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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466306############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Thomas Breuer ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains methods for mutable bases, in the representations of ## - mutable bases that store immutable bases ## - mutable bases that use immutable bases for nicer modules ## ############################################################################# ## #M ShallowCopy( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a mutable basis ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, "generic method for mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis ], 0, MB -> ShallowCopy( BasisVectors( MB ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M NrBasisVectors( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a mutable basis ## ## The default method constructs the basis vctors, and returns the length of ## this list. ## ## (Better methods for special representations avoid to construct the basis ## vectors.) ## InstallMethod( NrBasisVectors, "generic method for mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis ], 0, MB -> Length( BasisVectors( MB ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImmutableBasis( <MB>, <V> ) ## ## This method is needed for the case that one wants to construct a basis ## of <V>, and successive closures of mutable bases are needed to get a ## mutable basis; from this one then creates the immutable basis, ## and wants the particular object <V> to be the underlying module. ## InstallMethod( ImmutableBasis, "for mutable basis, and free left module", IsIdenticalObj, [ IsMutableBasis, IsFreeLeftModule ], 0, function( MB, V ) local B, vectors; B:= ImmutableBasis( MB ); if not IsIdenticalObj( UnderlyingLeftModule( B ), V ) then # If `V' does not know left module generators yet, # we store them now. vectors:= BasisVectors( B ); UseBasis( V, vectors ); # We cannot simply replace the module; # for example if `B' is handled by nice/ugly vectors # then the module is needed to construct these vectors! B:= BasisWithReplacedLeftModule( B, V ); SetBasis( V, B ); fi; return B; end ); ############################################################################# ## #R IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep( <B> ) ## ## The default case of a mutable basis stores an immutable basis, ## and constructs a new one whenever the mutable basis is changed. ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep", IsComponentObjectRep, [ "immutableBasis", "leftActingDomain" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #M MutableBasis( <R>, <vectors> ) #M MutableBasis( <R>, <vectors>, <zero> ) ## InstallMethod( MutableBasis, "generic method for ring and collection", true, [ IsRing, IsCollection ], 0, function( R, vectors ) local B; if ForAll( vectors, IsZero ) then return MutableBasis( R, [], vectors[1] ); fi; B:= rec( immutableBasis := Basis( LeftModuleByGenerators( R, vectors ) ), leftActingDomain := R ); return Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( vectors ), IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ), B ); end ); InstallOtherMethod( MutableBasis, "generic method for ring, list, and object", true, [ IsRing, IsList, IsObject ], 0, function( R, vectors, zero ) local B; B:= rec( immutableBasis := Basis( LeftModuleByGenerators( R, vectors, zero ) ), leftActingDomain := R ); return Objectify( NewType( CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( zero ) ), IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ), B ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view a mutable basis ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) Print( "<mutable basis over " ); View( MB!.leftActingDomain ); Print( ", ", NrBasisVectors( MB ), " vectors>" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print a mutable basis ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) if NrBasisVectors( MB ) = 0 then Print( "MutableBasis( ", MB!.leftActingDomain, ", [], ", Zero( UnderlyingLeftModule( MB!.immutableBasis ) ), " )" ); else Print( "MutableBasis( ", MB!.leftActingDomain, ", ", BasisVectors( MB!.immutableBasis ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M BasisVectors( <MB> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( BasisVectors, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ], 0, MB -> BasisVectors( MB!.immutableBasis ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M CloseMutableBasis( <MB>, <v> ) ## InstallMethod( CloseMutableBasis, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis, and vector", IsCollsElms, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep, IsVector ], 0, function( MB, v ) local V, B, vectors; B:= MB!.immutableBasis; V:= UnderlyingLeftModule( B ); if not v in V then vectors:= Concatenation( BasisVectors( B ), [ v ] ); V:= LeftModuleByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( V ), vectors ); UseBasis( V, vectors ); MB!.immutableBasis := Basis( V ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsContainedInSpan( <MB>, <v> ) ## InstallMethod( IsContainedInSpan, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis, and vector", IsCollsElms, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep, IsVector ], 0, function( MB, v ) return v in UnderlyingLeftModule( MB!.immutableBasis ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImmutableBasis( <MB> ) ## InstallMethod( ImmutableBasis, "for mutable basis represented by an immutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisByImmutableBasisRep ], 0, MB -> MB!.immutableBasis ); ############################################################################# ## #R IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep( <B> ) ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep", IsComponentObjectRep, [ "leftModule", "niceMutableBasis", "zero" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod2( <R>, <vectors> ) ## ## *Note* that <vectors> must be a collection. ## (This must be guaranteed by the installations of this function as ## method of `MutableBasis'.) ## InstallGlobalFunction( MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod2, function( R, vectors ) local M, nice, B; if ForAll( vectors, IsZero ) then return MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod3( R, [], vectors[1] ); fi; M:= LeftModuleByGenerators( R, vectors ); if not IsHandledByNiceBasis( M ) then Error( "<M> is not handled via nice bases" ); fi; nice:= MutableBasis( R, List( vectors, v -> NiceVector( M, v ) ) ); B:= rec( niceMutableBasis := nice, leftModule := M ); return Objectify( NewType( FamilyObj( vectors ), IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ), B ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod3( <R>, <vectors>, <zero> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( MutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisMethod3, function( R, vectors, zero ) local M, B; M:= LeftModuleByGenerators( R, vectors, zero ); B:= rec( leftModule:= M ); # If `vectors' is empty then in general `M' will *not* be # handled by nice bases. if IsHandledByNiceBasis( M ) then B.niceMutableBasis:= MutableBasis( R, List( vectors, v -> NiceVector( M, v ) ), NiceVector( M, zero ) ); elif IsEmpty( vectors ) then zero; else Error( "<M> is not handled via nice bases" ); fi; return Objectify( NewType( CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( zero ) ), IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ), B ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . view a mutable basis ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for mutable basis represented by a nice mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) Print( "<mutable basis over " ); View( LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ) ); if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then Print( ", ", NrBasisVectors( MB!.niceMutableBasis ), " vectors>" ); else Print( ", 0 vectors>" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <MB> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print a mutable basis ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for mutable basis represented by a nice mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then Print( "MutableBasis( ", LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ), ", ", BasisVectors( MB!.niceMutableBasis ), ", ", Zero( LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ) ), " )" ); else Print( "MutableBasis( ", LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ), ", [], ", Zero( LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ) ), " )" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M BasisVectors( <MB> ) ## InstallOtherMethod( BasisVectors, "for mutable basis represented by a nice mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) local M; if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then M:= MB!.leftModule; return Immutable( List( BasisVectors( MB!.niceMutableBasis ), v -> UglyVector( M, v ) ) ); else return Immutable( [] ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M NrBasisVectors( <MB> ) . for a mutable basis using a nice mutable basis ## InstallMethod( NrBasisVectors, "for mutable basis represented by a nice mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then return Length( BasisVectors( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) ); else return 0; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M CloseMutableBasis( <MB>, <v> ) ## InstallMethod( CloseMutableBasis, "for mutable basis repres. by a nice mutable basis, and vector", IsCollsElms, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutable and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep, IsVector ], 0, function( MB, v ) local R, M; if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then CloseMutableBasis( MB!.niceMutableBasis, NiceVector( MB!.leftModule, v ) ); elif v <> MB!.zero then # We have to setup the component `niceMutableBasis'. R:= LeftActingDomain( MB!.leftModule ); M:= LeftModuleByGenerators( R, [ v ] ); if not IsHandledByNiceBasis( M ) then Error( "<M> must be handled via nice bases" ); fi; MB!.leftModule:= M; MB!.niceMutableBasis:= MutableBasis( R, [ NiceVector( M, v ) ] ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsContainedInSpan( <MB>, <v> ) ## InstallMethod( IsContainedInSpan, "for mutable basis repres. by a nice mutable basis, and vector", IsCollsElms, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep, IsVector ], 0, function( MB, v ) if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then return IsContainedInSpan( MB!.niceMutableBasis, NiceVector( MB!.leftModule, v ) ); else return v = MB!.zero; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ImmutableBasis( <MB> ) ## InstallMethod( ImmutableBasis, "for mutable basis represented by a nice mutable basis", true, [ IsMutableBasis and IsMutableBasisViaNiceMutableBasisRep ], 0, function( MB ) local M, nice, vectors, B; M:= MB!.leftModule; if IsBound( MB!.niceMutableBasis ) then nice:= ImmutableBasis( MB!.niceMutableBasis ); vectors:= List( BasisVectors( nice ), v -> UglyVector( M, v ) ); if not IsEmpty( vectors ) then M:= LeftModuleByGenerators( LeftActingDomain( M ), vectors ); SetNiceFreeLeftModule( M, UnderlyingLeftModule( nice ) ); fi; #T use that we have the nice basis already! #T (do not construct it twice!) else vectors:= []; fi; B:= BasisNC( M, vectors ); if HasIsSmallList( vectors ) then SetIsSmallList( B, IsSmallList( vectors ) ); fi; return B; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E