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Views: 466314############################################################################# ## #W GAP library Martin Schönert ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 1996, Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y (C) 1998 School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2002 The GAP Group ## ## This file contains method for combinatorics. ## ############################################################################# ## #F Factorial( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . factorial of an integer ## # can be much further improved, together with Binomial ... (FL) # but for the moment this is huge improvement over Product([1..n]) for large n # Factorial(1000000) is no problem now InstallGlobalFunction(Factorial,function ( n ) local pr; if n < 0 then Error("<n> must be nonnegative"); fi; pr := function(l, i, j) local bound, len, res, l2, k; bound := 30; len := j+1-i; if len < bound then res := 1; for k in [i..j] do res := res*l[k]; od; return res; fi; l2 := QuoInt(len,2); return pr(l,i,i+l2)*pr(l,i+l2+1,j); end; return pr( [1..n], 1, n ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F Binomial( <n>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . . binomial coefficient of integers ## InstallGlobalFunction(GaussianCoefficient,function ( n, k, q ) local gc, i, j; if k < 0 or n<0 or k>n then return 0; else gc:=1; for i in [1..k] do gc:=gc*(q^(n-i+1)-1)/(q^i-1); od; return gc; fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Binomial( <n>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . . binomial coefficient of integers ## InstallGlobalFunction(Binomial,function ( n, k ) local bin, i, j; if k < 0 then bin := 0; elif k = 0 then bin := 1; elif n < 0 then bin := (-1)^k * Binomial( -n+k-1, k ); elif n < k then bin := 0; elif n = k then bin := 1; elif n-k < k then bin := Binomial( n, n-k ); else bin := 1; j := 1; # note that all intermediate results are binomial coefficients itself # hence integers! # slight improvement by Frank and Max. for i in [0..k-1] do bin := bin * (n-i) / j; j := j + 1; od; fi; return bin; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Bell( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . value of the Bell sequence ## InstallGlobalFunction(Bell,function ( n ) local bell, k, i; bell := [ 1 ]; for i in [1..n-1] do bell[i+1] := bell[1]; for k in [0..i-1] do bell[i-k] := bell[i-k] + bell[i-k+1]; od; od; return bell[1]; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Stirling1( <n>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . . Stirling number of the first kind ## InstallGlobalFunction(Stirling1,function ( n, k ) local sti, i, j; if n < k then sti := 0; elif n = k then sti := 1; elif n < 0 and k < 0 then sti := Stirling2( -k, -n ); elif k <= 0 then sti := 0; else sti := [ 1 ]; for j in [2..n-k+1] do sti[j] := 0; od; for i in [1..k] do sti[1] := 1; for j in [2..n-k+1] do sti[j] := (i+j-2) * sti[j-1] + sti[j]; od; od; sti := sti[n-k+1]; fi; return sti; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Stirling2( <n>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . Stirling number of the second kind ## ## Uses $S_2(n,k) = (-1)^k \sum_{i=1}^{k}{(-1)^i {k \choose i} i^k} / k!$. ## InstallGlobalFunction(Stirling2,function ( n, k ) local sti, bin, fib, i; if n < k then sti := 0; elif n = k then sti := 1; elif n < 0 and k < 0 then sti := Stirling1( -k, -n ); elif k <= 0 then sti := 0; else bin := 1; # (k 0) sti := 0; # (-1)^0 (k 0) 0^k fib := 1; # 0! for i in [1..k] do bin := (k-i+1)/i * bin; # (k i) = (k-(i-1))/i (k i-1) sti := bin * i^n - sti; # (-1)^i sum (-1)^j (k j) j^k fib := fib * i; # i! od; sti := sti / fib; fi; return sti; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Combinations( <mset> ) . . . . . . set of sorted sublists of a multiset ## ## 'CombinationsA( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <comb>, <i> )' returns the set of all ## combinations of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that begin with ## '<comb>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this it finds all elements of <mset> that ## can go at '<comb>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for each candidate. ## <m>-1 is the position of '<comb>[<i>-1]' in <mset>, so the candidates for ## '<comb>[<i>]' are exactly the elements 'Set( <mset>[[<m>..<n>]] )'. ## ## 'CombinationsK( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <k>, <comb>, <i> )' returns the set of ## all combinations of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that have ## length '<i>+<k>-1', and that begin with '<comb>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this ## it finds all elements of <mset> that can go at '<comb>[<i>]' and calls ## itself recursively for each candidate. <m>-1 is the position of ## '<comb>[<i>-1]' in <mset>, so the candidates for '<comb>[<i>]' are ## exactly the elements 'Set( <mset>[<m>..<n>-<k>+1] )'. ## ## 'Combinations' only calls 'CombinationsA' or 'CombinationsK' with initial ## arguments. ## CombinationsA := function ( mset, m, n, comb, i ) local combs, l; if m = n+1 then comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ comb ]; else comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ ShallowCopy(comb) ]; for l in [m..n] do if l = m or mset[l] <> mset[l-1] then comb[i] := mset[l]; Append( combs, CombinationsA(mset,l+1,n,comb,i+1) ); fi; od; fi; return combs; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "CombinationsA" ); CombinationsK := function ( mset, m, n, k, comb, i ) local combs, l; if k = 0 then comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ comb ]; else combs := []; for l in [m..n-k+1] do if l = m or mset[l] <> mset[l-1] then comb[i] := mset[l]; Append( combs, CombinationsK(mset,l+1,n,k-1,comb,i+1) ); fi; od; fi; return combs; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "CombinationsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(Combinations,function ( arg ) local combs, mset; if Length(arg) = 1 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); combs := CombinationsA( mset, 1, Length(mset), [], 1 ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); combs := CombinationsK( mset, 1, Length(mset), arg[2], [], 1 ); else Error("usage: Combinations( <mset> [, <k>] )"); fi; return combs; end); ############################################################################# ## #F IteratorOfCombinations( <mset>[, <k> ] ) #F EnumeratorOfCombinations( <mset> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction(EnumeratorOfCombinations, function(mset) local c, max, l, mods, size, els, ElementNumber, NumberElement; c := Collected(mset); max := List(c, a-> a[2]); els := List(c, a-> a[1]); l := Length(max); mods := max+1; size := Product(mods); # a combination can contain els[i] from 0 to max[i] times (mods[i] # possibilities), we number the combination that contains a[i] times els[i] # for all i by n = 1 + sum_i a[i]*m[i] where m[i] = prod_(j<i) mods[i] ElementNumber := function(enu, n) local comb, res, i, j; if n > size then Error("Index ", n, " not bound."); fi; comb := EmptyPlist(l); n := n-1; for i in [1..l] do comb[i] := n mod mods[i]; n := (n - comb[i])/mods[i]; od; res := []; for i in [1..l] do for j in [1..comb[i]] do Add(res, els[i]); od; od; return res; end; NumberElement := function(enu, comb) local c, d, pos, n, a, i; if not IsList(comb) then return fail; fi; c := Collected(comb); d := 0*max; for a in c do pos := PositionSorted(els, a[1]); if not IsBound(els[pos]) or els[pos] <> a[1] or a[2] > max[pos] then return fail; else d[pos] := a[2]; fi; od; n := 0; for i in [l,l-1..1] do n := n*mods[i] + d[i]; od; return n+1; end; return EnumeratorByFunctions(ListsFamily, rec( ElementNumber := ElementNumber, NumberElement := NumberElement, els := els, Length := x->size, max := max)); end); BindGlobal("NextIterator_Combinations_set", function(it) local res, comb, k, i, len; comb := it!.comb; if comb = fail then Error("No more elements in iterator."); fi; # first create combination to return res := it!.els{comb}; # now construct indices for next combination len := it!.len; k := it!.k; for i in [1..k] do if i = k or comb[i]+1 < comb[i+1] then comb[i] := comb[i] + 1; comb{[1..i-1]} := [1..i-1]; break; fi; od; # check if done if k = 0 or comb[k] > len then it!.comb := fail; fi; return res; end); # helper function to substitute elements described by r!.comb[j], # j in [1..i] by smallest possible ones BindGlobal("Distr_Combinations", function(r, i) local max, kk, l, comb, j; max := r!.max; kk := 0; l := Length(max); comb := r!.comb; for j in [1..i] do kk := kk + comb[j]; comb[j] := 0; od; for i in [1..l] do if kk <= max[i] then comb[i] := kk; break; else comb[i] := max[i]; kk := kk - max[i]; fi; od; end); BindGlobal("NextIterator_Combinations_mset", function(it) local res, comb, l, els, i, j, max; if it!.comb = fail then Error("No more elements in iterator."); fi; comb := it!.comb; max := it!.max; l := Length(comb); # first create the combination to return, this is the time critical # code which is more efficient in the proper set case above res := EmptyPlist(it!.k); els := it!.els; for i in [1..l] do for j in [1..comb[i]] do Add(res, els[i]); od; od; # now find next combination if there is one; # for this find smallest element which can be substituted by the next # larger element and reset the previous ones to the smallest # possible ones i := 1; while i < l and (comb[i] = 0 or comb[i+1] = max[i+1]) do i := i+1; od; if i = l then it!.comb := fail; else comb[i+1] := comb[i+1] + 1; comb[i] := comb[i] - 1; Distr_Combinations(it, i); fi; return res; end); BindGlobal("IsDoneIterator_Combinations", function(it) return it!.comb = fail; end); BindGlobal("ShallowCopy_Combinations", function(it) return rec( NextIterator := it!.NextIterator, IsDoneIterator := it!.IsDoneIterator, ShallowCopy := it!.ShallowCopy, els := it!.els, max := it!.max, len := it!.len, k := it!.k, comb := ShallowCopy(it!.comb)); end); InstallGlobalFunction(IteratorOfCombinations, function(arg) local mset, k, c, max, els, len, comb, NextFunc; mset := arg[1]; len := Length(mset); if Length(arg) = 1 then # case of one argument, call 2-arg version for each k and concatenate return ConcatenationIterators(List([0..len], k-> IteratorOfCombinations(mset, k))); fi; k := arg[2]; if k > Length(mset) then return IteratorList([]); fi; c := Collected(mset); max := List(c, a-> a[2]); els := List(c, a-> a[1]); if Maximum(max) = 1 then # in case of a proper set 'mset' we use 'comb' for indices of # elements in current combination; this way the generation # of the actual combinations is a bit more efficient than below in the # general case of a multiset comb := [1..k]; NextFunc := NextIterator_Combinations_set; else # the general case of a multiset, here 'comb' # describes the combination which contains comb[i] times els[i] for all i comb := 0*max; comb[1] := k; # initialize first combination Distr_Combinations(rec(comb := comb,max := max),1); NextFunc := NextIterator_Combinations_mset; fi; return IteratorByFunctions(rec( NextIterator := NextFunc, IsDoneIterator := IsDoneIterator_Combinations, ShallowCopy := ShallowCopy_Combinations, els := els, max := max, len := len, k := k, comb := comb)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrCombinations( <mset> ) . . . . number of sorted sublists of a multiset ## ## 'NrCombinations' just calls 'NrCombinationsSetA', 'NrCombinationsMSetA', ## 'NrCombinationsSetK' or 'NrCombinationsMSetK' depending on the arguments. ## ## 'NrCombinationsSetA' and 'NrCombinationsSetK' use well known identities. ## ## 'NrCombinationsMSetA' and 'NrCombinationsMSetK' call 'NrCombinationsX', ## and return either the sum or the last element of this list. ## ## 'NrCombinationsX' returns the list 'nrs', such that 'nrs[l+1]' is the ## number of combinations of length l. It uses a recursion formula, taking ## more and more of the elements of <mset>. ## BindGlobal( "NrCombinationsX", function ( mset, k ) local nrs, nr, cnt, n, l, i; # count how often each element appears cnt := List( Collected( mset ), pair -> pair[2] ); # there is one combination of length 0 and no other combination # using none of the elements nrs := ListWithIdenticalEntries( k+1, 0 ); nrs[0+1] := 1; # take more and more elements for n in [1..Length(cnt)] do # loop over the possible lengths of combinations for l in [k,k-1..0] do # compute the number of combinations of length <l> # using only the first <n> elements of <mset> nr := 0; for i in [0..Minimum(cnt[n],l)] do # add the number of combinations of length <l> # that consist of <l>-<i> of the first <n>-1 elements # and <i> copies of the <n>th element nr := nr + nrs[l-i+1]; od; nrs[l+1] := nr; od; od; # return the numbers return nrs; end ); BindGlobal( "NrCombinationsSetA", function ( set, k ) local nr; nr := 2 ^ Size(set); return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrCombinationsMSetA", function ( mset, k ) local nr; nr := Product( Set(mset), i->Number(mset,j->i=j)+1 ); return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrCombinationsSetK", function ( set, k ) local nr; if k <= Size(set) then nr := Binomial( Size(set), k ); else nr := 0; fi; return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrCombinationsMSetK", function ( mset, k ) local nr; if k <= Length(mset) then nr := NrCombinationsX( mset, k )[k+1]; else nr := 0; fi; return nr; end ); InstallGlobalFunction(NrCombinations,function ( arg ) local nr, mset; if Length(arg) = 1 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); if IsSSortedList( mset ) then nr := NrCombinationsSetA( mset, Length(mset) ); else nr := NrCombinationsMSetA( mset, Length(mset) ); fi; elif Length(arg) = 2 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); if IsSSortedList( mset ) then nr := NrCombinationsSetK( mset, arg[2] ); else nr := NrCombinationsMSetK( mset, arg[2] ); fi; else Error("usage: NrCombinations( <mset> [, <k>] )"); fi; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Arrangements( <mset> ) . . . . set of ordered combinations of a multiset ## ## 'ArrangementsA( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <comb>, <i> )' returns the set of all ## arrangements of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that begin with ## '<comb>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this it finds all elements of <mset> that ## can go at '<comb>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for each candidate. ## <m> is a boolean list of size <n> that contains 'true' for every element ## of <mset> that we have not yet taken, so the candidates for '<comb>[<i>]' ## are exactly the elements '<mset>[<l>]' such that '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. ## Some care must be taken to take a candidate only once if it appears more ## than once in <mset>. ## ## 'ArrangementsK( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <k>, <comb>, <i> )' returns the set of ## all arrangements of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that have ## length '<i>+<k>-1', and that begin with '<comb>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this ## it finds all elements of <mset> that can go at '<comb>[<i>]' and calls ## itself recursively for each candidate. <m> is a boolean list of size <n> ## that contains 'true' for every element of <mset> that we have not yet ## taken, so the candidates for '<comb>[<i>]' are exactly the elements ## '<mset>[<l>]' such that '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. Some care must be taken to ## take a candidate only once if it appears more than once in <mset>. ## ## 'Arrangements' only calls 'ArrangementsA' or 'ArrangementsK' with initial ## arguments. ## ArrangementsA := function ( mset, m, n, comb, i ) local combs, l; if i = n+1 then comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ comb ]; else comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ ShallowCopy(comb) ]; for l in [1..n] do if m[l] and (l=1 or m[l-1]=false or mset[l]<>mset[l-1]) then comb[i] := mset[l]; m[l] := false; Append( combs, ArrangementsA( mset, m, n, comb, i+1 ) ); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return combs; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "ArrangementsA" ); ArrangementsK := function ( mset, m, n, k, comb, i ) local combs, l; if k = 0 then comb := ShallowCopy(comb); combs := [ comb ]; else combs := []; for l in [1..n] do if m[l] and (l=1 or m[l-1]=false or mset[l]<>mset[l-1]) then comb[i] := mset[l]; m[l] := false; Append( combs, ArrangementsK( mset, m, n, k-1, comb, i+1 ) ); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return combs; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "ArrangementsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(Arrangements,function ( arg ) local combs, mset, m; if Length(arg) = 1 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); m := List( mset, i->true ); combs := ArrangementsA( mset, m, Length(mset), [], 1 ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); m := List( mset, i->true ); combs := ArrangementsK( mset, m, Length(mset), arg[2], [], 1 ); else Error("usage: Arrangements( <mset> [, <k>] )"); fi; return combs; end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrArrangements( <mset> ) . number of ordered combinations of a multiset ## ## 'NrArrangements' just calls 'NrArrangementsSetA', 'NrArrangementsMSetA', ## 'NrArrangementsSetK' or 'NrArrangementsMSetK' depending on the arguments. ## ## 'NrArrangementsSetA' and 'NrArrangementsSetK' use well known identities. ## ## 'NrArrangementsMSetA' and 'NrArrangementsMSetK' call 'NrArrangementsX', ## and return either the sum or the last element of this list. ## ## 'NrArrangementsX' returns the list 'nrs', such that 'nrs[l+1]' is the ## number of arrangements of length l. It uses a recursion formula, taking ## more and more of the elements of <mset>. ## BindGlobal( "NrArrangementsX", function ( mset, k ) local nrs, nr, cnt, bin, n, l, i; # count how often each element appears cnt := List( Collected( mset ), pair -> pair[2] ); # there is one arrangement of length 0 and no other arrangement # using none of the elements nrs := ListWithIdenticalEntries( k+1, 0 ); nrs[0+1] := 1; # take more and more elements for n in [1..Length(cnt)] do # loop over the possible lengths of arrangements for l in [k,k-1..0] do # compute the number of arrangements of length <l> # using only the first <n> elements of <mset> nr := 0; bin := 1; for i in [0..Minimum(cnt[n],l)] do # add the number of arrangements of length <l> # that consist of <l>-<i> of the first <n>-1 elements # and <i> copies of the <n>th element nr := nr + bin * nrs[l-i+1]; bin := bin * (l-i) / (i+1); od; nrs[l+1] := nr; od; od; # return