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Views: 466319############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains methods for algebra(-with-one) general mappings. ## ## There are two default representations of such general mappings, ## one by generators and images (see the file `'), ## the other as (linear) operation homomorphism ## ## 1. methods for algebra general mappings given by images ## 2. methods for operation algebra homomorphisms ## 3. methods for natural homomorphisms from algebras ## 4. methods for isomorphisms to matrix algebras ## 5. methods for isomorphisms to f.p. algebras ## ############################################################################# ## ## 1. methods for algebra general mappings given by images ## ############################################################################# ## #R IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ## ## is a default representation of algebra general mappings between two ## algebras $A$ and $B$ where $F$ is equal to the left acting ## domain of $A$ and of $B$. ## ## Algebra generators of $A$ and $B$ images are stored in the attribute ## `MappingGeneratorsImages'. ## ## The general mapping is defined as the closure of the relation that joins ## the $i$-th generator of $A$ and the $i$-th generator of $B$ ## w.r.t. linearity and multiplication. ## ## It is handled using the attribute `AsLinearGeneralMappingByImages'. ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep", IsAlgebraGeneralMapping and IsAdditiveElementWithInverse and IsAttributeStoringRep, [] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsPolynomialRingDefaultGeneratorMapping", IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep,[]); ############################################################################# ## #M AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallMethod( AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages, "for two FLMLORs and two homogeneous lists", [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList ], function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local map, # general mapping from <S> to <R>, result filter, i,basic; # Handle the case that `gens' is a basis or empty. # We can form a left module general mapping directly. if IsBasis( gens ) or IsEmpty( gens ) then map:= LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( S, R, gens, imgs ); SetIsAlgebraGeneralMapping( map, true ); return map; fi; # Check the arguments. if Length( gens ) <> Length( imgs ) then Error( "<gens> and <imgs> must have the same length" ); elif not IsSubset( S, gens ) then Error( "<gens> must lie in <S>" ); elif not IsSubset( R, imgs ) then Error( "<imgs> must lie in <R>" ); elif LeftActingDomain( S ) <> LeftActingDomain( R ) then Error( "<S> and <R> must have same left acting domain" ); fi; # type setting filter:=IsSPGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep; #special case: test whether polynomial ring is mapped via 1 and free #generators if IsPolynomialRing(S) then basic:=ForAll(imgs,x->ForAll(imgs,y->x*y=y*x)); for i in [1..Length(gens)] do if IsOne(gens[i]) then if not IsOne(imgs[i]) then basic:=false;fi; elif not gens[i] in IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(S) then basic:=false; fi; od; if basic=true then filter:=filter and IsPolynomialRingDefaultGeneratorMapping; fi; fi; # Make the general mapping. map:= Objectify( TypeOfDefaultGeneralMapping( S, R,filter), rec( # generators := gens, # genimages := imgs ) ); SetMappingGeneratorsImages(map,[Immutable(gens),Immutable(imgs)]); # return the general mapping return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AlgebraHomomorphismByImagesNC( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallMethod( AlgebraHomomorphismByImagesNC, "for two FLMLORs and two homogeneous lists", [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList ], function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local map; # homomorphism from <source> to <range>, result map:= AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( S, R, gens, imgs ); SetIsSingleValued( map, true ); SetIsTotal( map, true ); return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AlgebraWithOneGeneralMappingByImages( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallMethod( AlgebraWithOneGeneralMappingByImages, "for two FLMLORs and two homogeneous lists", [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList ], function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local map; # homomorphism from <source> to <range>, result gens:= Concatenation( gens, [ One( S ) ] ); imgs:= Concatenation( imgs, [ One( R ) ] ); map:= AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( S, R, gens, imgs ); SetRespectsOne( map, true ); return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImagesNC( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallMethod( AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImagesNC, "for two FLMLORs and two homogeneous lists", true, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList ], 0, function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local map; # homomorphism from <source> to <range>, result gens:= Concatenation( gens, [ One( S ) ] ); imgs:= Concatenation( imgs, [ One( R ) ] ); map:= AlgebraHomomorphismByImagesNC( S, R, gens, imgs ); SetRespectsOne( map, true ); return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AlgebraHomomorphismByImages, function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local hom; hom:= AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( S, R, gens, imgs ); if IsMapping( hom ) then return AlgebraHomomorphismByImagesNC( S, R, gens, imgs ); else return fail; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImages( <S>, <R>, <gens>, <imgs> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImages, function( S, R, gens, imgs ) local hom; hom:= AlgebraWithOneGeneralMappingByImages( S, R, gens, imgs ); if IsMapping( hom ) then return AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImagesNC( S, R, gens, imgs ); else return fail; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an algebra g.m.b.i", true, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], 0, function( map ) local mapi; mapi:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map); View(mapi[1]); Print(" -> "); View(mapi[2]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra-with-one hom. b.i", true, [ IsMapping and RespectsOne and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], 