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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466317############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Heiko Theißen ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1997, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ############################################################################# ## #M Enumerator( <xorb> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enumerator constructor ## ## This is installed only because of the `PositionCanonical' functionality. #T for which groups is this really used? ## ## The idea is that for the orbit <xorb> given by the acting domain $G$, ## the representative $r$, and the stabilizer $S$, ## a right transversal $T$ of $S$ in $G$ is chosen; ## the $i$-th element in the enumerator <enum> of <orb> is then ## the image of $r$ under $T[i]$, w.r.t. the action of <xorb>. ## ## So the position of an element <elm> in <enum> is determined by first ## finding an element $x$ in $G$ such that $r^x$ equals <elm>, ## and if $x$ exists then finding an element $y$ in $T$ such that ## $S x = S y$ holds; then the position of $y$ in $T$ is the result. ## By the construction of $T$, this can be computed as ## $`PositionCanonical'( T, x )$. ## BindGlobal( "ElementNumber_ExternalOrbitByStabilizer", function( enum, pos ) local xorb; xorb := UnderlyingCollection( enum ); return FunctionAction( xorb ) ( Representative( xorb ), enum!.rightTransversal[ pos ] ); end ); BindGlobal( "NumberElement_ExternalOrbitByStabilizer", function( enum, elm ) local xorb, rep; xorb := UnderlyingCollection( enum ); rep := RepresentativeAction( xorb, Representative( xorb ), elm ); if rep = fail then return fail; else return PositionCanonical( enum!.rightTransversal, rep ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( Enumerator, "xorb by stabilizer", [ IsExternalOrbitByStabilizerRep ], xorb -> EnumeratorByFunctions( xorb, rec( NumberElement := NumberElement_ExternalOrbitByStabilizer, ElementNumber := ElementNumber_ExternalOrbitByStabilizer, rightTransversal := RightTransversal( ActingDomain( xorb ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ) ) ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsList( <xorb> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enumerator constructor ## InstallMethod( AsList,"xorb by stabilizer", [ IsExternalOrbitByStabilizerRep ], function( xorb ) local rep,opr; rep:=Representative(xorb); opr:=FunctionAction(xorb); return List(RightTransversal( ActingDomain(xorb), StabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ) ), i->opr(rep,i)); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsFinite( <xorb> ) . . . . . . . . . . . for an ext. orbit by stabilizer ## InstallMethod( IsFinite, "method for an ext. orbit by stabilizer", [ IsExternalOrbitByStabilizerRep ], xorb -> IsInt( Index( ActingDomain( xorb ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ) ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M Size( <xorb> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . for an ext. orbit by stabilizer ## InstallMethod( Size, "method for an ext. orbit by stabilizer", [ IsExternalOrbitByStabilizerRep ], xorb -> Index( ActingDomain( xorb ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClass( <G>, <g> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constructor ## InstallMethod( ConjugacyClass,"class of element", IsCollsElms, [ IsGroup, IsObject ], function( G, g ) local fam, filter, cl; fam:=FamilyObj(G); if not IsBound(fam!.defaultClassType) then if IsPermGroup( G ) then filter := IsConjugacyClassPermGroupRep; else filter := IsConjugacyClassGroupRep; fi; if CanEasilyComputePcgs( G ) then filter := filter and IsExternalSetByPcgs; fi; filter:=filter and HasActingDomain and HasRepresentative and HasFunctionAction; fam!.defaultClassType:=NewType( FamilyObj( G ), filter ); fi; cl:=rec( start := [ g ] ); ObjectifyWithAttributes(cl, fam!.defaultClassType, ActingDomain, G, Representative, g, FunctionAction, OnPoints ); return cl; end ); InstallOtherMethod( ConjugacyClass,"class of element and