## find some idempotents. But in this case the corresponding ideals ## might split further. So we have to find decomposable elements in ## these and so on. ## Decomposable elements are found as follows: first we calculate ## the subalgebra of all elements x such that x^q=x ## (where `q=Size( F )'). ## This subalgebra is a number of copies of the ground field. So any ## element independent from 1 of this subalgebra will have a minimum ## polynomial that splits completely. On the other hand, if 1 is the ## only basis vector of this subalgebra than the original algebra was ## simple. ## For a more elaborate description we refer to "W. Eberly and M. ## Giesbrecht, Efficient Decomposition of Associative Algebras, ## Proceedings of ISSAC 1996." ## InstallMethod( CentralIdempotentsOfAlgebra, "for an associative algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) local F,B,Rad,Q,bQ,ids,ideals,id,i,j,k,l,set,cf,e,vv,sp,x,f,q,sol, eq,facs,hlist,c,p,g,gcd,bb,E,ei,ni,hom,qq; if One( A ) = fail then TryNextMethod(); fi; F:=LeftActingDomain(A); B:=Centre(A); Rad:= RadicalOfAlgebra( B ); hom:= NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( B, Rad ); Q:= ImagesSource( hom ); bQ:= BasisVectors( Basis( Q ) ); ids:= [ One( Q ) ]; ideals:= [ Q ]; # The variable `k' will point to the first element of `ideals' that # still has to be decomposed. k:=1; if Size(F) > 2*Dimension( Q )^2 then set:= [ 0 .. 2*Dimension(Q)^2 ]*One( F ); else set:= [ ]; fi; repeat if Length( set ) > 1 then # We are in the case of a big field. repeat # We try to find an element of `Q' that generates it. # If we take the coefficients of such an element randomly # from a set of `2*Dimension(Q)^2' elements, # then this element generates `Q' with probability > 1/2 bQ:= BasisVectors( Basis( ideals[k] ) ); cf:= List( [ 1 .. Length(bQ) ], x -> Random( set ) ); e:= LinearCombination( bQ, cf ); # Now we calculate the minimum polynomial of `e'. vv:= [ MultiplicativeNeutralElement( ideals[k] ) ]; sp:= MutableBasis( F, vv ); x:= ShallowCopy( e ); while not IsContainedInSpan( sp, x ) do Add( vv, x ); CloseMutableBasis( sp, x ); x:= x*e; od; sp:= UnderlyingLeftModule( ImmutableBasis( sp ) ); cf:= ShallowCopy( - Coefficients( BasisNC( sp, vv ), x ) ); Add( cf, One( F ) ); f:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( F ) ); f:= LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( f, cf, 0 ); until DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial( f ) = Dimension( Q ); else # Here the field is small. q:= Size( F ); # `sol' will be a basis of the subalgebra of the k-th ideal # consisting of all elements x such that x^q=x. # If the length of this list is 1, # then the ideal is simple and we proceed to the next one. If all # ideals are simple then we quit the loop. sol:= [ ]; while Length( sol ) < 2 and k <= Length( ideals ) do bQ:= BasisVectors( Basis( ideals[k] ) ); eq:= [ ]; for i in [1..Dimension( ideals[k] )] do Add( eq, Coefficients( Basis( ideals[k] ), bQ[i]^q-bQ[i] ) ); od; sol:= List( NullspaceMat( eq ), x -> LinearCombination( bQ, x ) ); if Length(sol) = 1 then k:=k+1; fi; od; if k>Length(ideals) then break; fi; vv:= [ MultiplicativeNeutralElement( ideals[k] ) ]; sp:= MutableBasis( F, vv ); e:= sol[1]; if IsContainedInSpan( sp, e ) then e:=sol[2]; fi; # We calculate