the numbers return nrs; end ); BindGlobal( "NrArrangementsSetA", function ( set, k ) local nr, i; nr := 0; for i in [0..Size(set)] do nr := nr + Product([Size(set)-i+1..Size(set)]); od; return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrArrangementsMSetA", function ( mset, k ) local nr; nr := Sum( NrArrangementsX( mset, k ) ); return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrArrangementsSetK", function ( set, k ) local nr; if k <= Size(set) then nr := Product([Size(set)-k+1..Size(set)]); else nr := 0; fi; return nr; end ); BindGlobal( "NrArrangementsMSetK", function ( mset, k ) local nr; if k <= Length(mset) then nr := NrArrangementsX( mset, k )[k+1]; else nr := 0; fi; return nr; end ); InstallGlobalFunction(NrArrangements,function ( arg ) local nr, mset; if Length(arg) = 1 then mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); if IsSSortedList( mset ) then nr := NrArrangementsSetA( mset, Length(mset) ); else nr := NrArrangementsMSetA( mset, Length(mset) ); fi; elif Length(arg) = 2 then if not (IsInt(arg[2]) and arg[2] >= 0) then Error("<k> must be a nonnegative integer"); fi; mset := ShallowCopy(arg[1]); Sort( mset ); if IsSSortedList( mset ) then nr := NrArrangementsSetK( mset, arg[2] ); else nr := NrArrangementsMSetK( mset, arg[2] ); fi; else Error("usage: NrArrangements( <mset> [, <k>] )"); fi; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F UnorderedTuples( <set>, <k> ) . . . . set of unordered tuples from a set ## ## 'UnorderedTuplesK( <set>, <n>, <m>, <k>, <tup>, <i> )' returns the set of ## all unordered tuples of the set <set>, which has size <n>, that have ## length '<i>+<k>-1', and that begin with '<tup>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this ## it finds all elements of <set> that can go at '<tup>[<i>]' and calls ## itself recursively for each candidate. <m> is the position of ## '<tup>[<i>-1]' in <set>, so the candidates for '<tup>[<i>]' are exactly ## the elements '<set>[[<m>..<n>]]', since we require that unordered tuples ## be sorted. ## ## 'UnorderedTuples' only calls 'UnorderedTuplesK' with initial arguments. ## UnorderedTuplesK := function ( set, n, m, k, tup, i ) local tups, l; if k = 0 then tup := ShallowCopy(tup); tups := [ tup ]; else tups := []; for l in [m..n] do tup[i] := set[l]; Append( tups, UnorderedTuplesK( set, n, l, k-1, tup, i+1 ) ); od; fi; return tups; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "UnorderedTuplesK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(UnorderedTuples,function ( set, k ) set := Set(set); return UnorderedTuplesK( set, Size(set), 1, k, [], 1 ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrUnorderedTuples( <set>, <k> ) . . number unordered of tuples from a set ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrUnorderedTuples,function ( set, k ) return Binomial( Size(Set(set))+k-1, k ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F IteratorOfCartesianProduct( list1, list2, ... ) #F IteratorOfCartesianProduct( list ) ## ## All elements of the cartesian product of lists ## <list1>, <list2>, ... are returned in the lexicographic order. ## BindGlobal( "IsDoneIterator_Cartesian", iter -> ( iter!.next = false ) ); BindGlobal( "NextIterator_Cartesian", function( iter ) local succ, n, sets, res, i, k; succ := iter!.next; n := iter!.n; sets := iter!.sets; res := []; i := n; while i > 0 do res[i] := sets[i][succ[i]]; i := i-1; od; if succ = iter!.sizes then iter!.next := false; else succ[n] := succ[n] + 1; for k in [n,n-1..2] do if succ[k] > iter!.sizes[k] then succ[k] := 1; succ[k-1] := succ[k-1] + 1; else break; fi; od; fi; return res; end); BindGlobal( "ShallowCopy_Cartesian", iter -> rec( sizes := iter!.sizes, n := iter!.n, next := ShallowCopy( iter!.next ) ) ); BindGlobal( "IteratorOfCartesianProduct2", function( listsets ) local s, n, x; if not ForAll( listsets, IsCollection ) and ForAll( listsets, IsFinite ) then Error( "Each arguments must be a finite collection" ); fi; s := List( listsets, Set ); n := Length( s ); # from now s is a list of n finite sets return IteratorByFunctions( rec( IsDoneIterator := IsDoneIterator_Cartesian, NextIterator := NextIterator_Cartesian, ShallowCopy := ShallowCopy_Cartesian, sets := s, # list of sets sizes := List( s, Size ), # sizes of sets n := n, # number of sets nextelts := List( s, x -> x[1] ), # list of 1st elements next := 0 * [ 1 .. n ] + 1 ) ); # list of 1's end); InstallGlobalFunction( "IteratorOfCartesianProduct", function( arg ) # this mimics usage of functions Cartesian and Cartesian2 if Length( arg ) = 1 then return IteratorOfCartesianProduct2( arg[1] ); else return IteratorOfCartesianProduct2( arg ); fi; return; end); BindGlobal( "NumberElement_Cartesian", function(enum, x) local n, mults, colls, sum, pos, i; n:=enum!.n; mults:=enum!.mults; colls:=enum!.colls; if Length(x)<>n then return fail; fi; sum:=0; for i in [1..n-1] do pos:=Position(colls[i], x[i]); if pos=fail then return fail; else pos:=pos-1; fi; sum:=sum+pos*mults[i]; od; pos:=Position(colls[n], x[n]); if pos=fail then return fail; fi; return sum+pos; end); BindGlobal( "ElementNumber_Cartesian", function(enum, x) local n, mults, out, i, colls; if x>Length(enum) then return fail; fi; x:=x-1; n:=enum!.n; mults:=enum!.mults; colls:=enum!.colls; out:=EmptyPlist(n); for i in [1..n-1] do out[i]:=QuoInt(x, mults[i]); x:=x-out[i]*mults[i]; out[i]:=colls[i][out[i]+1]; od; out[n]:=colls[n][x+1]; return out; end); BindGlobal( "EnumeratorOfCartesianProduct2", function(colls) local new_colls, mults, k, out, i, j; if (not ForAll(colls, IsFinite)) or not (ForAll(colls, IsCollection) or ForAll(colls, IsEnumeratorByFunctions)) then Error("usage: each argument must be a finite collection or enumerator,"); return; fi; new_colls:=[]; for i in [1..Length(colls)] do if IsDomain(colls[i]) then new_colls[i]:=Enumerator(colls[i]); else new_colls[i]:=colls[i]; fi; od; mults:=List(new_colls, Length); for i in [1..Length(new_colls)-1] do k:=1; for j in [i+1..Length(new_colls)] do k:=k*Length(new_colls[j]); od; mults[i]:=k; od; mults[Length(new_colls)]:=0; out:=EnumeratorByFunctions(ListsFamily, rec( NumberElement := NumberElement_Cartesian, ElementNumber := ElementNumber_Cartesian, mults:=mults, n:=Length(colls), colls:=new_colls, Length:=enum-> Maximum([mults[1],1])*Length(new_colls[1]))); SetIsFinite(out, true); return out; end); InstallGlobalFunction( "EnumeratorOfCartesianProduct", function( arg ) # this mimics usage of functions Cartesian and Cartesian2 if IsEmpty(arg) or ForAny(arg, IsEmpty) then return EmptyPlist(0); elif Length( arg ) = 1 then return EnumeratorOfCartesianProduct2( arg[1] ); else return EnumeratorOfCartesianProduct2( arg ); fi; return; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Tuples( <set>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . . set of ordered tuples from a set ## ## 'TuplesK( <set>, <k>, <tup>, <i> )' returns the set of all tuples of the ## set <set> that have length '<i>+<k>-1', and that begin with ## '<tup>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this it loops over all elements of <set>, ## puts them at '<tup>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively. ## ## 'Tuples' only calls 'TuplesK' with initial arguments. ## TuplesK := function ( set, k, tup, i ) local tups, l; if k = 0 then tup := ShallowCopy(tup); tups := [ tup ]; else tups := []; for l in set do tup[i] := l; Append( tups, TuplesK( set, k-1, tup, i+1 ) ); od; fi; return tups; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "TuplesK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(Tuples,function ( set, k ) set := Set(set); return TuplesK( set, k, [], 1 ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F EnumeratorOfTuples( <set>, <k> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( EnumeratorOfTuples, function( set, k ) local enum; # Handle some trivial cases first. if k = 0 then return Immutable( [ [] ] ); elif IsEmpty( set ) then return Immutable( [] ); fi; # Construct the object. enum:= EnumeratorByFunctions( CollectionsFamily( FamilyObj( set ) ), rec( # Add the functions. ElementNumber:= function( enum, n ) local nn, t, i; nn:= n-1; t:= []; for i in [ 1 .. enum!.k ] do t[i]:= RemInt( nn, Length( enum!.set ) ) + 1; nn:= QuoInt( nn, Length( enum!.set ) ); od; if nn <> 0 then Error( "<enum>[", n, "] must have an assigned value" ); fi; nn:= enum!.set{ Reversed( t ) }; MakeImmutable( nn ); return nn; end, NumberElement:= function( enum, elm ) local n, i; if not IsList( elm ) then return fail; fi; elm:= List( elm, x -> Position( enum!.set, x ) ); if fail in elm or Length( elm ) <> enum!.k then return fail; fi; n:= 0; for i in [ 1 .. enum!.k ] do n:= Length( enum!.set ) * n + elm[i] - 1; od; return n+1; end, Length:= enum -> Length( enum!.set )^enum!.k, PrintObj:= function( enum ) Print( "EnumeratorOfTuples( ", enum!.set, ", ", enum!.k, " )" ); end, # Add the data. set:= Set( set ), k:= k ) ); # We know that this enumerator is strictly sorted. SetIsSSortedList( enum, true ); # Return the result. return enum; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F IteratorOfTuples( <set>, <n> ) ## ## All ordered tuples of length <n> of the set <set> ## are returned in lexicographic order. ## BindGlobal( "IsDoneIterator_Tuples", iter -> ( iter!.next = false ) ); BindGlobal( "NextIterator_Tuples", function( iter ) local t, m, n, succ, k; t := iter!.next; m := iter!.m; n := iter!.n; if t = iter!.last then succ := false; else succ := ShallowCopy( t ); succ[n] := succ[n] + 1; for k in [n,n-1..2] do if succ[k] > m then succ[k] := succ[k] - m; succ[k-1] := succ[k-1] + 1; else break; fi; od; fi; iter!.next:= succ; return iter!.set{t}; end ); BindGlobal( "ShallowCopy_Tuples", iter -> rec( m := iter!.m, n := iter!.n, last := iter!.last, set := iter!.set, next := ShallowCopy( iter!.next ) ) ); InstallGlobalFunction( "IteratorOfTuples", function( s, n ) if not ( n=0 or IsPosInt( n ) ) then Error( "The second argument <n> must be a non-negative integer" ); fi; if not ( IsCollection( s ) and IsFinite( s ) or IsEmpty( s ) and n=0 ) then if s = [] then return IteratorByFunctions( rec( IsDoneIterator := ReturnTrue, NextIterator := NextIterator_Tuples, ShallowCopy := ShallowCopy_Tuples, next := false) ); else Error( "The first argument <s> must be a finite collection or empty" ); fi; fi; s := Set(s); # from now on s is a finite set and n is its Cartesian power to be enumerated return IteratorByFunctions( rec( IsDoneIterator := IsDoneIterator_Tuples, NextIterator := NextIterator_Tuples, ShallowCopy := ShallowCopy_Tuples, set := s, m := Size(s), last := 0 * [1..n] + ~!.m, n := n, next := 0 * [ 1 .. n ] + 1 ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F NrTuples( <set>, <k> ) . . . . . . . number of ordered tuples from a set ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrTuples,function ( set, k ) return Size(Set(set)) ^ k; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PermutationsList( <mset> ) . . . . . . set of permutations of a multiset ## ## 'PermutationsListK( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <k>, <perm>, <i> )' returns the set ## of all permutations of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that ## begin with '<perm>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this it finds all elements of ## <mset> that can go at '<perm>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for each ## candidate. <m> is a boolean list of size <n> that contains 'true' for ## every element of <mset> that we have not yet taken, so the candidates for ## '<perm>[<i>]' are exactly the elements '<mset>[<l>]' such that ## '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. Some care must be taken to take a candidate only ## once if it apears more than once in <mset>. ## ## 'Permutations' only calls 'PermutationsListK' with initial arguments. ## PermutationsListK := function ( mset, m, n, k, perm, i ) local perms, l; if k = 0 then perm := ShallowCopy(perm); perms := [ perm ]; else perms := []; for l in [1..n] do if m[l] and (l=1 or m[l-1]=false or mset[l]<>mset[l-1]) then perm[i] := mset[l]; m[l] := false; Append( perms, PermutationsListK(mset,m,n,k-1,perm,i+1) ); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return perms; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "PermutationsListK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(PermutationsList,function ( mset ) local m; mset := ShallowCopy(mset); Sort( mset ); m := List( mset, i->true ); return PermutationsListK(mset,m,Length(mset),Length(mset),[],1); end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrPermutationsList( <mset> ) . . . number of permutations of a multiset ## ## 'NrPermutationsList' uses the well known multinomial coefficient formula. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrPermutationsList,function ( mset ) local nr, m; nr := Factorial( Length(mset) ); for m in Set(mset) do nr := nr / Factorial( Number( mset, i->i = m ) ); od; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Derangements( <list> ) . . . . set of fixpointfree permutations of a list ## ## 'DerangementsK( <mset>, <m>, <n>, <list>, <k>, <perm>, <i> )' returns the ## set of all permutations of the multiset <mset>, which has size <n>, that ## have no element at the same position as <list>, and that begin with ## '<perm>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do this it finds all elements of <mset> that ## can go at '<perm>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for each candidate. ## <m> is a boolean list of size <n> that contains 'true' for every element ## that we have not yet taken, so the candidates for '<perm>[<i>]' are the ## elements '<mset>[<l>]' such that '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. Some care must be ## taken to take a candidate only once if it append more than once in ## <mset>. ## DerangementsK := function ( mset, m, n, list, k, perm, i ) local perms, l; if k = 0 then perm := ShallowCopy(perm); perms := [ perm ]; else perms := []; for l in [1..n] do if m[l] and (l=1 or m[l-1]=false or mset[l]<>mset[l-1]) and mset[l] <> list[i] then perm[i] := mset[l]; m[l] := false; Append( perms, DerangementsK(mset,m,n,list,k-1,perm,i+1) ); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return perms; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "DerangementsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(Derangements,function ( list ) local mset, m; mset := ShallowCopy(list); Sort( mset ); m := List( mset, i->true ); return DerangementsK(mset,m,Length(mset),list,Length(mset),[],1); end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrDerangements( <list> ) . number of fixpointfree permutations of a list ## ## 'NrDerangements' uses well known identities if <mset> is a proper set. ## If <mset> is a multiset it uses 'NrDerangementsK', which works just like ## 'DerangementsK'. ## NrDerangementsK := function ( mset, m, n, list, k, i ) local perms, l; if k = 0 then perms := 1; else perms := 0; for l in [1..n] do if m[l] and (l=1 or m[l-1]=false or mset[l]<>mset[l-1]) and mset[l] <> list[i] then m[l] := false; perms := perms + NrDerangementsK(mset,m,n,list,k-1,i+1); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return perms; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "NrDerangementsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(NrDerangements,function ( list ) local nr, mset, m, i; mset := ShallowCopy(list); Sort( mset ); if IsSSortedList(mset) then if Size(mset) = 0 then nr := 1; elif Size(mset) = 1 then nr := 0; else m := - Factorial(Size(mset)); nr := 0; for i in [2..Size(mset)] do m := - m / i; nr := nr + m; od; fi; else m := List( mset, i->true ); nr := NrDerangementsK(mset,m,Length(mset),list,Length(mset),1); fi; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Permanent( <mat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . permanent of a matrix ## Permanent2 := function ( mat, m, n, r, v, i, sum ) local p, k; if i = n+1 then p := v; for k in sum do p := p * k; od; else p := Permanent2( mat, m, n, r, v, i+1, sum ) + Permanent2( mat, m, n, r+1, v*(r-m)/(n-r), i+1, sum+mat[i] ); fi; return p; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "Permanent2" ); InstallGlobalFunction(Permanent,function ( mat ) local m, n; m := Length(mat); n := Length(mat[1]); while n<m do Error("Matrix may not have fewer columns than rows"); od; mat := TransposedMat(mat); return Permanent2( mat, m, n, 0, (-1)^m*Binomial(n,m), 1, 0*mat[1] ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F PartitionsSet( <set> ) . . . . . . . . . . . set of partitions of a set ## ## 'PartitionsSetA( <set>, <n>, <m>, <o>, <part>, <i>, <j> )' returns the ## set of all partitions of the set <set>, which has size <n>, that begin ## with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]' and where the <i>-th set begins with ## '<part>[<i>][[1..<j>]]'. To do so it does two things. It finds all ## elements of <mset> that can go at '<part>[<i>][<j>+1]' and calls itself ## recursively for each candidate. And it considers the set '<part>[<i>]' ## to be complete and starts a new set '<part>[<i>+1]', which must start ## with the smallest element of <mset> not yet taken, because we require the ## returned partitions to be sorted lexicographically. <mset> is a boolean ## list that contains 'true' for every element of <mset> not yet taken. <o> ## is the position of '<part>[<i>][<j>]' in <mset>, so the candidates for ## '<part>[<i>][<j>+1]' are those elements '<mset>[<l>]' for which '<o> < ## <l>' and '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. ## ## 'PartitionsSetK( <set>, <n>, <m>, <o>, <k>, <part>, <i>, <j> )' returns ## the set of all partitions of the set <set>, which has size <n>, that have ## '<k>+<i>-1' subsets, and that begin with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]' and where ## the <i>-th set begins with '<part>[<i>][[1..