centralizer", IsCollsElmsColls, [ IsGroup, IsObject,IsGroup ], function( G, g, cent ) local fam, filter, cl; fam:=FamilyObj(G); if not IsBound(fam!.defaultClassCentType) then if IsPermGroup( G ) then filter := IsConjugacyClassPermGroupRep; else filter := IsConjugacyClassGroupRep; fi; if CanEasilyComputePcgs( G ) then filter := filter and IsExternalSetByPcgs; fi; filter:=filter and HasActingDomain and HasRepresentative and HasFunctionAction and HasStabilizerOfExternalSet; fam!.defaultClassCentType:=NewType( FamilyObj( G ), filter ); fi; cl:=rec( start := [ g ]); ObjectifyWithAttributes(cl, fam!.defaultClassCentType, ActingDomain, G, Representative, g, FunctionAction, OnPoints, StabilizerOfExternalSet,cent); return cl; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M \^( <g>, <G> ) . . . . . . . . . conjugacy class of an element of a group ## InstallOtherMethod( \^, "conjugacy class of an element of a group", IsElmsColls, [ IsMultiplicativeElement, IsGroup ], 0, function ( g, G ) if g in G then return ConjugacyClass(G,g); else TryNextMethod(); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M HomeEnumerator( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enumerator of <G> ## InstallMethod( HomeEnumerator, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], cl -> Enumerator( ActingDomain( cl ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print function ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], function( cl ) Print( "ConjugacyClass( ", ActingDomain( cl ), ", ", Representative( cl ), " )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print function ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], function( cl ) View(Representative( cl )); Print("^G"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Size( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a conj. class ## InstallMethod( Size, "for a conjugacy class", [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], cl -> Index( ActingDomain( cl ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( cl ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsFinite( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a conj. class ## InstallMethod( IsFinite, "for a conjugacy class", [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], cl -> IsInt( Index( ActingDomain( cl ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( cl ) ) ) ); #T is it necessary to install the same method for `IsConjugacyClassGroupRep' #T and for `IsExternalOrbitByStabilizerRep'? InstallOtherMethod( Centralizer, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], StabilizerOfExternalSet ); InstallMethod( StabilizerOfExternalSet, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], # override eventual pc method 10, function(xset) return Centralizer(ActingDomain(xset),Representative(xset)); end); InstallGlobalFunction( ConjugacyClassesTry, function ( G, classes, elm, length, fixes ) local i,D,o,divs,pows,norms,next,nnorms,oq,lelm,from,n,k,m,nu,zen,pr,orb,lo, prg,C,u; # if the element is not in one of the known classes add a new class i:=1; while i<=Length(classes) do if length mod Size(classes[i])=0 and elm in classes[i] then # return (modified) centralizer of element for iteration D:=Centralizer(classes[i]); if Size(D)=Order(elm) then D:=G; fi; return D; fi; i:=i+1; od; # do not add the class here as we'll do it later with the powers o:=Order(elm); Info(InfoClasses,2,"process new class ",Length(classes)+1, " element order ",o); # gho through the divisors lattice divs:=Filtered(DivisorsInt(o),x->x>1); pows:=[1]; norms:=[G]; while Length(divs)>0 do # those one prime away next:=Filtered(divs,x->ForAny(pows,y->IsInt(x/y) and IsPrimeInt(x/y))); divs:=Difference(divs,next); nnorms:=[]; for i in next do oq:=o/i; # power needed to get order i lelm:=elm^oq; from:=First(Reversed(pows),y->IsInt(i/y) and IsPrimeInt(i/y)); # step of normalizer calculation via powers n:=Normalizer(norms[from],Subgroup(G,[lelm])); nnorms[i]:=n; if i=o or not ForAny(classes,x->lelm in x) then # this power gives a new class zen:=Centralizer(n,lelm); # all powers have the same centralizer # what coprime powers are