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Views: 466303############################################################################# ## ## AutoDoc package ## ## Copyright 2012-2016 ## Sebastian Gutsche, University of Kaiserslautern ## Max Horn, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen ## ## Licensed under the GPL 2 or later. ## ############################################################################# ## InstallGlobalFunction( INSERT_IN_STRING_WITH_REPLACE, function( string, new_string, position, nr_letters_to_be_replaced ) return Concatenation( string{[ 1 .. position - 1 ]}, new_string, string{[ position + nr_letters_to_be_replaced .. Length( string ) ]} ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CONVERT_LIST_OF_STRINGS_IN_MARKDOWN_TO_GAPDOC_XML, function( string_list ) local i, current_list, current_string, max_line_length, current_position, already_in_list, command_list_with_translation, beginning, commands, position_of_command, insert, beginning_whitespaces, temp, string_list_temp, skipped, already_inserted_paragraph, in_list, in_item; ## Check for paragraphs by turning an empty string into <P/> already_inserted_paragraph := false; for i in [ 1 .. Length( string_list ) ] do if NormalizedWhitespace( string_list[ i ] ) = "" then if already_inserted_paragraph = false then string_list[ i ] := "<P/>"; already_inserted_paragraph := true; fi; else already_inserted_paragraph := false; fi; i := i + 1; od; ## We need to find lists. Lists are indicated by a beginning ## *, -, or +. Lists can be nested. Save list as list of strings, ## and at the same time, concatenate all the other strings ## FIXME: @Max: where are my regular expressions? ## Do this in several iterations max_line_length := Maximum( List( string_list, Length ) ); current_position := 1; while current_position < max_line_length do already_in_list := false; i := 1; skipped := false; ## maybe make the first line marked by definition? while i <= Length( string_list ) do if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "<![CDATA[" ) <> fail then skipped := true; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "]]>" ) <> fail then skipped := false; i := i + 1; continue; fi; if skipped = true then i := i + 1; continue; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "* " ) = current_position or PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "+ " ) = current_position or PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "- " ) = current_position then if not ForAll( [ 1 .. current_position - 1 ], j -> string_list[ i ][ j ] = ' ' ) then i := i + 1; continue; fi; if already_in_list = false then Add( string_list, "<Item>", i ); Add( string_list, "<List>", i ); i := i + 2; string_list[ i ] := string_list[ i ]{[ current_position + 2 .. Length( string_list[ i ] ) ]}; already_in_list := true; else Add( string_list, "<Item>", i ); Add( string_list, "</Item>", i ); i := i + 2; string_list[ i ] := string_list[ i ]{[ current_position + 2 .. Length( string_list[ i ] ) ]}; fi; ## find out if line has to be marked ## THIS is buggy. Discuss this ## FIXME: This causes strange problems with GAPDoc. # if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "**" ) = 1 then # string_list[ i ] := string_list[ i ]{[ 3 .. Length( string_list[ i ] ) ]}; # temp := string_list[ i ]; # string_list[ i ] := string_list[ i - 1 ]; # string_list[ i - 1 ] := temp; # Add( string_list, "<Mark>", i - 1 ); # Add( string_list, "</Mark>", i + 1 ); # i := i + 2; # fi; elif already_in_list = true and PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], " " ) > current_position then already_in_list := false; Add( string_list, "</List>", i ); Add( string_list, "</Item>", i ); i := i + 2; fi; i := i + 1; od; if already_in_list = true then Add( string_list, "</Item>" ); Add( string_list, "</List>" ); fi; current_position := current_position + 1; od; # Remove <P/> if in List but not in item in_list := 0; in_item := 0; for current_position in [ 1 .. Length( string_list ) ] do if PositionSublist( string_list[ current_position ], "<List>" ) <> fail then in_list := in_list + 1; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ current_position ], "</List>" ) <> fail then in_list := in_list - 1; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ current_position ], "<Item>" ) <> fail then in_item := in_item + 1; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ current_position ], "</Item>" ) <> fail then in_item := in_item - 1; fi; if in_item < in_list and string_list[ current_position ] = "<P/>" then string_list[ current_position ] := ""; fi; od; ## Find commands command_list_with_translation := [ [ "$$", "Display" ], [ "$", "Math" ], [ "**", "Emph" ], [ "__", "Emph" ] ]; ## special handling for \$ for i in [ 1 .. Length( string_list ) ] do string_list[ i ] := ReplacedString( string_list[ i ], "\\$", "$" ); od; for commands in command_list_with_translation do beginning := true; skipped := false; for i in [ 1 .. Length( string_list ) ] do if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "<![CDATA[" ) <> fail then skipped := true; fi; if PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], "]]>" ) <> fail then skipped := false; fi; if skipped = true then continue; fi; while PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], commands[ 1 ] ) <> fail do position_of_command := PositionSublist( string_list[ i ], commands[ 1 ] ); if beginning = true then insert := Concatenation( "<", commands[ 2 ], ">" ); else insert := Concatenation( "</", commands[ 2 ], ">" ); fi; string_list[ i ] := INSERT_IN_STRING_WITH_REPLACE( string_list[ i ], insert, position_of_command, Length( commands[ 1 ] ) ); beginning := not beginning; od; od; if beginning = false then Error( "did you forget some ", commands[ 1 ] ); fi; od; return string_list; end );