<j>]]'. To do so it does two ## things. It finds all elements of <mset> that can go at ## '<part>[<i>][<j>+1]' and calls itself recursively for each candidate. ## And, if <k> is larger than 1, it considers the set '<part>[<i>]' to be ## complete and starts a new set '<part>[<i>+1]', which must start with the ## smallest element of <mset> not yet taken, because we require the returned ## partitions to be sorted lexicographically. <mset> is a boolean list that ## contains 'true' for every element of <mset> not yet taken. <o> is the ## position of '<part>[<i>][<j>]' in <mset>, so the candidates for ## '<part>[<i>][<j>+1]' are those elements '<mset>[<l>]' for which '<o> < ## <l>' and '<m>[<l>]' is 'true'. ## ## 'PartitionsSet' only calls 'PartitionsSetA' or 'PartitionsSetK' with ## initial arguments. ## PartitionsSetA := function ( set, n, m, o, part, i, j ) local parts, npart, l; l := Position(m,true); if l = fail then part := List(part,ShallowCopy); parts := [ part ]; else npart := ShallowCopy(part); m[l] := false; npart[i+1] := [ set[l] ]; parts := PartitionsSetA(set,n,m,l+1,npart,i+1,1); m[l] := true; part := ShallowCopy(part); part[i] := ShallowCopy(part[i]); for l in [o..n] do if m[l] then m[l] := false; part[i][j+1] := set[l]; Append( parts, PartitionsSetA(set,n,m,l+1,part,i,j+1)); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "PartitionsSetA" ); PartitionsSetK := function ( set, n, m, o, k, part, i, j ) local parts, npart, l; l := Position(m,true); parts := []; if k = 1 then part := List(part,ShallowCopy); for l in [k..n] do if m[l] then Add( part[i], set[l] ); fi; od; parts := [ part ]; elif l <> fail then npart := ShallowCopy(part); m[l] := false; npart[i+1] := [ set[l] ]; parts := PartitionsSetK(set,n,m,l+1,k-1,npart,i+1,1); m[l] := true; part := ShallowCopy(part); part[i] := ShallowCopy(part[i]); for l in [o..n] do if m[l] then m[l] := false; part[i][j+1] := set[l]; Append( parts, PartitionsSetK(set,n,m,l+1,k,part,i,j+1)); m[l] := true; fi; od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "PartitionsSetK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(PartitionsSet,function ( arg ) local parts, set, m; if Length(arg) = 1 then set := arg[1]; if not IsSSortedList(arg[1]) then Error("PartitionsSet: <set> must be a set"); fi; if set = [] then parts := [ [ ] ]; else m := List( set, i->true ); m[1] := false; parts := PartitionsSetA(set,Length(set),m,2,[[set[1]]],1,1); fi; elif Length(arg) = 2 then set := arg[1]; if not IsSSortedList(set) then Error("PartitionsSet: <set> must be a set"); fi; if set = [] then if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else m := List( set, i->true ); m[1] := false; parts := PartitionsSetK( set, Length(set), m, 2, arg[2], [[set[1]]], 1, 1 ); fi; else Error("usage: PartitionsSet( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrPartitionsSet( <set> ) . . . . . . . . . number of partitions of a set ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrPartitionsSet,function ( arg ) local nr, set; if Length(arg) = 1 then set := arg[1]; if not IsSSortedList(arg[1]) then Error("NrPartitionsSet: <set> must be a set"); fi; nr := Bell( Size(set) ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then set := arg[1]; if not IsSSortedList(set) then Error("NrPartitionsSet: <set> must be a set"); fi; nr := Stirling2( Size(set), arg[2] ); else Error("usage: NrPartitionsSet( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Partitions( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . set of partitions of an integer ## ## 'PartitionsA( <n>, <m>, <part>, <i> )' returns the set of all partitions ## of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that begin with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. ## To do so it finds all values that can go at '<part>[<i>]' and calls ## itself recursively for each candidate. <m> is '<part>[<i>-1]', so the ## candidates for '<part>[<i>]' are '[1..Minimum(<m>,<n>)]', since we ## require that partitions are nonincreasing. ## ## There is one hack that needs some comments. Each call to 'PartitionsA' ## contributes one partition without going into recursion, namely the ## 'Concatenation( <part>[[1..<i>-1]], [1,1,...,1] )'. Of all partitions ## returned by 'PartitionsA' this is the smallest, i.e., it will be the ## first one in the result set. Therefor it is put into the result set ## before anything else is done. However it is not immediately padded with ## 1, this is the last thing 'PartitionsA' does befor returning. In the ## meantime the list is used as a temporary that is passed to recursive ## invocations. Note that the fact that each call contributes one partition ## without going into recursion means that the number of recursive calls to ## 'PartitionsA' (and the number of calls to 'ShallowCopy') is equal to ## 'NrPartitions(<n>)'. ## ## 'PartitionsK( <n>, <m>, <k>, <part>, <i> )' returns the set of all ## partitions of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that have length ## '<k>+<i>-1' and that begin with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do so it finds ## all values that can go at '<part>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for ## each candidate. <m> is '<part>[<i>-1]', so the candidates for ## '<part>[<i>]' must be less than or equal to <m>, since we require that ## partitions are nonincreasing. Also '<part>[<i>]' must be \<= ## '<n>+1-<k>', since we need at least <k>-1 ones to fill the <k>-1 ## positions of <part> remaining after filling '<part>[<i>]'. On the other ## hand '<part>[<i>]' must be >= '<n>/<k>', because otherwise we can not ## fill the <k>-1 remaining positions nonincreasingly. It is not difficult ## to show that for each candidate satisfying these properties there is ## indeed a partition, i.e., we never run into a dead end. ## ## 'Partitions' only calls 'PartitionsA' or 'PartitionsK' with initial ## arguments. ## PartitionsA := function ( n, m, part, i ) local parts, l; if n = 0 then part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ part ]; elif n <= m then part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ part ]; for l in [2..n] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, PartitionsA( n-l, l, part, i+1 ) ); od; for l in [i..i+n-1] do part[l] := 1; od; else part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ part ]; for l in [2..m] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, PartitionsA( n-l, l, part, i+1 ) ); od; for l in [i..i+n-1] do part[l] := 1; od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "PartitionsA" ); PartitionsK := function ( n, m, k, part, i ) local parts, l; if k = 1 then part := ShallowCopy(part); part[i] := n; parts := [ part ]; elif n+1-k < m then parts := []; for l in [QuoInt(n+k-1,k)..n+1-k] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, PartitionsK( n-l, l, k-1, part, i+1 ) ); od; else parts := []; for l in [QuoInt(n+k-1,k)..m] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, PartitionsK( n-l, l, k-1, part, i+1 ) ); od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "PartitionsK" ); # The following used to be `Partitions' but was renamed, because # the new `Partitions' is much faster and produces less garbage, see # below. InstallGlobalFunction(PartitionsRecursively,function ( arg ) local parts; if Length(arg) = 1 then parts := PartitionsA( arg[1], arg[1], [], 1 ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then if arg[1] = 0 then if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ ]; else parts := PartitionsK( arg[1], arg[1], arg[2], [], 1 ); fi; fi; else Error("usage: Partitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return parts; end); BindGlobal( "GPartitionsEasy", function(n) # Returns a list of all Partitions of n, sorted lexicographically. # Algorithm/Proof: Let P_n be the set of partitions of n. # Let B_n^k be the set of partitions of n with all parts less or equal to k. # Then P_n := Union_{k=1}^n [k] + B_{n-k}^k, where "[k]+" means, that # a part k is added. Note that the union is a disjoint union. # The algorithm first enumerates B_{n-k}^k for k=1,2,...,n-1 and then # puts everything together by adding the greatest part. # The GAP list B has as its j'th entry B[j] := B_{n-j}^j for j=1,...,n-1. # Note the greatest part of all partitions in all of B is less than or # equal to QuoInt(n,2). # The first stage of the algorithm consists of a loop, where k runs # from 1 to QuoInt(n,2) and for each k all partitions are added to all # B[j] with greatest part k. Because we run j in descending direction, # we already have B[j+k] (partitions of n-j-k) ready up to greatest part k # when we handle for B[j] (partitions of n-j) the partitions with greatest # part k. # In the second stage we only have to add the correct greatest part to get # a partition of n. # Note that `GPartitions' improves this by including the work for the # second step in the first one, such that less garbage objects are generated. # n must be a natural number >= 1. local B,j,k,l,p,res; B := List([1..n-1],x->[]); for k in [1..QuoInt(n,2)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [k]; Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; res := []; # here we collect the result for k in [1..n-1] do # handle partitions with greatest part k for p in B[k] do # use B[k] = B_{n-k}^k l := [k]; # add a part k Append(l,p); Add(res,l); # collect od; od; Add(res,[n]); # one more case return res; end ); BindGlobal( "GPartitions", function(n) # Returns a list of all Partitions of n, sorted lexicographically. # Algorithm/Proof: See first the comment of `GPartitionsEasy'. # This function does exactly the same as `GPartitionsEasy' by the same # algorithm, but it produces nearly no garbage, because in contrast # to `GPartitionsEasy' the greatest part added in the second stage is # already added in the first stage. # n must be a natural number >= 1. local B,j,k,l,p; B := List([1..n],x->[]); for k in [1..QuoInt(n,2)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[n-k,k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [j]; # This is the greatest part for stage 2 Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! l[2] := k; # here used to be the greatest part for stage 2, now k Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; B[n][1] := [n]; # one more case return Concatenation(B); end ); BindGlobal( "GPartitionsNrPartsHelper", function(n,m,ones) # Helper function for GPartitionsNrParts (see below) for the case # m > n. This is used only internally if m > QuoInt(n,2), because then # the standard routine does not work. Here we just calculate all partitions # of n and append a part m to it. We use exactly the algorithm in # `GPartitions'. local B,j,k,p,res; B := List([1..n-1],x->[]); for k in [1..QuoInt(n,2)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],ones[m]+ones[k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k Add(B[j],p + ones[k]); od; od; od; res := []; # here we collect the result for k in [1..n-1] do # handle partitions with greatest part k for p in B[k] do # use B[k] = B_{n-k}^k AddRowVector(p,ones[k]); Add(res,p); # collect od; od; Add(res,ones[m]+ones[n]); # one more case return res; end ); BindGlobal( "GPartitionsNrParts", function(n,m) # This function enumerates the set of all partitions of <n> into exactly # <m> parts. # We call a partition "admissible", if # 0) the sum s of its entries is <= n # 1) it has less or equal to m parts # 2) let g be its greatest part and k the number of parts, # (m-k)*g+s <= n # [this means that it may eventually lead to a partition of n with # exactly m parts] # We proceed in steps. In the first step we write down all admissible # partitions with exactly 1 part, sorted by their greatest part. # In the t-th step (t from 2 to m-2) we use the partitions from step # t-1 to enumerate all admissible partitions with exactly t parts # sorted by their greatest part. In step m we add exactly the difference # of n and the sum of the entries to get a partition of n. # # We use the following Lemma: Leaving out the greatest part is a # surjective mapping of the set of admissible partitions with k parts # to the set of admissible partitions of k-1 parts. Therefore we get # every admissible partition with k parts from a partition with k-1 # parts by adding a part which is greater or equal the greatest part. # # Note that all our partitions are vectors of length m and until the # last step we store n-(the sum) in the first entry. # local B,BB,i,j,k,p,pos,pp,prototype,t; # some special cases: if n <= 0 or m < 1 then return []; elif m = 1 then return [[n]]; fi; # from now on we have m >= 2 prototype := [1..m]*0; # Note that there are no admissible partitions of s<n with greatest part # greater than QuoInt(n,2) and no one-part-admissible partitions with # greatest part greater than QuoInt(n,m): # Therefore this is step 1: B := []; for i in [1..QuoInt(n,m)] do B[i] := [ShallowCopy(prototype)]; B[i][1][1] := n-i; # remember: here is the sum of the parts B[i][1][m] := i; od; for i in [QuoInt(n,m)+1..QuoInt(n,2)] do B[i] := []; od; # Now to steps 2 to m-1: for t in [2..m-1] do BB := List([1..QuoInt(n,2)],i->[]); pos := m+1-t; # here we add a number, this is also number of parts to add for j in [1..QuoInt(n,2)] do # run through B[j] and add greatest part: for p in B[j] do # add all possible greatest parts: for k in [j+1..QuoInt(p[1],pos)] do pp := ShallowCopy(p); pp[pos] := k; pp[1] := pp[1]-k; Add(BB[k],pp); od; p[pos] := j; p[1] := p[1]-j; Add(BB[j],p); od; od; B := BB; od; # In step m we only collect everything (the first entry is already OK!): BB := List([1..n-m+1],i->[]); for j in [1..Length(B)] do for p in B[j] do Add(BB[p[1]],p); od; od; return Concatenation(BB); end ); # The following replaces what is now `PartitionsRecursively': # It now calls `GPartitions' and friends, which is much faster # and more environment-friendly because it produces less garbage. # Thanks to Götz Pfeiffer for the ideas! InstallGlobalFunction(Partitions,function ( arg ) local parts; if Length(arg) = 1 then if not(IsInt(arg[1])) then Error("usage: Partitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); else if arg[1] <= 0 then parts := [[]]; else parts := GPartitions( arg[1] ); fi; fi; elif Length(arg) = 2 then if not(IsInt(arg[1]) and IsInt(arg[2])) then Error("usage: Partitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); return; elif arg[1] < 0 or arg[2] < 0 then parts := []; else if arg[1] = 0 then if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ ]; else parts := GPartitionsNrParts( arg[1], arg[2] ); fi; fi; fi; else Error("usage: Partitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); return; fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrPartitions( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . number of partitions of an integer ## ## To compute $p(n) = NrPartitions(n)$ we use Euler\'s theorem, that asserts ## $p(n) = \sum_{k>0}{ (-1)^{k+1} (p(n-(3m^2-m)/2) + p(n-(3m^2+m)/2)) }$. ## ## To compute $p(n,k)$ we use $p(m,1) = p(m,m) = 1$, $p(m,l) = 0$ if $m\<l$, ## and the recurrence $p(m,l) = p(m-1,l-1) + p(m-l,l)$ if $1 \< l \< m$. ## This recurrence can be proved by spliting the number of ways to write $m$ ## as a sum of $l$ summands in two subsets, those sums that have 1 as a ## summand and those that do not. The number of ways to write $m$ as a sum ## of $l$ summands that have 1 as a summand is $p(m-1,l-1)$, because we can ## take away the 1 and obtain a new sums with $l-1$ summands and value ## $m-1$. The number of ways to write $m$ as a sum of $l$ summands such ## that no summand is 1 is $P(m-l,l)$, because we can subtract 1 from each ## summand and obtain new sums that still have $l$ summands but value $m-l$. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrPartitions,function ( arg ) local s, n, m, p, k, l; if Length(arg) = 1 then n := arg[1]; s := 1; # p(0) = 1 p := [ s ]; for m in [1..n] do s := 0; k := 1; l := 1; # k*(3*k-1)/2 while 0 <= m-(l+k) do s := s - (-1)^k * (p[m-l+1] + p[m-(l+k)+1]); k := k + 1; l := l + 3*k - 2; od; if 0 <= m-l then s := s - (-1)^k * p[m-l+1]; fi; p[m+1] := s; od; elif Length(arg) = 2 then if arg[1] = arg[2] then s := 1; elif arg[1] < arg[2] or arg[2] = 0 then s := 0; else n := arg[1]; k := arg[2]; p := []; for m in [1..n] do p[m] := 1; # p(m,1) = 1 od; for l in [2..k] do for m in [l+1..n-l+1] do p[m] := p[m] + p[m-l]; # p(m,l) = p(m,l-1) + p(m-l,l) od; od; s := p[n-k+1]; fi; else Error("usage: NrPartitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return s; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PartitionsGreatestLE( <n>, <m> ) . . . set of partitions of n parts <= m ## ## returns the set of all (unordered) partitions of the integer <n> having ## parts less or equal to the integer <m>. ## BindGlobal( "GPartitionsGreatestLEEasy", function(n,m) # Returns a list of all Partitions of n with greatest part less or equal # than m, sorted lexicographically. # This works essentially as `GPartitions', but the greatest parts are # limited. # Algorithm/Proof: # Let B_n^k be the set of partitions of n with all parts less or equal to k. # Then P_n^m := Union_{k=1}^m [k] + B_{n-k}^k}, where "[k]+" # means, that a part k is added. Note that the union is a disjoint union. # Note that in the end we only need B_{n-k}^k for k<=m but to produce them # we need also partial information about B_{n-k}^k for k>m. # The algorithm first enumerates B_{n-k}^k for k=1,2,...,m and begins # to enumerate B_{n-k}^k for k>m as necessary and then puts everything # together by adding the greatest part. # The GAP list B has as its j'th entry B[j] := B_{n-j}^j for j=1,...,n-1. # Note the greatest part of all partitions in all of B is less than or # equal to QuoInt(n,2) and less than or equal to m. # The first stage of the algorithm consists of a loop, where k runs # from 1 to min(QuoInt(n,2),m) and for each k all partitions are added to all # B[j] with greatest part k. Because we run j in descending direction, # we already have B[j+k] (partitions of n-j-k) ready up to greatest part k # when we handle for B[j] (partitions of n-j) the partitions with greatest # part k. # In the second stage we only have to add the correct greatest part to get # a partition of n. # Note that `GPartitionsGreatestLE' improves this by including the # work for the second step in the first one, such that less garbage # objects are generated. # n and m must be a natural numbers >= 1. local B,j,k,l,p,res; if m >= n then return GPartitions(n); fi; # a special case B := List([1..n-1],x->[]); for k in [1..Minimum(QuoInt(n,2),m)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [k]; Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; res := []; # here we collect the result for k in [1..m] do # handle partitions with greatest part k for p in B[k] do # use B[k] = B_{n-k}^k l := [k]; # add a part k Append(l,p); Add(res,l); # collect od; od; return res; end ); BindGlobal( "GPartitionsGreatestLE", function(n,m) # Returns a list of all Partitions of n with greatest part less or equal # than m, sorted lexicographically. # This works exactly as `GPartitionsGreatestLEEasy', but faster. # This is done by doing all the work necessary for step 2 already in step 1. # n and m must be a natural numbers >= 1. local B,j,k,l,p,res; if m >= n then return GPartitions(n); fi; # a special case B := List([1..n-1],x->[]); for k in [1..Minimum(QuoInt(n,2),m)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[n-k,k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [j]; # for step 2 Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! l[2] := k; # here we add a new part k Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; return Concatenation(B{[1..m]}); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( PartitionsGreatestLE, function(n,m) local parts; if not(IsInt(n) and IsInt(m)) then Error("usage: PartitionsGreatestLE( <n>, <m> )"); return; elif n < 0 or m < 0 then parts := []; else if n = 0 then if m = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else if m = 0 then parts := [ ]; else parts := GPartitionsGreatestLE( n, m ); fi; fi; fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PartitionsGreatestEQ( <n>, <m> ) . . . . set of partitions of n parts = n ## ## returns the set of all (unordered) partitions of the integer <n> having ## greatest part equal to the integer <m>. ## BindGlobal( "GPartitionsGreatestEQHelper", function(n,m) # Helper function for GPartitionsGreatestEQ (see below) for the case # m > n. This is used only internally if m > QuoInt(n,2), because then # the standard routine does not work. Here we just calculate all partitions # of n and append a part m to it. We use exactly the algorithm in # `GPartitions'. local B,j,k,l,p; B := List([1..n],x->[]); for k in [1..QuoInt(n,2)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[m,n-k,k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [m]; # the greatest part Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! l[2] := j; # This is the greatest part for stage 2 l[3] := k; # here used to be the greatest part for stage 2, now k Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; B[n][1] := [m,n]; # one more case return Concatenation(B); end ); BindGlobal( "GPartitionsGreatestEQ", function(n,m) # Returns a list of all Partitions of n with greatest part equal to # m, sorted lexicographically. # This works exactly as `GPartitionsGreatestLE' for n-m and m and # adds a part m to all partitions. This is however done effectively # during the work. # This is the same as `Partitions(n,m)' in the GAP library. # n and m must be a natural numbers >= 1. local B,j,k,l,p,res; if m > n then return []; fi; # a special case if m = n then return [[m]]; fi; # another special case n := n - m; # this is >= 1 if m >= n then return GPartitionsGreatestEQHelper(n,m); fi; B := List([1..n-1],x->[]); for k in [1..Minimum(QuoInt(n,2),m)] do # Now we add all partitions for all entries of B with greatest part k. Add(B[n-k],[m,n-k,k]); # the trivial partition with greatest part k for j in [n-k-1,n-k-2..k] do # exactly in those are partitions with greatest part k. Think! # we handle B[j] (partitions of n-j) with greatest part k for p in B[j+k] do # those are partitions of n-j-k l := [m]; # the greatest part m Append(l,p); # This prolonges the bag without creating garbage! l[2] := j; # for step 2 l[3] := k; # here we add a new part k Add(B[j],l); od; od; od; return Concatenation(B{[1..m]}); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( PartitionsGreatestEQ, function(n,m) local parts; if not(IsInt(n) and IsInt(m)) then Error("usage: PartitionsGreatestEQ( <n>, <m> )"); return; elif n < 0 or m < 0 then parts := []; else if m = 0 or n = 0 then parts := []; else parts := GPartitionsGreatestEQ( n, m ); fi; fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F OrderedPartitions( <n> ) . . . . set of ordered partitions of an integer ## ## 'OrderedPartitionsA( <n>, <part>, <i> )' returns the set of all ordered ## partitions of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that begin with ## '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do so it puts all possible values at ## '<part>[<i>]', which are of course exactly the elements of '[1..n]', and ## calls itself recursively. ## ## 'OrderedPartitionsK( <n>, <k>, <part>, <i> )' returns the set of all ## ordered partitions of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that have length ## '<k>+<i>-1', and that begin with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do so it puts ## all possible values at '<part>[<i>]', which are of course exactly the ## elements of '[1..<n>-<k>+1]', and calls itself recursively. ## ## 'OrderedPartitions' only calls 'OrderedPartitionsA' or ## 'OrderedPartitionsK' with initial arguments. ## OrderedPartitionsA := function ( n, part, i ) local parts, l; if n = 0 then part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ part ]; else part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := []; for l in [1..n-1] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, OrderedPartitionsA( n-l, part, i+1 ) ); od; part[i] := n; Add( parts, part ); fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "OrderedPartitionsA" ); OrderedPartitionsK := function ( n, k, part, i ) local parts, l; if k = 1 then part := ShallowCopy(part); part[i] := n; parts := [ part ]; else parts := []; for l in [1..n-k+1] do part[i] := l; Append( parts, OrderedPartitionsK( n-l, k-1, part, i+1 ) ); od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "OrderedPartitionsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(OrderedPartitions,function ( arg ) local parts; if Length(arg) = 1 then parts := OrderedPartitionsA( arg[1], [], 1 ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then if arg[1] = 0 then if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ ]; else parts := OrderedPartitionsK( arg[1], arg[2], [], 1 ); fi; fi; else Error("usage: OrderedPartitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrOrderedPartitions( <n> ) . . number of ordered partitions of an integer ## ## 'NrOrderedPartitions' uses well known identities to compute the number of ## ordered partitions of <n>. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NrOrderedPartitions,function ( arg ) local nr; if Length(arg) = 1 then if arg[1] = 0 then nr := 1; else nr := 2^(arg[1]-1); fi; elif Length(arg) = 2 then if arg[1] = 0 then if arg[2] = 0 then nr := 1; else nr := 0; fi; else nr := Binomial(arg[1]-1,arg[2]-1); fi; else Error("usage: NrOrderedPartitions( <n> [, <k>] )"); fi; return nr; end); ############################################################################# ## #F RestrictedPartitions( <n>, <set> ) . restricted partitions of an integer ## ## 'RestrictedPartitionsA( <n>, <set>, <m>, <part>, <i> )' returns the set ## of all partitions of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that contain only ## elements of <set> and that begin with '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do so it ## finds all elements of <set> that can go at '<part>[<i>]' and calls itself ## recursively for each candidate. <m> is the position of '<part>[<i>-1]' ## in <set>, so the candidates for '<part>[<i>]' are the elements of ## '<set>[[1..<m>]]' that are less than <n>, since we require that ## partitions are nonincreasing. ## ## 'RestrictedPartitionsK( <n>, <set>, <m>, <k>, <part>, <i> )' returns the ## set of all partitions of '<n> + Sum(<part>[[1..<i>-1]])' that contain ## only elements of <set>, that have length '<k>+<i>-1', and that begin with ## '<part>[[1..<i>-1]]'. To do so it finds all elements fo <set> that can ## go at '<part>[<i>]' and calls itself recursively for each candidate. <m> ## is the position of '<part>[<i>-1]' in <set>, so the candidates for ## '<part>[<i>]' are the elements of '<set>[[1..<m>]]' that are less than ## <n>, since we require that partitions are nonincreasing. ## RestrictedPartitionsA := function ( n, set, m, part, i ) local parts, l; if n = 0 then part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ part ]; else part := ShallowCopy(part); if n mod set[1] = 0 then parts := [ part ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; for l in [2..m] do if set[l] <= n then part[i] := set[l]; Append(parts,RestrictedPartitionsA(n-set[l],set,l,part,i+1)); fi; od; if n mod set[1] = 0 then for l in [i..i+n/set[1]-1] do part[l] := set[1]; od; fi; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "RestrictedPartitionsA" ); RestrictedPartitionsK := function ( n, set, m, k, part, i ) local parts, l; if k = 1 then if n in set then part := ShallowCopy(part); part[i] := n; parts := [ part ]; else parts := []; fi; else part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := [ ]; for l in [1..m] do if set[l]+(k-1)*set[1] <= n and n <= k*set[l] then part[i] := set[l]; Append(parts, RestrictedPartitionsK(n-set[l],set,l,k-1,part,i+1) ); fi; od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "RestrictedPartitionsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(RestrictedPartitions,function ( arg ) local parts; if Length(arg) = 2 then parts := RestrictedPartitionsA(arg[1],arg[2],Length(arg[2]),[],1); elif Length(arg) = 3 then if arg[1] = 0 then if arg[3] = 0 then parts := [ [ ] ]; else parts := [ ]; fi; else if arg[2] = 0 then parts := [ ]; else if not ForAll(arg[2],IsPosInt) then Error("RestrictedPartitions: Set entries must be positive integers"); fi; parts := RestrictedPartitionsK( arg[1], arg[2], Length(arg[2]), arg[3], [], 1 ); fi; fi; else Error("usage: RestrictedPartitions( <n>, <set> [, <k>] )"); fi; return parts; end); ############################################################################# ## #F NrRestrictedPartitions(<n>,<set>) . . . . number of restricted partitions ## #N 22-Jul-91 martin there should be a better way to do this for given <k> ## NrRestrictedPartitionsK := function ( n, set, m, k, part, i ) local parts, l; if k = 1 then if n in set then parts := 1; else parts := 0; fi; else part := ShallowCopy(part); parts := 