the minimum polynomial of `e'. x:= ShallowCopy( e ); while not IsContainedInSpan( sp, x ) do Add( vv, x ); CloseMutableBasis( sp, x ); x:= x*e; od; sp:= UnderlyingLeftModule( ImmutableBasis( sp ) ); cf:= ShallowCopy( - Coefficients( BasisNC( sp, vv ), x ) ); Add( cf, One( F ) ); f:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( F ) ); f:= LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( f, cf, 0 ); fi; facs:= Factors( PolynomialRing( F ), f ); # Now we find elements h1,...,hs such that `hi = 1 mod facs[i]' and # `hi = 0 mod facs[j]' if `i<>j'. # This is possible due to the Chinese remainder theorem. hlist:= [ ]; for i in [1..Length( facs )] do cf:= List( [ 1..Length( facs ) ], x -> Zero( F ) ); cf[i]:= One(F); j:= 1; c:= cf[1]; p:= facs[1]; while j < Length(facs) do j:= j + 1; g:= GcdRepresentation( p, facs[j] ); gcd:= g[1]*p+g[2]*facs[j]; qq:= g[1]*(cf[j]-c)/gcd; if qq<>0*qq then c:= p*EuclideanRemainder( qq, facs[j] ) + c; fi; p:= p*facs[j] / gcd; od; Add( hlist, EuclideanRemainder( c*facs[i]^0 , p ) ); od; # Now a set of orthogonal idempotents is given by `hi(e)'. # We evaluate `hi(e)' in a rather strange way; this in order to make # sure that the one is the one of `ideals[ k ]' ('e^0' will be the # one of the big algebra `Q'). id:= List( hlist, x -> Value( x, e, MultiplicativeNeutralElement( ideals[k] ) ) ); if Length(set) = 0 then # We are in the case of a small field; # so we append the new idempotents and ideals # (and erase the old ones). (If `E' is an idempotent, # then the corresponding ideal is given by `E*Q*E'.) Append(ids,id); for l in [1..Length(id)] do bb:=List(BasisVectors(Basis(ideals[k])),x->id[l]*x*id[l]); Add(ideals,Subalgebra(Q,bb)); od; ideals:=Filtered(ideals,x->x<>ideals[k]); ids:=Filtered(ids,x->x<>ids[k]); else # Here the field is big so we found the complete list of idempotents # in one step. ids:= id; k:=Length(ideals)+1; fi; while k<=Length(ideals) and Dimension( ideals[k] ) = 1 do k:=k+1; od; until k>Length(ideals); id:= List( ids, e -> PreImagesRepresentative( hom, e ) ); # Now we lift the idempotents to the big algebra `A'. The # first idempotent is lifted as follows: # We have that `id[1]^2-id[1]' is an element of `Rad'. # We construct the sequences e_{i+1} = e_i + n_i - 2e_in_i, # and n_{i+1}=e_{i+1}^2-e_{i+1}, starting with e_0=id[1]. # It can be proved by induction that e_q is an idempotent in `A' # because n_0^{2^q}=0. # Now `E' will be the sum of all idempotents lifted so far. # Then the next lifted idempotent is obtained by setting # `ei:=id[i]-E*id[i]-id[i]*E+E*id[i]*E;' # and lifting as above. It can be proved that in this manner we # get an orthogonal system of primitive idempotents. E:= Zero( F )*id[1]; for i in [1..Length(id)] do ei:= id[i]-E*id[i]-id[i]*E+E*id[i]*E; q:= 0; while 2^q <= Dimension( Rad ) do q:= q+1; od; ni:= ei*ei-ei; for j in [1..q] do ei:= ei+ni-2*ei*ni; ni:= ei*ei-ei; od; id[i]:= ei; E:= E+ei; od; return AsSSortedList(id); end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsSimpleAlgebra( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . .for an associative algebra ## ## A test whether <A> is simple. ## InstallMethod( IsSimpleAlgebra, "for an associative algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( A ) if not IsAssociative( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; if