0, function( map ) local mapi; mapi:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map); Print( "AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImages( ", Source( map ), ", ", Range( map ), ", ", mapi[1], ", ", mapi[2], " )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra hom. b.i.", true, [ IsMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], 0, function( map ) local mapi; mapi:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map); Print( "AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( ", Source( map ), ", ", Range( map ), ", ", mapi[1], ", ", mapi[2], " )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra-with-one g.m.b.i", true, [ IsGeneralMapping and RespectsOne and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], 0, function( map ) local mapi; mapi:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map); Print( "AlgebraWithOneGeneralMappingByImages( ", Source( map ), ", ", Range( map ), ", ", mapi[1], ", ", mapi[2], " )" ); end ); InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an algebra g.m.b.i", true, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], 0, function( map ) local mapi; mapi:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map); Print( "AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( ", Source( map ), ", ", Range( map ), ", ", mapi[1], ", ", mapi[2], " )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( <alg_gen_map> ) ## ## If necessary then we compute a basis of the preimage, ## and images of its basis vectors. ## ## Note that we must prescribe also the products of basis vectors and ## their images if <alg_gen_map> is not known to be a mapping. ## InstallMethod( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages, "for an algebra general mapping by images", [ IsAlgebraGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( alg_gen_map ) local origgenerators, # list of algebra generators of the preimage origgenimages, # list of images of `origgenerators' generators, # list of left module generators of the preimage genimages, # list of images of `generators' A, # source of the general mapping left, # is it necessary to multiply also from the left? # (not if `A' is associative or a Lie algebra) maxdim, # upper bound on the dimension MB, # mutable basis of the preimage dim, # dimension of the actual left module len, # number of algebra generators i, j, # loop variables gen, # loop over generators prod, # result; # A:=MappingGeneratorsImages(alg_gen_map); origgenerators := A[1]; origgenimages := A[2]; if IsBasis( origgenerators ) then generators := origgenerators; genimages := origgenimages; else generators := ShallowCopy( origgenerators ); genimages := ShallowCopy( origgenimages ); A:= Source( alg_gen_map ); left:= not ( ( HasIsAssociative( A ) and IsAssociative( A ) ) or ( HasIsLieAlgebra( A ) and IsLieAlgebra( A ) ) ); if HasDimension( A ) then maxdim:= Dimension( A ); else maxdim:= infinity; fi; # $A_1$ MB:= MutableBasis( LeftActingDomain( A ), generators, Zero( A ) ); dim:= 0; len:= Length( origgenerators ); while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and NrBasisVectors( MB ) < maxdim do # `MB' is a mutable basis of $A_i$. dim:= NrBasisVectors( MB ); # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup A_i g )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= origgenerators[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( generators ) ] do prod:= generators[j] * gen; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( generators, prod ); Add( genimages, genimages[j] * origgenimages[i] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; if left then # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup g A_i )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= origgenerators[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( generators ) ] do prod:= gen * generators[j]; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( generators, prod ); Add( genimages, origgenimages[i] * genimages[j] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; fi; od; fi; # If it is not known whether alg_gen_map is single valued, we need to # perform some extra work. if not (HasIsSingleValued( alg_gen_map ) and IsSingleValued( alg_gen_map )) then # TODO: This code below is far from optimal. Indeed, it would suffice to # loop over a basis; and we don't need to record all generator / image # pairs we obtain below, but rather only those that are not linearly # dependent on the already known pairs. len := Length( generators ); for i in [ 1 .. len ] do for j in [ 1 .. len ] do Add( generators, generators[i] * generators[j] ); Add( genimages, genimages[i] * genimages[j] ); od; od; fi; # Construct the left module (general) mapping. result := LeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( A, Range( alg_gen_map ), generators, genimages ); # Transfer properties of alg_gen_map to result (in particular whether this is # a homomorphism). if HasIsSingleValued( alg_gen_map ) then SetIsSingleValued( result, IsSingleValued( alg_gen_map ) ); fi; if HasIsTotal( alg_gen_map ) then SetIsTotal( result, IsTotal( alg_gen_map ) ); fi; return result; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImagesSource( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( ImagesSource, "for an algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map ) local asmap; if HasAsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ) then asmap:= AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ); if IsLinearGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep( asmap ) and IsBound( asmap!.basisimage ) then return SubFLMLORNC( Range( map ), asmap!.basisimage, "basis" ); fi; fi; return SubFLMLORNC( Range( map ), MappingGeneratorsImages(map)[2] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PreImagesRange( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( PreImagesRange, "for an algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map ) local asmap; if HasAsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ) then asmap:= AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ); if IsLinearGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep( asmap ) and IsBound( asmap!.basispreimage ) then return SubFLMLORNC( Source( map ), asmap!.basispreimage, "basis" ); fi; fi; return SubFLMLORNC( Source( map ), MappingGeneratorsImages(map)[1]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CoKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( <map> ) . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( CoKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map ) local asmap, genimages, coker; asmap:= AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ); if not IsBound( asmap!.corelations ) then MakeImagesInfoLinearGeneralMappingByImages( asmap ); fi; genimages:= MappingGeneratorsImages(asmap)[2]; coker:= SubFLMLORNC( Range( map ), List( asmap!.corelations, r -> LinearCombination( genimages, r ) ) ); SetCoKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( asmap, coker ); return coker; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSingleValued( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( IsSingleValued, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function(map) local S,gi,i,basic; S:=Source(map); # rewriting to left modules is not feasible for infinite dimensional # domains if not IsFiniteDimensional(S) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return IsSingleValued( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ) ); end); ############################################################################# ## #M IsSingleValued( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( IsSingleValued, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsPolynomialRingDefaultGeneratorMapping ],0, map->true); ############################################################################# ## #M KernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( <map> ) . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( KernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map ) local asmap, generators, ker; asmap:= AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ); if not IsBound( asmap!.relations ) then MakePreImagesInfoLinearGeneralMappingByImages( asmap ); fi; generators:= MappingGeneratorsImages(asmap)[1]; ker:= SubFLMLORNC( Source( map ), List( asmap!.relations, r -> LinearCombination( generators, r ) ) ); SetKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( asmap, ker ); if HasIsTotal( map ) and IsTotal( map ) then SetIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( ker, true ); fi; return ker; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsInjective( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( IsInjective, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], map -> IsInjective( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImagesRepresentative( <map>, <elm> ) . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( ImagesRepresentative, "for algebra g.m.b.i., and element", FamSourceEqFamElm, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep, IsObject ], function( map, elm ) return ImagesRepresentative( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ), elm ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PreImagesRepresentative( <map>, <elm> ) . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( PreImagesRepresentative, "for algebra g.m.b.i., and element", FamRangeEqFamElm, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep, IsObject ], function( map, elm ) return PreImagesRepresentative( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages(map), elm ); end ); InstallMethod( PreImagesRepresentative, "for algebra g.m.b.i. knowing inverse, and element", FamRangeEqFamElm, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep and HasInverseGeneralMapping, IsObject ], function( map, elm ) return ImagesRepresentative( InverseGeneralMapping(map), elm ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \*( <c>, <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . for scalar and algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( \*, "for scalar and algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsMultiplicativeElement, IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( scalar, map ) return scalar * AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AdditiveInverseOp( <map> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( AdditiveInverseOp, "for algebra g.m.b.i.", [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], map -> AdditiveInverse( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M CompositionMapping2( <map2>, map1> ) for lin. mapping & algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( CompositionMapping2, "for left module hom. and algebra g.m.b.i.", FamSource1EqFamRange2, [ IsLeftModuleHomomorphism, IsAlgebraGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map2, map1 ) # Composition of two algebra homomorphisms is handled by another method. if HasRespectsMultiplication( map2 ) and HasRespectsMultiplication( map2 ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; return CompositionMapping( map2, AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map1 ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CompositionMapping2( <map2>, map1> ) for algebra hom. & algebra g.m.b.i. ## InstallMethod( CompositionMapping2, "for left module hom. and algebra g.m.b.i.", FamSource1EqFamRange2, [ IsAlgebraHomomorphism, IsAlgebraGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map2, map1 ) local comp, # composition of <map2> and <map1>, result gens, genimages, mapi1,mapi2; mapi1:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map1); mapi2:=MappingGeneratorsImages(map2); # Compute images for the generators of `map1'. if IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep( map2 ) and mapi1[2]=mapi2[1] then gens := mapi1[1]; genimages := mapi2[2]; else gens:= mapi1[1]; genimages:= List( mapi1[2], v -> ImagesRepresentative( map2, v ) ); fi; # Construct the linear general mapping. comp:= AlgebraGeneralMappingByImages( Source( map1 ), Range( map2 ), gens, genimages ); # Maintain info. if HasRespectsOne( map1 ) and HasRespectsOne( map2 ) and RespectsOne( map1 ) and RespectsOne( map2 ) then SetRespectsOne( comp, true ); fi; if HasAsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map1 ) and HasAsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map2 ) then SetAsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( comp, CompositionMapping( AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map2 ), AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map1 ) ) ); fi; # Return the composition. return comp; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \+( <map1>, map2> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for algebra g.m.b.i. ## ## The sum of an algebra general mapping and a left module general mapping ## is in general only a left module general mapping. ## So we delegate to the methods for left module general mappings. ## InstallOtherMethod( \+, "for