normalizer induced? pr:=Difference(PrimeResidues(i),[1]); u:=GroupByGenerators([ZmodnZObj(1,i)]); orb:=Orbit(n,lelm); lo:=Length(orb); orb:=Set(Filtered(orb,x->x<>lelm)); while Size(u)<lo do m:=First(pr,x->lelm^x=orb[1]); nu:=ClosureGroup(u,ZmodnZObj(m,i)); if Size(nu)<lo then for k in Difference(nu,u) do RemoveSet(orb,lelm^Int(k)); od; fi; u:=nu; od; # now u is the group of normalizer induced powers prg:=GroupByGenerators( List(Flat(GeneratorsPrimeResidues(i).generators), x->ZmodnZObj(x,i))); orb:=List(RightTransversal(prg,u),Int); for k in orb do D:=ConjugacyClass(G,lelm^k); SetStabilizerOfExternalSet(D,zen); Add(classes,D); Info(InfoClasses,3,"found new power of order ",i, " class size ",Size(D)); if k=1 and i=o then C:=D;fi; #remember for return value od; fi; od; pows:=next; norms:=nnorms; od; return Centralizer(C); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch( <G> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch, function ( G ) # uses random Search with Jerrum's strategy local classes, # conjugacy classes of <G>, result class, # one class of <G> cent, # centralizer from which to take random elements seed, # possible seed elms; # elements of <G> # initialize the conjugacy class list # if the group is small, or if its elements are known # or if the group is abelian, do it the hard way if Size( G ) <= 1000 or HasAsSSortedList( G ) or IsAbelian( G ) then return ConjugacyClassesByOrbits(G); # otherwise use probabilistic algorithm else seed:=ValueOption("seed"); if not IsList(seed) then seed:=[];fi; classes := [ ConjugacyClass( G, One( G ) ) ]; cent:=G; # while we have not found all conjugacy classes while Sum( List( classes, Size ) ) <> Size( G ) do if Length(seed)>0 then # try random elements cent:=ConjugacyClassesTry( G, classes, seed[1], 0, 1 ); seed:=seed{[2..Length(seed)]}; else # try random elements cent:=ConjugacyClassesTry( G, classes, Random(cent), 0, 1 ); fi; od; fi; # return the conjugacy classes return classes; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClassesByOrbits( <G> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction(ConjugacyClassesByOrbits, function(G) local xset,i,cl,c,p,s; #xset:=ExternalSet(G,AsSSortedListNonstored(G),OnPoints); xset:=AsSSortedListNonstored(G); s:=HasAsList(G) or HasAsSSortedList(G); # do we want to store class elements? p:=false; cl:=[]; #for i in ExternalOrbitsStabilizers(xset) do for i in OrbitsDomain(G,xset) do #c:=ConjugacyClass(G,Representative(i),StabilizerOfExternalSet(i)); c:=ConjugacyClass(G,i[1]); SetSize(c,Length(i)); # the sorted element list will speed up `\in' tests if s or Length(i)<5 then SetAsSSortedList(c,SortedList(i)); fi; Add(cl,c); if IsOne(Representative(i)) then SetStabilizerOfExternalSet(c,G); p:=Length(cl); fi; od; # force class of one in first position c:=cl[p];cl[p]:=cl[1];cl[1]:=c; return cl; end); ############################################################################# ## #M ConjugacyClasses( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a group ## InstallMethod( ConjugacyClasses, "test options", [ IsGroup ], GETTER_FLAGS-1, # this method tests options which would override the method # selection. Therefore we get the highest possible value # below the getter. function(G) if ValueOption("random")<>fail then return ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch(G); elif ValueOption("action")<>fail then return ConjugacyClassesByOrbits(G); else TryNextMethod(); fi; end); DEFAULT_CLASS_ORBIT_LIMIT:=500; InstallGlobalFunction(ConjugacyClassesForSmallGroup,function(G) if ValueOption("noaction")=fail and (HasAsSSortedList(G) or HasAsList(G) or Size(G)<=DEFAULT_CLASS_ORBIT_LIMIT) then return ConjugacyClassesByOrbits(G); else return fail; fi; end); InstallMethod( ConjugacyClasses, "for groups: try random search", [ IsGroup and IsFinite ], function(G) local cl; cl:=ConjugacyClassesForSmallGroup(G); if cl<>fail then return cl; else return ConjugacyClassesByRandomSearch(G); fi; end); InstallMethod( ConjugacyClasses, "try solvable method", [ IsGroup and IsFinite ], function( G ) local cls, cl, c; cl:=ConjugacyClassesForSmallGroup(G); if