Dimension( RadicalOfAlgebra( A ) ) <> 0 then return false; else return Length( CentralIdempotentsOfAlgebra( A ) ) = 1; fi; end ); ############################################################################### ## #M LeviMalcevDecomposition( <L> ) ## ## A Levi-Malcev subalgebra of `L' is a semisimple subalgebra complementary to ## the radical `R'. We find a Levi-Malcev subalgebra of `L' by first ## computing a complementary subspace to `R'. This subspace is a Levi-Malcev ## subalgebra modulo `R'. Then we change the basis vectors such that they ## form a basis of a Levi-Malcev subalgebra modulo the second term of the ## derived series of `R' after that we consider the third term of the ## derived series, and so on. ## InstallMethod( LeviMalcevDecomposition, "for an associative or a Lie algebra", [ IsAlgebra ], function( L ) local R, # The solvable radical of `L'. s, # The dimension of the Levi subalgebra. F, # coefficients domain of `L' bas,bb, # Lists of basiselements. sp, # A vector space. subalg, # Boolean. a,i,j,k,l,m, # Loop variables. x, # Element of `L'. ser, # The derived series of `R'. p, # The length of the derived series. Rbas, # A special basis of `R'. levi, # Basis of a Levi complement. T, # Structure constants table of `L', w.r.t. a # particular basis. cf,cf1,cf2, # Coefficient vectors. klist, # List of integers. comp, # List of basis vectors of a complement. dim, # The length of `comp'. B, # A basis. cij, # Entry of the table of structure constants. eqs, # Matrix of equation set. rl, # Right hand side of the equation system. eqno, # Number of the equation. sol, # Solution set to the equations. r,offset; # Integers. if IsLieAlgebra( L ) then R:= LieSolvableRadical( L ); offset:= 1; elif IsAssociative( L ) then R:= RadicalOfAlgebra( L ); offset:=0; fi; if Dimension( R ) = 0 then return [ L, R ]; elif Dimension( R ) = Dimension( L ) then return [ TrivialSubalgebra( L ), R ]; fi; s:= Dimension( L ) - Dimension( R ); # `bb' will be a basis of a complement to `R' in `L'. bas:= ShallowCopy( BasisVectors( Basis( R ) ) ); F:= LeftActingDomain( L ); sp:= MutableBasis( F, bas ); bb:= [ ]; for k in BasisVectors( Basis( L ) ) do if Length( bb ) = s then break; elif not IsContainedInSpan( sp, k ) then Add( bb, k ); CloseMutableBasis( sp, k ); fi; od; sp:= MutableBasis( F, bb ); subalg:= true; for i in [1..Length(bb)] do for j in [offset*i+1..Length(bb)] do if not IsContainedInSpan( sp, bb[i]*bb[j] ) then subalg:= false; break; fi; od; od; if subalg then Info( InfoAlgebra, 1, "LeviDecomposition: subalgebra test successful" ); return [ SubalgebraNC( L, bb, "basis" ), R ]; fi; ser:= PowerSubalgebraSeries( R ); # We now calculate a basis of `R' such that the first k1 elements # form a basis of the last nonzero term of the derived series `ser', # the first k2 ( k2>k1 ) elements form a basis of the next to last # element of the derived series, and so on. p:= Length( ser ); i:= p-1; Rbas:= ShallowCopy( BasisVectors( Basis( ser[p-1] ) ) ); sp:= MutableBasis( F, Rbas ); while Length(Rbas) < Dimension(R) do if Length(Rbas) = Dimension(ser[i]) then i:= i-1; k:= 1; else x:= BasisVectors( Basis( ser[i] ) )[k]; if not IsContainedInSpan( sp, x ) then Add( Rbas, x ); CloseMutableBasis( sp, x ); fi; k:= k+1; fi; od; levi:= ShallowCopy( bb ); Append(bb,Rbas); # So now `bb' is a list of basis vectors of `L' such that # the first elements form a basis of a complement to `R' # and the remaining elements are a basis for `R' of the form # described above. # We now calculate a structure constants table of `L' w.r.t. this basis. sp:= VectorSpace( F, bb ); B:= BasisNC( sp, bb ); T:= List([1..s],x->[]); for i in [1..s] do for j in [offset*i+1..s] do cf:= Coefficients( B, levi[i]*levi[j] ){[1..s]}; klist:= Filtered([1..s],i->cf[i]<>0); cf:= Filtered(cf,x->x<>0); T[i][j]:= [klist,cf]; od; od; # Now `levi' is a Levi-Malcev subalgebra modulo `R'. # The loop modifies this modulo statement. # After the first round `levi' will be a Levi-Malcev subalgebra modulo # the second element of the derived series. # After the second step `levi' will be a Levi-Malcev subalgebra modulo # the third element of the derived series. # And so on. for a in [1..p-1] do # `comp' will be a basis of the complement of the `a+1'-th element # of the derived series in the `a'-th element of the derived series. # `B' will be a basis of the `a'-th term of the derived series, # such that the basis elements of the complement come first. # So if we have an element v of the `a'-th term of the derived series, # then by taking the coefficients w.r.t. `B', we can easily find # the part that belongs to `comp'. # The equations we have are vector equations in the space `comp', # i.e., in the quotient of two elements of the derived series. # But we do not want to work with this quotient directly. comp:= Rbas{ [ Dimension(ser[a+1])+1 .. Dimension(ser[a]) ] }; dim:= Length(comp); bb:= ShallowCopy( comp ); for i in [1..Dimension(ser[a+1])] do Add(bb,Rbas[i]); od; sp:= VectorSpace( F, bb ); B:= BasisNC( sp, bb ); cf:= List( comp, x -> Coefficients( B, x ){[1..dim]} ); eqs:= NullMat( s*dim, dim*s*(s-offset)/(offset+1), F ); rl:= []; for i in [1..s] do for j in [offset*i+1..s] do cij:= T[i][j]; for k in [1..dim] do cf1:= Coefficients(B,levi[i]*comp[k]){[1..dim]}; cf2:= Coefficients(B,comp[k]*levi[j]){[1..dim]}; for l in [1..dim] do if IsAssociative( L ) then eqno:= (i-1)*s*dim+(j-1)*dim+l; else eqno:= (i-1)*(2*s-i)*dim/2+(j-i-1)*dim+l; fi; eqs[(j-1)*dim+k][eqno]:= eqs[(j-1)*dim+k][eqno]+cf1[l]; eqs[(i-1)*dim+k][eqno]:= eqs[(i-1)*dim+k][eqno]+cf2[l]; for m in [1..Length(cij[1])] do r:=cij[1][m]; if r <= s then eqs[(r-1)*dim+k][eqno]:= eqs[(r-1)*dim+k][eqno]- cij[2][m]*cf[k][l]; fi; od; od; od; x:= Zero(L); for m in [1..Length(cij[1])] do if cij[1][m] <= s then x:= x+cij[2][m]*levi[cij[1][m]]; fi; od; x:= x-levi[i]*levi[j]; Append(rl,Coefficients(B,x){[1..dim]}); od; od; sol:= SolutionMat( eqs, rl ); if sol = fail then return sol; fi; for i in [1..s] do for j in [1..dim] do levi[i]:=levi[i]+sol[(i-1)*dim+j]*comp[j]; od; od; od; return [ SubalgebraNC( L, levi, "basis" ), R ]; end ); ############################################################################ ## #M DirectSumDecomposition( <A> ) sum decomposition of <A> ## InstallMethod( DirectSumDecomposition, "for semisimple associative algebras", [ IsAlgebra and IsAssociative ], function( A ) local R; R:= RadicalOfAlgebra( A ); if Dimension( R ) > 0 then TryNextMethod(); fi; return List( CentralIdempotentsOfAlgebra( A ), x -> Ideal( A, [ x ] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #E