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Views: 466305## ## colorprompt.g Frank Lübeck ## ## A demo for customizing the GAP prompt. ## ## To switch off the coloring of prompt and input call ## ColorPrompt(false); ## ## The variable ANSI_COLORS used in earlier versions is no longer ## supported, see GAPInfo.UserPreferences.UseColorsInTerminal. ## # see comment below if not IsBound(STDOut) then BindGlobal("STDOut", OutputTextUser()); else Info(InfoWarning, 1, "You probably have an 'ReadLib(\"colorprompt.g\");'", " in your .gaprc file."); Info(InfoWarning, 1, "Its functionality is now in the GAP library."); Info(InfoWarning, 1, "Use now 'SetUserPreference(\"UseColorPrompt\", true);\ in your 'gap.ini' file."); fi; # same behaviour as with unbound functions PrintPromptHook := CPROMPT; EndLineHook := function() end; ############################################################################ ## #F ColorPrompt( <bool> ) . . . . . . (un)set using a colored prompt and input #F ColorPrompt( <bool>, <optrec> ) . . . . . . . . . same with customization ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="ColorPrompt"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Name="ColorPrompt" Arg='bool[, optrec]'/> ## ## <Description> ## With <C>ColorPrompt(true);</C> &GAP; changes its user interface: ## The prompts and the user input are displayed in different colors. ## Switch off the colored prompts with <C>ColorPrompt(false);</C>. ## <P/> ## Note that this will only work if your terminal emulation in which ## you run &GAP; understands the so called ANSI color escape sequences ## –almost all terminal emulations on current UNIX/Linux ## (<C>xterm</C>, <C>rxvt</C>, <C>konsole</C>, ...) systems do so. ## <P/> ## The colors shown depend on the terminal configuration and cannot be ## forced from an application. If your terminal follows the ANSI ## conventions you see the standard prompt in bold blue and the break ## loop prompt in bold red, as well as your input in red. ## <P/> ## If it works for you and you like it, put a call of ## <C>SetUserPreference("UseColorPrompt", true);</C> ## in your <F>gap.ini</F> file. ## If you want a more complicated setting as explained below then ## put your <C>SetUserPreference("UseColorPrompt", rec( ... ) );</C> ## call into your <F>gaprc</F> file. ## <P/> ## The optional second argument <A>optrec</A> allows one to further ## customize the behaviour. ## It must be a record from which the following components are recognized: ## <P/> ## <List> ## <Mark><C>MarkupStdPrompt</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a string or no argument function returning a string ## containing the escape sequence used for the main prompt <C>gap> </C>. ## </Item> ## <Mark><C>MarkupContPrompt</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a string or no argument function returning a string ## containing the escape sequence used for the continuation prompt ## <C>> </C>. ## </Item> ## <Mark><C>MarkupBrkPrompt</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a string or no argument function returning a string ## containing the escape sequence used for the break prompt ## <C>brk...> </C>. ## </Item> ## <Mark><C>MarkupInput</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a string or no argument function returning a string ## containing the escape sequence used for user input. ## </Item> ## <Mark><C>TextPrompt</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a no argument function returning the string with the text ## of the prompt, but without any escape sequences. ## The current standard prompt is returned by <C>CPROMPT()</C>. ## But note that changing the standard prompts makes the automatic removal ## of prompts from input lines impossible ## (see <Ref Sect="Special Rules for Input Lines"/>). ## </Item> ## <Mark><C>PrePrompt</C></Mark> ## <Item> ## a function called before printing a prompt. ## </Item> ## </List> ## <P/> ## Here is an example. ## <P/> ## <Listing><![CDATA[ ## LoadPackage("GAPDoc"); ## timeSHOWMIN := 100; ## ColorPrompt(true, rec( ## # usually cyan bold, see ?TextAttr ## MarkupStdPrompt := Concatenation(TextAttr.bold, TextAttr.6), ## MarkupContPrompt := Concatenation(TextAttr.bold, TextAttr.6), ## PrePrompt := function() ## # show the 'time' automatically if at least timeSHOWMIN ## if CPROMPT() = "gap> " and time >= timeSHOWMIN then ## Print("Time of last command: ", time, " ms\n"); ## fi; ## end) ); ## ]]></Listing> ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## ColorPrompt := function(arg) local b, r, a, s; b := arg[1]; r := rec( MarkupStdPrompt := "\033[1m\033[34m", MarkupContPrompt := "\033[1m\033[34m", MarkupBrkPrompt := "\033[1m\033[31m", MarkupInput := "\033[31m", TextPrompt := CPROMPT, PrePrompt := function() end ); if Length(arg) > 1 and IsRecord(arg[2]) then for a in NamesOfComponents(arg[2]) do r.(a) := arg[2].(a); od; fi; if b <> true then Unbind(PrintPromptHook); Unbind(EndLineHook); return; fi; # The colored interface # We stored STDOut above to avoid overwriting the last system error with # a function call. # To print the prompt PrintPromptHook := function() local cp; r.PrePrompt(); cp := CPROMPT(); # different color for brk...> prompts if Length(cp)>0 and cp[1] = 'b' then if IsString(r.MarkupBrkPrompt) then WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupBrkPrompt); else WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupBrkPrompt()); fi; elif cp = "> " then if IsString(r.MarkupContPrompt) then WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupContPrompt); else WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupContPrompt()); fi; else if IsString(r.MarkupStdPrompt) then WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupStdPrompt); else WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupStdPrompt()); fi; fi; # use this instead of Print such that the column counter for the # command line editor is correct PRINT_CPROMPT(r.TextPrompt()); # another color for input WriteAll(STDOut, "\033[0m"); if IsString(r.MarkupInput) then WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupInput); else WriteAll(STDOut, r.MarkupInput()); fi; end; # reset attributes before going to the next line EndLineHook := function() WriteAll(STDOut, "\033[0m"); end; end; # now, that the file is in the GAP library, the default is no colored prompt ColorPrompt(false); # The coloring of the prompt after startup can be configured via a user # preference. DeclareUserPreference( rec( name:= "UseColorPrompt", description:= [ "In a color capable terminal (almost any terminal application) you can \ run GAP such that the prompts, the input and output are distinguished \ by colors. Options are 'true', 'false' or some record as explained in \ the help section for 'ColorPrompt'." ], default:= false, check:= val -> val in [ true, false ] or IsRecord( val ), ) );