an algebra g.m.b.i. and general mapping", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep, IsGeneralMapping ], function( map1, map2 ) return AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map1 ) + map2; end ); InstallOtherMethod( \+, "for general mapping and algebra g.m.b.i.", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsGeneralMapping, IsGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraGeneralMappingByImagesDefaultRep ], function( map1, map2 ) return map1 + AsLeftModuleGeneralMappingByImages( map2 ); end ); ############################################################################# ## ## 2. methods for operation algebra homomorphisms ## ############################################################################# ## #R IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ## ## is a default representation of operation homomorphisms to matrix FLMLORs. ## It assumes that a basis of the operation domain is known. ## (For operation homomorphisms from f.~p. algebras to matrix algebras, ## see `IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep'.) ## ## Defining components are ## ## `basis' ## basis of the domain on that the source acts ## ## `operation' ## the function via that the source acts ## ## Images can be computed by the action, w.r.t. the basis `basisImage'. ## Preimages can be computed using the components ## ## `basisImage' ## basis of the image ## ## `preimagesBasisImage' ## list of preimages of the basis vectors of `basisImage'. ## ## These components are computed as soon as they are needed. ## ## Note that we cannot use the attribute `AsLinearGeneralMappingByImages' ## because the source may be infinite dimensional, i.e., we cannot write ## down the left module general mapping. ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep", IsAlgebraHomomorphism and IsAdditiveElementWithInverse and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ "basis", "operation", "basisImage", "preimagesBasisImage" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <ophom> ) . . . . . . . . for an operation algebra homomorphism ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an operation algebra homomorphism", [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ], function( ophom ) Print( "<op. hom. ", Source( ophom ), " -> matrices of dim. ", Length( BasisVectors( ophom!.basis ) ), ">" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <ophom> ) . . . . . . . . for an operation algebra homomorphism ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an operation algebra homomorphism", [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ], function( ophom ) if ophom!.operation = OnRight then Print( "OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( ", Source( ophom ), ", ", ophom!.basis, " )" ); else Print( "OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( ", Source( ophom ), ", ", ophom!.basis, ", ", ophom!.operation, " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F InducedLinearAction( <basis>, <elm>, <opr> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( InducedLinearAction, function( basis, elm, opr ) return List( BasisVectors( basis ), x -> Coefficients( basis, opr( x, elm ) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M MakePreImagesInfoOperationAlgebraHomomorphism( <ophom> ) ## InstallMethod( MakePreImagesInfoOperationAlgebraHomomorphism, "for an operation algebra homomorphism", [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ], function( ophom ) local A, # source of the general mapping F, # left acting domain origgenerators, # list of algebra generators of the preimage origgenimages, # list of images of `origgenerators' I, # image of the mapping genimages, # list of left module generators of the image preimages, # list of preimages of `genimages' maxdim, # upper bound on the dimension MB, # mutable basis of the image dim, # dimension of the actual left module len, # number of algebra generators i, j, # loop variables gen, # loop over generators prod; # A:= Source( ophom ); F:= LeftActingDomain( A ); dim:= Length( BasisVectors( ophom!.basis ) ); if IsRingWithOne( A ) then origgenerators:= GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ); origgenimages:= List( origgenerators, a -> InducedLinearAction( ophom!.basis, a, ophom!.operation ) ); if IsEmpty( origgenimages ) then I:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( F, origgenimages, Immutable( NullMat( F, dim, dim ) ) ); else I:= FLMLORWithOneByGenerators( F, origgenimages ); fi; else origgenerators:= GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ); origgenimages:= List( origgenerators, a -> InducedLinearAction( ophom!.basis, a, ophom!.operation ) ); if IsEmpty( origgenimages ) then I:= FLMLORByGenerators( F, origgenimages, Immutable( NullMat( F, dim, dim ) ) ); else I:= FLMLORByGenerators( F, origgenimages ); fi; fi; preimages := [ One( A ) ]; genimages := [ InducedLinearAction( ophom!.basis, One( A ), ophom!.operation ) ]; maxdim:= dim^2; # $A_1$ MB:= MutableBasis( F, genimages, Zero( I ) ); dim:= 0; len:= Length( origgenimages ); while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and NrBasisVectors( MB ) < maxdim do # `MB' is a mutable basis of $A_i$. dim:= NrBasisVectors( MB ); # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup A_i g )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= origgenimages[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( genimages ) ] do prod:= genimages[j] * gen; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( genimages, prod ); Add( preimages, preimages[j] * origgenerators[i] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; od; # Set the desired components. ophom!.basisImage:= BasisNC( I, genimages ); ophom!.preimagesBasisImage:= Immutable( preimages ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImagesRepresentative( <ophom>, <elm> ) . . . . . . . . for op. alg. hom. ## InstallMethod( ImagesRepresentative, "for an operation algebra homomorphism, and an element", FamSourceEqFamElm, [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep, IsRingElement ], function( ophom, elm ) return InducedLinearAction( ophom!.basis, elm, ophom!.operation ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PreImagesRepresentative( <ophom>, <mat> ) ## PreImagesRepresentativeOperationAlgebraHomomorphism := function( ophom, mat ) if not IsBound( ophom!.basisImage ) then MakePreImagesInfoOperationAlgebraHomomorphism( ophom ); fi; mat:= Coefficients( ophom!.basisImage, mat ); if mat <> fail then mat:= LinearCombination( ophom!.preimagesBasisImage, mat ); fi; return mat; end; InstallMethod( PreImagesRepresentative, "for an operation algebra homomorphism, and an element", FamRangeEqFamElm, [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep, IsMatrix ], PreImagesRepresentativeOperationAlgebraHomomorphism ); ############################################################################# ## #R IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep ## ## is a representation of operation homomorphisms from f.~p. FLMLORs ## to matrix FLMLORs. ## Contrary to `IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep', no basis of the ## source is needed, computing images is done via `MappedExpression'. ## ## Defining components are ## ## `Agenerators' ## generators of the f.~p. algebra ## ## `Agenimages' ## images of `Agenerators' ## ## Preimages can be computed using the components ## ## `basisImage' ## basis of the image ## ## `preimagesBasisImage' ## list of preimages of the basis vectors of `basisImage'. ## ## (This works analogously to `IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep'.) ## These components are computed as soon as they are needed. ## ## Note that also here, we cannot use the attribute ## `AsLinearGeneralMappingByImages'. ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep", IsAlgebraHomomorphism and IsAdditiveElementWithInverse and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ "Agenerators", "Agenimages", "basisImage", "preimagesBasisImage" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <ophom> ) . . . . . . . . for an algebra homomorphism from f.p. ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for an alg. hom. from f. p. algebra", [ IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep ], function( ophom ) Print( "<op. hom. ", Source( ophom ), " -> matrices of dim. ", Length( ophom!.Agenimages[1] ), ">" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <hom> ) . . . . . . . . . for an algebra homomorphism from f.p. ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for an alg. hom. from f. p. algebra", [ IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep ], function( hom ) Print( "AlgebraHomomorphismByImages( ", Source( hom ), ", ", Range( hom ), ", ", hom!.Agenerators, ", ", hom!.Agenimages, " )" ); end ); #T this does not admit to recover the homomorphism from the printed data; #T in fact we have no function to construct such a homomorphism ... ############################################################################# ## #M MakePreImagesInfoOperationAlgebraHomomorphism( <ophom> ) ## InstallMethod( MakePreImagesInfoOperationAlgebraHomomorphism, "for an alg. hom. from f. p. algebra", [ IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep ], function( ophom ) local A, # source of the general mapping F, # left acting domain I, # image of the homomorphism origgenerators, # list of algebra generators of the preimage origgenimages, # list of images of `origgenerators' genimages, # list of left module generators of the image preimages, # list of preimages of `genimages' maxdim, # upper bound on the dimension MB, # mutable basis of the image dim, # dimension of the actual left module len, # number of algebra generators i, j, # loop variables gen, # loop over generators prod; # A:= Source( ophom ); F:= LeftActingDomain( A ); I:= ImagesSource( ophom ); origgenerators := ophom!.Agenerators; origgenimages := ophom!.Agenimages; dim:= Length( origgenimages[1] ); if dim = 0 then ophom!.basisImage:= BasisNC( I, [] ); ophom!.preimagesBasisImage:= Immutable( [] ); return; fi; maxdim:= dim^2; preimages := [ One( A ) ]; genimages := [ One( origgenimages[1] ) ]; # $A_1$ MB:= MutableBasis( F, genimages, Zero( I ) ); dim:= 0; len:= Length( origgenimages ); while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and NrBasisVectors( MB ) < maxdim do # `MB' is a mutable basis of $A_i$. dim:= NrBasisVectors( MB ); # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup A_i g )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= origgenimages[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( genimages ) ] do prod:= genimages[j] * gen; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( genimages, prod ); Add( preimages, preimages[j] * origgenerators[i] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; od; # Set the desired components. ophom!.basisImage:= BasisNC( I, genimages ); ophom!.preimagesBasisImage:= Immutable( preimages ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImagesRepresentative( <ophom>, <elm> ) . . . . . . . . for op. alg. hom. ## InstallMethod( ImagesRepresentative, "for an alg. hom. from f. p. algebra, and an element", FamSourceEqFamElm, [ IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep, IsRingElement ], function( ophom, elm ) return MappedExpression( elm, ophom!.Agenerators, ophom!.Agenimages ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PreImagesRepresentative( <ophom>, <mat> ) ## InstallMethod( PreImagesRepresentative, "for an alg. hom. from f. p. algebra, and an element", FamRangeEqFamElm, [ IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep, IsMatrix ], PreImagesRepresentativeOperationAlgebraHomomorphism ); ############################################################################# ## #M OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( <A>, <basis>, <opr> ) ## InstallMethod( OperationAlgebraHomomorphism, "for a FLMLOR, a basis, and a function", [ IsFLMLOR, IsBasis, IsFunction ], function( A, basis, opr ) local ophom, image; # Make the general mapping. ophom:= Objectify( NewType( GeneralMappingsFamily( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) ), CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( LeftActingDomain( A ) ) ) ), IsSPGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraHomomorphism and IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ), rec( operation := opr, basis := basis ) ); SetSource( ophom, A ); # Handle the case that the basis is empty. if IsEmpty( basis ) then image := NullAlgebra( LeftActingDomain( A ) ); ophom!.basisImage := Basis( image ); ophom!.preimagesBasisImage := Immutable( [ Zero( A ) ] ); SetRange( ophom, image ); SetKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( ophom, A ); SetIsSurjective( ophom, true ); fi; # Return the operation homomorphism. return ophom; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( <A>, <C> ) ## ## Add the default argument `OnRight'. ## InstallOtherMethod( OperationAlgebraHomomorphism, "for a FLMLOR and a collection (add `OnRight' argument)", [ IsFLMLOR, IsCollection ], function( A, C ) return OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( A, C, OnRight ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( <A>, <V>, <opr> ) ## ## For a finite dimensional free left module <V> with known generators, ## we assume that a basis can be computed. ## InstallOtherMethod( OperationAlgebraHomomorphism, "for a FLMLOR, a free left module with known generators, and a function", [ IsFLMLOR, IsFreeLeftModule and IsFiniteDimensional and HasGeneratorsOfLeftModule, IsFunction ], function( A, V, opr ) return OperationAlgebraHomomorphism( A, Basis( V ), opr ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Range( <ophom> ) . . . . . . . . . . for operation algebra homomorphism ## ## An operation algebra homomorphism that does not know its range cannot be ## forced to be surjective; so we may choose a full matrix FLMLOR. ## InstallMethod( Range, "for operation algebra homomorphism (set full matrix FLMLOR)", [ IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ], ophom -> FullMatrixFLMLOR( LeftActingDomain( Source( ophom ) ), Length( BasisVectors( ophom!.basis ) ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M KernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( <ophom> ) . . for operation algebra hom. ## ## For a finite dimensional acting algebra, we compute a basis of the kernel ## by solving a linear equation system. ## InstallMethod( KernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping, "for operation algebra hom. with fin. dim. source", [ IsMapping and IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ], function( ophom ) local A, # source of the homomorphism BA, # basis of `A' BV, # basis of the module opr, # operation of `A' on the vectors nullsp; # coefficients vectors of a basis of the kernel A:= Source( ophom ); if IsTrivial( A ) then return A; elif not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; BA:= Basis( A ); BV:= ophom!.basis; opr:= ophom!.operation; nullsp:= NullspaceMat( List( BA, a -> Concatenation( List( BV, v -> Coefficients( BV, opr( v, a ) ) ) ) ) ); nullsp:= SubFLMLORNC( A, List( nullsp, v -> LinearCombination( BA, v ) ), "basis" ); SetIsTwoSidedIdealInParent( nullsp, true ); return nullsp; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RepresentativeLinearOperation( <A>, <v>, <w>, <opr> ) ## ## Let <A> be a finite dimensional algebra over the ring $R$, ## <v> and <w> either elements in <A> or tuples of elements in <A>, ## and <opr> equal to `OnRight' or `OnTuples', respectively. ## We compute an element of <A> that maps <v> to <w>. ## ## We compute the coefficients $a_i$ in the equation system ## $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i <opr>( <v>, b_i ) = <w>$, ## where $(b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_n)$ is a basis of <A>. ## ## For a tuple $(v_1, \ldots, v_k)$ of vectors we simply replace $v b_i$ by ## the concatenation of the $v_j b_i$ for all $j$, and replace $w$ by the ## concatenation $(w_1, \ldots, w_k)$, and solve this system. ## ## (There are also methods for matrix algebras acting on row vectors via ## `OnRight' or `OnTuples'.) ## InstallMethod( RepresentativeLinearOperation, "for a FLMLOR, two elements in it, and `OnRight'", IsCollsElmsElmsX, [ IsFLMLOR, IsVector, IsVector, IsFunction ], function( A, v, w, opr ) local B, vectors, a; if not ( v in A and w in A and opr = OnRight ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; if IsTrivial( A ) then if IsZero( w ) then return Zero( A ); else return fail; fi; fi; B:= Basis( A ); vectors:= BasisVectors( B ); # Compute the matrix of the equation system, # the coefficient vector $a$, \ldots a:= SolutionMat( List( vectors, x -> Coefficients( B, v * x ) ), Coefficients( B, w ) ); if a = fail then return fail; fi; # \ldots and the representative. return LinearCombination( B, a ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( RepresentativeLinearOperation, "for a FLMLOR, two tuples of elements in it, and `OnTuples'", IsFamFamFamX, [ IsFLMLOR, IsHomogeneousList, IsHomogeneousList, IsFunction ], function( A, vs, ws, opr ) local B, vectors, a; if not ( Length( vs ) = Length( ws ) and IsSubset( A, vs ) and IsSubset( A, ws ) and opr = OnTuples ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; if IsTrivial( A ) then if ForAll( ws, IsZero ) then return Zero( A ); else return fail; fi; fi; B:= Basis( A ); vectors:= BasisVectors( B ); # Compute the matrix of the equation system, # the coefficient vector $a$, \ldots a:= SolutionMat( List( vectors, x -> Concatenation( List( vs, v -> Coefficients( B, v * x ) ) ) ), Concatenation( List( ws, w -> Coefficients( B, w ) ) ) ); if a = fail then return fail; fi; # \ldots and the representative. return LinearCombination( B, a ); end ); ############################################################################# ## ## 3. methods for natural homomorphisms from algebras ## #M NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( <A>, <I> ) . . . . . map onto factor algebra ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal_algebras"> ## <ManSection> ## <Meth Name="NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal" Arg='A, I' ## Label="for an algebra and an ideal"/> ## ## <Description> ## For an algebra <A>A</A> and an ideal <A>I</A> in <A>A</A>, ## the return value of <Ref Func="NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal"/> ## is a homomorphism of algebras, in particular the range of this mapping ## is also an algebra. ## <P/> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> L:= FullMatrixLieAlgebra( Rationals, 3 );; ## gap> C:= LieCentre( L ); ## <two-sided ideal in <Lie algebra of dimension 9 over Rationals>, ## (dimension 1)> ## gap> hom:= NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( L, C ); ## <linear mapping by matrix, <Lie algebra of dimension ## 9 over Rationals> -> <Lie algebra of dimension 8 over Rationals>> ## gap> ImagesSource( hom ); ## <Lie algebra of dimension 8 over Rationals> ## ]]></Example> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ############################################################################# ## #M NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( <A>, <triv> ) . . . . . . onto trivial FLMLOR ## ## Return the identity mapping. ## InstallMethod( NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal, "for FLMLOR and trivial FLMLOR", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR and IsTrivial ], SUM_FLAGS, function( A, I ) return IdentityMapping( A ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal( <A>, <I> ) . . . . for two fin. dim. FLMLORs ## ## We return a left module m.b.m. from <A> onto the factor `<A>/<I>'. ## The image is a s.c. algebra if <I> is nontrivial, ## and otherwise the identity mapping of <A>. ## InstallMethod( NaturalHomomorphismByIdeal, "for two finite dimensional FLMLORs", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsFLMLOR, IsFLMLOR ], function( A, I ) local F, # left acting domain of `A' zero, # zero of `F' Ivectors, # basis vectors of a basis of `I' mb, # mutable basis of `I' compl, # basis vectors of a complement of `I' in `A' gen, # loop over a basis of `A' B, # basis of `A', through `I' k, # length of `Ivectors' n, # length of `compl' T, # s.c. table of a basis of the image i, j, # loop variables coeff, # coefficients of a product pos, # relevant positions img, # image of the homomorphism canbas, # canonical basis of the image Bimgs, # images of the vactors of `B' under the hom. nathom; # the homomorphism, result # Check that the FLMLORs are finite dimensional. if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) or not IsFiniteDimensional( I ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # If `A' is equal to `I', return a zero mapping. if not IsIdeal( A, I ) then Error( "<I> must be an ideal in <A>" ); elif Dimension( A ) = Dimension( I ) then return ZeroMapping( A, NullAlgebra( LeftActingDomain( A ) ) ); fi; # If `I' is trivial, return the identity mapping. if IsTrivial( I ) then return IdentityMapping( A ); fi; # If the left acting domains are different, adjust them. F:= LeftActingDomain( A ); if F <> LeftActingDomain( I ) then F:= Intersection2( A, LeftActingDomain( I ) ); A:= AsFLMLOR( F, A ); I:= AsFLMLOR( F, I ); fi; # Compute a basis of `A' through a basis of `I'. Ivectors:= BasisVectors( Basis( I ) ); mb:= MutableBasis( F, Ivectors ); compl:= []; for gen in BasisVectors( Basis( A ) ) do if not IsContainedInSpan( mb, gen ) then Add( compl, gen ); CloseMutableBasis( mb, gen ); fi; od; B:= BasisNC( A, Concatenation( Ivectors, compl ) ); # Compute the structure constants of the quotient algebra. zero:= Zero( F ); k:= Length( Ivectors ); n:= Length( compl ); if HasIsCommutative( A ) and IsCommutative( A ) then T:= EmptySCTable( n, Zero( F ), "symmetric" ); elif HasIsAnticommutative( A ) and IsAnticommutative( A ) then T:= EmptySCTable( n, Zero( F ), "antisymmetric" ); else T:= EmptySCTable( n, Zero( F ) ); fi; for i in [ 1 .. n ] do for j in [ 1 .. n ] do coeff:= Coefficients( B, compl[i] * compl[j] ){ [ k+1 .. k+n ] }; pos:= Filtered( [ 1 .. n ], i -> coeff[i] <> zero ); if not IsEmpty( pos ) then T[i][j]:= Immutable( [ pos, coeff{ pos } ] ); fi; od; od; #T use (anti)symm. here!!! # Compute the linear mapping by images. img:= AlgebraByStructureConstants( F, T ); canbas:= CanonicalBasis( img ); zero:= zero * [ 1 .. n ]; Bimgs:= Concatenation( List( [ 1 .. k ], v -> zero ), Immutable( IdentityMat( n, F ) ) ); nathom:= LeftModuleHomomorphismByMatrix( B, Bimgs, canbas ); #T take a special representation for nat. hom.s, #T (just compute coefficients, and then choose a subset ...) SetIsAlgebraWithOneHomomorphism( nathom, true ); SetIsInjective( nathom, false ); SetIsSurjective( nathom, true ); # Enter the preimages info. nathom!.basisimage:= canbas; nathom!.preimagesbasisimage:= Immutable( compl ); #T relations are not needed if the kernel is known ? SetKernelOfAdditiveGeneralMapping( nathom, I ); # Run the implications for the factor. UseFactorRelation( A, I, img ); return nathom; end ); ############################################################################# ## ## 4. methods for isomorphisms to matrix algebras ## ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismMatrixFLMLOR( <A> ) . . . . . . for a fin. dim. assoc. FLMLOR ## ## A FLMLOR with a multiplicative neutral element acts faithfully on itself ## via right multiplication. ## So we get for an $n$ dimensional algebra a representation with matrices ## of dimension $n \times n$. ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismMatrixFLMLOR, "for a finite dimensional associative FLMLOR with identity", [ IsFLMLOR ], function( A ) local B, # basis of `A' F, # left acting domain of `A' I, # image of the isomorphism map, # isomorphism, result gens, # algebra generators of `A' imgs, # images of `gens' under the action from the right dim; # dimension of `A' if IsSubalgebraFpAlgebra( A ) # avoid to call `IsFiniteDimensional' # in this case or not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) or not IsAssociative( A ) or MultiplicativeNeutralElement( A ) = fail then TryNextMethod(); fi; B:= Basis( A ); F:= LeftActingDomain( A ); if IsEmpty( B ) then # Handle the case that `A' is trivial. I:= NullAlgebra( F ); map:= LeftModuleHomomorphismByImagesNC( A, I, B, Basis( I ) ); SetRespectsMultiplication( map, true ); else if IsRingWithOne( A ) then gens:= GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ); else gens:= GeneratorsOfAlgebra( A ); fi; imgs:= List( gens, a -> InducedLinearAction( B, a, OnRight ) ); if IsEmpty( imgs ) then dim:= Dimension( A ); imgs[1]:= Immutable( NullMat( F, dim, dim ) ); fi; I:= FLMLORByGenerators( F, imgs ); UseIsomorphismRelation( A, I ); # Make an operation algebra homomorphism. map:= Objectify( NewType( GeneralMappingsFamily( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) ), ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( imgs ) ) ), IsSPGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraHomomorphism and IsOperationAlgebraHomomorphismDefaultRep ), rec( operation := OnRight, basis := B ) ); SetSource( map, A ); SetRange( map, I ); fi; SetIsSurjective( map, true ); SetIsInjective( map, true ); return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## ## 5. methods for isomorphisms to f.p. algebras ## ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismFpFLMLOR( <A> ) . . . . . . . . for a fin. dim. assoc. FLMLOR ## ## Construct the free (associative) algebra $F$ on generators of <A>, ## and factor out the two-sided ideal $I$ spanned by the structure relators ## w.r.t. a basis of <A>. ## Then clearly the kernel of the homomorphism from $F$ to <A> contains $I$, ## on the other hand any expression in the kernel can be reduced to a sum ## of generators modulo the structure relators of <A>, and this must be ## trivial since the images of generators were assumed to be linearly ## independent. ## ## We write down all relations to reduce words of length two to ## linear combinations of the generators. ## So it makes no difference whether the f.p. algebra is constructed ## from a free algebra or from a free associative algebra. ## But if <A> knows to be associative then we take a free associative ## algebra. ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFpFLMLOR, "for a finite dimensional FLMLOR-with-one", [ IsFLMLORWithOne ], function( A ) local Agens, # list of algebra generators of `A' F, # free (associative) algebra Fgens, # list of images of `Agens' generators, # list of left module generators of the preimage genimages, # list of images of `generators' left, # is it necessary to multiply also from the left? maxdim, # upper bound on the dimension MB, # mutable basis of the preimage dim, # dimension of the actual left module len, # number of algebra generators i, j, # loop variables gen, # loop over generators prod, # rels, # relators list rel, # one relator coeff, # coefficients of product of basis vectors k, # loop over `coeff' B, # basis of `A' Fp, # f.p. algebra Fam, # elements family of the family of `Fp' map; # the isomorphism, result if not IsFiniteDimensional( A ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; Agens:= GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( A ); if HasIsAssociative( A ) and IsAssociative( A ) then F:= FreeAssociativeAlgebraWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), Length( Agens ) ); left:= false; else F:= FreeAlgebraWithOne( LeftActingDomain( A ), Length( Agens ) ); left:= true; fi; Fgens:= GeneratorsOfAlgebraWithOne( F ); generators := ShallowCopy( Agens ); genimages := ShallowCopy( Fgens ); if HasDimension( A ) then maxdim:= Dimension( A ); else maxdim:= infinity; fi; # $A_1$ MB:= MutableBasis( LeftActingDomain( A ), generators, Zero( A ) ); dim:= 0; len:= Length( Agens ); while dim < NrBasisVectors( MB ) and NrBasisVectors( MB ) < maxdim do # `MB' is a mutable basis of $A_i$. dim:= NrBasisVectors( MB ); # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup A_i g )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= Agens[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( generators ) ] do prod:= generators[j] * gen; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( generators, prod ); Add( genimages, genimages[j] * Fgens[i] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; if left then # Compute $\bigcup_{g \in S} ( A_i g \cup g A_i )$. for i in [ 1 .. len ] do gen:= Agens[i]; for j in [ 1 .. Length( generators ) ] do prod:= gen * generators[j]; if not IsContainedInSpan( MB, prod ) then Add( generators, prod ); Add( genimages, Fgens[i] * genimages[j] ); CloseMutableBasis( MB, prod ); fi; od; od; fi; od; B:= BasisNC( A, generators ); dim:= Length( generators ); # Construct the relators given by the multiplication table. rels:= []; for i in [ 1 .. dim ] do for j in [ 1 .. dim ] do coeff:= Coefficients( B, generators[i] * generators[j] ); rel:= genimages[i] * genimages[j]; for k in [ 1 .. dim ] do rel:= rel - coeff[k] * genimages[k]; od; if not IsZero( rel ) then Add( rels, rel ); fi; od; od; # Remove duplicate relators. rels:= Set( rels ); # Construct the f.p. algebra. Fp:= FactorFreeAlgebraByRelators( F, rels ); Fam:= ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( Fp ) ); # Set useful information. UseIsomorphismRelation( A, Fp ); # Map the elements of the free algebra into the f.p. algebra. Fgens:= List( Fgens, a -> ElementOfFpAlgebra( Fam, a ) ); genimages:= List( genimages, a -> ElementOfFpAlgebra( Fam, a ) ); # Set the info to compute with a basis of the f.p. algebra. SetNiceAlgebraMonomorphism( Fp, Objectify( NewType( GeneralMappingsFamily( ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( Fp ) ), ElementsFamily( FamilyObj( A ) ) ), IsSPGeneralMapping and IsAlgebraHomomorphism and IsAlgebraHomomorphismFromFpRep ), rec( Agenerators := Fgens, Agenimages := Agens, basisImage := B, preimagesBasisImage := genimages ) ) ); # We know left module generators of the f.p. algebra, # and we know the isomorphic nice free left module. # (Note that in general, `NiceAlgebraMonomorphism' is valid also for # subalgebras.) SetGeneratorsOfLeftModule( Fp, genimages ); SetNiceFreeLeftModule( Fp, UnderlyingLeftModule( B ) ); # Construct the isomorphism. map:= AlgebraWithOneHomomorphismByImagesNC( A, Fp, B, genimages ); SetIsSurjective( map, true ); SetIsInjective( map, true ); # Return the isomorphism. return map; end ); #T special representation to improve computing preimages? #T (the element in the nice module is first computed, then decomposed #T and composed again; one can avoid the last two steps) ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismFpFLMLOR( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for f.p. FLMLOR ## ## Return the identity mapping. ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismFpFLMLOR, "for f.p. FLMLOR (return the identity mapping)", [ IsSubalgebraFpAlgebra ], SUM_FLAGS, IdentityMapping ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismSCFLMLOR( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismSCFLMLOR, "for a finite dimensional FLMLOR (delegate to the method for a basis)", [ IsFLMLOR ], A -> IsomorphismSCFLMLOR( Basis( A ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismSCFLMLOR( <B> ) . . . . . . . . . . . for a basis of a FLMLOR ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismSCFLMLOR, "for a basis (of a finite dimensional FLMLOR)", [ IsBasis ], function( B ) local A, # underlying FLMLOR of `B' T, # structure constants table w.r.t. `B' I, # s.c. FLMLOR, image of the isomorphism map; # isomorphism from `A' to `I', result A:= UnderlyingLeftModule( B ); if not IsFLMLOR( A ) then Error( "<A> must be a FLMLOR" ); fi; # Construct the image. T:= StructureConstantsTable( B ); I:= AlgebraByStructureConstants( LeftActingDomain( A ), T ); UseIsomorphismRelation( A, I ); # Construct the isomorphism. map:= LeftModuleHomomorphismByImagesNC( A, I, B, CanonicalBasis( I ) ); SetIsBijective( map, true ); SetIsAlgebraHomomorphism( map, true ); if IsFLMLORWithOne( A ) then SetRespectsOne( map, true ); fi; # Return the result. return map; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsomorphismSCFLMLOR( <A> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for s.c. FLMLOR ## ## Return the identity mapping. ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismSCFLMLOR, "for s.c. FLMLOR (return the identity mapping)", [ IsFLMLOR and IsSCAlgebraObjCollection ], SUM_FLAGS, IdentityMapping ); ############################################################################# ## #E