0; for l in [1..m] do if set[l]+(k-1)*set[1] <= n and n <= k*set[l] then part[i] := set[l]; parts := parts + NrRestrictedPartitionsK(n-set[l],set,l,k-1,part,i+1); fi; od; fi; return parts; end; MakeReadOnlyGlobal( "NrRestrictedPartitionsK" ); InstallGlobalFunction(NrRestrictedPartitions,function ( arg ) local s, n, set, m, p, l; if Length(arg) = 2 then n := arg[1]; set := arg[2]; p := []; for m in [1..n+1] do if (m-1) mod set[1] = 0 then p[m] := 1; else p[m] := 0; fi; od; for l in set{ [2..Length(set)] } do for m in [l+1..n+1] do p[m] := p[m] + p[m-l]; od; od; s := p[n+1]; elif Length(arg) = 3 then if arg[1] = 0 and arg[3] = 0 then s := 1; elif arg[1] < arg[3] or arg[3] = 0 then s := 0; else if not ForAll(arg[2],IsPosInt) then Error("NrRestrictedPartitions: Set entries must be positive integers"); fi; s := NrRestrictedPartitionsK( arg[1], arg[2], Length(arg[2]), arg[3], [], 1 ); fi; else Error("usage: NrRestrictedPartitions( <n>, <set> [, <k>] )"); fi; return s; end); ############################################################################# ## #F IteratorOfPartitions( <n> ) ## ## The partitions of <n> are returned in lexicographic order. ## ## So the partition $\lambda = [ \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \ldots, \lambda_m ]$ ## has a successor if and only if $m > 1$. ## If we set $k = \max\{ i; 1 \leq i \leq m-2, \lambda_k > \lambda_{m-1} \}$ ## (or $k = 0$ if the set is empty) ## and $l = n - 1 - \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} \lambda_i$ ## then the successor of $\lambda$ has the form ## $\mu = [ \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \ldots, \lambda_k, \lambda_{k+1}+1, 1^l ]$ ## (where the last term is omitted if $l = 0$). ## ## (Note that $\mu$ is lexicographically larger than $\lambda$, ## clearly $\mu_i = \lambda_i$ for $i \leq k$ is the minimal choice, ## $\mu_{k+1}$ must satisfy $\mu_{k+1} > \lambda_{k+1}$ since ## $\lambda_{k+1} = \lambda_{k+2} = \ldots = \lambda_{m-1} \geq \lambda_m$, ## and for $i > k+1$, $\mu_i = 1$ is the smallest choice.) ## BindGlobal( "IsDoneIterator_Partitions", iter -> ( iter!.next = false ) ); BindGlobal( "NextIterator_Partitions", function( iter) local part, m, succ, k; part:= iter!.next; m:= Length( part ); if m = 1 then succ:= false; else k:= m-2; while 0 < k and part[ m-1 ] = part[k] do k:= k-1; od; succ:= part{ [ 1 .. k ] }; k:= k+1; succ[k]:= part[k] + 1; Append( succ, 0 * [ 1 .. iter!.n - Sum( succ, 0 ) ] + 1 ); fi; iter!.next:= succ; return part; end ); BindGlobal( "ShallowCopy_Partitions", iter -> rec( n:= iter!.n, next:= ShallowCopy( iter!.next ) ) ); InstallGlobalFunction( "IteratorOfPartitions", function( n ) if not IsPosInt( n ) then Error( "<n> must be a positive integer" ); fi; return IteratorByFunctions( rec( IsDoneIterator := IsDoneIterator_Partitions, NextIterator := NextIterator_Partitions, ShallowCopy := ShallowCopy_Partitions, n := n, next := 0 * [ 1 .. n ] + 1 ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SignPartition( <pi> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . signum of partition <pi> ## InstallGlobalFunction(SignPartition,function(pi) return (-1)^(Sum(pi) - Length(pi)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F AssociatedPartition( <pi> ) . . . . . . the associated partition of <pi> ## ## 'AssociatedPartition' returns the associated partition of the partition ## <pi> which is obtained by transposing the corresponding Young diagram. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AssociatedPartition,function(lambda) local res, k, j; res := []; k := Length(lambda); for j in [1..lambda[1]] do if j <= lambda[k] then res[j] := k; else k := k-1; while j > lambda[k] do k := k-1; od; res[j] := k; fi; od; return res; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PowerPartition( <pi>, <k> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . power of a partition ## ## 'PowerPartition' returns the partition corresponding to the <k>-th power ## of a permutation with cycle structure <pi>. ## InstallGlobalFunction(PowerPartition,function(pi, k) local res, i, d, part; res:= []; for part in pi do d:= GcdInt(part, k); for i in [1..d] do Add(res, part/d); od; od; Sort(res); return Reversed(res); end); ############################################################################# ## #F PartitionTuples( <n>, <r> ) . . . . . . . . . <r> partitions with sum <n> ## ## 'PartitionTuples' returns the list of all <r>-tuples of partitions which ## together form a partition of <n>. ## InstallGlobalFunction(PartitionTuples,function( n, r ) local empty, pm, m, i, s, k, t, t1, res; empty := rec( tup := List( [1..r], x-> [] ), pos := List( [1..n-1], x-> 1 ) ); if n = 0 then return [empty.tup]; fi; pm := List( [1..n-1], x -> [] ); for m in [ 1 .. QuoInt(n,2) ] do # the m-cycle in all possible places. for i in [ 1 .. r ] do s := rec( tup := List( empty.tup, ShallowCopy ), pos := ShallowCopy( empty.pos ) ); s.tup[i] := [m]; s.pos[m] := i; Add( pm[m], s ); od; # add the m-cycle to everything you know. for k in [ m+1 .. n-m ] do for t in pm[k-m] do for i in [ t.pos[m] .. r ] do t1 := rec( tup := List( t.tup, ShallowCopy ), pos := ShallowCopy( t.pos ) ); s := [m]; Append( s, t.tup[i] ); t1.tup[i] := s; t1.pos[m] := i; Add( pm[k], t1 ); od; od; od; od; # collect. res := []; for k in [ 1 .. n-1 ] do for t in pm[n-k] do for i in [ t.pos[k] .. r ] do t1 := List( t.tup, ShallowCopy ); s := [k]; Append( s, t.tup[i] ); t1[i] := s; Add( res, t1 ); od; od; od; for i in [ 1 .. r ] do s := List( empty.tup, ShallowCopy ); s[i] := [n]; Add( res, s ); od; return res; end); InstallGlobalFunction(NrPartitionTuples, function(n, k) local res, l, pp, r, a, pr, b; res := 0; for l in [0..k] do pp := Partitions(n, l); r := Binomial(k, l); for a in pp do pr := 1; for b in a do pr := pr * NrPartitions(b); od; res := res + r * NrArrangements(a, l) * pr; od; od; return res; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Lucas(<P>,<Q>,<k>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . value of a lucas sequence ## ## 'Lucas' uses the following relations to compute the result in $O(log(k))$ ## $U_{2k} = U_k V_k, U_{2k+1} = (P U_{2k} + V_{2k}) / 2$ and ## $V_{2k} = V_k^2 - 2 Q^k, V_{2k+1} = ((P^2-4Q) U_{2k} + P V_{2k}) / 2$. ## InstallGlobalFunction(Lucas,function ( P, Q, k ) local l; if k = 0 then l := [ 0, 2, 1 ]; elif k < 0 then l := Lucas( P, Q, -k ); l := [ -l[1]/l[3], l[2]/l[3], 1/l[3] ]; elif k mod 2 = 0 then l := Lucas( P, Q, k/2 ); l := [ l[1]*l[2], l[2]^2-2*l[3], l[3]^2 ]; else l := Lucas( P, Q, k-1 ); l := [ (P*l[1]+l[2])/2, ((P^2-4*Q)*l[1]+P*l[2])/2, Q*l[3] ]; fi; return l; end); ############################################################################## ## #F LucasMod(P,Q,N,k) - return the reduction modulo N of the k'th terms of ## the Lucas Sequences U,V associated to x^2+Px+Q. ## ## Recursive version is a trivial modification of the above function, but ## the running time is dramatically decreased. The running time of the ## the function is dominated by the cost of basic arithmetic operations. ## If reductions mod N are enforced regularly, then these operations are ## constant cost. If not, then they grow quickly as the Lucas sequence ## itself grows exponentially. ## ## See lib/ for a faster implementation. ## InstallMethod(LucasMod, "recursive version, reduce mod N regularly", [IsInt,IsInt,IsInt,IsInt], function(P,Q,N,k) local l; if k = 0 then l := [ 0, 2, 1 ]; elif k < 0 then l := LucasMod( P, Q, N, -k ); if GcdInt( l[3], N ) <> 1 then return fail; fi; l := [ -l[1]/l[3], l[2]/l[3], 1/l[3] ]; elif k mod 2 = 0 then l := LucasMod( P, Q, N, k/2 ); l := [ l[1]*l[2], l[2]^2-2*l[3], l[3]^2 ]; else l := LucasMod( P, Q, N, k-1 ); l := [ (P*l[1]+l[2])/2, ((P^2-4*Q)*l[1]+P*l[2])/2, Q*l[3] ]; fi; return l mod N; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Fibonacci( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . value of the Fibonacci sequence ## ## A recursive Fibonacci needs $O( Fibonacci(n) ) = O(2^n)$ bit operations. ## An iterative version performs $n$ additions, the <i>th involving integers ## with $i$ bits, so we need $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{i} = O(n^2)$ bit operations. ## The binary recursion of 'Lucas' reduces the number of calls to $log2(n)$. ## The number of bit operations now is $O(n)$, i.e., the size of the result. ## InstallGlobalFunction(Fibonacci,function ( n ) return Lucas( 1, -1, n )[ 1 ]; end); ############################################################################# ## #F Bernoulli( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . value of the Bernoulli sequence ## BindGlobal( "Bernoulli2", [-1/2,1/6,0,-1/30,0,1/42,0,-1/30,0,5/66,0,-691/2730,0,7/6] ); InstallGlobalFunction(Bernoulli,function ( n ) local brn, bin, i, j; if n < 0 then Error("Bernoulli: <n> must be nonnegative"); elif n = 0 then brn := 1; elif n = 1 then brn := -1/2; elif n mod 2 = 1 then brn := 0; elif n <= Length(Bernoulli2) then brn := Bernoulli2[n]; else for i in [Length(Bernoulli2)+1..n] do if i mod 2 = 1 then Bernoulli2[i] := 0; else bin := 1; brn := 1; for j in [1..i-1] do bin := (i+2-j)/j * bin; brn := brn + bin * Bernoulli2[j]; od; Bernoulli2[i] := - brn / (i+1); fi; od; brn := Bernoulli2[n]; fi; return brn; end); ############################################################################# ## #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here ##