cl<>fail then return cl; elif IsSolvableGroup( G ) and CanEasilyComputePcgs(G) then cls := [ ]; for cl in ClassesSolvableGroup( G, 0 ) do c := ConjugacyClass( G, cl.representative, cl.centralizer ); Assert(2,Centralizer(G,cl.representative)=cl.centralizer); Add( cls, c ); od; Assert(1,Sum(cls,Size)=Size(G)); return cls; else TryNextMethod(); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RationalClass( <G>, <g> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constructor ## InstallMethod( RationalClass, IsCollsElms, [ IsGroup, IsObject ], function( G, g ) local filter, cl; if IsPermGroup( G ) then filter := IsRationalClassPermGroupRep; else filter := IsRationalClassGroupRep; fi; cl := rec( ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( cl, NewType( FamilyObj( G ), filter ), ActingDomain, G, Representative, g, FunctionAction, OnPoints ); return cl; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M <cl1> = <cl2> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for rational classes ## InstallMethod( \=, IsIdenticalObj, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep, IsRationalClassGroupRep ], function( cl1, cl2 ) if ActingDomain( cl1 ) <> ActingDomain( cl2 ) then TryNextMethod(); fi; # the Galois group of the identity is <0>, therefore we have to do this # extra test. return Order(Representative(cl1))=Order(Representative(cl2)) and ForAny( RightTransversalInParent( GaloisGroup( cl1 ) ), e -> RepresentativeAction( ActingDomain( cl1 ), Representative( cl1 ), Representative( cl2 ) ^ Int( e ) ) <> fail ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M <g> in <cl> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for rational classes ## InstallMethod( \in, IsElmsColls, [ IsObject, IsRationalClassGroupRep ], function( g, cl ) # the Galois group of the identity is <0>, therefore we have to do this # extra test. return Order(Representative(cl))=Order(g) and ForAny( RightTransversalInParent( GaloisGroup( cl ) ), e -> RepresentativeAction( ActingDomain( cl ), Representative( cl ), g ^ Int( e ) ) <> fail ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M HomeEnumerator( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enumerator of <G> ## InstallMethod( HomeEnumerator, [ IsConjugacyClassGroupRep ], cl -> Enumerator( ActingDomain( cl ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print function ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], function( cl ) Print( "RationalClass( ", ActingDomain( cl ), ", ", Representative( cl ), " )" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Size( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a rational class ## InstallMethod( Size, "method for a rational class", [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], cl -> IndexInParent( GaloisGroup( cl ) ) * Index( ActingDomain( cl ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( cl ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F DecomposedRationalClass( <cl> ) . . . . . decompose into ordinary classes ## InstallOtherMethod(DecomposedRationalClass, "generic",true,[IsRationalClassGroupRep],0,function( cl ) local G, C, rep, gal, T, cls, e, c; G := ActingDomain( cl ); C := StabilizerOfExternalSet( cl ); rep := Representative( cl ); gal := GaloisGroup( cl ); T := RightTransversalInParent( gal ); cls := [ ]; for e in T do # if e=0 then the element is the identity anyhow, no need to worry. c := ConjugacyClass( G, rep ^ Int( e ),C ); Add( cls, c ); od; return cls; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Enumerator( <rcl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of rational class ## ## The idea is that for the rational class <rcl> given by the acting domain ## $G$, the representative $r$, the centralizer $S$ of $r$, and the Galois ## group $\Sigma$ acting on the algebraic conjugates of the class $r^G$, ## a right transversal $T$ of $S$ in $G$ is chosen; ## for $i = |T| \cdot i_1 + i_2$, with $1 \leq i_2 \leq |T|$, ## the $i$-th element in the enumerator <enum> of <rcl> is then ## the image of $r$ under $T[i_2]$, w.r.t. the action of <xorb>, raised to ## the power given by the $i_1$-th element in $\Sigma$. ## ## So the position of an element <elm> in <enum> is determined by first ## finding an element $x$ in $G$ and an integer $i$ coprime to the order of ## $r$ such that $(r^x)^i$ equals <elm>, ## and if $x$ and $i$ exist then finding an element $y$ in $T$ such that ## $S x = S y$ holds; then the position of $y$ in $T$ is the result. ## By the construction of $T$, this can be computed as ## $`PositionCanonical'( T, x )$. ## BindGlobal( "ElementNumber_RationalClassGroup", function( enum, pos ) local rcl, rep, gal, T, pow; rcl := UnderlyingCollection( enum ); rep := Representative( rcl ); gal := RightTransversalInParent( GaloisGroup( rcl ) ); T := enum!.rightTransversal; pos := pos - 1; pow := QuoInt( pos, Length( T ) ) + 1; if Length( gal ) < pow then Error( "<enum>[", pos + 1, "] must have an assigned value" ); fi; pos := pos mod Length( T ) + 1; # if gal[pow]=0 then the element is the identity anyhow, no need to worry. return ( rep ^ T[ pos ] ) ^ Int( gal[ pow ] ); end ); BindGlobal( "NumberElement_RationalClassGroup", function( enum, elm ) local rcl, G, rep, gal, T, pow, t; rcl := UnderlyingCollection( enum ); G := ActingDomain( rcl ); rep := Representative( rcl ); gal := RightTransversalInParent( GaloisGroup( rcl ) ); T := enum!.rightTransversal; for pow in [ 1 .. Length( gal ) ] do # if gal[pow]=0 then the rep is the identity , no need to worry. t := RepresentativeAction( G, rep ^ Int( gal[ pow ] ), elm ); if t <> fail then break; fi; od; if t = fail then return fail; else return ( pow - 1 ) * Length( T ) + PositionCanonical( T, t ); fi; end ); InstallMethod( Enumerator, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], rcl -> EnumeratorByFunctions( rcl, rec( NumberElement := NumberElement_RationalClassGroup, ElementNumber := ElementNumber_RationalClassGroup, rightTransversal := RightTransversal( ActingDomain( rcl ), StabilizerOfExternalSet( rcl ) ) ) ) ); InstallOtherMethod( CentralizerOp, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], StabilizerOfExternalSet ); ############################################################################# ## #M AsList( <rcl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by orbit algorithm ## InstallMethod( AsList, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], function( rcl ) local aslist, orb, e; aslist := [ ]; orb := Orbit( ActingDomain( rcl ), Representative( rcl ) ); for e in RightTransversalInParent( GaloisGroup( rcl ) ) do # if e=0 then the element is the identity anyhow, no need to worry. Append( aslist, List( orb, g -> g ^ Int( e ) ) ); od; return aslist; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M GaloisGroup( <cl> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a rational class ## InstallOtherMethod( GaloisGroup, [ IsRationalClassGroupRep ], function( cl ) local rep, ord, gals, i, pr; rep := Representative( cl ); ord := Order( rep ); gals := [ ]; if ord>1 then pr:=PrimeResidues(ord); else pr:=[]; fi; for i in pr do if RepresentativeAction( ActingDomain( cl ), rep, rep ^ i ) <> fail then Add( gals, i ); fi; od; return GroupByPrimeResidues( gals, ord ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F GroupByPrimeResidues( <gens>, <oh> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local ## InstallGlobalFunction( GroupByPrimeResidues, function( gens, oh ) local R; R := Integers mod oh; return SubgroupNC( Units( R ), gens * One( R ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M RationalClasses( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a group ## InstallMethod( RationalClasses, "trial", [ IsGroup ], function( G ) local rcl; rcl := []; while Sum( rcl, Size ) < Size( G ) do RationalClassesTry( G, rcl, Random(G) ); od; return rcl; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( RationalClassesTry, function( G, classes, elm ) local C, # new class i; # loop variable # if the element is not in one of the known classes add a new class if ForAll( classes, D -> not elm in D ) then C := RationalClass( G, elm ); Add( classes, C ); # try the powers of this element that reduce the order for i in Set(FactorsInt(Order(elm))) do RationalClassesTry( G, classes, elm ^ i ); od; fi; end ); InstallMethod( RationalClasses,"use classes",[ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local rcls, cl, mark, rep, c, o, cop, same, sub, pow, p, i, j,closure, dec,ggg; closure:=function(sub,gens,m) local test, t, i, Error; # dimino algorithm for normal subgroup test:=[1]; while Length(test)>0 do t:=test[1]; for i in gens do if i<>1 then AddSet(ggg,i); fi; if not (sub[t]*i mod m) in sub then AddSet(test,Length(sub)+1); # next element to test Append(sub,Filtered(List(sub,x->x*i mod m),x-> not x in sub)); fi; od; RemoveSet(test,t); od; #Print(m," ",gens," ",sub,"\n"); end; rcls:=[]; cl:=ConjugacyClasses(G); if Length(Filtered(cl,x->Size(x)<10))<10000 then # trigger for cheap element test for i in [1..Length(cl)] do if Size(cl[i])<10 then Elements(cl[i]);fi; od; fi; mark:=BlistList([1..Length(cl)],[]); for i in [1..Length(cl)] do if mark[i]=false then sub:=fail; mark[i]:=true; rep:=Representative(cl[i]); c := RationalClass( G, rep); SetStabilizerOfExternalSet( c, Centralizer(cl[i]) ); Add(rcls,c); o:=Order(rep); dec:=[cl[i]]; if o>2 then cop:=Set(Flat(GeneratorsPrimeResidues(o).generators)); # get orders that give the same class #same:=Filtered(cop,i->RepresentativeAction(G,rep,rep^i)<>fail); same:=Filtered(cop,x->rep^x in cl[i]); if Length(same)<Length(cop) then # there are other classes: sub:=[1]; ggg:=[]; closure(sub,same,o); cop:=Difference(cop,same); for j in cop do # we know these are different pow:=rep^j; p:=First([i+1..Length(cl)],x->pow in cl[x]); if p=fail then Error("not found"); else if mark[p]=false then Add(dec,cl[p]); fi; mark[p]:=true; fi; od; cop:=Difference(PrimeResidues(o),cop); # we've tested these for j in cop do if not j in sub then pow:=rep^j; p:=First([i..Length(cl)],x->pow in cl[x]); if p=fail then Error("not found"); elif p=i then closure(sub,[j],o); else if mark[p]=false then Add(dec,cl[p]); fi; mark[p]:=true; fi; fi; od; fi; fi; SetDecomposedRationalClass(c,dec); SetSize(c,Length(dec)*Size(dec[1])); if sub<>fail then SetGaloisGroup(c,GroupByPrimeResidues(ggg,o)); fi; fi; od; return rcls; end); #InstallMethod( RationalClasses,"solvable",[ CanEasilyComputePcgs ], 20, # function( G ) # local rcls, cls, cl, c, sum, size; # # size := Size(G); # rcls := [ ]; # if IsPrimePowerInt( size ) then # for cl in RationalClassesSolvableGroup( G, 1 ) do # c := RationalClass( G, cl.representative ); # SetStabilizerOfExternalSet( c, cl.centralizer ); # SetGaloisGroup( c, cl.galoisGroup ); # Add( rcls, c ); # od; # else # sum := 0; # for cl in ConjugacyClasses(G) do # c := RationalClass( G, Representative(cl) ); # SetStabilizerOfExternalSet( c, Centralizer(cl) ); # if sum < size and not c in rcls then # Add( rcls, c ); # sum := sum + Size( c ); # if sum = size and not IsBound(cls) then # break; # fi; # fi; # od; # # fi; # # return rcls; #end ); ############################################################################# ## #F RationalClassesInEANS( <G>, <E> ) . . . . . . . . by projective operation ## InstallGlobalFunction( RationalClassesInEANS, function( G, E ) local pcgs, ff, one, pro, opr, gens, orbs, xorb, rcl, rcls, rep, N; rcls := [ RationalClass( G, One( G ) ) ]; if IsTrivial( E ) then return rcls; fi; pcgs := Pcgs( E ); ff := GF( RelativeOrders( pcgs )[ 1 ] ); one := One( ff ); pro := EnumeratorOfNormedRowVectors( ff ^ Length( pcgs ) ); opr := function( v, g ) return one * ExponentsConjugateLayer( pcgs, PcElementByExponentsNC( pcgs, v ) , g ); end; gens := Pcgs( G ); if gens = fail then gens := GeneratorsOfGroup( G ); fi; orbs := ExternalOrbits( G, pro, gens, gens, opr ); # Construct the rational classes from the orbit representatives and the # centralizers from the stabilizers. for xorb in orbs do rep := PcElementByExponentsNC( pcgs, Representative( xorb ) ); rcl := RationalClass( G, rep ); if HasStabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ) then N := StabilizerOfExternalSet( xorb ); else N := G; fi; SetStabilizerOfExternalSet( rcl, Centralizer( N, rep, E ) ); Add( rcls, rcl ); od; return rcls; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E